Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 568 Battle across time and space

A vivid and vivid battle, which vividly demonstrated the power of Mu Dun and the tactical level of the Ninja God.

Even in the stereotype of the Konoha ninja clan, Senju Hashirama is the kind of person who 'can bully a gentleman', but this is actually a wrong perception.

As a famous ninja, there is no one who is not ruthless, especially Senju Hashirama, a strong man who rose up in the bloody battles of the major ninja clans in the Warring States period and even ended the troubled times. The most important thing is the thunderbolt method, but he has What you do is nothing but what you don’t do.

However, even if Senju Hashirama was reborn, he felt quite uncomfortable when he saw the majestic seven-headed tailed beasts + a jinchūriki and a large group of Uchiha and Uzumaki ninjas emerging from the sea.

The Uzumaki clan is Senju's thousand-year marriage ally, and those tailed beasts were basically captured by him and distributed to the major ninja villages; as for the Uchiha, they are members of his best friend Madara's clan...

He only learned about what was happening in the ninja world from the mouth of the Sage of Six Paths, and he had not had time to return to his homeland, but when he saw the Uchiha and Uzumaki ninjas and the tailed beasts standing together, he felt quite uncomfortable in his heart.

"Konoha no longer exists..."

Senju Hashirama sighed secretly and had no intention of attacking first.

Senju Hashirama saw the shadow of Madara from Uchiha Tokko's body. But according to the information he obtained from the Sage of Six Paths, Uchiha Tokumitsu's lineage has no relationship with Uchiha Madara.

And just when the Senju Hashirama was sitting and watching Uchiha Tokumitsu lead his troops in formation, and he was only concerned about the sadness of spring and autumn, the seabed rock formations that originally bound the White Snake Sage suddenly emerged from the thick white mucus, locking him. The giant wooden hand of the White Snake Immortal corroded away.

'Roar! ’

The White Snake Immortal let out a weak cry, and then broke free from the shackles of Mu Dun.

Senju Hashirama turned around somewhat unexpectedly and looked at the Slug Immortal who was slowly emerging from the rock formations on the seabed, revealing his huge body on the sea surface.

"It's you, long time no see..."

After many years, he met his comrades again, but the two sides had separated into two different camps. Senju Hashirama couldn't help but feel filled with emotion.

"It's been a long time indeed..."

Slug Immortal's voice was still as gentle and soft as ever, but he still stood firmly on the opposite side of Senju Hashirama.

This is not only a position, but also the fundamental opposition between the living and the undead.

"Master Hashirama, why do you want to return to this world..."

Immortal Slug was as polite as ever to his former contractor, but there was also a hint of disappointment in his tone: "Life and death are different paths, and the pure land is the place to rest..."

Although the huge Slug Sento spoke softly, it was like thunder in the ears of the ninjas. Everyone, including Sanshouyu Hanzo, was shocked and at a loss.

The Uchiha clan had also seen Wood Release in the battle to round up Asura, so they were not surprised; but if Wood Release is connected with Senju Hashirama, who has been dead for many years, then what is the meaning behind this matter? It has to make people think about it.


Senju Hashirama was speechless.

He couldn't tell whether his current state was considered a living person or a dead person, or perhaps a living dead; but in any case, a dead person who took the body of an earthly person and reappeared was against ethics.

In addition, Senju Hashirama is not as sharp-tongued as his younger brother Tobirama, and is not good at this kind of debate, so he can only reluctantly nod to Slug Sage again, then turn around and turn his gaze to Uchiha Tokko.

"Good day, Hashirama-senpai."

Uchiha Tokko faced Senju Hashirama's scrutiny calmly and took the initiative to say hello.

It's just that although the words were polite, the fire release flames on his body were already intertwined with the chakra of the two-tailed beasts, and the flame fan in his hand was also filled with the rising shadow of chakra, as if it was ready. Preparation for action.

"Hello, Your Majesty, whom I have never met before..."

There was also a smile on Senju Hashirama's face.

"...Who asked you to return to the world of the living?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu had no intention of continuing to be polite, but asked directly.

As soon as the words were spoken, both the ninjas who were accompanying him and the two immortals, Slug and White Snake, immediately pricked up their ears and planned to hear what happened.


Senju Hashirama's mouth opened and closed, but no sound came out, and then he shook his head.

In fact, it's not that he doesn't want to say it, but that he can't help himself.

Just when he was about to reveal the person behind the resurrection incident, he suddenly completely lost control of his body and couldn't say anything he wanted to say.

'Sealing Technique...'

At this time, Senju Hashirama also sensed the backhand of the Six Paths Sage who seemed to be magnanimous and allowed him to act expediently in this body.

Although this kind of behavior is easy to understand from his own point of view, if it happens to him, Senju Hashirama will still feel very uncomfortable in his heart.

After all, being a strong person has the self-esteem of a strong person.

"Old man Liu Dao also stretched his hand too far..."

Uchiha Tokko smiled coldly.

Senju Hashirama's expression changed slightly.

In this way, everyone present could roughly guess what was going on.


Uchiha Tokumitsu took a long breath as condensed as sword light, and slowly raised the flame fan in his hand.

And just after Uchiha Tokumitsu led his troops to the battlefield, the navy and pirate coalition began to feel a little at a loss.

Shanks, who was on the speedboat, was at a loss since Namikaze Minato and all the ninjas knelt down to worship, but he also inferred from the fanaticism expressed by everyone that the person who came was anything but ordinary, especially the seven-headed beast. Neptune also wants a huge behemoth...

Kizaru, on the other hand, had a gloomy expression on his face, staring intently at Uchiha Tokimitsu who was standing at the head of the Erwei Mata Brigade.

His left arm was severed by Uchiha Tokumitsu, who commanded the powerful Susanoo in the Battle of Toshima!

But he didn't act rashly. After all, he had some experience of the power of this mysterious 'strong remnant'.

Therefore, Kizaru's inner position began to lean toward the family's commander-in-chief, Cyborg Kong.

However, Sakaski, who originally planned to end this naval rebellion and return "justice" to its original track, became more active.

'It seems... there's a lot to be done...'

Sakaski licked his lips, first glanced at Kizaru with a look of resentment on his face, and then jumped up and landed on the navy ship.

"Mr. Hashirama, before we conflict, please allow me to ask one last question..."

The Flame Escape Flame on Uchiha Tokko's body began to condense the natural energy in the void. While continuously strengthening the strength of the chakra, it also emitted five colors of light: "Are you willing to just retreat?"


Senju Hashirama shook his head silently.

Even if he is controlled by others, the pride originating from his heart will not allow him to be timid in front of Madara's juniors without fighting. Otherwise, if Madara Uchiha knew better, he would not know how to laugh at him.

But he didn't have much chance of winning in his heart. After all, the previous battle that defeated six powerful navy pirates consumed too much of his strength.

"That would offend..."

Uchiha Tokko smiled slightly.

"Five-color divine light!"

With a "swipe" sound, a five-color blurred light curtain swept towards Senju Hashirama.

"Wood Release: Ranking Technique!"

Senju Hashirama shouted softly, and used Wood Release to create a wooden shield shaped like a fang face to block the five-color divine light.


With the loud explosion of ninjutsu, the wooden shield broke.


Senju Hashirama was greatly surprised!

As early as the Battle of the Valley of the End, he relied on this ninjutsu to withstand Uchiha Madara's Susanoo's charged blow without getting hurt!

But he didn't have time to think too much, so he quickly dodged, trying to avoid the five-color divine light that had been greatly weakened after breaking the wooden shield.


The Mudun Forest behind him was immediately scattered by the five-color divine light!

"Good guy..."

Even Senju Hashirama couldn't help but his eyelids twitched.

This is no longer a simple secret technique.

Although it does not reach the level of a bloodstain snare, it is far beyond the ordinary bloodstain elimination power!

"Line up and fight!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said a word, and activated the power of the Mangekyou Sharingan to connect with the two-tailed dragon sitting next to him——

"Awesome Susanoo!"

The three-headed, six-armed, two-winged demon statue that reaches high into the clouds suddenly appears again!


The six-headed tailed beasts and the three-tailed jinchūriki, Tachibana Yagura, then looked up to the sky and roared, and they all summoned their own tailed beast chakra to manifest their complete forms.

Suddenly, the wind and clouds were changing, lightning and thunder were happening, as if the end was coming; against the background, the wooden escape forest created by Senju Hashirama was nothing.

The imperial army Uchiha ninjas and Uzumaki seal ninjas who accompanied them retreated several hundred meters and set up a sealing barrier on the spot. Sanshouyu Hanzo reluctantly channeled the Sanshoyu well ambush under the power and shock, and then dived into the sea to attack the wave. Sneak away in the direction of Feng Shui Gate.

"Immortal Technique, Flame Release, Dust Hidden Technique!"

Under Uchiha Tokumitsu's simple urging, a stream of extremely high-temperature Flame Release smoke began to spread. Wherever it went, the Wood Release Forest not only failed to absorb the chakra from the ninjutsu's effect, but became a little sluggish. He looked weak and lacked vitality; and the captured Sengoku began to have blisters all over his body.

"Illusion: The Art of Darkness!"

Although Senju Hashirama was a little embarrassed when he accidentally took a breath of high-temperature smoke, he clapped his hands and immediately launched a large-scale illusion specially designed to target ninjutsu ninjas.

"Five-color divine light!"

The powerful Susanoo flashed his wings and waved out a five-color light, sweeping away the shady curtain created by the illusion. Even the extremely wide range of the Wooden Forest was destroyed by one blow!


Senju Hashirama had a headache.

After activating the illusion, he was accidentally rubbed by the five-color divine light on his shoulder, and immediately felt that the chakra in his body was missing. And judging from the power of the attack, its intensity was even higher than that of the Wood Release!

"What a troublesome opponent..."

After escaping from the slash of the mighty Susanoo giant sword, Senju Hashirama couldn't help but feel a headache.

If he were in the ninja world at this time, he could still rely on his senjutsu to compete with Uchiha Tokumitsu, but at this time not only did his strength consume most of it, but even the extremely thin natural energy in the void was consumed. No longer being 'dispatched' by oneself, it is naturally extremely uncomfortable to deal with the fluctuations and ebbs and flows.


Uchiha Tokumitsu's powerful Susanoo was like sweeping away weeds, destroying all the wood escape forest created by the preoccupied Senju Hashirama, and Sengoku, who was tightly wrapped in the giant wood escape tree, was caught. , and threw it towards the array of Imperial Forest Army ninjas and Uzumaki ninjas that were forming in the rear.

The Uzumaki ninja hurriedly caught the thrown Sengoku, and unsealed a set of sea tower stone torture instruments from the scroll, binding Sengoku again.

"Wooden Release: The birth of the tree world!"

"Wooden Release: Wooden Man's Technique!"

The Thousand-Hand Pillar jumped a few times to get out of the coverage area of ​​the Dust Hidden Technique, and then clapped his hands, spawning a wood escape forest and forming a tall wooden man.

But Uchiha Tokumitsu's powerful Susanoo arrived in an instant, wielding various chakra weapons with six giant arms, slashing the tall wooden man with bruises all over his body.

"Immortal Technique·Wood Release·True Thousands of Hands!"

At this time, Senju Hashirama did not care about the loss, and used the power of his soul to burn like crazy, combined with the remaining senjutsu chakra, to create a huge Buddha statue that was even taller than the powerful Susanoo!

"Ho ho ho!"

But before Senju Hashirama, who was empty in his body, could launch an attack, the seven tailed beasts that revealed their true forms crashed into the huge Buddha statue one after another, burning the tailed beast chakra desperately to attack!

Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet each other, and this is the case at this moment!

Even though Senju Hashirama was summoned by the old man of Six Paths by unknown means, he is the biggest enemy to the tailed beasts who were once imprisoned!

If they were to attack the Six Paths Sage directly, the tailed beasts would probably still have some psychological barriers, but if they were to attack Hashirama, they would immediately share the same hatred.


Taking advantage of the delay of the tailed beast, the mighty Susanoo's chakra weapon cut the tall wooden man in half and completely destroyed it with a five-color divine light, and then moved towards Senju Hashirama who jumped on the huge Buddha statue again. Kill.

"What a formidable junior..."

Although the predicament at this time was also caused by Senju Hashirama's own tactical errors, the power displayed by Uchiha Tokumitsu was enough to shock Senju Hashirama, the invincible master of the ninja world throughout his life.

If he had to leave, it would be no surprise that he would be able to escape smoothly.

But as a strong man, especially in the current situation where he is controlled by others, Senju Hashirama decided to burn his last strength and let the junior Uchiha Tokimitsu feel the shock from Senju!

"Five-color divine light!"

While the mighty Susanoo slashed with his sword, Uchiha Tokumitsu mustered up his strength and emitted the most brilliant five-color light from each of Susanoo's eyes!

"Become a Buddha on top!"

Under the urging of Senju Hashirama, the Shinjutsu Senju's Buddha statue waved countless arms in unison, swaying all seven tailed beasts away, and struck at the mighty Susanoo!

"Boom boom boom!"

Accompanied by a loud noise that resounded throughout the world, violent explosion shock waves surged in all directions, causing the sealing formation at the rear to break like paper; and the navy pirate ships in the distance were struck on the spot. Overturned and sunk!

As the smoke and dust dispersed, the embarrassed tailed beasts rushed back again, and the result of the devastating collision was also revealed.

The powerful Susanoo only had one arm and one wing left, and his torso was in tatters. He was recovering at an extremely slow speed under the influence of Uchiha Tokumitsu's chakra.

The thousands of hands seemed to be intact, but when blown by the breeze, they slowly dispersed like smoke.

The same is true for the Thousand-Armed Pillar standing on top of the Buddha statue.

"Your name is Deguang..."

Senju Hashirama's face was filled with a happy smile.

At this time, the left half of his body had disappeared with the wind, and the destruction and collapse were spreading to the remaining body.

"Yes, Mr. Hashirama."

Uchiha Tokumitsu took the initiative to leave the interior of the powerful Susanoo, stood on the head of the demon statue, and looked directly at the legendary figure.

"very good……"

"It will be your time from now on..."

Following Senju Hashirama's words, the right half of his body also dispersed with the wind, leaving only a head floating in the air with eyes full of care and looking toward the gate of the world.

"What a pity, I haven't had time to meet Madara yet..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the head disappeared in the wind. (End of chapter)

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