Uchiha’s Life Simulator

Chapter 118: Sarutobi's decision!

There were many memories in Sarutobi Hizan's mind.

The two have known each other since they were very young. They became disciples of Senju Tobirama together, studied together, progressed together, carried out ninja missions together, and entered the battlefield together.

The experience at that time, Sarutobi Hiizan misses very much.

Sarutobi Hizuzan regards Danzo as his best friend, the kind who can give his back to the other party.

However, the matter of Yunyin Village is a point of change.

After Qianshou Tobirama took the initiative to cut off, he died in the hands of Yunyin Village Jinjiao and Yinjiao.

Sarutobi Hizan succeeded Hokage.

But Danzang is extremely eager for the position of Hokage, if there are some cracks between the two.

After being silent for a while, Danzo created the root organization and took the initiative to become the darkness of Konoha.

The relationship between the two is not as harmonious as before, but the cooperation is not bad.

Danzo gained power and status.

And Sarutobi Hiizan can also hand over a lot of shameful things to Danzo.

A tacit understanding was formed between the two.

Decades seem like every other day.

Until now, I have received news that Danzo may have encountered an accident.

Sarutobi Hizan didn't know how to locate Danzo.

A friend, partner?

Or a subordinate of Deli?

Or is it a simple cooperation of interests?

"If Danzo really dies, I'm really not used to it."

The sound of the mountain wind resounded.

"Lord Hokage, what should we do now?"

Sarutobi Hizan glanced at Shan Zhongfeng, a little dissatisfied.

Before Sarutobi Hiizhan was not satisfied with Yamanaka Kaze, when the root ninja who failed to pursue came to the crowd, Sarutobi Hiizan was about to ask, but Yamanaka Kaze took a step ahead and took his place.

"Lu Jiu, what do you think?"

Sarutobi Hizan looked at Shikahisa Nara.

As Konoha's number one military advisor, the Nara clan is closely related to the Sarutobi clan.

Sarutobi Hiizan trusts Nara Shikahisa very much.

"Lord Hokage, all we can do for Lord Danzo is to chase down the murderer and find Lord Danzo."

Nara Shikahisa said.

"Kakashi said, that person is good at fire escape, taijutsu, and control ninjutsu. Who do you think he will be?"

Nara Shikaku shook his head.

"There's so little information that it's hard to be sure."

Shan Zhongfeng couldn't help but interject, and said, "Lord Hokage, that person should be Itachi Uchiha. Lord Danzo told me before leaving that this is a conspiracy of the Uchiha clan."

"If you go to the Uchiha clan now, you can definitely force them to hand over Danzo-sama."

Sarutobi Hizan didn't speak.

It was Shikahisa Nara who spoke.

"Where's the evidence?"

The mountain wind was stunned.

Nara Shikahisa said: "Uchiha Itachi disappeared before, Konoha searched for a long time, but couldn't find it, and no one could see the murderer clearly."

"It is too far-fetched to say that it is a conspiracy of the Uchiha family."

Nara Shikahisa understood Sarutobi Hiizan's thoughts.

Sarutobi Hizan has many concerns.

The contradiction between the Uchiha clan and Konoha's high-level executives, Sarutobi Hiizan is all too clear.

But when Uchiha Itachi disappeared before, Sarutobi Hiizan didn't plan to take action against the Uchiha family.

Not even now.

Even Danzo was taken away so easily, how strong would Uchiha's hidden strength be?

At this time, if the Uchiha family is shot, what kind of revenge will the people of the Sarutobi family suffer?

This is what Sarutobi Hizan was worried about.

In addition, if everyone saw the scene where Danzo was attacked by the ninjas of the Uchiha clan, it would be nothing to take action against Uchiha, and the teacher was famous.

But not now.

Danzang lost, and was taken away too quickly.

So that there is no evidence that the Uchiha family did it.

It's all guesswork and a mouthful of mountain winds.

Can this be recognized by other ninja families?

Even if other ninja clan members knew about the conflict between the senior officials of Konoha and Uchiha, but the senior officials of Konoha had to find some reasonable excuses to take action.

If you don't look for an excuse at all, it will definitely come true.

Let other ninja families be more afraid of Konoha executives.

It will also have a huge impact on Sarutobi's reputation.

Therefore, when Sarutobi Hizan heard the report of the root ninja, he had already made a decision from the beginning, and would not take this opportunity to attack the Uchiha clan.

This is the difference between Danzo and Sarutobi Hiizan.

If it was a group possession, it would have been shot long ago.

Nara Shikahisa has worked for Sarutobi Hizan for many years, and he cannot fail to see this.

But these words, Sarutobi Hizan can't say, saying it will make people who are sincere to Danzo dissatisfied, such as Yamazaki, and it will also have a certain impact on Sarutobi Hizan's reputation.

After all, in the eyes of outsiders, Hiruzen Sarutobi and Danzo have worked together for many years and are close.

Now that something happened to Danzo, Sarutobi Hizen just let it pass so lightly, he couldn't say anything.

The mountain wind fell silent.

"This matter must be investigated. No matter who it is, the elder who dares to hurt my Konoha must make him pay the price he deserves."

Sarutobi Hizan made a conclusion.

"Let's come here first today, the meeting is over."

The people left one after another.

Soon there were only four people left in the office.

Sarutobi Hidden, transferred to Koharu, Mito Gate Flame~www.wuxiamtl.com~Nara Shikaku.


Sarutobi Hizan sighed.

"Konoha finally settled down for a while and lived a peaceful life, but this happened again."

Mito Gate Yan said: "Danzo is very strong, and he has brought so many root ninjas and Kakashi. It is impossible for ordinary ninjas to achieve this level."

"There are not many in the entire ninja world that can achieve this level."

"And more importantly, the ninjutsu that made Danzo disappear suddenly."

"This reminds me of Shisui Uchiha back then."

"That power called Beetian God."

"If the kaleidoscope is to write round eyes, there is indeed the possibility of doing it."

Hiruzen Sarutobi nodded.

"Uchiha Itachi's disappearance has been too revealing until now. I already trusted him very much, but I didn't expect things to become like this."

Turning to bed, Xiaochun snorted coldly.

"The Uchiha family is the scourge of Konoha, and they should be completely eradicated!"

Sarutobi Hizan shook his head.

"There is no definitive proof that Uchiha did it."

"Moreover, if Uchiha really did it, the village couldn't do it. We don't even know how much strength Uchiha has hidden. If we take action rashly, it will only lead the village into the abyss."

"Even if Uchiha is defeated, the village will inevitably suffer heavy losses."

"At that time, it gave other ninja villages a chance."

"I don't think anyone wants to experience what Konoha suffered after the first generation passed away."

"At present, our best way is to investigate the situation of the Uchiha family."

"Lu Jiu, do you think so?"

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