Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 324 Secret Transaction

Although I smuggled arms, smuggled with the shogunate, disobeyed the high-level, betrayed the same village, and eradicated dissidents, I was still a good rock hermit.

——Said Teishi Shangren, the commander-in-chief of the Iwahime Frost Country Front Army and former squad leader of the Ninja Squad.

"That's right! You're right!"

Uchiha Shiina nodded again and again, "Also, now that the anti-terrorism force is going to be transferred to the southeast region to start a clean-up operation, when do you plan to send people to the southwest region to receive them? In addition, there are more than 200 prisoners who conflict with anti-terrorism and need to return them to you?"

Shinobi Tiesishi immediately frowned, with a very obvious expression of displeasure.

In all fairness, Shinobi Teishi doesn't like Uchiha Shiina, the Uchiha ninja who was promoted to a high position at a young age. He is most willing to contact the joint company ninja who knows a lot and speaks well.

But there is no way, the joint company is a collection of interests absolutely controlled by the Uchiha clan, and the ninjas from the Uchiha clan have a great say in it, especially in the eyes of outsiders, it is the Uchiha who is superior by virtue of his relationship with Uchiha Tokumitsu Shiina; In addition, Uchiha Shiina was in charge of the anti-terrorist forces' military operations in the Iwagakure occupied area in the southwest of the country of thunder, so even if there are 100,000 people in Teishi Shangren's heart who don't like it, they still have to pinch their noses and Uchi Wave Shiina deal.

It's just that Teishi Jōnin, who is known as "bringing back all the Iwagami sticks" in front of the thousands of rock ninja soldiers, seems to show that he is different from the Uchiha clan after crossing the sea alone to reach the command center of the anti-terrorism force unusual partnership.

Of course, this does not prevent Teishi Shangren from being dissatisfied with Uchiha Shiina, a slightly frivolous senior Uchiha.

The cross-border clearing operation is nothing more than that, anyway, the southwestern area of ​​​​the country of Thunder is simply assigned to Iwagakure by the Tokuko shogunate, and Tieshi Shangren also reached an agreement with a group of frontier ninjas to acquiesce in this matter and take this Eliminate dissidents - but what is the matter of leaving more than two hundred captives!

Uchiha, who is famous for his bloodthirsty ninja world, how can he be so uneasy!

——His majestic Iwagakushi Jōnin, the next competitor of Tsuchikage, can't do the thing of erasing captives by himself!

"Tomorrow, there will be a thousand ninja troops from the front army crossing the sea to take over the territory... As for those rebellious people, just leave them in the camp before you evacuate, and I will deal with them!"

Shinobu Tiesishi said with a gloomy face, "Also, what about the things you promised?"

As for how to deal with those captured dissidents, we need to return to the camp of the front army and discuss with the ninjas of the same faction. It takes everyone to reach a consensus on whether to directly erase them on the spot or apply the ninja village regulations and impose capital punishment after trial.

"What's the rush~ The Uchiha clan will never renege on their debts~"

Uchiha Shiina chuckled, took out a scroll from his pocket and put it in front of Tiesishakanoshi: "All the 100,000 Detonation Talismans are here."

"Is it from the Uchiha clan?"

Tiesishakami picked up the scroll and weighed it, but he didn't lift the seal to check it, but asked directly: "If it's garbage on the market, then it's not okay!"

"It is definitely a high-end product produced by the family! It is first-class!"

Uchiha Shiina also showed a smile on his face, "In the black market, these can be exchanged for 300,000 ordinary detonating symbols!"

"……That's good."

Shinobu Tiesishi nodded, turned around and left the anti-terrorist camp in a blink of an eye.

"It turns out that this is the memorial arch that Mr. Deguang mentioned..."

After Teishi Shangren left, Uchiha Shiina shook his head, speechless.

As the saying goes, it is best for those who deceive the world and steal their names to kill with a knife. This jonin who was once famous in Yanyin, after losing his position as the squad leader of the ninja, fell so fast that the joint company did not expect.

"Master Shiina..."

A Shiranui Clan ninja from the United Company knocked on the door and presented a document.

"This is the report and details of the funds for handling the Yanyin Army's public relations."

"Do I need to sign it?"

Uchiha Shiina asked casually, and turned to the last page of the document.


Shiranui Ninja replied humbly.

But when Uchiha Shiina saw the huge amount on the last page, he was stunned.

"...The follow-up needs 300,000 special detonating symbols?!"

"This was exchanged through barter trade, but according to the requirements stipulated by Mr. Deguang, as long as it is not a cash transaction, it will be included in the loss or pure expenditure, so..."

Shiranui Ninja quickly explained.

"...It seems that Mr. Tieshi's picture is not small!"

Uchiha Shiina shook his head, then signed the document with a stamp.

"Master Deguang said that this experiment is worthwhile."

Shiranui Ninja smiled and said: "Iwagakure has always been known for having the largest number of ninjas and the most united internally. If an offensive is launched rashly, the shogunate's battle damage must be very serious, so it is a cost-effective stealth attack to use public relations means to alienate. "

"... Your Excellency General is right."

Uchiha Shiina handed back the report document.


Uchiha Tokumitsu, who is staring at the Uzumaki researchers conducting secret experiments in Fuba City, the country of Uzumaki, also received action reports from the anti-terrorist forces and the joint company.

"Sure enough, money can pass through gods..."

In this regard, Uchiha Tokumitsu gave such an evaluation.

Then write your opinion on the paperwork.

"The anti-terrorism force is immediately transferred to the southeast occupied area to carry out the cleanup, and together with the eastern border defense force and the northern border defense force, we will eradicate black market strongholds and foreign spies lurking in the area!"

"...The exiled ninjas stationed in the ninja army need to be reviewed one by one. If there are suspects, they must be arrested first and then interrogated. Everyone must pass the customs, and no one will slip through the net!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu thought for a while, and added another paragraph.

Then he rang the bell to attract the attendant ninjas, who immediately went to handle the matter.

The chaos in the Konoha-occupied area in the southeast of the Land of Thunder is actually largely due to Uchiha Tokumitsu's deliberate indulgence.

He had thought of this problem as early as when all the hardcore supporters of the original Hokage were exiled to the occupied area.

But this kind of "indulging in gu-style laissez-faire" is also beneficial.

According to the secret report of the commander of the garrison army and the ninja of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the black market ninja activities in the southeast occupied area are extremely active. The exiled ninjas of the original Naruto family have close contacts with foreign spies and even intelligence personnel from Yunyin. They have even arrived Not to the point of avoiding people.

And if the campaign is launched at this time, since the Ministry of Internal Affairs has already grasped the careful evidence that the exiled ninjas have liaison with foreign countries, they can wipe out some of the "confidential troubles" without worrying about the public opinion of the village, and the black market funds obtained by the campaign can also fill the rock. Conceal the expenditure of the front army's public relations operation.

Therefore, it is also time to carry out "fishing law enforcement".

After finishing his government affairs, Tokumitsu Uchiha came to the top-secret laboratory located underground in the Governor's Mansion again.

The reason why all the Uzumaki researchers were brought to the country of Uzumaki is because the remains of Baijue that had been captured were kept here.

After countless rounds of reinforcement, the defense system of the secret laboratory has reached the point where it can theoretically resist the tail beast jade. Coupled with heavy security arrangements, Uchiha Tokumitsu can ensure that even if Bai Ze can cross the sea, he cannot sneak into this top secret The lab is wrecked.

"Lord Deguang!"

After a lot of security, Uchiha Tokumitsu entered the core area of ​​the laboratory.

A vortex researcher immediately greeted him.

"How is the experiment going?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked as usual.

"Great progress has been made and further demonstrations are currently underway..."

The whirlpool researcher also replied as usual.

Uchiha Deguang nodded, did not speak, just walked towards the huge Chakra reactor with his hands behind his back.

This system is still modified on the basis of the white blood cell centrifuge. The main research content is to use the tailed beast chakra or white blood cell as the medium, and carry out the smelting reaction with the fairy chakra extracted from the body of the frog. , to test the formation mechanism of natural energy and chakra.

Theoretically speaking, Chakra is a kind of energy formed after natural energy has been degraded by the Otsutsuki Sacred Tree, and in the process of "distributing" Chakra to humans in the Ninja World by the Sage of the Six Paths, mortals have the ability to refine Chakra by themselves. ability.

Therefore, ninjas can also be simply compared to a super mini god tree system, especially for blood succession limit ninjas.

It's just that the source of the sacred tree chakra is natural energy, while the ninja chakra is mainly refined through the fusion of physical energy and spiritual energy.

"When will the result be available?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked again habitually.

"The current research progress is proceeding according to the preset process. The whole process is very rigorous and careful. Theoretically, the corresponding project can be completed in one month."

Vortex researchers also habitually give standard answers.

He is a special person recommended by the Vortex Research Institute to be responsible for responding to Uchiha Toku's progress, and he naturally knows the answering skills fluently.

Uchiha Deguang nodded, noncommittal.

"Be sure to continue to speed up the progress! Make sure that the research on Immortal Chakra and Natural Energy will produce results as soon as possible while ensuring the quality of the subject research!"

After Uchiha Tokuro watched eagerly for half an hour, he didn't see what was going on, so he put down a word and prepared to leave.

Although he can no longer understand the facilities and research methods of the institute, coming to see him can always give him a little peace of mind.

"Master Deguang, the staff of the research institute have been working at full capacity for nearly a month, and the speed of using various consumables is really..."

The whirlpool researcher quickly said with a bitter face.

"Add money!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu left after saying the last sentence.


The whirlpool researcher immediately smiled.

Although the virtues of this group of researchers are almost the same as the researchers of science and technology innovation companies that Tokumitsu Uchiha met when he was engaged in investment work in the financial industry in his previous life.

What he wants is the most reliable force after repeated demonstrations.

The strength that can support him to fly higher.

After returning to the ground, Tokuhika Uchiha looked up at the sky.

At this time, it was after dusk, and although there was still some light that had not faded, the moon had quietly shown its true shape in the sky.


"It's really an enviable, jealous and hated family with extraordinary talents..."

Update today (1/2)

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