
Titus had a particularly long winter this year. Although by now, the temperature has slipped from the coldest top. But from time to time, the frosty wind and the desolate rain are telling the world that spring is still far away!

And it's not just the weather, the people in the north sometimes feel a little chilly... This kind of worry mainly comes from the front line. For nearly two months, the fighting that took place there was largely known.

The North Desolate Tribe's attack is obviously not like the autumn winds in previous years, plundering some food and leaving. They start by occupying the first level and rapidly radiate forward. Relying on the strength of the troops, he quickly captured some surrounding levels and small towns. For these towns, the barbarians in previous years generally plundered them and destroyed them directly. But now they are sending people to stick to it, and even grabbing people's prisoners to build a high city wall. When those occupied places are connected in series, it seems to form a semi-circular front.

By this time, everyone knew that the barbarians had big plans. This situation has risen to a formal war between the two countries.

This kind of engagement has naturally occurred before, and it has not been short. The longest recorded one was ten years ago, and the war lasted for more than three years. The two sides fought murky heavens dark earth in the north, blood flowing into a river, and ended with the sudden retreat of the North Desolate Tribe. It was only later that the people of the Titus Kingdom knew that it was because of the death of patriarch of the Imperial Family, Heavenly Wolf Race.

The people don't know how long this battle will last, but one thing is for sure, their next days will be more difficult and more dangerous...... Of course, these news and fast Tang En who arrived at the station had little to do with them.

Several carriages swayed for two and a half days on the winding mountain road. Tang En finally got over the itchiness of the wound healing Early-Stage, and the next thing is to rest for a few days and slowly recuperate.

Tang En's situation is undoubtedly much better than Bowen's and the others who live in the treatment center. The other party is constantly changing gauze, looking at the wound and counting the date of leaving the hospital with his fingers. .

Aside from Tang En's perverted physique, the main reason for this is Blood Qi. Bowen's domineering Battle Qi entered the body, but in a moment, it was neutralized by the consumed Blood Qi. But Tang En's Blood Qi invaded, and that hurt Bowens and the others. This thing can only be forced out of the body with Battle Qi, but once the Battle Qi is used, the outer gauze will burst, and then the wound that has just healed will also burst... Bowens and the others' treatment a few days ago, it is almost like Going back and forth in purgatory, the pain is unbearable!

"After this mountain, it's almost there, right?" David turned his head and asked, looking at the increasingly familiar mountain range.

"Yes!" Miksu nods, holding the reins to let the horses go around the stones in the road.

The rugged mountain road, coupled with the occasional rolling rocks, made the carriage more inconvenient.

David sighed when he heard the words: "It's a pity, my boys haven't trained enough."

"hehe!" Miksu suddenly chuckled twice. , curl one's lip , "It's useless in training."

"Mother, what do you mean?" David suddenly froze and roared against Miksu's face.

"It doesn't make any sense." Miksu remains unmoved, still casually saying, "Yesterday's game, but our team won."

"Bah, thank you for saying it." David's forehead was rampaged, and he turned his head away in disdain, "You just stepped on shit with one foot. The scale of the bandits we encountered is much larger."

"Luck is also a kind of strength... ...but I also understand that losers always look for various reasons to cover up their incompetence."

"...Miksu, your uncle's!"

"My uncle He's already dead."


Listening to the scolding outside, Joah in the carriage blinked a little uneasily: "Tang, there will be no such thing as this. What's the matter... will they fight?"

Tang En, who was resting with closed eyes, curled his lips slightly, opened his eyes, said with a slight smile: "Don't worry, no. Let's fight again. It's not a bad thing either."

"Huh?" Joah opened his mouth slightly, then frowned, "You're their boss, how can you say that."

"Healthy competition It's not a bad thing." Tang En explained, "It's not like you don't know David's character. Yesterday, he shouted that he wanted to make a clean break with Miksu, who is a small man intoxicated by success. Isn't it still his initiative today?"

"Oh, that's true." Joah pursed the corners of his mouth, thinking about David who was flustered and exasperated yesterday, and couldn't help laughing.

The battle against the cavalry in Riva City was the first time that the Eisoan squad used teamwork in practice, and the result was not bad, it was considered a Small Scale Chopper.

After going out of town, Tang En took the opportunity to divide the newly added players into two teams and officially belonged to David and Miksu.

The newly formed team naturally needs to run in and let the players find their place in the team. It happened that they were now in the boundary of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains. The mountain road was long and there were countless bandits and robbers. It was the perfect place to "sharpen the knife".

So Tang En ordered the two teams to take turns to sweep and compete. As for the criteria for winning or losing, it is very simple, that is to see which team kills more bandits.

There are important traffic roads such as mountain roads, and bandits on both sides naturally emerge in an endless stream. However, gangs of thieves are also large and small, and some have even established cottages. David's team was unfortunate enough to encounter a few big ones. With a bandit gang of this size, naturally not a dozen people can take it down, and even if they kill the sentry, there is a high possibility that they will be caught up, so in the end they have to retreat.

And Miksu and the others were much luckier. When it was their turn to scout, there were almost dozens of small bandits in front of them. …easy to take!

"Don, after I go back this time, I will persuade Luosha Aunt to continue promoting the city's publicity plan!" After chatting for a while, Joah said suddenly with a firm face.


"...No more?" Joah pursed his lips, dissatisfied, "Don't you have any suggestions?"

"I agree." Tang En spread his hands, "Grey Cloth Armed Force has a solid foundation before, and the implementation of the city plan is also in line with the trend of the times, so I have no suggestion."

Joah said decisively : "Well, then do it like this."

tsk tsk, it's really changed...Tang En eyebrows raised, and I praised it in my heart.

Joah's character has always been decisive and persistent. But limited to experience. In the past, it was still a little weak and immature. But after the riot that directly led the people of Riva, she undoubtedly suffered a baptism.

In that environment, Tang En claimed that he couldn't do publicity for it. Even many, including Tang En, would disapprove of this. Because this is likely to have no meaning, it is likely to be arrested on the street, and it may even cause a reaction, self-eating... All kinds of concerns, all reasons, all kinds of cowardice... Fear of failure and fear of being strong are part of human nature!

But there will always be such a group of people who are stubbornly moving forward against the general trend. The side or intentional or unintentional blocking, the irresistible force ahead... But none of this can stop the person with his head raised, a firm step.

What if it doesn't work? What if you can't wake up the people around you by shouting? The thing is there, there is always someone to do it, even if it's just an attitude!

Tang En has never lacked confidence in Joah, but some things really need time and opportunity to grow and change. Just like the selection of Joah as the Grey Cloth Armed Force hero before, this was Tang En's sudden idea at that time. He was naturally optimistic about Joah, but he thought that the opponent still needed some experience to be truly competent. But now, the moment has come, and Joah has seized it. No matter how coincidental it was, how lucky it was... the only thing that matters is that she made a choice and it succeeded!

"Tang, Tang..." Joah's cheeks were a little rosy, and he stretched out jade hand and waved in front of Tang En.

Tang En's eyes closed, slightly surprised: "Uh? What's wrong?"

"No, nothing." Joah smiled, then turned his head and squeezed his left hand. Pinch the placket. What's wrong? Seeing people for so long, and asking what's wrong... Tang En also realized the problem at this time, and immediately touched his nose a little embarrassedly. It's hard to explain... Could it be that I'm sorry, I was in a daze just now? Shit, even a person with a lack of brains knows that he can't say that.

Although the atmosphere is a bit weird, but fortunately there are two people outside who are still arguing constantly, so there is no cold scene.

"Mummy, get out of the car for a heads-up. See if I won't kill you with Tornado Slash!" Talk big, David was obviously not good enough, and decided to fight in anger.

"Hehe, who's afraid of who! But are you sure you've trained Tornado Slash well, instead of spinning yourself out?"

"I...why do you care so much, fight That's it." Clearly strong in appearance but weak in reality tone.

"Forget it."

"Haha, don't you dare."

"Yeah, I'm really afraid... afraid You accidentally hurt other people. Haha..."

"Wow Aaahhhh——"

Tang En couldn't help laughing when he heard this, the so-called Tornado Slash is actually a simplified version of the Tempest skill... …

After being woken up by Old Butler, Tang En taught the system skills to David and Miksu in the past two days. Among them, Miksu is easy to handle. He also uses dagger, as long as he recites what Old Butler taught at that time. But it's not easy for David. Broadsword's attack methods and dagger acting in a way that defeats one's purpose are completely irrelevant. After thinking about it for a while, Tang En decided to adapt the system skills. I just wanted to try it, but it really worked. Tempest was the first to be adapted successfully.

But the name Tornado Slash is not from Tang En, he was thinking of "Blade Tempest". However, David felt that the words were twisted, and the shouting was not coherent and imposing manner, and he changed his own opinion to "Tornado Slash" which is too vulgar to the street... The quarrel continued, just when Joah felt that David's attitude was too much and was about to persuade him. , but it was suddenly quiet outside.

Tang En moved his ears and raised his eyebrows clearly.

Sure enough, the door opened, and David's huge head appeared: "Boss, someone came to greet us... we're at the station!"

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