
What is the relationship between strength and life force?

To say that it is proportional would be too arbitrary. But there is no doubt about it, that is, people with strength and life force are extremely tenacious.

There is Eunice in the distance. With the knife in her heart, she still walks for several hundred meters while talking and laughing, putting on her favorite pleated floral dress, and finally bursting out her energy to melt her body. The closest one is Tang En and Samp.

Let's talk about Tang En first, not to mention the other wounds, just the big oblique wound on the back. If it is placed on the ordinary person, even if he doesn't die at the time, after a while, he can bleed to death several times. But what about Tang En? Although the back is also bleeding, but the amount is very small. Even in some places, a thin layer of blood scars similar to cicada wings has been formed... And don't forget, Tang En was buried deep underground at the time, but under such circumstances, he still dug the hole with his bare hands escape alive!

Speaking of Samp, it was almost torn off the skull, and both calves were also chopped off. Although it's not a fatal injury, it's not allowed to fall into a coma and wait for death. But he woke up automatically and didn't say anything, and he still had the spare strength to fight... With such a life force against the sky, Xiaoqiang would have to kneel after seeing it.


But then again, since neither of them died, it means that the battle is not over yet.

From the current situation, Tang En is undoubtedly dominant. Anyway, at least the parts on him are still there. So in the next battle, he is destined to be the attacker.

Of course, this is just an advantage. Even if Samp had half a breath, it was still half a breath of Grand Magician. Tang En naturally made a Low Rank mistake such as underestimating the enemy. First, he opened up a little distance, and then followed the surrounding ruins to the back of Samp.

In battle, it is natural to use one's own strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses. Samp is now inconvenient to move, even turning around is a problem, Tang En will naturally not miss this opportunity.

stealth 100m, 80m... 50m!

chi... The Space Blade swung in exactly the right direction.

Samp can see things blurry, and he can't hear Tang En's footsteps, but don't forget that he is a Grand Magician of space, and he knows every bit of space fluctuation around him. That is to say, the Condition is not there now, otherwise, Tang En will not be able to steal from 100 meters away. From this point of view, he can be counted as Assassin's nemesis.

Tang En is also aware of this, so he doesn't look surprised. The first time he jumped away, rolled over, stormed in a few meters and turned instantly.

Chi, chi, chi...

Sump still sat still, his hands flying, and the criss-crossed Space Blade slashed straight back.

The tiger is still alive! Even with broken legs and riddled with scars, how can the strength of Grand Magician be underestimated? These flying Space Blades did not blindly follow the Tang En figure, but were released one after another according to a certain return rule. Some were swung in front of Tang En, and some were even swung in an unmanned place a few meters away...

What a terrifying and difficult opponent...Tang En waved his dagger helplessly and swung his Space Blade away, then retreated ten meters, secretly sighed in his heart.

Those seemingly meaningless attacks are certainly not due to abnormal standards. If you have enough eyesight, you will find that these Space Blades are actually Samp using himself as bait, weaving a dense patch, and those untargeted attacks are part of this.

Tang En, as a predator, has a clearer sense of nature. Some gaps that seem to lead directly to the bait are actually absolute dead places. Once you can't stand the temptation to step in, you will find that there is no space around you, and you can't avoid it.

A few meters back again, Tang En was back fifty meters away. In an instant, the sky attack suddenly stopped.

"Looks like she's really blind..." Tang En squeezed his chin, looked at Samp's back, and muttered in a low voice.

In battle, it is normal for people to count themselves and others to count. Just now, Sangpu lured Tang En to go deeper, and Tang En didn't use this to confirm his guess.

Now that it is confirmed that the opponent's eyesight really has a problem, Tang En no longer hesitates, and steps into the 50-meter area again like a figure Ghost Umbra.

To be honest, Bowen doesn't believe Tang En can take on Grand Magician. And Tang En didn't think Bowens and the others could stop Oliver. Today's fighter planes are extremely rare and fleeting. Tang En doesn't want to have a lot of dreams at night and be disturbed by external forces. So in order to do it quickly, he doesn't mind paying a little price...

Chi, chi, chi...

Still seems disordered and in a mess, but a sharp and unusual Space The Blade strikes again, but this time the weaving can no longer cover the Predator...

The phantoms are so many that it is difficult to distinguish the real from the fake. Tang En this time is not only a strange movement method, but also extremely terrifying, even approaching his normal Condition level.

The long scars between Samp's brows gradually wrinkled. In terms of authenticity, induction is actually more reliable than vision. But the induction needs to consume God after all, and the transmission will be a little slower. This shot is actually not obvious. If you are dealing with a general Martial Artist, it simply won't show up. But it's a little bit hard to keep up with Tang En, which is very fast now...

The result of this is also obvious, no matter how flawless you are, but if the prey does not enter , or enter but escape for a moment before closing the mouth, and it becomes meaningless.

This is Tang En's countermeasure, completely aimed at Samp's vision defect. Of course, he also paid a heavy price for this. Don't forget, there are many injuries on his body, such high-speed traveling and various unimaginable movement methods are destroying his injuries and nerves over and over again.

The injuries are nothing but more bleeding, and the pain has long been numb. But mentally, it is really a heavy burden. Tang En's current line of sight is gradually dyed with a layer of black halo, and sometimes it is even dark in front of him. Fortunately, this is only an instant, and the next second will be pulled back by Tang En's powerful willpower.

Needless to say, such a Condition would not last long. But Tang En can't take it anymore. Since the battle is over, it must be divided into life and death in a short time.

The trifling is 50 meters, and Tang En doesn't even need to take a breath. But now, he felt like it was taking an hour for every meter he advanced!

Gradually, the old wounds kept cracking... Gradually, new wounds were added again...

Because of the extremely fast speed, the blood was pulled in the air when it fell. Out one after another blood line arc. Occasionally there are also pieces of clothes mixed in, slowly falling in a whirl...

"Ding!" Fly into the air.

Chance...Samp's blood-soaked eyes widened suddenly, because of the Ghost Umbra movement method, Tang En is now up ahead, so close, of course he knew that it was the one who was shot up. The bumpy dagger.

It is gratifying to take the opponent's weapon, but it is not the key. The key is that Tang En was hit by the dagger, and the figure paused for a moment.

"Dead!" shouted out loudly, with his hands open and his long hair scattered, Samp instantly pushed forward the densely packed Space Blade.

At this moment, "Ha!" Tang En burst into a short laugh, and walked with his knees bent, his body clinging to the ground as if he had no bones, swish, his face brushed past the Space Blade, Straight to Samp.

Can this be avoided? But I see what kind of attack you use, fist... No!

Shocked, disapproved, frightened... In an instant, Samp's mind changed several times, and finally his blurred vision was fixed on a dozen meters away, above the pitch-black dagger. That's Eunice's dagger, and it's also on the course where Tang En is kneeling and sliding...


The pitch-black dagger pierces Thumper's left chest, and the tip of the knife goes from The back emerges.

The long and narrow eyes are slightly narrowed, and Tang En is about to stir the dagger in an instant, to vent Blood Qi.

As I said before, when the strength reaches their level, it is all abnormal, and life force cannot be simply calculated with logic. In addition, there is an example of Eunice in front, so Tang En does not intend to entangle at all, just wait to kill Samp in one breath. But at this moment,


A violent roar in the distance suddenly shook the sky, layer upon layer, and several li could be heard. And I don't know if it's an illusion or what, Tang En felt a wild and domineering head on!

Oliver...Tang En and Samp subconsciously looked at each other, confirming the answer in their hearts from each other.

Before guessing, a louder rumbling sound came, and it felt like it could almost overturn the entire city of Riva.

"Boom, boom, boom..." (To be continued.)

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