Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 488 The Guiding Ideology of Songunism

The idea of ​​​​expanding the ninja world's army also came from the outstanding performance of the colonizing ninjas who were born in Iwagakure during the battle of Mt. Myoboku.

After the war, Uchiha Tokumitsu also specially called in various documents of Iwagakure to read them, and then he really found a lot of merits in them.

Among them, in addition to Iwagakure's collection of secret techniques, the most valuable ones are Onoki's 'first military doctrine' in response to the threat of the shogunate and the training and expansion ideas for Iwagakure ninjas.

Although the individual combat power of the Iwagakure ninja is at the bottom among the five major ninja villages, when the number of people reaches a certain number, the combat power that the Iwagakure ninja, who emphasizes discipline and uniformity, can burst out is actually greater than that of other ninjas. Village.

However, during the battle of Takinohara, the Iwagakure ninja army under Onoki faced the Shogunate ninja army who had an absolute advantage in equipment. Before the Iwagakure ninjas had time to take advantage of their combined ninjutsu, they were swept away by a storm. The artillery fire defeated the village and led to the destruction of Ninja Village.

But this does not deny the brilliance of Iwagakure in the system of building the ninja army. After all, compared to Kumogakure, who made the entire Land of Thunder people miserable in order to expand armaments, the number of ninjas cultivated by Iwagakure's system is not only greater. There are many, even the new generation of ninjas are not weak in their overall quality.

Therefore, Uchiha Tokumitsu accepted borrowingism without hesitation and packaged Iwagakure no Onoki's militarism as the guiding ideology for the construction of the dynasty's army and navy and even the government affairs of the ninja world, including Academy City and the expansion of the 100,000 ninja army. Such ideas and policies also originate from this.

At the same time, Huangtu was officially pardoned by Uchiha Tokumitsu for his outstanding performance in the Battle of Mt. Myoboku, and received a new appointment immediately after being removed from the roster of colonizing ninjas.

"Director of Supervision of the Reserve Administration Bureau? What is this position?"

When Huang Tu received the appointment certificate, he couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw the new position assigned to him.

It looks...something amazing!

In his understanding, the so-called reserve force was a key department related to the Ninja Army's continued combat capabilities and expansion in times of war, and the director of the Supervisory Department knew as soon as he heard that it was a position of considerable power.

And Uchiha Tokumitsu... No, your respected Majesty would actually trust himself, a defeated sin-nin, so much?

"The Reserve Management Bureau is a secondary functional department directly under the newly established General Administration of Education. It is mainly responsible for the registration and management of ninjas who are registered but not in the ninja army. The responsibility of the Supervision Department is to be responsible for executive supervision and policy implementation."

The attendant ninja who came to deliver the order said gently.

"General Administration of Education..."

Huang Tu pondered for a moment and asked again: "Which senior ninja is the director of the General Bureau?"

"The chief is the Eighth Generation Uchiha Senator, and the person in charge of the specific work is Dean Orochimaru; while the director of the management agency, Namikaze Minato, is concurrently in charge."

The attendant ninja replied patiently.

"Is it……"

Huang Tu was a little unfamiliar with these three people, so he couldn't say anything.

"Since His Majesty has such trust, I accept the appointment with shame and hope to fulfill my mission in my future work!"


The attendant ninja nodded, and then took out a document bag and handed it over, saying: "Since the first Ninja World Joint Congress has determined the quotas for all members of the House of Representatives and the Senate, we have temporarily arranged for you to serve as the representative of Pingchuan State. Moreover, His Majesty has warned you in advance that if your work performance is outstanding, you may be able to participate in the election of the United Parliament next term."

Although the words were not made very clear, the meaning was already clear.

——Work hard, your identity as a member of the ninja world is waiting for you!

This is what Tokumitsu Uchiha meant.

"With all due respect..."

Loess somewhat unfamiliarly imitated the appearance of an orthodox ninja and saluted in the direction of the throne of Konoha, and then received the appointment certificate and identification certificate with a solemn expression.

Although the true inner loyalty may need to be discounted in general, it does not prevent Huangtu from showing respect to Uchiha Tokimitsu who is willing to give another chance, and he does not want the name of Iwagakure to completely become old paper in the tide of the times. A cold term in the pile.

And he doesn't understand why Uchiha Tokko still attaches so much importance to the construction of the Ninja Army in this era of peace in the Ninja world, but this may be an opportunity to let those former Iwagakure ninjas who are still serving hard labor in the Reclamation Alliance. A good opportunity for us to get out of trouble.

As the various institutions established by Uchiha Tokko began to come into operation, a number of corresponding personnel were gradually put into place through the 'mediation' of various wealthy families.

At the same time, the Ninja Army reserve force, which was transformed from the original Konoha frame column, also began to be organized, and the children of various wealthy families were among them.

What attracts the most attention is the direct heir of the Senju Clan, Senju Noju. Because of his outstanding civil engineering talents in responsible for the construction of the Senju House, he was recruited and appointed as a reserve force engineer. Troop commander.

Although it is a bit surprising that a member of the direct Senju clan with relatively good strength goes to work in civil engineering, for Tsunade, this may be the best result.

She really didn't want to see her only direct relative go through life and death on the battlefield, but as a ninja, if she stayed away from the ninja army, the family's decline would be a foregone conclusion.

Especially in this era dominated by the Uchiha clan, ninja vests must shine!

Moreover, during this period of time, Tsunade also figured out that Uchiha Tokumitsu's understanding of the new world must not be so simple, and he must know some top-secret inside information! Therefore, after careful consideration, Tsunade finally decided to send the best ninja in the family to join the reserve force along with her younger brother Naoki.

Although these ninjas are not many in number, they are all the elites trained by the Senju clan after they were reestablished.

"...After joining the Ninja Army, you must pay attention to the relationship with your colleagues."

Since the reserve force needed to undergo training, before leaving, Tsunade, who was still worried about gains and losses, was nagging like an old woman, repeating various little things.

"Don't worry, sister~"

Naoki said nonchalantly: "I have already asked Teacher Orochimaru. He is sure that the engineering troops will not encounter any danger."

"When did you go find Orochimaru..."

Tsunade muttered in dissatisfaction.

Then, she suddenly discovered that she and Orochimaru had lost contact and contact for some time.

I think back then, they were from the same school...

Tsunade couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Perhaps he was dissatisfied with Orochimaru's silence regarding his teacher's death, perhaps he was dissatisfied with Orochimaru's decisive surrender, or perhaps it was out of the psychology of avoiding suspicion and self-preservation. In short, due to various reasons, after the death of the former Sandaime Sarutobi Hiruzen, She never had any personal contact with Orochimaru again.

Then, her mind immediately became active.

"In that case, why don't you just transfer to Academy City to work..."

Tsunade asked tentatively.

"don't want!"

Naoki immediately shook his head, "If I were to work under Orochimaru-sensei, I would probably have to continue working on projects and be busy dealing with the disgraced and arrogant Hyuga survey team all day long. That would be too unpleasant!"

"Besides...sister, I am already a special jounin."

"I see... Mr. Senju Nawaki, a special jounin who doesn't even have the identity of a district council member~"

Tsunade was no longer persistent, a smile appeared on her face, and she reached out to help Naoki adjust his clothes.

"Participate in the training well. After all, you have never had the opportunity to go to the battlefield. It is also a good thing to learn in training."

Kato Danya on the side encouraged him.

"Please don't worry~brother-in-law!"

Naoshu looked high-spirited and full of energy: "I will definitely be selected for the saber team, and the reserve gold medal is no problem!"

"The saber team needs to join Uchiha Tokumitsu's imperial army..."

Tsunade couldn't help but sigh after hearing this: "You are the heir of the Senju clan..."

"...Although we are still in the clan, it is best not to call His Majesty by his honorable name."

Shengshu muttered: "Besides, isn't the Royal Forest Army safer..."

"Okay, it's almost time..."

Kato Dan quickly pulled Tsunade, who was about to get angry, and said to Naoki, who was acting a bit 'disobedient': "Hurry up and report to Academy City. After all, it's not good to be late."


Shengshu patted his head and left immediately.

"Are you relieved now?"

After Naoki left, Kato Dan released his hand covering Tsunade's mouth and said, "Look~ you are so careful even in the clan, so you will definitely be fine when you go out."

"I know……"

At this time, Tsunade's face returned to its previous calm look: "I'm just worried that he will suffer a loss if he is still so arrogant after joining the reserve force."

"How could it be possible~ Shen Shu is not a child anymore."

Kato Dan burst out laughing and inadvertently revealed a piece of news: "When he was in charge of the Senju House, he was the man who dragged Hinata Hizashi, the person in charge of Hyuga Construction, to drink sake at an izakaya and snatched the project away! "

"How come I didn't know about this!"

Tsunade was immediately furious when she heard this.

"But this guy's progress is pretty fast~"

After thinking about it, Tsunade's anger subsided: "It's just that the boy from the Hinata family seems to be a good person with thick eyebrows and big eyes. I didn't expect that he has such a hobby in private!"

"He must have broken the rope tree!"

As the heir of a clan, this is actually not a bad thing, but Tsunade still did not hesitate to put all the blame on Hinata and Hinashi who took the blame.

"Doing civil engineering is quite a workout..."

Kato Dangan, who knew he had made a mistake, laughed twice and quickly changed the subject: "By the way, how is Shizune's study in the medical class..."

"It's pretty good. If you persevere, you should be able to be directly rated as a medical chuunin when you graduate..."

Such inseparable scenes are repeated repeatedly in Konoha, Kirigakure and even all over the ninja world.

A high-spirited young ninja, under the call of the Ninja World Government, with a longing for the future and the ambition to make contributions, coupled with a little enthusiasm to serve his master, stepped into the reserve training camps scattered across the Ninja World. camp.

This time, under Orochimaru's strategizing, not only more than 10,000 new ninja trainees were recruited, but more than 7,000 reserve ninjas were officially recruited and began to receive training from the regular army.

During wartime, these reserve ninjas will be incorporated into the second-line troops as the reserve force of the ninja army and perform various combat missions in the new world. Maybe their future will be to become famous or to die in obscurity, but no matter what, Uchiha De Hikaru's preparations to open up a new world have also injected new vitality into the ninja world that has been dormant for a long time.

On March 1st of the Kaihuang year, the first plenary meeting of the first Ninja World United Council was officially held!

At this time, according to Uzumaki Ninja's calculations, there are still twenty-nine days until the door to the new world is completely opened!

A famous member of parliament came from all over the ninja world and entered the tall parliament hall with a solemn expression.

Although most of the congressmen were unaware of the existence of the New World, they had all received notices beforehand. When the congress was officially convened, His Majesty Uchiha Tokimitsu, the Great Emperor of the Uchiha Dynasty and the Grand Ruler of the Ninja World Government, would announce an announcement. This is a major decision that will affect the historical process of the ninja world, so no one dares to neglect it at all.

As all the members of the House of Representatives and the Senate arrived, the door of the parliament building slowly closed, and the wind of the ninja world was about to echo in the world of pirates! (End of chapter)

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