
If you asked the former Tang En who was his favorite character in an Assassin movie, he would answer: The one with the stun gun.

I believe many people's answer is the same, why? Who knows, maybe it’s the pleasure of a yin person in the distance, maybe the sniper rifle looks more domineering, or maybe it’s the refreshing feeling of silently covering the target’s head with a crosshair, grinning, and then pulling the trigger.

Otherworld doesn't have sniper rifles, that's for sure.

Of course, there are still weapons for long-range attacks. For example, the most classic bow and arrow, compared to the former, it is much worse in distance, accuracy, etc., and it is not easy to practice well. No way, after all, its structure is too simple.

Bow, dagger. Tang En can use both weapons, of course, he prefers dagger, and he spends more practice time on it.

This choice should be said to be correct, although the dagger battle brings the distance closer, and the battle is full of danger. But it can control the battle situation very well! After all, you can't use a bow and arrow to hold someone hostage several hundred meters away, uh, that's what a sniper rifle can do... Besides, it takes time to shoot a bow and arrow, the farther the distance, the more uncertain factors . This is the so-called difference of an inch, a loss of a thousand miles.

But now, Tang En, who was temporarily hiding in the corner, looked at the bow and arrow nailed to his feet, and couldn't help sighing, "This is a fucking sniper rifle!"

He Just now when Zuo Fan was domineering, he suddenly turned to the south. The other party, Goshawk, immediately understood his intention. He immediately turned the bow and arrow, and used a sharp attack to suppress him in the station.

The bow is a long-range weapon, and no archer will allow the enemy to close combat.

Tang En was very embarrassed to move forward, fluttering, dodging, rolling, moving... Almost all the ways to move were used over and over again, repeatedly brushing past the screaming arrows.

Now his position is not far from the edge of the station, but there are two large sections of space in front of him. If it was normal, it would be fine to walk over there swaggeringly, but now it is as impenetrable as a moat.

Looking around, Tang En's eyes shined, carefully dragging a dead Grey Cloth Armed Force soldier, taking off his plate armor, and hunched over to the passage.

Whoosh...plate armor is thrown backwards. The figure sprinted forward with lightning speed.


The plate armor that just flew out of the wall was nailed to the back by a barbed arrow.

hū chī , hū chī ... Tang En hid behind a bunker again. Although it was only a short distance away, he was already gasping for breath, and there were traces of sweat on his forehead.

That kind of heavy death shadow has always loomed over my heart, like a Death God with a sickle following him, and he kept urging, die, die... why not die... ...with a shake of his head, Tang En grabbed a corpse again and took off the plate armor. But this time, he didn't rush to charge ahead, but made a small device, tied a long rope with tent rags, tied the plate armor to the wall, and then dragged the other end of the long rope to the side of the passage.

As soon as it was pulled and loosened, the plate armor appeared halfway and dived immediately.

No movement.

It was a slap in the face again, but there was still no response.

tsk tsk...Tang En smacked his mouth twice and was about to pull it again.

Swish, swish, swish... bang, bang, bang...Three arrows from Rapid Speed penetrated the earth wall under the plate armor, and then three arrows shot at Around... "haha!" With a long laugh, Tang En flashed out again, crossing a large distance, and came under the edge of the station.

Sure enough, no matter how cunning a fox is...well, no matter how shrewd a hunter is, no good fox can be beaten!

The goshawk's attack stopped, which is to be expected, after all, it is not a wall of earth, but the land, and even momentum is big, power is deep, it can't penetrate.

After a moment of pride, Tang En's complexion returned to solemnity, and he pulled out the dagger to sort out his clothes. Next is the time of life and death, and the goshawk is about a thousand meters away. And in front of it will be an empty valley with no cover and no obstacles.

In fact, if the usual archer has already begun to retreat at this time. But Tang En believes that the goshawk will not, since he dodged the first arrow, the war between the two began.

"I bet! If you don't pass, I'll die! If you pass, you die!"

After taking a few steps to the left, Tang En jumped to the ground in an instant, not waiting to move forward. Be the first to Ghost Umbra to change direction!

Whoosh - Arrows penetrate the phantom.

"roar! Come on!"

The explosion sounded and spread far and wide.

Rapid Speed, on! Ghost Umbra, on! Heart Calm As Water, on!

Instantly activate three skills that can be used today, Tang En figure is ever-changing, the land of size, densely packed is full of dynamic afterimages.

Forward, forward, forward... From the moment he stepped on the ground, there was no retreat.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh... The tingling sound of the arrows snarled like a gust of wind, never stopping for a moment.

Tang En never knew that a man could fire arrows so fast and so accurately. This is not a sniper gun, this Fuck is a sniper mechanism gun... One by one phantoms appeared, but they were shot through one by one. Tang En stared at the roaring arrows and kept dodging to avoid them.

Although jumping on the ground is exposed to the goshawk's field of vision, it is not without any benefits, at least now the space to avoid is much larger.

A thousand meters! If it is normal, Tang En Condition is fully open, but it can be passed in ten seconds. But now it takes a lot of effort, but it is only less than 100 meters away.

Fear? panic? torment? No, after opening Heart Calm As Water, Tang En's entire mind had nothing else to do except calculate the speed and trajectory of the arrows.

At this moment, the sound of the whistling arrows stopped abruptly.

Huh? Tang En expression moved , and then the figure turned even crazier.

Is the goshawk tired? run away? Absolutely impossible! Due to the closeness of the distance and the unabashed effort of the goshawk, Tang En can now clearly sense the cold murderous intention ahead. So this moment of pause could only be holding back a big move!

The unknown is the most frightening. This kind of feeling of knowing that the other party is charging a blow, but he can only bear it is very bad, Tang En, who was running fast, licked his lips, come on, come on... swoosh, swish, sizzle, sizzle ...The long-awaited attack finally arrived, and before the arrows arrived, Tang En frowned, this whistling sound...a bit wrong!

A dozen arrows that came one after the other appeared in the line of sight, some were fast and some were slow, some were straight, some... er, curved?

Tang En complexion greatly changed, he has no time to think about how the goshawk shoots this kind of arrow with a graceful arc, and he keeps circling and calculating the trajectory of a dozen arrows in his mind, and Find the dead end in it!

Three and a half steps from the left? wrong! That arcing arrow will penetrate there... two steps to the right? No, that's a trap! The last slow arrow will pass by... Found it!

Tang En's eyes shined, and he leaned forward and jumped out. All of a sudden, ding, ding, ding...a dozen or so crisp sounds resounded like wind chimes, very pleasant!

But this kind of sweet sound could clearly be heard by Tang En as a sonata to welcome the coming of Death God. More than ten meters in front of him, the dozen or so arrows were suddenly inserted because of a curved arrow. The trajectory has changed sharply!

It's too late! Tang En didn't even have time to panic at this time, the figure still rushed towards the predetermined location, but there was more dagger placed in front of him.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...Ding!


Looking at the arrows shot by the dagger, Tang En had no joy in his heart, because he knew what was coming next... swoosh—a conical arrow unexpectedly reached his left chest , but Tang En's body at this moment was stunned by the arrow that had just been knocked into the air. The old power is gone, the new power is not born... ka... pu!

"en!!!" In the sullen hum, the blood flower blooms! The icy conical arrow passed through the chest... Step, step, step... Rapid Speed's sprinting body continued to move forward dozens of meters with inertia, then step one stopped, the figure staggered, and walked forward a few times. Step... It seems to be because the hero cherishes the hero, or some other reason... The goshawk did not shoot the arrow again. Yes, there is no need, it has already passed through the heart, and there is no doubt that it will die!

Tang En figure is like a weak willow in a strong wind, about to fall to the ground, but unyielding unyieldingly took a few steps forward... The arrow still didn't shoot! Yes, this kind of unwillingness to admit defeat deserves respect even as an opponent.

Tang En walked a few meters forward... uh, well, this person's life force is really tenacious!

A few more meters forward... eh?

A few more meters forward... um!

Whoosh - just after Tang En was about to fall down and walked almost 100 meters, the other side couldn't take it anymore, and an arrow was shot in the head!

Side-step, head-shake, snort—the Tang En figure of the dying Condition suddenly rose up and sprinted straight ahead.

"Haha! You're so naive for trying to kill me like that!"

The roar was loud and full of anger! Is this the sound of a dying person?

It turns out that the arrow just pierced the chest, but it failed to penetrate the heart! Of course, this is not a problem with the goshawk's arrows, but Tang En used the bone shrinking technique in the moment just now! The arrow that originally shot at the heart was an inch higher... It was only an inch, but it was the distance between life and death.

Even running and cheating, Tang En is still about 600 meters away from the Goshawk.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh... From this rainstorm of arrows, it can be seen that the goshawk is obviously angry. This is also normal. I thought Tang En was a respectable opponent, and the dead were bigger, so I didn't continue to whip the corpse. Unexpectedly, he looked away, and the other party turned out to be a shameless liar!

Of course, Tang En was not aware of this. shameless? Which Thief Assassin is not shameless! anger? haha, ok, all you need is your anger!

After a life-and-death risk of Tang En, I no longer dare to be careless. I would rather walk around ten steps than forcibly take one step straight.

In such a huge wilderness, it is difficult for the Rapid Speed figure to be surrounded by arrows! After a while, huh? Tang En's heart moved, this arrow... It seems that the shot is not so accurate?

Step one stopped, Tang En stopped the figure instantly, swish, an arrow shoots from three inches away from the side. Sure enough...several hundred meters apart, the error is only a little bit, which is normal according to reason. But who is it? It was the goshawk that still sent the arrow to the pre-judgment position several kilometers apart!

Not normal, this is not normal! But for what reason?

The goshawk's own factors can be ruled out, that is, the external relationship, but the fields are empty and the dark stars are low... eh? Tang En turned his head suddenly, needless to say, it was pitch black behind him.

so that's how it is, so that's how it is. haha...Tang En can't help but want to laugh out loud now, he finally knows why the goshawk is so low. The reason for this is actually very simple, that is, light.

Before Tang En, whether he was at the station or on the ground, there was fire beside him and behind him. The goshawk was hidden in the darkness, and naturally he could see it clearly. But now Tang En is running around for a while, already deviating from the fire behind him. The goshawk sees the darkness in the dark, and can no longer see the Tang En's Ghost Umbra silhouette.

"Mummy, it's finally my turn!" Tang En pulled out the dagger, and without hesitation, dashed towards the arrows in an arc. All of a sudden, Boom—a sound of explosion from a dozen meters away, the fire soaring into the sky! This should be the kind of arrow that fried Tang En's before.

"tsk tsk, it's quite clever." Tang En slapped his mouth twice and ran to the shadow outside the firelight quickly, "I want to see how many arrows of this kind you have left. You can shoot!"

This special prop is like a blasting crystal, most of which are military supplies. Of course, the black market should also be able to sell, but the value must be high. So Tang En still doesn't believe that the other party has a lot of this thing in his hands.

bang!Tang En is embarrassed out of the fire range!

bang! The outside of the left arm was pulled up by the barbed arrow!

bang! There is a long blood trough left in the lower abdomen!

After three explosions, Tang En approached another 200 meters, and the opponent no longer shot such arrows.

In the blink of an eye, Tang En saw an observation deck stacked with dozens of tree trunks in the dim twilight. Looking up, there was a slender black shadow standing on the stage, the long gown on both sides was carried by the cold night wind, like a goshawk that spread its wings and gliding.

At this time, the two were only three hundred meters apart. Although they could not see each other's eyes, Tang En could feel that the goshawk was watching him.

"Goshawk!" A slightly sharp voice came against the night wind.

"Tang En!" After looking all around quickly, Tang En replied casually.

"Okay, you are the only one who escaped under my arrow, I will remember you!"

"en?" Tang En was stunned, and quickly raised the dagger , made a Cut-throat to the goshawk! Immediately, the figure rushed towards the observation deck like lightning.

Tang En heard the retreat from the goshawk, and made this provocative action in order to provoke the opponent to stay and fight.

"hehe!" the goshawk shook the head, turned around... dammit! Tang En stared at the goshawk unwillingly.

Generally speaking, the archer is not very good at melee combat. So in order to get rid of the enemy, their speed is not slow. If the goshawk escaped with all his strength, Tang En really wasn't sure that he could leave the other party behind. After all, the goshawk knew his speed, but he stayed here to ask his name, obviously he was very confident in his speed.

Boom... There was an explosion in the distant sky, and the rays of light flickered.

The goshawk figure that was about to jump off, turned his head, and saw a sign in the shape of an arrow branch printed in the air in the distance. frowned, turned to look at Tang En galloping down below... squeak, the black curved bow in his hand made a sound, and the last fiery-red arrow in the gorgeous quiver was caught, first aiming at the north, after a pause, Turning to look down, whoosh... At such a close distance, the goshawk almost didn't need to look, and shot down the arrow.

Boom... the sound of the arrow, the fire soared into the sky, and Tang En's figure was instantly swallowed up.

However, the goshawk didn't have much of a relaxed expression on his face, and he didn't have much confidence in the arrow just now, after all, Tang En had dodged it once before.

In fact, if not for distant teammates calling for help. He had planned to withdraw, and then used the arrow to collapse the lookout to stop Tang En's pursuit.

Shaking his head slightly, the goshawk quickly held his breath, picked up the ordinary arrow stick on the other side, pulled the string, aimed, shot, swish... The process was smooth and smooth, the time for aiming seemed to be ignored, It really looked like a random blow. But I believe that anyone who knows the name of the goshawk will know that his arrow will never miss.

Squeak, I don't know when, the arrows are on the bow again, and there are three. Pulling the string, aiming... Suddenly, the right hand of the goshawk catching the arrow shook.

Even the Rookie archer knows that the hand that catches the arrow cannot be shaken, especially before the arrow is released. Because that will affect the trajectory of the arrow's flight and miss the target. But at this time, the arrow technique is like a god, the eagle's hand is shaking.

Turn around instantly, arrow pointing back. Before it was released, a blade of light flashed in the pupil, sigh, collapse!

The bowstring is cut, and the blade light is swiped directly down the throat.

Bang! The goshawk stomped the wooden platform, and the figure instantly leaned back and fell from the wooden platform more than ten meters high.


Muffled voices came from above, followed by a black silhouette without the slightest hesitation.

There is no doubt that this is Tang En. But now, even the most familiar Joah can't recognize him. The first is black, the whole body is black, and even the white teeth are not seen in the mouth because of too much black smoke. What's more, it's miserable. The clothes that have been bombed in pieces are now left with trendy shorts. And the bare black skin is covered with dark red cracks, like lava brewing in the black earth... Swish, swish, swish... The goshawk that fell back threw three arrow branches at Tang En, although it was not. The bow and arrow came out, but there was no problem with the accuracy, between the eyebrows, the throat, and the heart!


Without batting an eye, Tang En swung the dagger and hit the arrows accurately.

Landing, landing... At this time, it is only a few meters from the ground. Logically speaking, the goshawk should adjust the figure to fall safely. But looking at the torch-like eyes in front of him, Goshawk knew that as long as he dared to turn around, he would definitely not be able to escape his heart.


The corner of the goshawk's mouth saw blood in an instant, but at this time it didn't care much, slapped the ground and jumped backwards.

Surprise! The dagger is inserted into the soil by the millimeter.

Tang En also fell to the ground, without looking at his condition, he drew his dagger and advanced quickly.


The Goshawk took out a dagger from his bosom and mounted Tang En's attack.

"Dead! Die! Die! Die!"

Tang En urged Blood Qi in a frantic manner, and the strands criss-crossed, shrouded the goshawk like a large sheet .

The goshawk couldn't support it any time soon. His Battle Qi strength is not low, but all his talents are dedicated to bows and arrows, and the dagger is very jerky to use. It's not a problem to deal with ordinary people, but I met Tang En, an expert in using dagger... sigh! Direct engaged in less than three seconds, a red line cut close to the goshawk's neck, and then Tang En emerged from behind him.

"Archery, I can't! Play dagger, you can't!"

His...blood gushing! ! !

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