Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 167 Siege of the Temple of Fire

Kirigakure's mission signed a temporary truce agreement with Konoha in order to conceal its true purpose.

Yes, truce only.

Although Kirigakure was defeated on the mainland, the two sides no longer fought, but Kirigakure is still unwilling to admit defeat like this, let alone pay compensation, not to mention that Konoha has no way to invade the country of water.

As for Konoha, although Hokage intends to end the state of war with Kirigakure, Kirigakure is still unwilling to let go of the compensation, and there is still pressure to repay the bond, so the third generation of Sarutobi Hiruzen does not want to let go and Kirigakure to achieve unconditional Peace.

Of course, the greater resistance is that the hardliners headed by the Uchiha clan are unwilling to sign a peace agreement without compensation.

Although the smuggling business between the Uchiha clan and the Kirigakure ninja is flourishing, it is just a "normal exchange" between the ninja clan and should not be confused with the official affairs of the village.

Moreover, the longer the state of war lasts, the longer the connection between the people of the country of water and the country of fire will be cut off, and it will naturally be more conducive to the smuggling trade of the ninjas of the two villages.

Even after the signing of the armistice agreement, the Kirigakure Ninja reached an oral agreement with Uchiha Tokumitsu in private to jointly crack down on illegal shipping. Crack down on idle ships that are not included in the smuggling system to go to sea, so as not to damage the smuggling interests of both parties.


Two days have passed since Uchiha Tokumitsu's three-day ultimatum to the daimyo at the meeting.

After the daimyo's emissary, Dr. Asakura, left Konoha and returned to Daimyo Mansion, no news came to Konoha again.

But playing dead won't solve the problem.

The narrow-minded Uchiha Tokumitsu is still brooding over Daimyo's daring to send envoys to account.

And if the Uchiha clan doesn't make a big noise, wouldn't the cruel words that Uchiha Tokumitsu put down at the meeting become empty words?

Therefore, Uchiha Tokumitsu sent a letter to the northwest border, ordering the second and third divisions of the Tokumitsu Red Team stationed in the country of grass to enter the territory of the country of fire, and marched openly to Izumi County Castle in Kinki, Daming Prefecture.

On the spur of the moment, Elder Setsuna intervened and asked the red team to change into the traditional red armor of the Uchiha clan.

Of course, Uchiha Tokumitsu met the COS requirements of the Great Elder in a good manner.

Uchiha Tokumitsu, on the other hand, dispatched 60 elites from the police department, plus 32 ninjas from his own dark guards to form a direct-controlled ninja army, ready to carry out deterrent strikes.

The ninja army secretly left the village through the secret passage controlled by the police department, and galloped towards the Daming Mansion.

Of course, Uchiha Tokumitsu's goal is not Damingfu, but the Temple of Fire not far from Damingfu.

As a mountain temple led by the daimyo family, the strength of the Temple of Fire is extraordinary. It has eighteen Jonin monks and dozens of monks with the same fighting power as the Chunin, which is equivalent to the scale of Konoha's medium-sized ninja.

But in front of the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, the ordinary Jonin combat power is not to be taken seriously at all. Even if the contemporary Five Kages strike, Uchiha Tokumitsu has the confidence to compete.



Uchiha Tokumitsu led the ninja army and had just left the village and jumped into the dense forest, when there was a roar of anger behind him.


The voice was a little familiar, so Tokuhika Uchiha stopped in his tracks.

It's Tsunade.

There is also Zilai.

"Tsunade Hime Rian."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said hello to Tsunade, but he ignored Jiraiya who looked complicated.

"What are you going to do?"

Tsunade's pretty face was cold, and she asked in a cold voice.

"Although Senju and Uchiha have chosen to reconcile, the relationship is not so good that they can share secret information with each other, right?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu frowned, and replied in the same cold voice.

"Are you going to the Daming Mansion?"

Tsunade also noticed that there was a problem with his attitude, and his tone became a little gentler.

"Uchiha walks the talk."

Uchiha Tokumitsu also expressed his attitude.

"Don't you know? Doing so is destroying the one country, one village system! It will start a war!"

Tsunade couldn't help showing anger on his face, "Do you want to see the village besieged by the four major powers?"

"What a joke..."

Tokumitsu Uchiha felt a bit ironic. Not long ago, the two powerful families of Kirigakure, who were still fighting to death on the battlefield, came to the door and hoped to form an alliance.

Just relying on the guardian ninja in the hands of daimyo from various countries, it is estimated that it is not enough for the Uchiha clan to plug their teeth.

"Tsunate Hime, times have changed..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu pressed his left hand on the scabbard, and flicked the knife with his thumb, "Please don't get in the way, otherwise I won't be able to explain to Duanjou..."


The anger on Tsunade's face grew even stronger.

"Besides, in what capacity are you questioning me?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said warmly: "You know, as Konoha Jominin, you don't have the authority to govern the ninja ninja army."

"Besides, maybe you don't know or understand... Your teacher, Hokage-sama of Konoha, is also keen to attack the authority of the daimyo and curb the spread of their influence in Konoha, but in the past, such things were Let Danzo do it..."

"Now that Danzo is dead and his root is gone, he is naturally happy to see the relationship between the Uchiha clan and the daimyo become bad, isn't it~"

After finishing speaking, Uchiha Tokumitsu's thumb flicked open the knife, revealing a sharp blade.

The dark guard ninjas also put their hands on their main weapons.

Jiraiya's expression became tense.

Tsunade was unafraid.

"The ninja of the Uzumaki family!"

Tsunade turned his gaze to the Uzumaki tribe among the police ninjas, "Are you going to mess around with Uchiha too!"

"This is a road of no return, get out of here!"

"Tsunade Hime..."

Uzumaki Ninja was silent for a while before responding: "Uchiha is Uzumaki's blood alliance, and this is the covenant declared by Patriarch Weiming to every Uzumaki clansman!"

A smile appeared on Uchiha Tokumitsu's face.

After getting the inside story of the Kirigakure Ninja's war on the Uzumaki Country's destruction, Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately told Uzumaki Weiina.

In this way, it is no wonder that the Uzumaki family has even a little favor for the famous names of various countries.

Uchiha Tokumitsu stepped forward.

The ninja army followed suit.

Tsunade sighed, and finally chose to take a few steps back to get out of the way of the ninja army.

The words of the Uzumaki clan made her no longer have the intention to try to stop Uchiha Tokumitsu's Ninja Army action.

Now she is eager to know whether her teacher, Sarutobi Hiruzen, is, as Uchiha Tokumitsu said, acquiescing or even secretly pushing the Uchiha clan to swing their blades at the daimyo.


In the past, the temple of fire, where incense was at its peak and where noble officials gathered, is now full of chilling atmosphere.

The door of the sealed iron wall, which is said to be unbreakable, is tightly closed.

The great monk is leading the monks and soldiers to stand in battle.

What he has to do is to prevent the ninja army of the Uchiha Tokumitsu Headquarters from pointing directly at the Temple of Fire, so as not to lose the face of the daimyo.

The Tokumitsu Chibei Squad who went south from the northwest border has easily defeated the daimyo's army and occupied a county town north of the daimyo's mansion. However, the daimyo who originally planned to gather his troops to go north to crusade got Uchi who was killed by Konoha Information on the march of the Ninja Army of the Bourbon Division.

The name is also numb.

I thought it would be fine to deal with it coldly, but I didn't expect Uchiha Tokumitsu to really dare to attack with an army.

And the noble officials of the Daming Mansion also saw the huge difference in combat effectiveness between the ninja army and the mansion army during the battle in Izumi County City in the north.

According to the description of the rout soldiers, the Uchiha ninjas wearing the armor of the Warring States Period came screaming like evil spirits, ignoring the ninja army's bows, arrows, and firecracker attacks, and sent out huge fire dragons to blow up the formation of the government army.

No matter how noble the blood, no matter how noble the status, no matter how superb commanding skills, no matter how well-trained the government army, in front of the bloodthirsty Uchiha, they are as useless as paper shields, and are defeated by a kunai Easily cuts off dust.

The high-ranking ministers woke up like a dream, as if they just remembered that now is the era of ninjas, and even this world has been called "Ninja World".

Under the background that Konoha Ninja chooses to stand on the sidelines and cannot stop Uchiha's soldiers with his own force, the only hope for the daimyo and the ministers and nobles is that the Temple of Fire can stop Uchiha Tokumitsu's headquarters ninja army, and then can be slightly frustrated After the spirit of the Uchiha Ninja Army, in exchange for a decent chance for peace talks-the daimyo is not willing to surrender without a fight!

As for contacting the other four major powers to launch the Ninja Army to "suppress injustice", this idea swirled in the daimyo's mind for a while, and he was forced to push aside in the imminent crisis.

After all, the distant water cannot save the near fire.


The Uchiha Ninja was getting closer.

The monk of the temple of fire is standing on the bell tower, looking sadly at the Uchiha ninja army who spread out in the formation of crane wings and is running steadily.

Uchiha Tokumitsu surrounded by the ninja army, Uchiha dark guards dressed in light armor and carrying a flag, reminded him in a trance of the Warring States Period of endless wars and endless killings.

At the same time he remembered a man.

The man known as "Ninja Shura" who reprimanded the daimyo face to face at the alliance meeting...

"Uchiha Madara..."

The monk was full of melancholy chanting out this nightmarish name.

Like daimyo, ministers and dignitaries, he never thought that in the era after the establishment of the five great powers and the establishment of the system of one country and one village, there would still be people who would dare to imitate the lords of the Warring States period and lead their troops to Luo.

"Public holy land, stop the Ninja Army!"

Under the instruction of the great monk, a young monk was shouting at the Uchiha ninja army.

The Uchiha Ninja switched from running to walking forward.

"I have heard that the talent of the immortal clan inherited from the temple of fire is known as the unparalleled power of suppression in the ninja world. I am here to learn it!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu drew the sword first.

"Clang clang!!!"

All the ninja soldiers then drew their main weapons.

The bright blade shone with a cold edge under the sunlight.

The monks in the Temple of Fire suddenly felt like falling into a snow cellar.

"Stop it! Uchiha!"

The great monk had no choice but to speak in person and said, "If you continue to go your own way, other big countries will not let you go!"

"Open the door!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu yelled: "Uchiha wiped out Ronin, if you don't remove the barrier and accept the test, once the ninja army launches an attack, you will be responsible for all the consequences!"

The defensive iron wall of the Temple of Fire is actually a large-scale defensive barrier formed by the fusion of enchantment ninjutsu and sealing techniques. The iron-cast gate and the two stone statues are only part of the barrier, including the sky and underground space of the Temple of Fire. Within the protective range of the enchantment.

Monk Zheng's expression became even more sad.

Neither the order of the daimyo nor the dignity of the monks of the Temple of Fire allowed him to remove the barrier and allow the ninja army to enter the temple without a fight.

He set his sights on the six red-haired ninjas in the Uchiha ninja army.

Those were Uzumaki ninjas, but at this moment they were wearing the combat vests of the ninjas of the police department.

As we all know, the Uzumaki clan is the most proficient in sealing ninjutsu in the ninja world.

"Hinoji is the direct leader of the daimyo family, please ask Tokumitsu Jonin to step down..."

The great monk still did not give up, and tried to persuade him: "It is not too late to rein in the precipice, please lead your troops to retreat, the old monk will persuade the daimyo not to pursue the responsibility..."


Uchiha Tokumitsu sneered, and the Sangodama in his eyes spun rapidly, turning into a kaleidoscope Sharingan.

The monk was immediately lowering his head to avoid Uchiha Tokumitsu's gaze.


Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't talk nonsense, he directly pumped up the chakra, drew the pupil power and released it to form a huge half-body demon god.


Susano almost hit the iron gate with a punch, causing ripples and fluctuations in the enchantment.

The monks inside the sealed iron wall turned pale from the violent echo.

The stick and knife in his hand could hardly be held.

And the great monk who maintained the sealing barrier was even more shaken so that the corners of his mouth were bleeding.

"Aren't you willing to open the door?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu, who was wrapped in Susanoo, said quietly: "If I break the barrier, then you will suffer old crimes!"

Then, he controlled Susano to punch the iron gate.


Monk Zheng's body was crumbling.

Eighteen monks are hurriedly surrounding the great monk, outputting chakra together to maintain the existence of the enchantment.

Monk Zheng felt even more miserable in his heart.

With just two punches, Susano hammered the barrier until it shook, and nearly half of his chakra was consumed.

If Uchiha Tokumitsu punches two more punches...

This is no longer a question of whether the barrier can stop it, but the chakras of himself and the monks in the temple simply cannot maintain the existence of the barrier under such a fierce attack.

What's more, the Uzumaki ninjas in the Uchiha Ninja Army haven't cracked it yet.

There is only one way to die if you stick to it.

The great monk is taking the initiative to jump up to the top of the temple gate.

"How dare you show up..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu was a little surprised.

The monk was just taking out a bottle of Bingliang Pills from his bosom, and poured it all into his mouth.

"...Don't you want to meet the talents of the immortal clan from the Temple of Fire?"

The eminent monk's face also lost the benevolent look of the past, and surrounded by the golden chakra, his expression became chilling.

"Come and welcome Thousand Hand Killer!"

A golden thousand-handed Buddha appeared in front of the great monk and burst out.

Thousand-handed Buddha waved his golden chakra fist and hit Susanoo.

"Susanenghu Yasaka Qionggouyu!"

Tokumitsu Uchiha quickly drew chakra and stuffed it into Susano's body to resist the ultra-high-frequency Chakra fist hammer. Hold it directly and stab it into the body of Thousand-Handed Buddha.


The sharp hook jade pierced into the body of Thousand-Handed Buddha, triggering a huge chakra explosion that resounded through the heaven and earth.

The monks inside the Temple of Fire were blown around by the violent shock wave.

Chakra splashing around ignited streaks of purple fireworks on the colorless barrier.

In the ninja army behind Tokumitsu Uchiha, the Uzumaki ninja quickly cast an enchantment to block the shock wave.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, Susano almost maintained the posture of poking forward.

The thousand-armed Buddha has disappeared without a trace.

Monk Zheng's body was on the verge of falling, coughing up blood from his mouth.

"If you don't remove the enchantment again, don't blame me for destroying the spell!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said with a sneer.

The monk was about to defend himself by saying a few words, but seeing Uchiha Tokumitsu's cold eyes, he finally gave up.

He jumped down from the top of the temple gate and pushed open the iron gate of the Temple of Fire himself.

The iron wall of the seal was lifted accordingly.

"Chicken tile dog!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu let out a cold snort, and retracted Susano. With a wave of his right hand, the Uchiha Ninja Army behind them rushed into the Temple of Fire with their swords in formation.

The place name of the northern county of Daimyo Prefecture in the Land of Fire in this chapter is a direct reference to [Izumi], one of the five capitals of Kyoto during the Eastern Warring States Period.

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