Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 296 Arrest

"Juraiya Jonin, please come with us!"

A group of Uchiha ninjas from the police department rushed into the restaurant, and shouted at Jiraiya, who was leaning against the red and green, sleeping flowers and drunk willows.

Drunken-eyed and smiling, Zilai also saw the red eyes of the police department rushing in aggressively, immediately put on his clothes at the speed of light, and tried to escape the scene by performing a teleportation technique towards the open window.

"Magic · The Art of Hanging!"

Suddenly, the head of a Uchiha Jonin popped out of the window, and the rapidly spinning Sangodama cast an illusion towards Jiraiya who had just begun to change his figure.


Jiraiya's body froze, the instant body technique was interrupted on the spot, and the body that had just left the ground fell to the ground like a wooden stake.

The wolf-like Uchiha ninjas immediately rushed forward, grabbing Jiraiya who was immobile.

"It's okay, it's okay..."

A Uchiha Jonin with the rank of Chief Inspector said to the singers around him who were pale with fright: "I am Uchiha Komori, Chief Inspector of the Serious Crime Unit directly under the Police Headquarters, please don't panic, this is just Jiraiya Jonin overreacted, we just have some things to ask him to go back and assist in the investigation."

After appeasing all the singers, Chief Inspector Uchiha Komori Shi Shiran stepped forward to help Zilai also pat the dust on his clothes.

"Juraiya Jonin, please..."

Before Uchiha Komori could finish his words, Jiraiya's imprisoned body suddenly turned into a puff of smoke, which made a group of Uchiha ninjas startled.

"Quack quack!"

As the smoke dissipated, only a little green-skinned toad remained in place.

The Uchiha shinobi quickly looked around, trying to find Jiraiya's figure, while the green-skinned toad, which was used as a tool for the "substitution technique", hopped and jumped towards the corner.

"It shouldn't be..."

Hiroshi Uchiha was so angry that the veins on his forehead popped out, while quickly checking the situation in the room, he quickly recalled every movement of Jiraiya.

"Even the Chakra fluctuations are the same, how could it be..."

Suddenly, a Uchiha ninja noticed that the little green-skinned toad jumped to the corner of the wall and stood up.

"Captain! This toad has..."

The Uchiha ninja who noticed something was wrong immediately yelled and rushed towards the little green-skinned toad.


The little green-skinned toad yelled loudly, and then a puff of smoke swirled up, and the wooden wall was also smashed, and Jilai, who had recovered from the toad state, quickly broke through the wall and fled.


The Chief Inspector, who lost his face suddenly, let out a loud shout, and led a group of Uchiha ninjas to chase after him quickly, leaving only a group of divas who hadn't recovered from the shock to continue in a daze in the room of the restaurant.

At the same time, the chasing Uchiha ninjas sent out red flares to the sky to notify the ninjas of the police department of the police stations in each division to provide support.

"Master Ziraiya, he, he, why..."

A singer said tremblingly, her frail body was still trembling.

Just now, when the ninja from the police department reported himself as his family, he called himself the Headquarters Serious Crime Squad of the police department!

In Konoha, the police department is a terrifying existence that stops children from crying at night!

"Could it be... Master Jiraiya committed something or..."

Another diva also tremblingly said.

Before she finished speaking, her companion covered her mouth.

The prestige of the police department has been further strengthened within Konoha with the purge movement, and Mimura Hamaki, one of the generals, has been given to death. This kind of almost unlimited power for the crime of speech has made all Konoha villagers Silence like a cicada.

What this singer has not finished speaking is nothing more than words such as "could it be the intentional frame of the Uchiha clan", but the problem is that what is said is like water poured out, and they have no ability to take back what they have said. the words said!

If such words were heard by the police department, the humble singers would really be unable to eat and walk away.

There was a dead silence in the private room of the restaurant, obviously all the singers also thought of this.

A gust of cold wind blows in from the big hole in the wooden wall, making all the singers tremble.

"It's all right~"

A female voice giggled.


The singers heard the reputation and looked around, only to find that there was a "singer" among them who looked a little familiar but felt very strange.


The leading songstress foreman had received ninjas many times, and he was quite experienced after all, so he couldn't help but open his mouth to ask this one.

"My uncle's transformation technique is not bad~"

The unfamiliar "Diva" grinned, got up and spun around on the spot, "This is a combination of the most beautiful places from each of you~"

"You are from..."

All the singers covered their mouths in surprise.

"That's right, it's my uncle!"

As the "Diva" turned around, a puff of smoke slowly dissipated, revealing Jiraiya in a golden rooster's independent pose.


The singers were pleasantly surprised, and quickly got up to try to block Jiraiya's figure, so as not to be seen by outsiders through the big hole in the wall.

Although Jiraiya, who was a disciple of the former three generations of Hokage, was a lustful person, he was good to the singers in the world, and he usually spent a lot of money, so he naturally became the favorite of the singers. one.


Jilai also made a silent gesture.

"It's okay, it's okay~ I'll just avoid it~"

Although Jiraiya himself didn't know why the police department came to him suddenly, but his instinct told him that there was absolutely nothing good, so he tried his best to fool him at the first time.

"When I come back after going out for two years, nothing will happen..."

Zilai, who was hugging left and right, was also full of complacency, and said nonchalantly while mopping up.

"Is it……"

Just when Zilai was proud, an indifferent voice came from outside the private room.

Zilai was also surprised immediately.

In his perception, no one exists outside the door!

A Uchiha ninja with a cold face and a young and old face came in with a Uzumaki ninja through the door.

"Who are you……"

"I'm the deputy director of the East District Police Department of the next police department, and the chief superintendent Uchiha Fugaku!"

With Uchiha Fugaku's self-introduction, Uchiha ninjas appeared in windows, holes in the wall, etc.

A pair of scarlet Sharingans exuded a cold murderous look, staring at Jiraiya who was sweating profusely.

Under the coercion of Sharingan, the singers collapsed to the ground one by one.

Then there were streaks of fishy water on the ground.

"Juraiya Jonin, please come with us!"

Uchiha Fugaku said coldly.

"The technique of Nirvana Abode!"

Following the illusion launched by an Uchiha ninja, all the divas fell into a coma.

"...Did I violate any regulations of the Police Department?"

Ji Lai also had a serious face.

But looking around at the singers who were fascinated by the illusion, he still resisted the urge to do it.

"The assisted investigation report I received was that you resisted law enforcement, so I only deal with this matter."

Uchiha Fugaku's pair of three-pointed balls also stared closely at Jiraiya, his left hand was already pressed on the handle of the knife at his waist, and he was ready to do it.

Jiraiya's strength is also well-known among the Konoha ninja group. Although there are many people now, Fugaku Uchiha dare not be careless.

If he was still teased and escaped, then Uchiha Fugaku's face would be embarrassing.

"...No need to do anything, I'll just go with you."

Ji Lai also smiled freely, and spread his hands to indicate that he had no intention of resisting.

Although he felt that he could easily deal with the ninjas of the police department in the private room, he was not sure that he would not hurt those singers after fighting; moreover, if he really confronted the police department, he might not be able to escape today. Konoha.

Uchiha Fugaku waved his hand, and two Uchiha ninjas stepped forward to put on the Chakra Imprisonment Bracelet for him, and then surrounded Jirai and took him away.

"Chief Superintendent Fuyue!"

The Chief Inspector of the Serious Crime Squad, who was played by Ji Laiye, rushed back after hearing the news.

"Work in the Eastern District! According to the process, I will be the first to catch the person!"

Uchiha Fugaku reprimanded mercilessly.

"...Okay, okay!"

The chief inspector of the serious crime team, who is far inferior to Uchiha Fugaku in terms of background and position, had no choice but to watch Jilai being swaggeringly taken away by Uchiha Fugaku.


"Have you caught Ziraiya?"

In Minamigagawa Stock Exchange, Uchiha Tokumitsu, who secretly instigated this matter, asked interestingly.

"Yes, Chief Superintendent Fuyue of the Eastern District caught Jiraiya Jonin, and he didn't do anything at the scene..."

The attendant ninja replied respectfully.

"That's fine~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was very satisfied.

"First lock him up for three days, and then ask him to find someone to release him on bail, otherwise he will be locked up for a month!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu ordered: "If it is a crime, first set him up for resisting law enforcement, and then after he is released on bail, let the serious crime team of the headquarters squat at the door and take him away!"


The attendant ninja immediately took the order and left.

Uchiha Tokumitsu wants to know the mysteries and tricks of Xianju very much.

But he also didn't want to have anything to do with the so-called three holy lands of psychic beasts, so Jirai, the only one in Konoha and even the ninja world who mastered fairy arts, became his goal.

And there is another advantage of choosing to attack Jiraiya, that is, there are too many pickles in his past.

Although Jiraiya has restrained a lot after the death of Sarutobi, the original third generation of Hokage, but as long as someone collects it a little carefully, there are countless complaints about Jiraiya, both in the past and now.

The most popular one is "peeping at the female hot spring house"!

In theory, Konoha does not have the so-called "prosecution period". As long as the police department is willing, he can find out what happened ten or eight years ago, not to mention that he really has a bad record.

Of course, Uchiha Tokumitsu doesn't intend to really make Jiraiya cornered, but just use some reasonable and compliant means to rectify him so that he can handle it later.


"I'm starving to death! The detention center has no oil at all!"

Zilai was finally released on bail after being locked up at the East District Police Station of the Police Department for three days.

And Orochimaru, who was "entrusted" by Jiraiya as a bailman, also looked very ugly.

The sudden visit from the police department had already startled him, but after learning about the charges that Jilai had also been imprisoned, Orochimaru was so angry that his seven orifices were billowing with smoke.

The reason for the Eastern District Police Station's confinement was "resistance to law enforcement", but the police headquarters stated that it had evidence that Ji Laiya was spying on the female soup everywhere recently, and there was also a high-definition camera from Sky Eye as evidence.

In addition, the West District and North District Police Departments also stated that they have mastered Jiraiya's past misdeeds and numerous reports, and plan to prosecute him.

After visiting the major police stations, because the police department was unwilling to hand over the personal information of the complainant, it could not mediate and close the case, so Orochimaru did nothing in a short time; after the mandatory confinement period expired, he also He could only let go of his plans to investigate the inside story, and went to the East District Police Station to release Zilaiye on bail.

"...Don't be ashamed of yourself!"

The ninjas of the Eastern District Police Station looked at Jiraiya who was talking nonsense like a rare beast, and Orochimaru couldn't help but feel a little hot on his face when he was affected by these intriguing eyes.

"Hey! How about I continue to live with you!"

Jiraiya threw his arms around Orochimaru's neck and yelled loudly as if no one was there.

Now the faces of the ninjas of the police department and the Konoha ninjas who got up to work became more intriguing.


Feeling the wonderful eyes that are enough to make people die, Orochimaru became more angry.

But it's not good for him to openly beat people in the police station, even if he beats people who have been bailed out by himself, otherwise it will be troublesome if the ninjas of the police department just find a crime and send him in.

"Forget it, let's go, let's go..."

Orochimaru forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, dragging Zilai and preparing to leave.

"Jiraiya Jonin, please stop!"

Orochimaru and Jiraiya had just walked out of the East District Police Station when a group of police ninjas immediately rushed over and showed them an arrest warrant with a big red seal.

"Received a report from the villagers that you are suspected of spying on the female soup for many times, and you are still committing crimes after the village has strengthened the security management. The methods are very despicable and the plot is extremely bad. Now please come with us!"

The Chief Inspector of the Headquarters Serious Crime Team, who was tricked last time, waved his hand, and a group of ninjas from the police department immediately stepped forward to arrest people.

This time, not only the fighting ninjas of the Uchiha clan, but also the Uzumaki ninja who is good at sealing and perception ninjutsu brought two people, so it must be foolproof.

Orochimaru stretched out his hand and stopped the Uchiha ninja who was about to catch someone, and stared closely at the chief inspector with his vertical eyes.

"I'm already out on bail, haven't I? Why arrest people!"

Zilai also yelled.

This is also what Orochimaru can't understand.

"The bail you applied for is from the East District Police Station. This time, our serious crime team of the police department is here to perform official duties!"

The Chief Inspector said coldly: "Oshemaru Jōnin, please don't cover up criminals!"

"...Jirai is also one of the members of the House of Representatives! You shouldn't be acting like this!"

Orochimaru said in the same tone bluntly.

"The serious crime team has laws to follow, and Orochimaru Kamijino please don't make mistakes..."

The Chief Inspector's tone also became serious, and the ninjas from the police department also put their hands on their weapons one after another, ready to arrest him.

"Okay, okay!"

Jiraiya pressed down Dashewan's blocking hand, and said carelessly, "I'll just go with you!"

The Chief Inspector waved people to come forward and handcuff the Chakra Imprisonment Bracelet for Jiraiya, and then escorted him away.

"Hey! Remember to bail me out in a few days!"

Jilai didn't forget to explain to Orochimaru.

Orochimaru, who was full of confusion, was left standing there, feeling very messy.

Today's update (1/2) Ask for a ticket ~ Ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a recommendation ticket~

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