Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 288 Cleansing

Starting with the Uchiha conservative ninja who was given to death after the execution of the tithe killing order, Uchiha Tokumitsu officially set off the prelude to the Great Cleansing in Konoha.

After his hands were stained with the blood of the tribe, Uchiha Tokumitsu no longer softened his heart, and immediately ordered a "simple approval" for the arrested persons.

For a while, Konoha was filled with blood and blood. The first batch of people sentenced to death alone had more than 300 people, including two old subordinates of Mimura Hamoki.

Three hundred people are not many on the battlefield, but this time they are in the village.

And they are from the same village, many of them are their relatives, especially those who were arrested by the police department and the Ministry of internal affairs, but there are more than 1,300 people...

This time, Hatake Sakumo couldn't sit still anymore, and even Orochimaru felt terrified.

This is blatantly wielding a butcher's knife in the village...

The cruelty shown by Uchiha Tokumitsu, who tore his face, suddenly suppressed Konoha. Hatake Sakumo wanted to come to the door in person to intercede, but the Uchiha ninjas stationed in the clan area refused to visit.

Hatake Sakumo couldn't help feeling stunned, this was the first time Uchiha Tokumitsu refused to see him.

And this also shows that this time Uchiha Tokumitsu no longer intends to compromise.


Patriarch Hyuga has had a hard time these few days.

In the public opinion of the village, he has been completely beaten as a partisan of the Uchiha clan. Everyone in the village regards the Hyuga family as the dog leg of the Uchiha clan. He helped to clarify the reasons for the release of the two clans and the arrest of the ninja, and tested whether the Hyuga clan had completely fallen to Uchiha in secret.

The head of the Inuzuka family even said in a less cryptic way that it is not impossible to take refuge in the Uchiha clan, and since the Uchiha can win over the Hyuga clan, then his mere Inuzuka family is even easier.

"...Of course, if the price is right, Inuzuka's ninja dogs are also very powerful!"

The earnestness in the eyes of the patriarch Inuzuka was almost beyond words.

Chief Hinata was speechless.

He almost made it clear that he and his family did not have any shady deals with the Uchiha clan, but why didn't these people believe it!

Besides, the Uchiha clan has not yet begun to show grace and power, so the dignified Inuzuka family is so eager to join them? !

"...Let's discuss this matter again!"

The head of the Hyuga clan had no choice but to hastily end the meeting.


In the mansion of Oshemaru, Jirai, who was staying here, also became more and more impatient.

Among the first batch of people sentenced to death, one of them was his old subordinate.

But this time, in the "simple examination and approval" of the police department, he was sentenced to death for allegedly leaking confidential information about Ninja Village, which made Jiraiya feel very uncomfortable.

"Oshemaru, aren't you in a hurry at all!"

After the restless Jiraiya walked back and forth in the hall a few times, he couldn't help shouting at Da Shemaru: "It seems that your subordinates were also taken away by the police department? Don't you ignore him?"


Orochimaru gracefully swallowed a raw egg, drank another cup of hot milk, and finally picked up a big apple and gnawed slowly.

"...the way you eat is becoming more and more like a snake, it's disgusting!"

Zilai also frowned and said.

"...Then do you think it is appropriate to enter the Correctional Department of the Police Department to snatch the detainees?"

After Orochimaru finished eating an apple, he said expressionlessly: "If you think the Uchiha clan jonin from the Police Department and the Ministry of Internal Affairs are nothing, you can still try it."

"...I inquired about the second batch of interrogations tomorrow, and there are still five hundred people at a time..."

After being silent for a while, Jiraiya said in a low voice: "More importantly, there is no reliable basis for the crimes assigned to them. They are all made up by those white-eyed wolves from the Hyuga family in the intelligence department!"

"Oh~ the Hyuga Clan is quite flexible this time."

Orochimaru picked up another apple and gnawed on it.

"Don't you have anything to say or do?"

He also became more irritable.

"I said it... But, are you sure you want to attack the correctional department?"

Orochimaru finished eating another favorite apple, wiped his hands and said: "Or, do you think that the battle-tested guys of the Uchiha clan will wait for idiots like you to rob prison unprepared?" ?”

"...Can I just watch?"

After being silent for a while, Jiraiya asked back dejectedly.

"You can still live well, as long as you are still alive, everything will have a chance..."

Orochimaru clapped his hands, got up and said.


The defensive force of the Correctional Services Department of the Police Department has also undergone an adjustment. The overall layout is loose on the outside and tight on the inside.

In particular, the original personnel deliberately used multiple shifts to create the illusion of lax defense and lure them, while the elite ninja soldiers of the red reserve team arranged an enchantment in the prison to prepare for waiting.

Although most people will not fall into this naked trap, if a person is really pushed, it is inevitable that he will selectively ignore some abnormal information and regard everything as his own benefit.

Mimura Yemaki is currently the most urgent one in Konoha.

In addition to the two executed in the first round of summary trials, nearly fifteen of his subordinates were still in custody, and five of them were included in the second batch of trial lists.

As a commoner ninja who came from a ninja school and got up by his own hard work, Mimura Hamoki had not many subordinates, and now half of them were taken away by the police department under the pretext, so he was naturally very depressed.

His good friend Mumu Gongdao also sat aside in a complicated mood and remained silent.

"...Gather your hands!"

Suddenly, Mimura Hanomaki said to another subordinate.

When Mumu Gongdao heard it, he was terrified.


The subordinates blushed and quickly left with panic and excitement.

"...do you know what you're doing?"

Mumu Gongdao said in a low voice.

"The Correctional Office! As long as the Correctional Office is breached! The rule of the Uchiha clan will fall apart!"

Mimura Hanomaki's breathing became heavier and heavier.

"As long as we are the first to raise the righteous flag against Uchiha, the ninjas in the village will follow our direction to overthrow Uchiha's reign of terror!"

But one's own manpower may not be as many as the Uchiha clan's ninja...

But these words just swallowed in Mumu Gongdao's throat, and he still didn't say it in the end.

After Mumu Gongdao reluctantly said something, seeing that Mimura Hamoki had already started to look red-eyed, he had no choice but to say goodbye and leave, wandering aimlessly on the street all the way.

It wasn't until I stopped in a square that I realized that I had arrived at the House of Representatives building.

With the idea that everyone has come, Mumu Gongdao stepped inside to meet Hatake Sakumo.

"Long time no see, Mr. Gongdao..."

When the old man came to visit, Hatake Sakumo, who was originally in a gloomy mood, also squeezed out a smile.

"Long time no see... Chairman Shuo Moo."

Mumu Gongdao also struggled to force a smile on his face.

"...If I'm not mistaken, you're here for the police department's purge campaign, right?"

Hatake Sakumo poured a cup of tea for Mu Mu Gongdao, and said casually.


Mumu Gongdao hesitated for a while before admitting, "Of course, I'm not saying that the purge campaign is all wrong, but from the current point of view, it seems that the scope of attack is too big..."

"What do you think Ye Juan-kun?"

Hatake Sakumo pointed out the key point.


Mumu Gongdao chose to be silent in response.

"...that will be over soon."

Hatake Sakumo sighed slightly, and said somewhat desolately.

Mumu Gongdao just sat there blankly.


"Lord Deguang, the fish are ready to enter the net."

In the land of the Uchiha clan, a Hinata ninja reported tremblingly.

He was specially dispatched by Uchiha Tokumitsu from the intelligence department to cooperate with the monitoring and investigation of Mimura Hanomaki. In addition to rolling his eyes, he also has a rare skill that ordinary ninjas are not familiar with - lip language.

Although Uchiha Tokumitsu launched a big purge in the village, in principle, he still sticks to a certain bottom line.

For example, if there is no evidence, a complete and logically self-consistent evidence chain must be created, and you will never blatantly "unjustly kill" any ninja from the same village.

"As long as the red reserve team is ready, I won't participate in such trivial matters..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said with a lack of interest: "After this farce has been tossed, it can be regarded as a little shock to those ignorant guys..."

It's time to start the big cleanse, too.

Uchiha Tokumitsu took a sip of tea, thoughtful.

What is the original intention or starting point of Mimura Hanomaki is not important at this time.

The most important thing is that Uchiha Tokumitsu just needs to use the topic to show the strength of the Uchiha clan in the village, so as to dispel the evil thoughts of all those with ulterior motives, so that the family has enough energy to spare to cooperate with Uchiha Tokumitsu's " Great unification of the ninja world".

"Let's continue to inform... Among the people in the first round of summary trial, they will be executed immediately by tithing."

Uchiha Tokumitsu was afraid that Mimura Hanomaki would not be enough, and then added: "In addition, the tithe will be executed at the same time tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. In addition, the results of the second batch of simple approvals must be completed by the police department tonight. announced beforehand!"


The attendant ninja was ordered to leave immediately.


In the end, there were only more than 50 people assembled by Mimura Hamoki, most of them were subordinates at the Chunin level, and there were only a few of them with the strength of the Jnin.

Of course, he also understands how fragile his faction is compared to the Uchiha clan.

But as the leader of a faction, there are some things that you must know and do...

It's just that this time, a large group of people will be dragged to death, and the most ideal result is to escape from Konoha with his subordinates...

Moreover, just like Orochimaru's emotion: With the size of the ninja world, how can we get rid of the tentacles of the shogunate?

Mimura Hanomaki didn't think about this issue, nor did she have the idea to discuss it, but just wiped the Taidao in her hand with expensive lubricating butter over and over again.

It wasn't until eight o'clock at night, after the darkness completely fell, that Mimura Hamoki slowly got up, and scanned the anxious subordinates one by one.

"grown ups……"

A somewhat nervous subordinate stepped forward to remind him.

It was almost time to act, and this time Mumu Gongdao didn't support him as he did before, and he still didn't show his face even at this point in time.

Mimura Hanomaki let out a silent breath.

"You guys...are you ready?

"I will die for my lord!"

All the subordinates knelt on one knee and replied in a deep voice.

"Then come with me..."

Mimura Hanomaki was the first to walk out of the hall of her mansion with a tachi in hand. The subordinates formed a front arrow formation behind them.

It is strange to say that the ninja of the police department who was originally enforcing the curfew on the street did not appear near Mimura Hanomaki at all. And through the gaps in the doors of the merchants facing the street, the merchants in Konoha can even see the state of the ninja army under Mimura Hanomaki who is fully armed.

This is also the first mass anti-law incident since Uchiha Tokumitsu launched the Great Purge.

"Stop coming!"

At the gate of the correctional department, a team of Uchiha ninjas yelled loudly: "You have entered the prison's strictly controlled early warning area, and violated the curfew regulations! Please arrest them quickly!"

At the same time, the leading Uchiha ninja threw a flare.


Before the signal flare was lifted into the air, it was intercepted and shot down with a Kunai by the expressionless Mimura Hanomaki.

"Get in!"

Mimura Hamoki let out a loud cry, and killed her in an instant.

"Fire Escape·Great Fire..."

The Uchiha ninja immediately tried to attack through fire escape.

"Konoha Ryu · Leaf Dance!"

Mimura Hanomaki's figure flashed behind the sword Uchiha Ninja like a ghost, and cut him in half with a single knife!

Immediately, a puff of smoke rose, and Mimura Hamoki was startled immediately.

"It's a shadow clone!"

His first reaction was that he had fallen for it!

The last trace of luck disappeared in this matter.

"General Yejuan, the headquarters will wait for a long time!"

With a ripple in the air, the red team that had already set up an ambush withdrew the barrier.

At this time, Mimura Hanomaki realized that there were countless thick chakra fluctuations lurking around him at some time.

The head of the secret guard, Uchiha Kageshi, calmly walked up to the top of the correctional department wall, looking down at Mimura Hamoki's subordinates who had begun to show panic.

Teams of Uchiha ninjas also released their latent status, jumped out of their hiding places, and surrounded Mimura Hanomaki's troops.

"...Really, it seems that I have become a clown in the eyes of Mr. Deguang."

Mimura Hanomaki laughed at herself, and then instantly killed Uchiha Jing.

"Destroy the traitor!"

"Exterminate the thieves!"

The two sides chanting slogans collided fiercely!


There is no suspense about the outcome of the battle.

In less than a quarter of an hour, more than 50 people under Mimura Hanomaki's command were easily captured by the Red Army, and nearly 20 of them were killed on the spot.

"Go and report to Master Deguang, the big fish has been caught, it's time to catch all the nets!"

Uchiha Jing retracted the long sword gracefully, and Mimura Hamoki was bruised and fell to the ground unconscious.

Correctional Services prisons are once again overcrowded.

In order to facilitate management, the ninjas of the police department disrupted the ninjas who were originally in custody and put them back in different cells.

In a cell, a ninja who had just been transferred from cell to cell asked two cellmates:

"Hey! Brother, why are you in jail?"

"I support Mimura Hanomaki-sama's proposition, why are you in jail?"

"Oh~ I object to Mimura Hamakigami's claim."

Then he asked another ninja who seemed to be seriously injured with a pale face: "By the way, what happened to you and you were locked in?"

"...I am Mimura Hanomaki."

I went on a business trip today, and I didn’t have enough time, so I can only update it once, and I will update it when I go back tomorrow.

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