
The lively Imperial Capital Hualang trial event, after all, because no victim was willing to testify, in the first The second trial ended with Philip's acquittal.

After this battle, the Imperial Capital Hualang's name was completely launched and spread all over the north and south of Titus, and for a long period of time, it became the interest of the commoner of the capital's aristocrats after dinner. When the woman heard the news, she had mixed feelings of love and hatred. Men are envious and jealous and feel that the gods dozed off, which is how the scourge escaped without guilt...

However, no matter what kind of feelings and feelings, soon after a new topic was created, it was quickly picked up by the public. Selectively forget about it.

This is the capital, lively, prosperous, and almost any rhythm comes faster than any other town.

While in it, Tang En did not have the slightest leisure to feel the excitement and appreciate the prosperity. After returning from Philip's residence that night, Tang En spent the whole night thinking about Philip's disclosure. meaning of words.

Pay more attention to Joah and Grey Cloth Armed Force...

Then the morning of the second day, Tang En sent accompanying Eisoan members to collect all the news about Grey Cloth Armed Force and Joah. The latter has very little news, and the most frequent occurrences are on the arrest warrants of Titus Guilds. In contrast, the former news is quite vast and numerous.

All visitors are welcome. As long as the content is relevant, Tang En will be entered into the system first. Then organize, analyze, judge... Finally, I am at a loss!

Listening to Philip, Woodin seems to be trying to force Joah and Grey Cloth Armed Force into submission. But Tang En thought about it, but still didn't have any clue.

Joah's safety goes without saying, she's now in the military. Protected by David and the hundreds of thousands of soldiers. As long as Woodin doesn't go north. Tang En couldn't think of anyone else who could threaten Joah's safety. And now he is in the capital. So Woodin impossible, refraining from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases, went north.

Not to mention Grey Cloth Armed Force, the situation is very good, unless Titus is willing to ignore the safety of the border and directly bring back the Three Great Legions on the front line, otherwise Tang En is really not worried. What force can threaten the now growing Grey Cloth Armed Force...

Could it be that Woodin is making fun of him?

Well, Tang En and Woodin have been together for a while. With the temperament of the Old Feng child, it is not impossible to amuse him. But when it comes to the current Titus crisis, Woodin, as the Guardian God of this empire, seems unlikely to have the time to joke around at this time...

Tang En is tangled, and it doesn't feel very good to be plotted against. What's even worse is the daze that you know you are plot against, but don't know when and where to start breaking the game.

Day after day, half a month passed. The capital is still prosperous and lively, and Tang En is more and more anxious. It was an intuitive hunch, Tang En felt that Woodin wasn't teasing him this time, something bad was happening. And it's for him...

Tang En, whose patience is about to run out, is ready to plan an adventure to stay at the foot of Woodin's small residence. When I blocked an insider, that is, Woodin's eldest brother Haita, a message came over...

The news came from Woodin, passed through the hands of Philip, and then from the exposed capital's secret agency personnel That, finally came to the hands of Tang En.

There is a thick stack, and when I look up is a small note, which should be written by Woodin. That's right - 'Little Tang, trouble! ^-^'

Concise words, plus an oddly familiar smiley face. Just like Tang En's familiar tone pattern when he killed the traitor in Woodin in front of one's eyes.

Under the note is a folded map, a military map of a certain area in the north, on which several arrow lines are drawn in three colors.

Tang En doesn't understand military strategy, but he can always understand a little bit of military maps. even more how The picture in front of me is not complicated at all, the gray area represents the Grey Cloth Armed Force, which is located in the middle of the map and is a bit narrow. Parts of the east, west, south, and north of the Grey Cloth Armed Force are marked with black, representing the Titus Empire, which is extremely broad.

There is nothing wrong with such a stark contrast. Titus' territory is indeed very large, especially in the north, and it is unobstructed and does not know where it ends. So don't look at Grey Cloth Armed Force's commotion for a long time after it came out of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, but the actual territory it occupies is still a little small compared to the vast territory of Titus.

North of the Grey Cloth Armed Force, a small area not surrounded by the Titus Empire, a red arrow that seems horrible to see, runs through the Titus area along a line called Sharon on the map , extending to the vicinity of the Grey Cloth Armed Force site. Looking at that trend, if it continues to move forward, it will definitely cut off the area occupied by the Grey Cloth Armed Force!

And that red arrow represents the northern barbarians!

The small characters are marked on the side—years and days, Beihuang officially broke through the Titus border blockade!

Well, the day before yesterday...

There is no news of the North Desolate Tribe breaking through the Titus border blockade, at least not in the capital. And there is no doubt that if this news spreads, even people who are as comfortable as the capital city will fall into boundless panic in an instant, and they will be in constant panic.

It should be known that the North Desolate Tribe has not stopped attacking and invading for hundreds of years, but the actual situation is that they did not have a successful breakthrough blockade and killed the Titus hinterland.

Now, they succeeded. And it is possible for them to record the sacrificial flag for this breakthrough, but it is the Grey Cloth Armed Force...

Seeing this, combined with the words that Philip had passed on on his behalf, how could Tang En still not understand Woodin means. Sure enough, when I opened the thick stack of information below the map, it contained all the intelligence information the Titus military had collected about the barbarian mysterious commander.

Flip over it casually and put it down, Tang En thought for about three seconds.

waved his hand, "Prepare your horse, go back to the north!"


North, Grey Cloth Armed Force, army tent.

"Breakthrough so soon..."

"Really the northern barbarians?"

"The Titus border was not held..."

"hmph! They didn't defend anything, I guess they did it on purpose, they just wanted to use us as a shield. In this way, they could block the barbarians and hit us along the way, one move, two gains..."

"Mummy, it makes sense, it must be so! I said that in the past few days, how did the Titus soldiers act like crazy, blocking our advance regardless of the cost of casualties, so they were waiting here... It's so fucking cruel!"

"It's careless, it's careless...I don't even count the barbarians..."

"It's unlucky...what I said earlier, don't Hit the Sharon military point, don't occupy this sensitive place. You don't listen, what's going on now..."

"Shut up! What's the use of talking about this now? You can guess half a month ago. How could such a thing happen?"

"I can't think of it, but if you listened to me at the time, such a problem would not occur today!"

"Childish! Fuck you Let's go to the propaganda work, this is a special battlefield, you are better at fighting than me? Our previous strategic plan was set in this area, and there is no way to avoid it, it has something to do with taking the Sharon main road..."

"Rude! Barbaric! I don't know how to fight, but I have eyes, and the barbarian army is clearly coming in along the Sharon main road. As long as we avoid then, they won't provoke us at all. ..."

"Shit! It's ridiculous..."


Arguing, cursing, arguing, sometimes mixed with dejected sighs, normal atmosphere The majestic military tent is now like a noisy market, making a mess.

Like the vast majority of the Titus population, the Grey Cloth Armed Force didn't expect the Northern Barbarians to break through the frontier blockades that had been impossible to break through for hundreds of years. So simply didn't notice that the closest place to the frontier was actually the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains area where they were!

And when the secret agency personnel rushed to send the information early in the morning, the military tent was already in chaos. It was shocking and unbelievable at first. Quiet arguments and quarrels.

Barbarians... Honestly, Grey Cloth Armed Force doesn't know Barbarians very well. One of the few encounters is that with Titus, the Grey Cloth Armed Force sent troops to the front to fight the barbarians alongside Titus soldiers.

But at that time, they only assisted by the side, and the main force against the barbarians was actually the Titus army.

This time is different. If there is no accident, they will directly confront this barbarian with the most terrifying individual battle strength on the continent as the main force!

Confidence...it's really not much...

......(To be continued..)

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