
"...haha, where is the beauty?"

In the harsh sound, a long knife across the waist , Holding a whip, the thin young man stepped into the house. As soon as he came in, the pair of mouse-shaped eyes straightened, staring at Lansa's delicate face, full of surprise and greed.

It's not surprising that this young man is so unbearable, Lansa's appearance and temperament are absolutely beautiful whether it is placed in Beihuang or Titus. It is no exaggeration to say that, from a certain point of view, Lansa is perfectly compatible with the beauty standards of the two countries - the delicate facial features of Titus women, coupled with the tall figure of Beihuang women, as picturesque as porcelain.

even more how, at the moment this environment is still a closed farm. I have only seen a village girl, and I have never seen many young people with a big world. At first sight, I am naturally shocked.

Lansa looked up at the young man after hearing this, and roughly judged that this should be Han Luo, the unfilial son in the thin old man's mouth, so he withdrew his gaze and continued to stare at Tang En, ignoring it. It's not that he didn't notice the young man's expression, but the level gap between the two sides was so great that even the emotion of anger and disgust was saved.

Bamutu's eyes turned cold when he saw this, and he was about to wave away the young man who didn't know whether to live or die, but the skinny old man on the side rushed forward and roared in a trembling voice: "Unfilial son... If you entered this house, get out of here!" The young man, Han Luo, didn't care about his father's roar at all, or didn't hear it, looked straight at Lansa, walked over, and immediately said, "Ouch..." He exclaimed in exclamation, but he looked too involved, and stepped on the vegetable ball that rolled out of the sack, and with a bang, he fell on his back.

I got up from the ground. Han Luo didn't feel pain at all. Just feel embarrassed. She laughed a few times, murmured and slipped on the ground, then rubbed her palms and stepped forward again: "hehe, what's the name of the beauty, where did she come from? How did she appear in my house? Come, talk to big brother, talk about... ..."

"Your family? You killed your big brother, you you you...you get out of here!" He gasped. His chest was ups and downs, and when the thin old man heard the words, his face flushed with anger, he blocked his sight, and smashed Han Luo's head with his pipe.

I couldn't see Lansa, but I saw a pipe smashed. Han Luo reacted quickly, he stepped back quickly, and scolded impatiently: "Old bastard, you motherfucker..." It seemed that he was aware that this casual scolding had brought himself in, and it was immediately a meal. Immediately after seeing the pipe hit again, he hurriedly protected his forehead. A ray of fierce light flashed in the eyes in an instant, "Old bastard, I think you have lived enough, and you are still fighting with me? Get out of here!" When he got a chance, he stretched out his hand and pushed it, and the skinny old man staggered back suddenly, swaying. fall. Seeing this frowned, Lansa hurriedly stepped forward to support the thin old man: "Master, are you alright? A lot of words"

"unfilial son...unfilial son ah..." The thin old man looked up at the sky and burst into tears Vertical and horizontal, I want to come to this time to regret that I was spoiled, and did not let the dead Hansen take good care of this ineffective young son.

He waved his hand irritably, "Old bastard, are you so annoying, are you annoying? Unfilial son, unfilial son, big brother, everything is fine, right? Talk to me again, and I'll send you down to see you now. He!" Intimidated, looking at Lansa, Han Luo's expression changed immediately, and happily said with a smile again, "Beauty, you haven't answered my question yet? But it doesn't matter, I'll introduce myself first. , my name is Han Luo, from Grey Cloth Armed Force. Have you ever heard of Grey Cloth Armed Force? It is a team dedicated to helping our commoners, it has a good reputation, hehe...”

Xu Zhixiang Showing his own strengths, this Han Luo immediately introduced the good reputation of Grey Cloth Armed Force. Of course, by the way, I also introduced how I was valued in Grey Cloth Armed Force, how heroic I was in combat, and so on. He praised himself so much that there is nothing in the sky, but one in the ground, which is very disgusting.

Bamutu also smiled and shook his head: "Ha, this Top Grade villain is also in Titus." After finishing his words, he didn't want to watch this farce continue, just waved his hand. To fan the opponent. But at this moment, suddenly,

an emotionless voice sounded out of nowhere, "Did he be damned?".

"Uh... awake?" Lansa and Bamutu were stunned when they heard the words, and subconsciously looked towards the steps beside them, where Tang En was still sitting upright, but his eyes were slightly closed and he didn't know when to open them. Kai, black and white eyes, deep and distant, looked at the slender old man, and asked again, "Do you think he deserves to die?".

"Unfilial son...Damn..."

"Okay. Then go over and kill him." He flipped his hand to show the dagger and handed it to the thin old man, Tang En His expression was calm and casual.

"Kill...kill him...kill him..." He fixed his gaze on the pitch-black dagger, the thin old man seemed to be possessed, and murmured several times in a low voice, then he did not use Lansa. With support, I grabbed the dark dagger, and the figure stood upright strangely, looking extremely vigorous.

"Haha, it seems that you old bastard is really tired and crooked. Anyway, that's all for you!" Seeing the thin old man walking step by step holding the dagger, Han Luo laughed ferociously, fiercely He looked at Tang En, "And you! I killed the old bastard, I will kill you next!" But the next moment, "Uh...what, what's going on? My hands..." Han Luo looked stunned for a moment, only to feel that his hands were tied tightly by ropes, unable to move. In a panic, I wanted to look down and found that my neck became extremely stiff, and then my body, waist, abdomen, legs and feet... The entire figure was up and down, except for the mouth and the eyeballs that were rolling in panic.

"Kill him...kill him..."

"Hey, hello! old bastard what do you want? Stop! Don't come here—I told you to stop, did you hear me? , you dare to take another step and try, take another step me me me... I was wrong! Sir Father, I was wrong... I am Han Luo, your only son - don't come here, please don't Come here—"

Seeing the thin old man getting closer and closer, Han Luo was completely panicked. While staring at both eyes and struggling, he shouted in anger or whimper. But no matter whether the content was threats, pity, or playing cards of family affection, the thin old man seemed to have never heard of it, muttered to himself, and approached step by step with a dagger.

"This..." Lansa looked at the unfathomable mystery, blinked, turned and looked towards Bamutu, "What power is this? Magic? Divine technique? Or something else?"

No response. Bamutu was staring at Han Luo with a frown. It seems to be perceiving something. But looking at the frowns that are getting tighter and tighter, you know that this move is not smooth. In fact, this is exactly the case. In Bamutu's perception and sight, there is no power fluctuation around Han Luo, including the ground under his feet. He lowered his head and looked towards Tang En, who was sitting upright on the steps. He just watched quietly, his hands were naturally spread on his knees, and there was no trace of manipulation, including the coercion on the Spiritual Plane...

What kind of power is this? ?

This is also a problem that Bamutu is struggling with. The only difference from Lansa is that he asked for the exit...

He is the Number One Powerhouse in Beihuang! He is the only fierce man in Beihuang who can sacrifice multiple devil beasts! Apart from Woodin, he is a peerless expert who is rarely rivaled across the continent! But right now, just as he didn't know what realm this kid was breaking through just now, he also didn't know what method this kid used to trap people...

It is true that the world's martial skills There are so many, even with the experience and knowledge of Ebamat, it is impossible to know all of them. But right now it's not a matter of martial skill moves, it's a matter of power system. If it is only trapped in the air, Bamutu knows several ways to do it. This is not unusual...

As everyone knows, there are only a few power systems on Caesar Continent. Titus's Battle Qi and magic, wild sacrifices and diving techniques, and at most Light God Temple's crazy stuff, that's it.

But no matter which kind, Bamutu could not find the corresponding traces on Tang En. If I have to say that it is similar, it is a bit similar to the light God Temple's set of god-like things, well, just a little. The difference between the two is still very big. Although Bamutu doesn't fully understand the Light God Temple's set of things, he knows that the other party is based on the gift of the gods. And now this Tang En...

The eyebrows are wrinkled into mountains and rivers, Bamutu's eyes are narrowed, and he is trying his best to perceive and think, just now he has some guesses. The source of Tang En's power seems to be the surrounding environment... No, it's Heaven and Earth... No, that's not right, he's not that perverted yet... To be precise, it should be Heaven and Earth in a certain area! In this area, he seems to be able to use some of the power between Heaven and Earth for his own use...

Or Titus Martial Artist absorbs the means between Heaven and Earth Battle Qi for his own use... After hesitation, Ba Mutu still shook his head. He felt that it wasn't that simple, at least it wasn't as simple as simply absorbing Battle Qi. Vaguely, Bamutu feels that this kind of power can no longer be called power, but something beyond the level of power... But, what is that?

No one can answer the question of Bamutu, and he himself is a little afraid to think further. Because this has broken his, or even broken, the cognition of this continent at this stage, and completely collapsed the thinking system.

Therefore, Bamutu is completely tangled...

Lansa is relatively easy. She didn't care that Bamutu, who sometimes shook her head and sometimes frowned, didn't get an answer. The so-called expert sees the doorway, and the layman sees the excitement. In Lansa's view, what Tang En is doing right now is amazing, but it's actually nothing special.

After all, isn't it just dealing with an unfilial son who can't make it to the table? Not to mention Tang En and Bamutu, Lansa, who is not familiar with martial skills, is also very confident, and he will simply overturn his opponent with no less than ten methods.

Of course, Han Luo didn't know what kind of terrifying tactics this seemingly weak beauty had. He didn't have time to think about this issue now. Looking at his old father who was already in front of him, Han Luo, who was in despair, was a little quick-witted, and instead of cursing and begging, he shouted for help.

"Help——brothers, there are... some Zhuang people who don't know whether to live or die are resisting, come and save me——"

Everyone who came along should know that Han Luo is in Zhuang This is a mess, so when he came to Zhuangwei and walked into this house, no one followed him. Han Luo didn't take the initiative to bring people here, after all, family shame cannot be made public. But what he is doing now can be called vicious. For fear that his companions will not respond in time, he insists on calling his old father a Zhuangmin who does not know how to resist, which is undoubtedly the death of this skinny old man!

Unfortunately, his wit came too late. When he shouted, although there was an immediate response and noise outside the door, the skinny old man had already walked up to him at this time, holding up the dagger,


"Kill him...kill him..."

"No no no - put the knife down! The old fart hears, put the knife down! Or wait for my brother to come over , I'll chop you into meat sauce - don't kill me, I'm Han Luo, Han Luo Aaahhhh Aaahhhh Aaahhhh -"

Screaming and screaming, poof, blood splashing. The dagger easily stabbed Han Luo's chest, completely submerged.

Immediately, because the hatred was too deep, the thin old man pressed Han Luo together with the dagger. bang. The two fell to the ground.

Get up. Sitting on the body of Han Luo, who was still screaming, still unable to move, the thin old man raised his dagger again, his cloudy old eyes lacking focus, "Kill him...kill him..." Pfft, again, blood splashed again , drenched the two of them all over their faces.

Han Luo is not dead yet. Still screaming, just a little lack of breath.

Although the thin old man has behaved very abnormally from the beginning to the present, it seems that a force has been injected into his body out of thin air, but after all, no one has been killed. , but they are not the key points, and Han Luo's life will not be lost for a while.

But it's not the end, it's just the beginning!

As if being woken up by this huge amount of blood, the skinny old man stopped and kept repeating the words that he kept muttering. The turbid old eyes began to focus, and the old palm holding the dagger began to tremble slightly. It seems that the next moment can no longer be held. But he lowered his head and saw Han Luo, who had a grim and contorted look on his face, this young son who he used to dote on but killed his elder brother himself, suddenly pulled the dagger tightly, raised his eyes, closed his eyes, and two lines of old tears instantly Drifting down, "Die, die, or die... It's better to apologize to Hansen, Han Luo..." Enough to easily fall into Han Luo's body again.

The left chest, the vital part of the heart, was killed by a knife!

The blood sprayed again, very red, very red, it should be redder than the sunset that the old man saw at that time... At this moment, bang, the half-closed wooden door was kicked open from the outside again, several times. The big man with the bright long sword rushed into the house in an instant, with murderous aura overflowing,

"Fuck! Who the hell dares to seek death... eh?" On the body, the thin and thin old man who was pressing his hands to his death, several big men were stunned, "Han, Uncle Han, you are..." The big guy who went out with Han Luo looked at the scene in front of him, opened his mouth, and was speechless again.

"This is Han Luo's father? I'm just kidding, this is so troublesome... what should I do?"

"Or, kill this Old Guy?"

"Is this appropriate?".

"Yi! Aha, where's the beauty..."

Obviously, not all the big guys know about the situation in the Han Luo Family, and after knowing it, they also feel that this is the situation in front of them. It's fucked up. How to do it? Come out to mix and be polite. According to this reasoning, you should avenge your partner. But now the one who killed the companion was the companion's father, so it would feel even more fucked up to take revenge... Fortunately, the entanglement didn't take too long. After looking up to see Lansa, the attention of the big men was instantly diverted.

At this moment, Tang En got up from the steps, looked at the big guys, and said again plainly: "Are they damned?".

"Shit!" Lansa brows slightly wrinkle looked at a few big men who were just about to have a laugh, and took the words and said decisively nodded!

"Then you have to die." Tang En was also nodded, with a wave of his right hand, a blood-colored dagger appeared out of thin air in his palm, raised his foot and walked towards the big men.

Immediately, a scene very similar to the previous one was staged again. The slight difference is that when faced with these immobile and defenseless big men, Tang En make a move is much simpler than the skinny old man. Passing by, a knife Cut-throat. I don't need to repent, and I don't need to waste a second knife.

It was very easy. After putting down these big men, he seemed to have noticed something. Tang En did not stop there, but stepped out of the door.

Bamutu and Lansa don't have to follow and don't need to do so, they jumped up the wall and watched Tang En dagger alone, at a moderate pace, towards the roaring big Han Shishi Then go. As soon as he entered a distance of about 30 feet, the irritable big man even moved with expressions, accompanied by a few fierce horses, and Qi Qi instantly became a stone statue of various shapes.

Passing by, swinging the knife, Cut-throat...

A series of movements are like flowing water and freehand, definitely can't be called fast. But even with such a slow movement, no enemy can escape, and it is impossible for someone to escape... After all, have you ever seen a statue running away?

Silently watching Tang En kill all the way from Zhuangwei to Zhuangzhong open space, Bamutu withdrew his gaze, let out a long mouthful of turbid air that had been held in his chest for a long time, and muttered to himself with a happy expression: "Fortunately...fortunately, there is not much control now..."

"What?" Lansa didn't hear clearly.

"Nothing... Well, girl, I suddenly realized that your eyesight is not worse than your mother. "...

Lansa was taken aback for a while, pushed the frame of the mirror, turned to look at Bamutu's serious appearance, and smacked his lips helplessly: "Bamutu grandfather, you are teasing me again. "

"hehe, you don't understand." "Knowing that Lansa doesn't know martial skills, Bamutu shook his head and smiled without explaining much. He secretly sighed in his heart, and thought angrily, I am willing to tease you. But looking at the current situation, as long as time goes by, this will change. The terrifying Deterrent power of . . . is no worse than that of the Titus war god Ziyi...

"Well, I don't understand. But I know that if he is allowed to kill like this again, none of these bandits will survive. Looking at Tang En, Lansa curl one's lip, who was following behind the bandits who fled in panic, said, "I have to trouble you, Bamutu grandfather, catch a bandit and ask where the Grey Cloth Armed Force is stationed. . Since they dare to come out under the banner of Grey Cloth Armed Force to swindle, there is not even a word of impossible. By the way, by the way, I will ask where their stockade is, let's go to the end... After all, I want to eat here, so I can't do nothing. "

"Okay. ”




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