
Grey Cloth Armed Force, the Chinese army tent.

It is still the collective bargaining model, but with a larger number of people than before. It is also natural that as the barbarian army retreats, the two divisions of the Grey Cloth Armed Force will of course reunite. This is a good thing, but there are more people and more opinions. At present, this theme meeting about where the Grey Cloth Armed Force will go from here has been open for a few days, but it seems that we still can't come up with a unified plan...

"The barbarian army has completely bypassed the Sharon main road and retreated to the rear... Although I don't know why, we can temporarily remove the barbarians from the enemy list. Therefore, the current There is only one question, how to deal with the Titus army on the periphery?"

"Oh, second-rate soldiers! No matter how many, it's over?"

"It can't be said. That being said, General, we are still rateless in the eyes of the opponent... It's easy to fight in the past, but where to fight? How to fight? When to fight? These are all problems that need to be solved urgently. We must know that our previous strategic plan is no longer applicable. Now..."

"As I said, what is suitable or not, I think the previous strategic plan is good. Besides, it is not enough to win on the battlefield. What is the use of the plan alone?" "Agreed! I think it's a direct attack, and I also let those scumbags see, it's not a fluke that we beat back the barbarian army..."

"Please think about it again, generals. Now Titus and Beihuang are both standing still, and if we hit a dozen here, it is likely to cause a chain reaction. Once caught, the Grey Cloth Armed Force will be in danger!”

“I’m sloppy, then What do you say? You can't fight, you can't fight, and you can't fight if you don't. Are you here to scold and practice your tongue every day with the Titus army outside?"

"Isn't this negotiating..."


I have to say that the current Grey Cloth Armed Force is no longer the disorganized mob with thousands of people and more than a thousand broken knives. Primed by Losa. After Joah forged ahead, the Grey Cloth Armed Force has gradually improved its internal and external military structure, and all departments are operating normally. Now there is a prototype of a dignified teacher.

If nothing else, just look at the Grey Cloth Armed Force superstructure right now. The loudest shouts were the generals and officers of the main war faction. It is argued that the conservative top civilian ranks are fighting for it. Once the two sides quarrel fiercely, and there are even signs of action, there are not many centrists who come out to reconcile the conflict.

Each one of them performs their own duties and takes a clear stand, just like a small royal council. Of course, it's much cleaner than the real Titus council hall. The advantage of new things is that there are not so many dirty things, so don't look at the fierce noise now, but the center is not biased. They are all thinking about the future of Grey Cloth Armed Force, not for their own selfish interests, and they are not in the heart plot against the fucking idea of killing each other later. Sitting in the first position on the big tent is naturally Joah, Frey, the generals of the army, and a group of veterans of the Grey Cloth Armed Force. This is the real upper echelon at the top of the current Grey Cloth Armed Force power structure pyramid. Compared with the high-ranking officers who are fighting red-faced, it is much quieter here. It's not that there is no discussion, but the way is much more gentle, exchanging opinions with each other in small talk, even if they disagree with each other, they can't get to the point of spitting each other, very gentle with great character.

Of course. As a result of this situation, there are also Frey, who has great prestige in the army, and Joah, who has absolute authority in the Grey Cloth Armed Force. Both of them were silent.

In the eyes of everyone, the great characters do not have a decision, which is naturally because they need to consider all aspects, and it is inevitable that they have concerns. And this is the best time for them to be each airs his own views and show their talents.

But in reality, Joah and Frey really don't know what to say. They know much more information than everyone present, and they know that in the current situation, simply is not a simple problem that can be solved by fighting or being conservative.

Take the Titus troops on the outside as an example, everyone thought that the opponent was plot against sitting atop a mountain to watch the tigers fight. Wanted to watch Grey Cloth Armed Force and barbarians suffer both sides, so shameless. But Joah knew it in their hearts. Knowing that because Tang En was going to assassinate the barbarian commander, a great character in Titus gave a death order. Not allowed to attack, so these Titus troops didn't stab them in the back when they were fighting the barbarians...

It is precisely because of this that Joah and the others are not sure whether to start the battle first. Also hesitant. If now is a critical time, because they start to ignite the fuse and directly detonate the entire northern war situation, it does not matter whether the Grey Cloth Armed Force can withstand this shock, the Tang En sandwiched in the middle may be in danger...

That's right, whether Tang En is willing to admit the stressful fact or not, he's really the center of attention right now!

With Lansa in his hands, the barbarian armies occupying Titus' frontier dare not act rashly. Woodin's side did not receive news of his success, and the Titus army would not be able to counterattack. Joah is worried about his safety, and the Grey Cloth Armed Force will not be able to break through...

It is a huge game of chess and a complete stalemate. Only Tang En, a free-moving piece, really enjoys the focal point of ten thousands The protagonist treatment!

He is cool, but the decision-making characters like Joah are sitting on wax, looking ahead and looking back, trembling with fear, lest one accidentally choose the wrong path and step into a dead place, it can be said to be extremely tangled.


The lively discussion continues, but in the eyes of Joah, who is sitting upright, and Frey, who is rubbing his eyebrows, this is destined to be another waste of saliva. boring meeting.

At this moment, wow, the curtain of the big tent moved slightly, and a middle-aged man hurried in. Everyone subconsciously swept their eyes, and after finding out that it was the guard Captain Victor, they didn't care and continued to argue.

Victor didn't care about the crowd. In fact, if it wasn't for the fact that the tent was not too wide and the generals were crowded, his fast walking pace would not turn and go straight. moved towards Joah, then went... Although it's a bit troublesome now, I need to move forward on my side, and sometimes I have to nod back when I say hello, but after all, it's only a few meters away, and it's only half a minute away.

Joah was listening to what the white-haired old man said, smiling nodded from time to time, unaware that Victor had come to his side, and his face was excited and anxious.

Frey, who was beside him, saw it and didn't care at first, but when he saw Victor hesitantly stretched out his palm to make a move, as if he wanted to interrupt Joah's conversation with the high-level old man, he couldn't help but raise his brows. , slightly somewhat astonished.

Joah is the leader of the Grey Cloth Armed Force. Also a young and beautiful woman. So, no matter what the reason, as the guard Captain with the most contact with Joah. Naturally, candidates must be chosen carefully. It makes sense that Victor would stand out among them, in Frey's view. He is also absolutely qualified. Although his strength is a bit weaker, he has no problems in handling things and being a person.

Be calm, understand the sense of proportion, and never go beyond the rules!

And that's actually the case, not without replacing Victor's voice in the first place. There is no reason for him, just because he is a man. This is not to say that Victor's character is so bad that people don't believe it. Just because the proposer knows about Tang En's relationship with Joah. I was worried that this move would accidentally provoke the killing god, resulting in a bad result... Of course, in the end, Victor successfully proved himself with his performance. In addition, neither Joah nor Tang En, who came here before, said anything about it, and the sound gradually disappeared.

And such a person who knows the proportions, now wants to interrupt the conversation between Joah and the senior executives... Frey is interested, and interjects with a smile: "Chief, Hai Lao, don't patronize your own chat. Ah. Victor is still here waiting for the report."...

Joah and the old Hai were stunned for a moment, stopped talking and lifted the head, only to find that they were standing by and waiting, rubbing their palms. of Victor. Joah chuckles apologetically. He opened his mouth and asked, "What's wrong with Victor?"

Victor first pointed at Hai Lao nodded and expressed his apology, then leaned over to Joah's ear and whispered, "Ni Lao is here! Now.", got up, and cast a grateful look at Frey for the first time. The latter's move just now was undoubtedly a relief for him.

Frey was laughed and wanted to say something. Out of the corner of the eye, he caught Joah, startled immediately.

Slightly stunned, excited, ecstatic, angry...a kaleidoscope. Various expressions swept across Joah's beautiful face, which was very complicated. But it's mostly excitement. Immediately, he took a deep breath, put his hands on the edge of the table, and slowly straightened his body.

Hey—although it was a large tent erected out of thin air, the ground was specially paved with stone slabs. This is for safety reasons, to prevent someone from digging tunnels and directly sneaking into the tent. Now as Joah got up, the chair feet rubbed against the stone slab floor and slowly retreated, suddenly pulling out a harsh sound that made goosebumps.

After a few breaths, the lively debate disappeared, the big tent was silent, and everyone present looked towards Joah with a stunned expression.

Joah's expression was calm and expressionless. Only people who were familiar and close to him like Frey could see the impatience in the calm. He simply waved his hand: "The meeting is over!" After he finished speaking, he gestured to Frey with his eyes, left the wooden table, and hurriedly walked out of the tent without looking back.

Such a rare act of willfulness, not to mention everyone, even Frey was stunned. If Victor hadn't pulled him, he wouldn't have known to get up and leave.


Outside the station, Ni Laohong, oh, that is, Tang En is having a good talk with David and the others.

Although Lansa said it carefully before, he also found a rope to tie Tang En together, as if he was afraid of being thrown into the Titus army. But in fact, it is really not difficult for Tang En to break through the defense line that has been fixed in the wild without the other party's defense.

Selecting a few cliffs and ravines that are difficult for ordinary people to reach, and knocking out a few sentries, Tang En took Lansa to break through the blockade of the Titus army without any blood on the dagger at all. Immediately, it was naturally moved towards the Grey Cloth Armed Force station and arrived quickly. Tang En originally thought that he would encounter the Grey Cloth Armed Force patrolmen, but he did not expect to bump into the windy David and the others at the periphery...

This time, Lansa didn't have Camouflage, but Tang En had a makeover, picking up the image of the middle-aged man with the vicissitudes of the last time. This is also something that can't be helped, although the senior executives of the Grey Cloth Armed Force know Tang En's identity and know that Luosha can't blame him for that. But there are still many soldiers and civilians below who still hold the idea of Tang En killing Luosha. This can only be done slowly by time, not in a hurry. Of course, after meeting David and the others, Tang En's image was exposed in advance...

"It was you, the sloth bear who just climbed the tree and watched, hehe, the movement method is still so rough. , I have said you many times... This nickname is not for nothing. Since it is a bear, it is over for gangsters on the ground. Why do you always like to climb trees. Look at the bark that was gnawed by your leather boots, Look at the branch that was crooked by you, who doesn't know that there are people hiding on it?"

"I'm the grass! Boss, I discovered you first, but I didn't shoot arrows just now. "

"Nonsense, you are standing so high, and the Boss doesn't have a Concealment figure. Of course, you found out first..."

"That's what happened to the Boss. The monkey is injured, and you need to Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to climb the tree as a bear, and I felt awkward looking at it. Haha..."


Tang En asked the Eisoan members to bring them back. It's a bit like explaining the aftermath. David and the others would be lying if they said they weren't worried. But now that we meet, these are not important, and it is also boring to mention them. Laughing and laughing, as always.

Tang En is a little nervous now, looking at the familiar faces in front of him, especially the members of the first phase of Eisoan, he licked his lips and asked, "The monkey is injured? Is it okay? Everyone... Are you all okay?"

"Don't worry, Boss. The monkey is fine, but an arrow pierced his thigh. The last time I saw him, while enjoying the temple ritual treatment, he made fun of the little nurse. It's so cool..." David said with a smile, "Everyone is okay, but Big Brother Lei sacrificed an Old Brother, a big brother with bamboo poles. We avenged him and killed him that night. Ten barbarian officers."

"Huh...that's fine, that's fine..." Tang En heaved a sigh of relief. Suddenly feel a lot easier. It is too easy to die on the battlefield, not to mention David and the others, Tang En went to assassinate Lansa this time. things on the battlefield. It's really hard to say...shook the head, "Where is the tomb of the big brother with bamboo poles, take me to worship later."

"Okay." David simply nodded, then glanced aside Since he entered the station, he has been looking around, Lansa, who is pretty and a bit outrageous, and asked carefully, "Boss, this is..."

In fact, from the very beginning, the members of Eisoan were there Glancing at Lansa secretly. This is not coveting beauty. Rather, it is judging her identity and her relationship with the Boss. The result, of course, was nothing, Lansa who could act under Tang En's nose. With David and their cultivation, it is undoubtedly impossible to see through, and it is even more impossible to know the identity of the other person from the northern desert.

"Oh. This is Lansa." After chatting happily just now, Tang En almost forgot that he wasn't coming back alone. At this moment, he reacted a little sorry and introduced each other, "Lansa, this is a big deal. Wei, Harry, Luke, Sloth Bear..." Introduced the members of the first issue, and finally patted his chest, "It's all my brother!" One pick: "Eisoan?"

"Uh, you know?" Tang En was taken aback.

"I heard some." Lansa looked thoughtful nodded, she had investigated Tang En's intelligence before, and naturally knew the existence of Eisoan. Leaning over a little, he said a Titus etiquette, "Hello, I'm Lansa. First meeting, sorry to bother you." Tang En didn't say his true identity in detail just now, but he didn't hide it, so Lansa followed a brief introduction. Own.

"Haha, Miss Lansa is very kind." David and the others hurriedly greeted them and exchanged glances, especially looking at the red rope tied to the wrists of the Boss and Lansa. , I was stunned for a while, but I still couldn't figure out the relationship between the two for a while, and Tang En didn't want to go into details, and finally I greeted politely.

But Harry, because he knew about Lena, looked at Lansa a bit wrongly now, inwardly grumbled, thinking that this wouldn't be another romantic debt caused by the Boss outside.

Tang En's eyesight is so brilliant. It was because he didn't pay attention before, but now he sees everyone's eyes on his wrists intentionally or unintentionally, and then he suddenly realizes that the red rope has not been unraveled. With a pat on the forehead, he watched Lansa raise his wrist: "I'm too excited, throw this thing away, we'll be safe here."

Lansa brows slightly wrinkle and seemed a little unhappy, but then smiled, pointed to the front and said, "There are so many people here, aren't they here to greet you?"

When Tang En raised his head, wasn't he just here to greet him, walking at the front of the crowd with brisk steps, it was not Joah who couldn't hide his joy. A little behind are Frey and Victor, and behind them are a group of familiar senior executives.

When they were separated by a few meters, Frey and Tang En looked at each other and smiled, made a toast to drink, and stopped first. When he stopped, except for Joah, a group of people naturally stopped.

Tang En greeted him with a smile. This is a residence, not a private space. It is naturally impossible for the two of them to make some intimate actions. Keeping an arm's length, Tang En looked at Joah up and down. Except for a little exhaustion, he was sure that he did not find any injuries. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he was the first to greet: "Wife, long time no see."

Joah pursed his lips and chuckled, seemingly inadvertently grabbed a strand of hair and put it in his heart, and corrected it seriously: "We meet every day, husband."

In my heart...

Tang En smiled and felt very comfortable. A little tacit understanding, including meeting every day in the heart without words, and the husband and wife, outsiders who can't understand, and only belong to their intimate code name.

After staring at each other for a moment, knowing that this is not the right place, Tang En took the lead to look away, and turned to the side to falsely lead: "Come on, let me introduce you to a friend. Lansa, the business group at home, was on the way when I came here. The lucky guy who was rescued from the bandit." This introduction was, of course, intended for everyone not far away.

"Is that Miss Joah?" Looking at Joah, who was a little surprised, Lansa smiled lightly, and took the initiative to greet, "I've heard of you for a long time, the new leader of the Grey Cloth Armed Force. , it's really amazing!"

With admiration, he stretched out his hand and brushed the hair on his forehead and pinned it behind his ears, elegant and natural. At the same time, the red rope tied between the wrists is particularly eye-catching against the snow-white skin...


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