
The dark night.

Under the small town, two people and one wolf, under the watchful eyes of the city gate behind them, who are shocked, dazed, humiliated, or unbelievable, etc., slowly walked towards the more vast unknown destination.

"You won again." He turned his head and roared at the rear, and Andre, who rushed out of the crowd, rushed towards this side, but was stopped by Bamutu in a flash... Withdrawing his sight , Lansa said to Tang En who couldn't stop wiping his sweat.

"That's necessary!" Although his current image is embarrassed, showing an external temperament called a lucky escape, Tang En's expression is still very hard, and he waved his hand, "Unexpected thing. Think about it. Think about it, if you didn't let me go just now, you would definitely die here. But if you let me go, they still have a chance to rescue you...hehe, such a simple choice, even a fool knows how to choose."

After a short pause, he grinned again with a smug smile, "To put it bluntly, this is a matter of face. At that time, Ba Lao said to leave you and let me go, which is already a step back. In this case, I If you refuse firmly, it is don't give face, and the consequences are unpredictable. But if you don't refuse, I will lose face, and my safety will not be guaranteed... So, pay attention, the turning point is here! Think about how I was at that time Speaking of..." took a deep breath, solemnly, "I am safe, you are safe! I die, and die in front of you... Look, what is domineering! I admire myself... This way, I don't give in , and catered to the psychology of Ba Lao and the others who want to protect you, and sent you a step up, wouldn't everyone be happy. Haha, I'm so witty... oh!"

clutching his stomach, Tang En, who is both depressed and unfathomable mystery, looked at the back of Lansa's head with an innocent face, "That's right, why hit someone... uh. Are you moved just now?"

"Moved ?hehe, I don't understand what you're talking about." He sneered twice. Lansa replies expressionlessly.

"Haha, be honest! Don't forget I'm Assassin. What Camouflage I can't see?"

Lansa grinned, as if not wanting to discuss the pointless He looked down at the giant wolf walking slowly, and asked, "Since they've all come out, shouldn't you run as fast as you can, and as far as you can?"

"You're not good at changing the topic... Well, I'm not afraid to tell you when you are so dragged." Tang En was sitting upright, but Tang En's expression was rather wretched and proud. Hey said with a smile, "Have you ever seen a dog chasing a man? When encountering a vicious dog with a slap in the face, if a man walks over calmly, or simply stands and squat down, the vicious dog will respect you three times. But once you turn around and run away, you will exude an aura called 'I'm weak' and 'I'm scared', it's no wonder that the vicious dog doesn't chase and bite you... So you can understand, right? So we Now we have to walk slowly, chat indifferently, let them think wildly, be suspicious..." "Understood." Lansa simply nodded, then turned to look. Indifferently said, "But the city wall has disappeared from our sight, in other words. They can't see us now, is it necessary to do this?"

"Uh...I'll go Don't you say it earlier? Drive, drive, drive—fast, beast run—"



Rear city under the wall.

Andre, who was barely calm, looked at Lansa who disappeared into the night, pushed away the two experts beside him, walked to Bamutu with a gloomy face, saluted, raised his head, and his eyes were burning. . In a blunt tone: "Ba Lao, I need an explanation!"

Bamutu didn't care about Andre's offense. Squinting at the direction where the two and one wolf disappeared, he said indifferently: "You also know this little Titus baby. Do you think you can save Lansa from his hands without injury?"

Andre couldn't help hearing the words After a moment of silence, he gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "At least there is a chance!"...

"Perhaps, but I think I have a better chance of following. What do you think, Captain Andrei?"

Andre was stunned when he heard the words, and then he realized that he was in a daze. He is not the only one who cares about Lansa's safety, and the number one powerhouse in Beihuang is no doubt the same. In this way, following from Bamutu is naturally the best choice.

I solemnly salute again, "Everything is old, please tell us what we need to do."

He waved his hand, "You can block the news, as for the rest, although this assassination is Surprisingly, I was lucky enough to get that Tang En, hum..." At this point, Bamutu seemed to have thought of something, very coldly snorted, and then continued with a gloomy face, "But according to Lansa that girl's scheming, it should be Arrangements have been made for this, you just do it. Remember, before we return, the army must not act rashly, and the position of commander must not be replaced, no one will do it! Understand?"

Listen This seemed to mean something, and Andre couldn't help but think of someone who had just arrived in the city, and solemnly replied: "Understood!"

"That's it... By the way, Tang En just said that we have an army attacking the Grey Cloth Armed Force, which army is this?"

"Uh, the army of His Royal Highness Theu."

"Tiu...it's him again..." Bamutu squinted his eyes, cold light flashed, decided something, and waved his hand coldly, "Send the order, before we come back, let that army bypass Grey Cloth Armed Force's territory."

When he finished speaking, he turned around and looked somewhere in the east, his long gown rolled up, and a random void pressed his palm down!

"Yes... eh?" Andre was stunned for a moment, before he could understand the meaning of this move, the Bamutu figure had risen into the sky and disappeared into the darkness in an instant.


East City District, a noble manor.

"Come, come, uncle, I...I'll give you another toast..." Tiu, whose face was flushed with alcohol, swayed and raised his glass, inarticulate. persuade to drink.

"You can't drink anymore, Tiu, you're already drunk." Shaking his head, Yuan Fang, who was also slightly drunk, hurriedly reached out to dissuade him.

"I'm not drunk, I'm sober... Uncle, this opportunity is really rare today, I have to toast you again, he he drink..." While talking about the unfathomable mystery, he mentioned Wu pushed Kai Yuanfang's arm and poured his drink in the glass with his head up.

As the saying goes, it's good, don't be afraid of drinking, but be afraid of getting drunk. Tiu's current Condition is obviously looking for drunk, Yuan Fang can only shake his head and smile when he sees this, and then he has to pick up the glass to accompany him for another drink.

But before the cup touches his lips, suddenly. Squeaky squeak...

In a short moment, the table was shaking and the wine jug was shaking. The ground was shaking, and the whole attic began to shake slightly. As if the end was coming in an instant, the heavy pressure of the thunder gathered and formed on the Rapid Speed above the head.

"What, what... the situation?" The drink in half of his brain numbed his vigilant nerves. After a moment of stunned, Yuan Fang didn't realize the danger at the first time. Rapid Speed avoided it, but looked around. , looked bewildered.

"Sure enough...it was discovered, hehe..." Compared to Yuan Fang, who was shocked and dazed. Tiu, who was still drunk and swaying from side to side just now, sat upright with his head upright, his back straight, and muttered to himself in a low voice. It seems that he is not at all surprised by the current situation...

In fact, this is exactly the case. Tiu does not feel that his plan is very thorough. Mouth, invite him to drink every night, let him leave Lansa's side, and give Titus Assassin a chance to get off the phone...I have to say. The plan is indeed rudimentary and requires a lot of luck. Only by chance and coincidence can there be hope of success.

Of course. There is really no better choice for Tiu now. Not to mention that the probability of having several points of success is one percent, one in ten thousand, and he is willing to gamble!

And fate, this thing, often doesn't like to play cards according to common sense. In the end, he turned out to be successful.

In the previous City Lord's mansion, if Bamutu did not come to drink, but stayed around Lansa, no matter how exquisite Tang En Concealment was, it was impossible to get close to Lansa. Not to mention the subsequent kidnapping...

This result can only be said to be the Will of Heaven toys with the man. Useless!

Of course, Ba Lao has lived for so many years and is not in vain. Although there is no conclusive evidence, it is not difficult to see the weak spot in this not-so-well-planned plan, given the consequences. So, revenge came after the incident...

But Tiu was not afraid of this. On the contrary, he was laughing.>


Of course this does not mean that Tiu is crazy, although now he is indeed with a madman... Tiu has reason to be excited, the reason is very simple, Bamutu What does this mean? It means that there is indeed a problem with Lansa! haha...

Once a long-cherished wish comes true, of course Tiu will laugh!

At this time, Yuan Fang couldn't smile anymore. When the weight of the mountain first arrived, he was like a fish that was caught out of the water. He was pressed to the ground, and the skeleton around him cracked and cracked, completely unable to move even a little bit. The brain, which received countless pain responses in an instant, seemed to burst open, with a splitting headache. At the same time, he had to open his mouth wide, and while breathing desperately, he vomited a large mouthful of blood and pieces of internal organs...

next moment, bang——

The air wave Soaring to the sky, dust and dust were flying, mixed with rubble and sawdust that shot in all directions, this rather delicate attic suddenly collapsed and fell into a pile of garbage in an instant.

The accident happened too suddenly and without any warning. Therefore, until the flying smoke and dust were roughly blown away by the cold night wind, the urgent cries of the guards came from far and near.

And at this moment, with a bang, broken wood splashed everywhere, and Tiu, whose face was covered in blood, staggered to his feet from the ruins, turned his head to look around, scratched his messy hair, and didn't care. The warning sound came from all around, but swayed and walked a few steps, lowered his head and looked around, as if he was looking for something...

Of course not looking for Yuan Fang's corpse, the thunder just now was overwhelming. Most of them are aimed at Yuan Fang, who is now impossible to leave any trace in this world!

Putong - kneeling on both knees, reaching out tremblingly to pick up a fragment of a wine can from the ruins, looking at the few remaining drops of wine on it, Tiu looks like crying or laughing, grinning and whimpering , "Uncle Yuan Fang...it's me...I'm sorry..."

Whether the plan was successful or not, whether Lansa was killed or not, Tiu knew very well before that he would never die!

Because he is His Royal Highness the Imperial Family, and is the nominal first-in-line heir. Therefore, even if Lansa is not dead, and a post-mortem liquidation is required, the order to judge him can only be issued by the Queen. And if Lansa was assassinated, he wouldn't die. Because the Queen has only two heirs and the Northern Wilderness Imperial Family has only two heirs, no matter how wrong he is, he will not be sentenced to capital punishment.

Of course, Bamutu's anger must also be vented. So, Tiu brought Yuan Fang to accompany him for the wine... It's not that Tiu wants this uncle who has been taking care of him to die, but that he has no other choice. Bamutu's anger will not be vented on him, nor will it be vented on any cat or dog, that's meaningless. So even for maximum warning. Bamutu also has to kill a person who has enough weight to show him Tiu...

In this way, things are simple.

Who has the most weight around Tiu? It was naturally Yuan Fang's lieutenant who had been giving advice to Tiu and was always by his side...

raise hand . The fragments of the wine jug slowly slid in front of Tiu, and a few drops of wine fell slantingly. Falling on the ruins of dirt, instantly disappeared.

"...Uncle, I respect you...don't blame me, really don't blame me. You know, I don't have a choice, I never choose...hū chī...Uncle, you always help me , always stand by my side. I do this, you should understand it... I am a dog now. No one looks down on me, everyone wants to step on me... I have to sit on the throne, I can't fail , otherwise, die without a burial site...I said this, you will definitely understand, right...Anyway, I think it's worth doing this..."

He lowered his head and murmured, "Yuan Uncle Fang, what do you think..."



Well, no matter what Uncle Yuan, who has turned into smoke, thinks , Now no one returns a word to Tiu. There must be something strange about this. So let's turn our attention away and focus on the more interesting kidnappers...

When the hustle and bustle of the night gradually calmed down, the little bright rays of light in the eastern sky. It finally began to show its presence.

Dawn is coming.

"Ha...ha..." Sitting on Lansa's back on the back of the Mercedes-Benz Wolf, he was pouting and heating the lens in his hand, then he shook his head and complained while wiping it with a soft square cloth. Said, "Your invention is flawed. When you encounter morning fog, or when you enter a warm room with a fire from the outdoors, the lens is always foggy, and it is very troublesome to wipe it off."

"I'm not satisfied. It would be nice to have clear vision again. It's just a bit of work, there's nothing to complain about." twitched his lips. Tang En, who was sitting behind him, disapproved when he heard the words. Of course, mainly because he didn't know how to solve this problem. Although the world is good to have anti-fog eyes. But Tang En doesn't think he can replicate that kind of manufacturing process...

Lansa is a little regretful to hear this: "After all, it is a defect, Beihuang has already started mass production of this thing, if it can be solved, then Of course it's better, but it's a pity... By the way, I have an elder who also can't see clearly, but why do I try on him with glasses of many degrees, but they all have no effect?"

Tang En The corner of his mouth twitched, speechless saying: "Because he is not short-sighted, he is presbyopic... You feel the lens in your hand to see if it is a little concave. If you want to make glasses that can be seen by your elders, you must You have to use a convex mirror."

"It's that simple?"

"It's that simple... But then again, you use my stuff to mass-produce and sell it for money, right? Should I pay me some royalties or something?"

"Of course I should."

Stunned, then overjoyed, "Ha! Just accept the account, I'll give you an address, there are When the time comes, send someone to bring the money."

Shaking his head, "I don't care about this, the money for selling glasses has been put into the treasury, and now the North Desolate Tribe is run by my mother. So you think If you want money, just go and talk to my mother. It just so happens that the mother always wants to talk to you about destroying the imperial city when you leave."

"I don't... You're like..."


Well, it's really nice. If anyone without the inside information saw this scene, they would never have imagined that these two people are the relationship between kidnappers and hostages.

But if you think about it, this is normal. Tang En and Lansa are already acquainted with each other, and even though their positions are against each other, they both know that the other party will not harm them. In this way, when they get along with each other, the estrangement of long-lost reunion will be quickly dispelled. They are like old friends, and they can talk about any topic. Chat, it seems unusually harmonious.

Of course, there are still problems to face. For now, there are two main problems, one is the impact of Lansa's departure on the barbarian army and the entire war situation, and the other is where Tang En should take Lansa to now...

After all, he is a man, and it is a small talk. Yu or Tang En asked Lansa's question first, which was the first question, and expressed concern for the other party. It's certainly not out of apology, and certainly not out of taking pleasure in other people's misfortune. Although the two are not enemies of life and death, it is a fact that their positions are different. Tang En wouldn't think that it was wrong to hold Lansa away, he was just thinking about each other out of a friend's position.

However, Lansa didn't seem to care about this at all, and waved his hand casually, "It doesn't matter, the army on my side has almost completely broken through the proud blockade of the Titus border. The suicidal attack of the Titus army this time, although it achieved your assassination goal, actually exhausted their last remaining resistance. In the next battle, as long as we continue to fight, Titus north will not be able to hold. .And even if we stop the attack, the most troublesome border blockades are still in our hands, and we can launch a deadly attack at any time."

paused, looked towards Tang En, "Of course, if it is determined that I am dead Or if it falls into the hands of Titus, my army should be plunged into turmoil. At this time, if the Titus side counterattacks at any cost, it is still possible to retake the border.”

Professional enough, also Honestly enough, that's the truth.

But in this way, the pressure is undoubtedly on Tang En's side. Thinking that he will be able to control the situation of the continent one day, Tang En can't help but feel a little emotional, especially if Assassin can do what I do, it is unprecedented...

Shaking his head, said with a smile, " Your safety can determine the outcome of the war...hehe, that sounds like a bragging."

"Ha, yes, I'm that good..."


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