
“Are you interested in taxes?”


This God, while Tang En was scanning books, Joah came to the library to chat with him again.

"But you're holding the Imperial Tax Ordinance."

"Well, I'm just flipping through this."

Joah blinked. : "Oh, but this book is just for pretense. There are fifty kinds of taxes in it, but Rhine City has close to one hundred kinds of taxes!"

"Well, I I think there is a hearing about taxation, so let's discuss it..."

"A hearing?"

"It's just to select some taxpayers to discuss, so that It looks like democracy..."

Joah's eyes brightened: "Hey, democracy...the word is good. Does it mean that the people are free to make decisions?"

"Uh, this word It has a wide range of meanings, and I can't explain it for a while, so you must first understand it yourself." Tang En looked too high and deep to be measured. Damn, I've gone too far... This is how I can answer you, I always took cheat sheets into the examination room through childhood ideological and political exams...

"Well, I know what you mean, and I will understand if I understand it myself. Deeper, right?"

"Yes." That's why you need to find smart people for chatting, and when you can't take it, the other party will make up their minds.

Joah did not suspect him, and said solemnly: "Don, thank you, I really benefited a lot from talking with you. You said the day before yesterday that you are not from this school, I am very curious, what do you do? Your thoughts are so profound, even an Academy teacher can't compare."

Uh, Tang En was stunned, his mind twirled: "I...I, I sent people to another place. ..."

Joah frowned thought: "Send someone to another place... Captain? Coachman?"

"The coachman...Well, read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles. !" Tang En secretly relieved.

"Read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles...I learned again, Tang, you are really insightful." Joah looked sincerely admired.

"Hehe, it's okay, it's okay... Then what do you do, student?" Tang En laughed dryly and quickly changed the subject.

"Yeah, don't underestimate me, I'm still an Elementary Magician."

"Magician?" Tang En's heart moved: "It's amazing, I'm a big fan of magic. I'm curious. But the books here don't seem to involve much."

"The important magic books are all on the second floor. Generally, only teachers can go in. I can go in, but I can't take you. ..." Joah sorry said.

"That's it, it doesn't matter. I'm just curious, just talk to me briefly." Tang En had a rare opportunity to learn about magic, and naturally he didn't want to miss it.

Joah: "This is no problem, the past few days you have given me a lot of advice, how can I repay you..."

After a pause, he continued: "In our There are magic elements around every moment. And Magician..."

"Uh, wait a moment, what are magic elements?"

"You haven't heard of it. The magic element? Well, then I'll tell you from the beginning."


Joah is undoubtedly a qualified teacher, after a few hours of detailed talk , Tang En finally has a preliminary understanding of the magic of the Other World.

According to Other World, the air here contains a lot of magic elements such as metal, wood, water, fire, earth and so on. If one person senses this element, congratulations, you have the potential to be Magician.

The next step is to induce these magical elements into the body through meditation. When a certain amount of magic elements are gathered in the body, magic can be cast through specific incantation and hand seals.

In conclusion, magic doesn't seem to be difficult to learn.

But first of all, you need to know the status quo, that is, those who can sense magic elements. Among the ten thousand people, there are only ten or so people, and the probability is almost one in a thousand.

And after crossing the first threshold, they must be able to successfully draw the magic element into the body. The probability of this is higher, about 1 in 2.

In general, there are 10,000 people who can truly become Advanced Magicians, that is, five people.

It is precisely because of the scarcity of Magicians that the five or six selected people, regardless of their background, will have a bright future.

Any country or noble will entertain them with the greatest sincerity.

If an Advanced Magician is willing to work for a faction and build a mage tower in its territory. Then in the time Magician exists, this force will have a strong guarantee. It can be said that there is absolutely no problem with blessing the legacy of generations.

Take Joah as an example, she came from a small aristocratic family. The family is not well managed, and by the time of her father this generation, it is inevitable that the family will fall. If nothing happens, in the next generation, the title of her family's noble family will also be taken back by the empire.

But since Joah was confirmed to have Magician potential, and successfully became a Primary Water Element Magician. The Great Family in Rhine City has thrown olive branches, her family status has risen rapidly, and now she has become a gradually raised star in the Rhine City aristocratic circle.

The reason why Magician is so important is that the root of magic is huge might.

According to Joah, if a Grand Magician is given enough distance and time, he can kill a hundred cavalry battalion with a wave of his hand.

And Grand Magician is certainly not the highest realm of Magician. In Other World, Magician is divided into 8 levels: Magic Apprentice, Elementary Magician, Intermediate Magician, Advanced Magician, Grand Magician, Magister, Grand Magister, Saint Magister.

In addition to magic, Tang En also took the opportunity to learn about Battle Qi from Joah.

Joah's understanding of Battle Qi is not as systematic as magic, she only knows that there are many warriors in cultivation Battle Qi.

Battle Qi is inspired by the continuous exercise of the body. If you have learned something, when you become Earth Rank Martial Artist, you can mobilize external forces and use it for your own use.

Battle Qi's formidable power is also good, with an explosive power. If it's at close range, Magician doesn't dare to underestimate it.

Battle Qi, like magic, is also divided into 8 levels: Trainee Warrior, Primary Warrior, Intermediate Warrior, Advanced Warrior, Earth Rank Martial Master, Sky Rank Martial Master, Heaven Rank Martial Master, Martial Saint.

Finally, Joah also compared Magician and warrior.

Generally speaking, in the early stage, Magician of the same level has a great advantage over warrior.

When Magician reaches the Intermediate and can hold up the Magic Shield, the Warrior's close combat threat is weakened, and this advantage is even greater.

The long-range attack of Battle Qi manifestation is only available after warriors reach Advanced. And the Advanced Magician of the same level can already perform the flying technique. After reaching a certain height, the warrior can only be a target.

The real threat of warrior to Magician is to reach the Sky Rank Martial Artist this realm, the Martial Artist of this realm can stand empty. In the fight against the Magic Society, there will be no obvious disadvantage.

In general, Magician's strengths are more pronounced.

Of course, Magician must remember that it is best not to let warrior close combat.


After listening to Joah's talk, Tang En's heart was chilled.

The various Killing Skills he is learning now are all aimed at the ordinary person. He doesn't know if these Killing Skills will work when facing warrior and Magician.

Even if it works, it must be discounted... So, what did he rely on to kill Sethman? Tang En was lost in thought.

"Hey, Joah, so you're here, so I can find it." A handsome young man in well-dressed approached the entrance of the library.

"Hi, Vincent." Joah was a little bland compared to Vincent's enthusiasm.

"Huh, who is this?" Vincent asked with a smile when he saw Tang En beside Joah, his eyes flashed.

"Tang En", although it can be easily seen that the smile is fake, but for the sake of hitchhiking, Tang En responded politely.

"Oh, hello, Tang En. My name is Dirk Vincent, just call me Vincent."

Joah: "Vincent, do you have anything to do with me?"

"It's nothing, I'm here to invite you to lunch..."

"Uh, let's talk first, I have something else to do, so don't bother." and the two Nodding, Tang En left the library.

Tang En was not in a hurry to leave the Academy, he found a remote stone chair and sat down, whispering Assassin System in his heart.

In the space, the original empty hall now has rows of antique bookshelves. At this moment, Old Butler was lying on a rattan wooden couch, holding a reading mirror, reading the book attentively, with the scent of tea in the small red clay teapot beside him.

Seeing Tang En come in, Old Butler put the book on the wooden table next to him, picked up the teapot and took a sip of tea.

Swipe at random, "The Bard"...

Tang En was suddenly confused, and he couldn't connect the Old Butler of Experienced killing technology with the poet.

But he didn't have time to think about these questions now, and anxiously said: "Old Butler, did you hear what Joah said just now?"

"I heard it, what's the matter? ?"

"What's wrong?" Tang En frowned said: "Isn't it obvious, the power of magic and Battle Qi is too strong, even if I Experienced all Killing Skills, it won't work. You can't call Let me stab a shield-supporting mage with a dagger..."

Old Butler at a moderate pace put down the teapot and said, "I thought it was a problem, you underestimated the system too much. Wait for you. After level up, everything will be clear."

"Really? Do I also have this kind of power after level up? Well, it can't be Inner Strength...Nine Yang Divine Art? Nine Yin Daoist Scripture Anyway, as long as it's not Sunflower Treasure Scripture, anything is fine, I'm not greedy..."

The corner of Old Butler's eyes twitched: "You have read a lot of novels, read more poetry collections when you have time, and cultivate your self-cultivation. "

"...Uh, have you finished reading so many books?" Tang En looked at the rows of bookshelves, which was the result of his hard work over the past few days.

Old Butler indifferently said: "If you mean the text, you've already read it."

"Scare!" Tang En was startled and rolled his eyes instantly: "You Let’s just blow it, I haven’t seen you turn the pages of a collection of poems for a long time, and you have finished reading so many books?”

“Every time a book is entered in the system, the text in it will be sent to me as soon as possible. But also It's just words, you must know that some words not only describe things, but also contain deep meanings, which need to be carefully savoured."

"Like a collection of poems?"

"Yes. Okay. , you go out and find a way to complete the Quest, don't disturb my reading."

After saying that, Old Butler waved Tang En out of the system.

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