
For Woodin entire group, the so-called distance does not mean the distance, but more about the ease and convenience of the way to travel. No.

If you are traveling by land, considering the bad road conditions between the north and the south, it is definitely not feasible to take a carriage. If you choose to fly, you will have to consume energy. But taking a boat by water is different, although the speed is not necessarily faster than the carriage Fast, but the advantage is that there is no need to consume, as long as there is no seasickness, then this journey will be very easy.

It is precisely because of the difference between the two that after seeing Woodin insisting on leaving, Haitadi For a while, I thought of going by water.

Of course, someone also thought the same...


At the beginning of the new year, because of the powerless suppression of the Northern Armaments Department ,The news that the Grey Cloth Armed Force is very active has spread all over Titus after all.

At this time, in Titus, there is the Northern Wilderness army glare like a tiger watching his prey, and the Grey Cloth Armed Force Meteor is inside. Blazing Praire, taking advantage of the situation. Under the internal trouble and outside aggression, the people of the southern Titus have lost their leisurely and indifferent mood. Although there may not be much panic, worry is always indispensable. A random unconfirmed rumor, It can cause a lot of commotion, discussed spiritedly, and then people were alarmed...

Under this situation, the economy of the north and the south will undoubtedly be greatly affected. Usually ships flow continuously, and Lai, known as the main artery of Titus economy On the Naube River, it is very deserted now, and there are hardly any large merchant ships coming and going from south to north. Relatively speaking, there are more and more official ships transporting passengers from north to south...

》Long &Wind"literature"cfwx"target="_blank">cfwx Of course, that's not the point. The point is that most recently, among these few ships still running back and forth, there is such an anecdote that the official designated safety In the waters, an unremarkable boat was stuck at the mouth of a key river channel. For several days and nights, there was no sign of any movement.

This situation is undoubtedly a little abnormal. At first the crew thought it was an abandoned ship The boat. But when I got close, I found someone on the boat, a young man, most of the time sitting on the bow, the figure hardly moved except for the boat's ups and downs. The sign... It's not that there is no kind-hearted ship approaching, asking if he needs help, but most of the responses he gets are that the young man chuckles and shakes his head, and doesn't speak. He just sits.

As time goes by, no one goes there I don't care.

Originally, this is the end of the matter. After all, no one wants to meddle in their own business. Besides, this young man is obviously abnormal, maybe there is a problem with his brain, and he can't be provoked.

But then a message came out, which once again brought this weird boat and this weird young man into the public eye.

The source of the news is no longer available, the general content is that a water bandit boat passed by this place. When I was at the mouth of the river, I occasionally saw this strange boat.

I saw it when I saw it. Although this strange boat was stuck at the mouth of the river, the mouth of the river was very wide, and the boat was not arrogant. In the middle of the water. It doesn't affect anything at all. Besides, this lonely boat doesn't look like there is oil and water, even the water bandits who haven't opened for half a month will not see it.

However, there are so many idlers in the world, and I don't know which tendons are suddenly wrong. These passing water bandits have the intention of going to tease the strange young man. Then, there is no more...

According to the crew members on the passing boat, they only saw the silhouette flash, and then the dozen or so water bandits who approached took the boat under their feet, capsized and fell into the river, and soon sank in the floating river water, disappeared.


Of course, rumors are always unreliable, this is just one of the most concise versions. It is also said that this young man is actually a Water Element Magician, staying here to experience the Water Element elements at close range, those unlucky water The bandit was directly engulfed by the large river water he mobilized with magic... This is the Advance Rank version, and there is also the most ridiculous version. It is said that this young man is actually the incarnation of the evil ghost in the water, and he is here to attract curious people to come. , and then dragged into the river for his life...

Well, no matter whether these rumors are real or false, no matter what the identity of this strange young man is, the result is the same, that is, from now on, No ship dared to pass through the surrounding waters, let alone approach the lone boat eccentric...


This afternoon, the weather was gloomy, and the gray sky began to fall from early morning Li Li Yusi. By this time, the rain has already increased. Looking around, the entire river surface is covered with a layer of gray mist, shrouded in the turbulent river water, which has several points of hazy and freehand beauty.

Of course, this beauty is not in the mood to appreciate the eccentric young man who has been sitting on the bow of the boat before. If you don't want to go down the river to take a bath, you have to take a bath every once in a while , got up and took the wooden scoop and splashed the water in the cabin...

Thinking of this a bit embarrassing scene, if those crew members who dared not approach see it, what about this young man? Water Element Magician, water The ghosts and other outrageous identity rumors can't be attacked.

Get up, wipe the rain off his face, and after draining the water in the cabin again, the young man threw down the wooden scoop and looked depressed. ,look up to sky and heave a deep sigh :"Che, pretending to be a big hair! If I knew earlier that I bought a big boat to lie down, wouldn't it be a sin?"

Don't guess, the one who can destroy the beauty of the moment with such a mellow and unrestrained manner should be Tang En's children's shoes alone in this world. .

From the rumors circulating on this route, we can know that Tang En actually came here long ago. He also tasted the sweetness of the farm last time, thinking that in the novels and movies of the world, the protagonist is often there. After viewing the famous mountains and rivers, I often get the opportunity to sudden enlightenment breakthrough, and then the strength increases greatly. So Tang En also did this, deliberately bought such a broken boat, and floated on the river all day, either to enter the system training, or Sitting on the bow of the boat watching the sun rise and sunset, the tide rises and falls...

As a result, the sudden enlightenment came out.> 哓!

"Nine Heavens has already passed, do you still have to wait?" Just when Tang En was intoxicated with this insight and couldn't extricate himself, an old voice suddenly sounded in his ear, as if there was something wrong Resist.

"Of course." casually moved towards the bleak sky above and waved his hand, Tang En sat back on the bow, replied with certainty, "I have a hunch that Woodin is coming."

"Of course." p>

"You said the same thing three days ago."

"cough cough, this time is different." Not everyone who is publicly exposed will be ashamed and unable to show one's face , at least Tang En, who never knew what the lower limit was, didn't. He just coughed twice. He opened his hands very grandly. Facing the wind and rain, his tone was exaggerated, "Did you feel it, Ba Lao, looking at this atmosphere, In such an environment and climate, does the feeling of surging forward with great momentum from a big War General arise spontaneously in my heart?"

"...Is the feeling of wanting to beat someone counted?"

"It doesn't count! "Reject it altogether, Tang En shook his head regretfully," Ba Lao, this is the career gap. You are an expert. You have an exceptionally sharp perception. But unfortunately you are not an Assassin, so you lack some pre-judgment for the imminent danger. Feeling...trust me, wait a minute, Woodin will come! "

"Hehe, this excuse is new...then wait."

"Ba Lao Yingming."

The conversation is over. Insincerely took a flattery .Tang En continued to sit on the bow, leaning on his chin, staring at the turbid river water swaying to and fro... in a daze.

That's right, what is the danger to the imminent danger The prediction and so on are all made up by Tang En. He doesn't believe it himself. I guess Ba Lao doesn't believe it either, just because he has already waited for Nine Heavens. Both of them are a bit if you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off, I don't want to give up easily.

Logically speaking, seeing the Grey Cloth Armed Force suddenly rise up like an aphrodisiac, Woodin's side must have sensed something was wrong, and went down the mountain with his sword , Seize this excellent opportunity to take a pot. And now all the Northern Transmission Formation connecting the south have been destroyed by them. Between the only remaining land and water, Tang En has an 80% chance of betting that Woodin will choose to take the water...

Of course, all of this is just guesswork, and there are too many variables. For example, Woodin just couldn't immediately see what was wrong with the Grey Cloth Armed Force, or it wasn't Woodin who came, or even if he came, he was I want to go overland, etc. etc.

No way...this is the so-called truth that people make things happen, and things happen to heaven.

However, this time, God seems to be standing in Tang The meaning of En here...

"Huh?! "

A suspicious low voice suddenly came from my ear, which immediately stunned Tang En, who was in a daze, and couldn't help but grinned: "I said Ba Lao, what are you trying to do? Come out. Or an expert, can you be calm about everything, okay?"

"Yes." After a pause, a calm tone came, "Your Assassin prejudgment seems to have come true."

"Really, that's really... eh?! "In response, Tang En's body suddenly trembled, and his expression was unpredictable. Next moment, he jumped up like a corpse, roaring in ecstasy, "Come? Really?!" "

"Calm down, you are also an expert."

"I am! It's a calm ass! Is Woodin here?"

It seems that Tang En's face is a little unacceptable to the shameless face, paused, and then came Bamutu's angry voice, "I don't know. The distance is too far, The perception is blurred, and I can only roughly feel that there are many experts moving towards this side."

"Ba Lao, you said the expert... Sky Rank or above?"

"Nonsense! "

"Then you can't run!" They must be right! "Sky Rank powerhouse is not a cabbage in the ground, just pull it out. The actual situation Tang En knows is that Martial Artist who can break through to Sky Rank is really as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns. Listen to Bamutu again. In tone, there are obviously not one or two Sky Rank powerhouses that have come over now. And in Titus Kingdom, only Titus Royal Court and Light God Temple can gather such a luxurious lineup. With such a combination, Tang En has his own judgment. Self-confidence has greatly increased.

Of course, these are not the point now. "Where's Woodin? Is he coming?" As soon as he said that, Tang En knew that he had asked a stupid question.expert The perception is not omnipotent, especially for experts of the same level. As long as they don't meet each other, as long as the other party doesn't deliberately manifest imposing manner, the other party is very difficult to detect.

Sure enough, Bamutu's anger is low. Drink, "Bullshit! You ask me, who do I ask? I don't even know when you brat sneaked into the girl's room, you let me perceive Woodin from such a long distance?"

"hehe, just ask casually, Don't be angry." He laughed twice, Tang En touched the chin for a while, and his brows could not help but wrinkle, "It's not good, with Woodin's strength, why does he need so many experts to accompany him when he comes to the north... Shouldn't it be? Come on?"

Tang En and Bamutu were running around to destroy the Transmission Formation, spending so much effort to create the current scene, it was for Woodin. If he didn't come, then all this Undoubtedly, it is meaningless.

But Bamutu is calm: "It doesn't matter, sooner or later we will bump into each other. Before the next meeting, I can warm up and send these expert heads. It is also a good idea. It's a good start."

Tang En thought about it when he heard the words. He no longer struggled. He sat back on the bow and waved his hand: "Since Ba Lao is so enthusiastic, then these experts will be handed over to you."

"Why, don't you want to take the opportunity to test your strength after breakthrough? You must know that experts are hard to find, and suitable forging stones are even harder to find! "

"Forget it, I'm from Titus." What a joke, how can anyone try a Martial Artist of the same level, this is not looking for a hole... not afraid, now he died in Tang There are several Sky Rank powerhouses in En's hands. It's just because it's unnecessary. Why do you fight for your life if you can easily solve it, why don't you want to be next to yourself if you're injured?

.[,!]Bamutu Of course, I don't believe Tang En's casual reasoning, but seeing that Tang En really didn't want to make a move, he laughed and didn't bother.

But it turns out that what Tang En faced, There is no use in hiding...


At this time, more than ten nautical miles away, a medium-sized imperial transport ship is breaking through the huge waves and coming fast. There are very few guests on board, only a dozen or so. It seems a little abnormal, but in fact, no matter who is on board, they have the energy to mobilize a large transport ship.

Bow, sea The tower took the tarpaulin umbrella, stepped on the wet deck and walked quickly, while quickly opening it, while complaining: "Master, it's raining, why are you running here."

"You are just being too careful. You master, I'm not that old, so I can't stand even this little wind and rain." paused, Woodin squinted at the gray river in the distance, brows slightly wrinkle, as if Looking for something.

"What's the matter, Master, is there something wrong?"

"In the cabin just now, there seems to be a faint perception sweeping..." Woodin's tone was not very Confirmed, hesitated, raised hand and pointed to the right side of the river, "It seems to be in that direction." Say...a dozen kilometers away?"

Woodin is silent, which is why he is not sure, he can cover his perception at such a long distance, even if it is so faint that it is almost negligible. This realm is undoubtedly the best powerhouse. But is there such a powerhouse in Titus Kingdom?

After hesitating, Woodin shook his head, opened the mouth and said: "Call everyone over, just in case. 1."

"Yes." Although he responded, Haita did not leave immediately, as if thinking of something, with a dazed expression, "If there is really someone waiting there... master, we are plotted Against?"

"Don't be so I'm in a hurry to come to a conclusion, it's just my vague feeling, can't be considered." Waving his hand, Woodin's old eyes narrowed, "But now that I think about it, it's really not the right time for the remote Transmission Formation to be so bad..."


A quarter of an hour later, in the fog in the distance, a medium-sized imperial transport ship gradually revealed a blurred outline in Tang En's field of vision.

Startled Startled, looking at the bow of the boat, Tang En narrowed his long and narrow eyes abruptly, then squinted again, his expression changed, and he slowly got up: "Ba Lao, it seems that you don't need to warm up."

Long-distance perception, Tang En is not as good as Bamutu, which is determined by strength. But accurate judgment at close range, whether it is Bamutu or Woodin, is not as good as Tang En, which is the killing of Tang En thousand hammers, hundred refinements Intent decided.

Bamutu didn't answer, he believed Tang En's judgment, so he didn't need it.

The river swayed gently, and the light rain poured down one after another. The stagnant atmosphere from General is surging secretly with the floating and sinking of the river...

Soon, when the imperial transport ship in the distance traveled parallel to the Tang En boat, the speed gradually slowed down, and then it slowly turned around. The hull, the direction is the Tang En side.

Needless to say, there is no doubt that Tang En's exists there!

I'm finally waiting for you, Mr. Wu...Tang En's focus has not changed, he has been on the bow of the transport ship, the thin silhouette standing in the middle of the crowd, under the tarpaulin umbrella.

To be honest, I can't see clearly, but Tang En knew that Woodin was looking at him at the same time. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he smiled lightly. Tang En's mood is really relaxed now, even though he knew that he was about to face, Sword God Woodin, who is known as the continent number one expert, has an unprecedented peace of mind.

This calmness with a hint of pride does not come from Bamutu, who is hiding in mid-air. It comes from Tang En itself.

Tang En has reason to be proud. He came to this world only for a few short years, and he came as a third-rate scumbag with no strength. But now? His enemy is the Number One Powerhouse recognized by this world. Even this comparison is enough to make him confident, reserved and proud!

At a distance of about twenty zhang or so, the transport ship, which was slowly advancing by inertia, finally came to a standstill.

After a moment of silence, Woodin looked down like a straight long spear standing there. Tang En on the boat did not show the unexpected look on Winslyn's face, but patted the side of the boat, suddenly chuckled and nodded: "It's really you, Little Tang."

It's really you , all the doubts will be unraveled naturally, and become no longer important.

Tang En also smiled and bowed: "Long time no see, Mr. Wu."

He stood up and spread his hands, "Have you eaten your old lunch?"

"Haha..." In the midst of a group of stunned experts, Woodin suddenly raised his head and laughed, bold and hearty, Then he shook his head, said with a smile, "Little Tang, the way you greet...well, it's still so direct and polite."

Have you eaten lunch? This is the first time between Tang En and Woodin Tang En's greetings have not changed for the second time we met. But this time it was destined to be different from the last time. Last time, Tang En invited Woodin for a lunch, and this time it was naturally impossible.

"For the sake of being so polite, can you think about the possibility of going home?" Touching his nose, Tang En sorry squinted and smiled, "I'm sorry, you know Yes, I'm just so direct and so self-willed."



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