Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 179 Why did the daimyo make peace!

Needless to say, the feeling of inaugurating the establishment and being in charge of one party, it must be wonderful!

In particular, it also controls the main shipping routes such as the country of the vortex, and it has the advantage of shipping.

The shogunate castle supervised by Uzumaki Ashina was also completed in a short period of time. Uchiha Tokumitsu named the city Fuba Castle, and even the castle tower on the city was facing the direction of Kirigakure.

Although the time to break into Kirigakure and catch age spots is still immature, Uchiha Tokumitsu has been reminding himself not to forget his original intention.

As the business of the Uchiha clan and the Kirigakure Ninja grew bigger and bigger, Uchiha Tokumitsu's income also increased, and uninterrupted funds were invested in laboratory research, and the research results produced were also remarkable.

At the same time, the secret shipyard also built the first iron-hulled ship in the ninja world according to Uchiha Tokumitsu's vision.

Although it still uses the hybrid power of sail and paddle, its defense is still much higher than that of Kirigakure's Ataka ship.

If there is another battle, Uchiha Tokumitsu is confident in the water battle that he will send all the Kirigakure fleet into the sea to feed the fish.

It's just that underwater combat is still an unsolved problem. After all, there are not many ninjas who are good at diving and fighting in Konoha. The Uchiha ninja who is good at fire escape is even more powerful at sea.

But a sudden edict broke Uchiha Tokumitsu's little luck.

In May of the thirty-seventh year of Konoha, without notifying Ninja Village in the country, the daimyo of the country of fire and the daimyo of the country of water suddenly jointly issued an edict to end the war, announcing the end of the state of war between the two countries and the restoration of peaceful exchanges. One billion taels will be compensated to the Land of Fire.

In addition, the daimyo of the country of water also admitted that it is legal for Uchiha Tokumitsu to set up a shogunate in the country of vortex to control and control small countries such as the country of waves and the country of the sea.

In order to restore peace, the daimyo of the country of water doesn't even want face...

Although the post-war agreement was not signed by the shadows of the villages like the first ninja war, at least in the eyes of Uchiha Tokumitsu, no problems can be found for the time being with this edict of the end of the war...

no problem?

"This is a big problem!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was furious, "This is a peace negotiation that loses power and humiliates the country!"

"Master Deguang, the Kingdom of Water has surrendered in disguise..."

Uchiha Kaminin who came to pass the message under his command said weakly.

"I know!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu glanced at the content of the edict again, "One billion to send beggars!"

"The daimyo also made up an additional one billion yuan, which was allocated to the village as a war bonus to be distributed to the ninjas who participated in the war..."

Uchiha Jonin added in a low voice.


Uchiha Tokumitsu was so angry that he kicked the table in front of him to pieces, "This has seriously affected our smuggling business!"

Uchiha Kaminin lowered his head and dared not answer.

Every Uchiha is well aware of the importance of the deal with the Kirigakure Ninja.

Although the two countries did not continue to fight before, they have been in a state of war. Therefore, the eastern border defense forces blocked all the ports in the eastern part of the country of fire. Except for small fishing boats, other ships resolutely implemented the law issued by Uchiha Tokumitsu "no boards can go into the sea".

Because of this, the scale of the smuggling trade between the Uchiha clan and the Kirigakure ninja clan is growing day by day, and it is rare to say that it is rare to make money every day.

This is also the premise for the Uchiha tribe to maintain high-intensity combat readiness when they rarely perform entrusted tasks.

The most important thing is that if the two countries restore peace, the Uchiha clan and the Wuyin clan will no longer be able to lie down and make money through monopoly trade.

Besides, in terms of financial resources and formal business competition, the Uchiha clan and the Kirigakure ninja clan are really no match for those noble and wealthy merchants.

And the reason why the daimyo aristocrats Yuekai Ninja Village chose to negotiate a peace in private is precisely because their interests have been seriously damaged.

Driven by the Uchiha Clan and the Kirigakure Ninja Clan, under the temptation of huge benefits. Smuggling in other ninja villages has also become a common practice. Normal business transactions are controlled by ninjas. The wealthy merchants controlled by daimyo nobles can't take advantage of this kind of trade supported by force.

If you can't take advantage of it, you will suffer a big loss!

So daimyo nobles want peace, not war!

"Then...Master Deguang..."

Uchiha Kaminin asked cautiously.

"...Don't worry, since this document was passed down from the village by the family, then Shuo Maojun will definitely know about it, maybe his letter is already on the way."

Uchiha Tokumitsu breathed a sigh of relief, "Besides, the Kirigakure Ninja might be more anxious than us!"


At this time, Wuyin Ren Village.

After learning that the daimyo had made peace with the Nation of Fire in private, both the Wuyin Guideng clan and the Minazuki clan fell into a state of shock.

Their first reaction is that the days of glory are over.

Then the second reaction was——

"Daimyo is so courageous!"

The progress of the Ghost Lantern Clan and the Minazuki Clan in seeking the right to split the earth is very unsatisfactory. The root cause is that Mizukage and Daimyo are not allowed.

Therefore, the two clans and their vassals are becoming more and more dissatisfied with the contemporary Mizukage and the name of the country of water.

In particular, the top leaders of the two clans are still immersed in the glory of the two generations of Mizukage and cannot extricate themselves. They usually do not take civilian ninjas seriously, which intensifies the conflict with other forces of Kirigakure.


Ghost lamp Masahiko jumped out and yelled loudly!

"Gather the ninja army of the family to attack the Daming Mansion, and let those noble officials with their nostrils up in the sky see how powerful we are!"

In the smuggling transaction between the two parties, Masahiko Onito, as Uchiha Tokumitsu's designated contact person of the Onito Clan, also made a lot of money. If the two countries restore peace, the most direct damage will be his personal income.

"Shut up!"

The head of the Ghost Lantern angrily scolded: "If you are really so unsteady, I will never hand over the family to you!"

Although this remark was a reprimand, it also established the status of Ghost Lamp Masahiko from the side.

Guideng Masahiko stopped talking, and other Guideng tribe members were also dissatisfied when they heard the words, but they dared not speak out.

"Let's join hands with the Minazuki Clan and Kutachi Yagura to write a letter to Mizukage-sama!"

The head of the ghost lamp said coldly: "Just say that Kirigakure must not suffer the shame of defeat! Please, Mizukage-sama, urge your daimyo to fight again!"

At the end, he added another sentence, "Let's inform the Kaguya clan again, and I will pay a visit at that time!"

The patriarch of the ghost lamp made up his mind that if Mizukage disagreed with the ninja's request, he would unite all possible forces to overthrow the current Mizukage of the third generation in one fell swoop, and support Goju Yagura to become a puppet!


Kirigakure's dynamics are not shown, and Uchiha Tokumitsu also received a letter from Hatake Sakumo shortly afterwards.

The content of the letter paper can be summed up as "keep calm", don't make any big moves.

Because peace is the common wish of the Nation of Fire and even Konoha, not to mention that the Nation of Water has paid indemnity. Under such circumstances, taking risks for the sake of smuggling will inevitably cause public outrage.

Uchiha Tokumitsu naturally understands this truth.

That's why he didn't summon the ninja army immediately.

Moreover, judging from the unusual edict issued by the daimyo this time, there is a high probability that the daimyo nobles from all over the world have chosen to unite in private...

"Come on!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu recruited his subordinates, "Send a letter to the Huomen shogunate and order it to intercept and kill all suspicious persons who attempt to go to the Land of Earth, especially the messengers!"


The subordinate hurriedly left after receiving the order.

If the daimyo nobles have really reconciled in private as Uchiha Tokumitsu imagined, it shouldn't take long for more peace agreements to come.

"It's really troublesome..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu paced back and forth in the office, thinking about countermeasures.

After customs clearance, the smuggling trade will inevitably suffer. Although the goods do not have to pay customs duties, so there is a certain advantage in cost, but the profits are definitely not as rich as before.

And it's not a monopoly anymore.

The Uchiha clan has a deep understanding of how profitable it is to control a country's trade transactions during the transaction process with the Kirigakure Ninja Clan.

Now that Hungry Tiger has tasted the sweetness of blood, he naturally doesn't want to go back and earn the useless fees of mission commissions.

The Uchiha clan is like this.

So did the various pro-ninja shareholders of United Fisheries.

The same is true for the ninjas of the Innovation Society who participated in the logistics escort.

This is especially true for the Ghost Lamp and Minazuki clans that dominate the business of Hidden Fog.

Even the guardians of the eight counties in the east who are in charge of distribution at the smuggling terminal may not be happy to see their own interests damaged...

"Presumably the ninjas of each family are not willing to go back to being the dogs of daimyo nobles..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu felt a little relieved when he thought of this.

The Uchiha clan is having a hard time, and so are other stakeholders.

Everyone is having a hard time, so they can only find fault with the person who made them have a hard time.

Thinking of this, Tokumitsu Uchiha summoned his attendants again and ordered: "Send someone to check and see which of the nobles in the eight counties in the east has a closer blood relationship with the daimyo, and the order of succession is relatively higher. Report back later!"


Although the servants under his command didn't know why, they still took orders to leave.

Uchiha Tokumitsu plans to make more preparations. If it is not feasible, then prepare to support a local nobleman to fight against the daimyo.

After all, apart from smuggling, the most profitable thing is to establish the lord of the country.

It's just that this trick is still a double-edged sword after all.

Therefore, this trick can only be used as the last trump card.


Just as secret letters from various ninja families kept coming and going, "good news" of peace came one after another from the five major countries.

At the end of May in the thirty-seventh year of Konoha, the Land of Thunder and the Land of Earth signed a settlement agreement to completely stop the confrontation between the two sides on the border.

At the beginning of June in the thirty-seventh year of Konoha, the Land of Fire signed a second peace agreement. This time, the signing object was the Land of Winds. The two sides would not compensate each other, and the Land of Winds recognized that the Kingdom of Rivers was the sphere of influence of the Land of Fire. , recognized that the shogunate established by Mimura Hanomaki of the Western Frontier Defense Force in Kawanokuni was legal.

At this time, the only countries that have not issued a peace agreement to end the state of war are the Kingdom of Fire and the Kingdom of Earth.

Uchiha Tokumitsu gave an order, and Uchiha Fire Gate resolutely carried it out.

The Huomen shogunate and the Deguang Red Army dispatched all their strength, secretly blocked all the communication arteries between the two countries, and beheaded all suspicious messengers, which delayed the progress of the peace agreement.

But in July of the thirty-seventh year of Konoha, the envoys who entered the territory of the Land of Fire via the Land of Birds and the Land of Winds signed an end-of-war edict at the Daming Mansion of the Land of Fire, announcing the reconciliation of the two countries, and the Land of Earth's recognition of the Land of Grass. The country and the country of rain are the spheres of influence of the country of fire.

The Second Ninja World War officially ended with the Land of Fire becoming the biggest winner!

But procrastination is useful.

Uchiha Tokumitsu finally decided to introduce a secret special policy after negotiating with various ninja clans and other stakeholders——

"Private Licensing Order!"

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