Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 174 Parliamentary Struggle

In fact, in addition to the ninja class, Konoha also has a similar authority, which is the ninja meeting.

At the beginning of the reconciliation between Senjujuma and Uchiha Madara and the establishment of Konoha, since the people who joined Konoha were basically the major ninja clans in the ninja world, when deciding on major events, the patriarchs and leaders of each family were often called together. People discuss together, and the ninja meeting has become a de facto decision-making body.

During the period when the powerful Second Generation Senjumona ruled Konoha, it began to suppress the ninja forces, and opened a village ninja school to concentrate on cultivating lower-level ninja. In addition, the structure of Konoha's ministries is becoming more and more perfect, and the number of ninja meetings is naturally held. It also became less and less, but because the strength of the second generation Senju Tomonen was not enough to suppress the ninja world, it was relatively dependent on the assistance of the ninja, so the status of the ninja class also increased.

After Hiruzame Sarutobi came to the throne, the only function of the Ninja Clan Council was to recruit ninjas from various families to purchase weapons during the war, and had no other powers at all.

The situation in the ninja class is similar.

Before Hatake Sakumo won the position of the squad leader of the ninja class, the ninja class was the third generation of Sarutobi Hiruzen, and those who were dissatisfied would range from punching warnings to the squad leader, to taking them away to assist in the investigation.

However, under the agitation of Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo, the upper ninja class became the center of Konoha's political struggle. Although the tribe is loose, the number has also skyrocketed.

But along with it, there are imitators who follow suit.

Although Uchiha Tokumitsu often used the ninja class to do things, but he absolutely does not welcome others to do things like him.

Especially when it was brought to his own head.

So after arranging the affairs of the eastern garrison, Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately returned to Konoha to discuss countermeasures with the patriarch Uchiha Sifang and Hatake Sakumo.

"Thousands of Tsunade..."

In the Office of the Chief of Police Department, Uchiha Tokumitsu felt restless when he thought of this name.

After reorganizing the Senju Clan, both Tsunade and his younger brother Nawaki restored the Senju surname.

And the trickiest thing about this surname is prestige.

According to past habits, at this time Uchiha Tokumitsu might have started mobilizing people to prepare for "accidents" after greeting the family and Hatake Sakumo, but if it was Tsunade...

"Deguang-jun, don't be impulsive..."

In the Office of the Chief of Police, the patriarch Shikata Uchiha sitting across from him was a little dissatisfied with Tsunade's recent related motions, but what he worried most was that Uchiha Tokumitsu would lose his composure and choose to fight.

"Master Patriarch, you don't have to worry so much, the red team is still in the country of grass and hasn't come back yet!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu gave Uchiha Shifang an angry look, "Are you still a Uchiha if you are so weak! You should be ashamed!"

If he really planned to solve it by force, he would have summoned the family ninjas from the two major garrison camps to return, so why would he be angry in the office like this.

What's more, although the Kaleidoscope Sharingan has been awakened, excessive consumption of pupil power will lead to blindness, and it will also have a great impact on the body, so Uchiha Tokumitsu also minimizes the use of the power of the kaleidoscope.

Besides, if personal strength could really suppress the ninja world, Uchiha Tokumitsu would have turned his back on the table long ago.

Uchiha Quartet's worries are not without reason.

As the nominal head of the Uchiha clan, he is the one who most directly feels the change in Uchiha Tokumitsu's personality, such as the phrase "too weak" just now.

Especially after Uchiha Tokumitsu awakened Kaleidoscope Sharingan, Uchiha Tokumitsu's character and emotions are much "clearer" than before.

He has also read the relevant records of the direct secret collection in private, and found that this is a characteristic of all kaleidoscope awakened people. To some extent, it will cause emotional ups and downs due to the negative power of kaleidoscope pupil power. It is the slightest in comparison.

"Knock knock!"

There was a knock on the door of the chief's office.

"Come in!"

Hatake Sakumo pushed the door open and entered.

He looked a little tired.

"Mr. Shuo Mao, please come here on a special trip."

"I have a problem with this matter, but I will trouble you, Mr. Deguang..."

Hatake Sakumo had a wry smile on his face, a little helpless.

Uchiha Tokumitsu and him took up the status of the ninja class, but he didn't want to be challenged by others through the ninja class. This made Hatake Sakumo, who is the class leader, feel very ashamed.

"The ninja class meeting system is inherently open, and it's not surprising that someone manipulates the agenda..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu lay down on the back of the chair, his body relaxed, "Just, Sakumo-kun, have you made up your mind?"

He was referring to letting Hatake Sakumo reorganize the forces under his command and formulate binding rules.

"In principle, the village does not allow ninjas to form various organizations on their own..."

Hatake Sakumo sighed.

"Facts have proved that ninjas gathered purely for the purpose of mutual assistance are inferior to ninjas bound by blood in terms of combat effectiveness and willpower."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "Especially the reorganized Senju Clan, the grandparents' prestige is actually the leader of the ninja world. When facing them, maybe it's Sakumo-kun that you also feel a little bit retreat in your heart?"

Hatake Sakumo was silent when he heard the words.

Uchiha Tokumitsu regarded him as acquiescing, so he continued: "Since Sakumo-kun, you have the heart to retreat, how can your subordinates continue to argue with the Senju Clan?"

"You know, the two proposals proposed by Tsunade Hime can't find any faults on the surface."

Uchiha Tokumitsu ignored the eyes of patriarch Uchiha Sifang, and said to himself: "In addition, those collateral clans who returned to Senju are naturally full of enthusiasm and fighting spirit in order to become a leader. In this way, Sakumo-kun, you Is there any way other than procrastination?"

"If you want to reorganize the staff... what is the most appropriate way?"

Hatake Sakumo gritted his teeth and finally made up his mind.

"I don't know if Sakumo-kun knows that among the bureaucrats under the daimyo's command, there is an organizational structure called political group?"

The so-called political group is an organization formed by the children of civilians who have passed the exam or been recommended to become daimyo bureaucrats. Since there is no family background, there is no place to hold a high position at the county guard level, and coupled with the exclusion of noble children, the bureaucrats They are often linked together by the region of origin, ideals and aspirations, etc., and support each other in an attempt to "progress" together.


Hatake Sakumo was taken aback for a moment, but then realized something.

Indeed, the status of Konoha Jominin, who was born as a commoner and a small ninja, is no different from that of a daimyo bureaucrat who has no chance to be promoted to a high position.

If it was said that Hatake Sakumo's forces were just huddled together to keep warm, then if they were reorganized according to the model of a political group, they would at least become a political organization with a bit of ideal pursuit.

"Just in this way, wouldn't many people choose to deviate..."

Patriarch Uchiha Sifang was a little puzzled.

"People who can't share weal and woe, what's the use of having more? Could a hundred undisciplined Iwagakures be able to compete with fifty well-trained Uchihas?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu replied, his eyes continued to pay attention to the change of Hatake Sakumo's expression.

"I see……"

Hatake Sakumo's expression gradually became firm.

A satisfied smile appeared on Uchiha Tokumitsu's face.

"This time Tsunade Hime's proposal is really urgent, so let me handle it."

Uchiha Tokumitsu took the initiative to say: "The formation of the political group still requires a lot of internal games, and it is not convenient for me to mix these things, so I will handle things related to Uchiha."

Hearing this, Sakumo Hatake hesitated.

Like Uchiha Sifang, he is also afraid that Uchiha Tokumitsu will use force, and if that happens, it will be out of control.

"Mr. Deguang, it's better not to resort to force...and I will suppress the proposal..."

Hatake Sakumo whispered nervously.

"Why use force to solve it? Why do you all regard me as an extreme fighter?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu scratched his hair irritably.

Hatake Sakumo and Uchiha Quartet looked at each other, but did not answer.

To say that among the Uchiha clan, there are many people whose words are more extreme than Uchiha Tokumitsu, but in terms of actions, no one can compare with them.

At least, apart from Uchiha Tokumitsu, no one else in the Uchiha clan has the guts to kill the elders of the village's advisors and summon the ninja army to force Hokage to bow his head and give in.

"Then... how is Tokumitsu-kun going to deal with Tsunade Hime's proposal?"

Hatake Sakumo bit the bullet and continued to ask.

"You only need to find a reason to refuse to accept the ninja class, and push it to the ninja meeting for self-examination!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu replied: "And it needs to be expanded and thoroughly investigated! Since Sarutobi Monkey came to power, everything related and irrelevant must be investigated!"

"The kind that won't stop until you find out everything in Konoha's darkness!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu added in a firm tone.

Hatake Sakumo and Uchiha looked at each other, shocked.

It has only been a few years since the Uchiha clan began to expand their power. Even if it is investigated to the end, it is actually nothing. Those things about transnational smuggling and reselling arms are not big or small. The Uchiha clan mainly started to cherish after they developed in recent years. Feather just obeyed the rules, otherwise those proposals would not be taken seriously.

However, if it is really necessary to investigate for decades like Uchiha Tokumitsu, then things will become a big mess.

After all, Konoha is up and down, no one can stand the investigation...


The Uchiha patriarch felt a bit of a toothache.

"By the way, although Genbu has been disbanded, all the crimes it committed have not been disclosed, so it needs to be thoroughly investigated! We will never stop until an unjust, false or wrong case is found!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu gritted his teeth and said.

"This...do you really need to investigate?"

Hatake Sakumo hesitated.

Since becoming the leader of the ninja class, he also understands that the dark side of the top is indispensable.

But if it is really thoroughly investigated, it will inevitably cause incalculable bad effects on Konoha.

Among other things, the consequences of the complete collapse of the will of fire's beliefs and beliefs alone are not something the high-level people can bear.

"Whether to check is not the key, the key is to expand!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said firmly: "It must be expanded! Not expanding is not enough to clean up the remnants of the old era! It is not enough to rectify the discipline!"

Hatake Sakumo and Uchiha Sifang looked at Uchiha Tokumitsu who was full of righteousness, and felt that the sky was thundering.

After thinking about it carefully, I found that this is really a good way.

After all, it has not been a few years since the Uchiha clan gained power. Whether it is controlling military power, intimidating daimyo, or illegal smuggling, it can only be said that they are poor, and they are far from dark and dirty.

But what about those things before the village?

Just at the root, any Konoha Jōnin can reveal a lot of crimes.

Moreover, many Konoha ninjas with "divergent intentions" have been cleaned up secretly. If the investigation is restarted now, even if nothing can be found, the water will be completely muddied, and no one will be able to watch the show.

Moreover, at the ninja meeting, there were a lot of frustrated old guys who watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal. Because of their relatively small group size and the deep influence of the ninja school education, their sense of identity with the family was naturally relatively weakened, and they were not reconciled. The frustrated old guys are naturally very happy to see the statement of the Hokage series being hit.

"That's a good way..."

Hatake Sakumo turned his head and understood.

But Uchiha Tokumitsu's calculations are not limited to this.

The ninja class is still a little thin, and another catfish needs to enter the game to muddy the water.

Moreover, it is also good for the Uchiha clan to re-establish the authority of the Ninja Conference through the trial of the bill.

Because after the reorganization of the Senshou Clan, a large number of collateral families returned to the sect, and another consequence was that the number of Konoha Ninja Clans was relatively small.

The number of Uchiha clan and pro-ninja clan remains unchanged.

Between the ebb and flow, the Uchiha clan's right to speak in the Ninja Conference has increased in disguise.

"This plan is very good!"

Although the patriarch Uchiha Shifang did not think too far, he also felt that expanding the scope of the investigation through the ninja meeting was also a feasible method.

And if Tsunade's proposal is transferred to the Ninja Conference, even if an investigation team is formed at that time, the participation of members of the Ninja Conference will be indispensable.

Although some ninjas benefited from the time when the third generation was in charge of Konoha, after all, most of the Konoha ninjas were still in the wild, giving them a chance to regain power, and I believe they would not be unhappy.

"That's the case over there, Tokumitsu-kun, then I'll go back to the ninja class to answer this matter first!"

Hatake Sakumo exhaled, stood up and asked Uchiha Tokumitsu and Uchiha Sifang to resign.

"Waiting for good news from Mr. Shuo Mao."

Uchiha Tokumitsu also had a bright smile on his face.

There is also a deeper hidden reason, that is, Tokumitsu Uchiha intends to transform the Ninja Conference and the Jonin Conference into the form of the Senate and the House of Representatives through a series of events, and the two houses stand side by side to check and balance each other, so that no matter what happens It can be dragged into noisy internal friction to wear it out.

At that time, even if someone wants to use the bill to make trouble, it will depend on whether he can survive the entanglement between the two houses.

After all, Konoha is still a military group based on "customary law", and as long as there is a precedent, it will be easy to manipulate in the future.

And once a routine is formed, there will naturally be a lot more space to manipulate in the future!

"I see what else you can use to fight me!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu thought viciously in his heart.

Ninjas are not just fighting and killing, ninjas also need to talk about human relationships~

So I'm asking for a ticket, let's smash the monthly ticket recommendation tickets in the hands of book friends~

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