Uchiha’s Life Simulator

Chapter 116: the way of the other

pierce directly.

draw out.

Blood splattered.

Because of the transplanted intercolumnar cells, the vitality is strong, and Danzo still has the ability to move.

Attempt to fight back against Uchiha Setsuna.

But Uchiha's instant attack came faster than Danzo's counterattack.

With Danzo's current disadvantage, it is absolutely impossible to pose a threat to Uchiha Setsuna.

Limbs, internal organs, all destroyed.

Danzo was desperate, and after realizing that he would die today, Danzo made a decision.

That is, with all his secrets, disappear.

End print.

"Seal of the Four Elephants!"

But how could Uchiha Setsuna not know Danzo's thoughts.

In the original plot, after Danzang lost to Zuozu, he immediately used the four-image seal technique.

On the one hand, he wants to die with Uchiha Zuosuke, and on the other hand, he wants to hide his secrets.

Uchiha interrupted Danzo's seal in an instant, and gave Danzo a more fierce attack.

It was not until Danzo completely lost his ability to move that Uchiha stopped in an instant, and came to stand in front of Danzo, condescendingly, looking down at Danzo.

"Before you die, is there anything else you want to say? Shimura Danzo."

The reason why Uchiha Mosama gave Danzo a chance to speak is not to obtain information, Uchiha Mosana can completely read Danzo's memory, but just to make Danzo more painful before he dies.

Physical attacks can only cause Danzo physical pain.

Now Uchiha Setsuna wants to make Danzo suffer mentally as well.

Danzo glared at Uchiha for an instant.


A mouthful of blood spurted out.

"It's not Uchiha Itachi, who are you?"

"Just an ordinary Uchiha."

Uchiha said sternly: "I didn't expect that you are still obsessed with this question. Since you can't think of anything, then I have a few questions to ask you."

"The Uchiha family, what happened to you, making you hate you so much?"

Danzo's eyes flickered, and a look of hatred appeared on his face.

"Because you Uchiha clan are inherently evil!"

Death was unavoidable, Danzo thought, at least before he died, he would be disgusted by Uchiha for a moment.

Uchiha instantly sprinkled a handful of salt on Danzo's wound.

This was used for Uchiha Itachi last time, and it was not used up.

Now it's just right for Danzo.

Danzo cried out in pain.

"Danzo, you don't need to say such things, it's meaningless. Since you know that I can turn around, do you think I will search for the memory of the mountain family?"

Danzo's face changed.

After a while of silence, Danzo said, "I have a few questions."


"How did you Uchiha people learn the secret techniques of the mountain family? Kakashi turned to you? What degree do you Uchiha want to achieve? How much power do you hide?"

Uchiha said: "As for the secret technique in the mountains, you can guess, Kakashi is because I told him about Konoha Shirato, I said Konoha Shirogane, it was deliberately framed by you and Sarutobi Hizan... …”

Tuanzang's eyes, Tong Kongmeng, shrank, and interrupted.

"None of my business!"

"You Uchiha actually used such a cunning method of framing and framing?"

"Kakashi, this idiot, actually believed it?"

Uchiha looked at Danzo in a daze.

"You also know the word next to make? You can use the means of the next move, why can't we use it?"

"How did you feel when you were told that such a method was used on you?"

"It must be cool."

"Why doesn't Kakashi believe it?"

"Aren't you that kind of people?"

Danzo was in a hurry, and another mouthful of blood spurted out.

Uchiha smiled when he saw this.

In the original plot, countless innocent Uchihas would die at the hands of Uchiha Itachi, Danzo and the root organization ninja. In the simulator, Uchiha had experienced many times in an instant.

Uchiha's hatred for Danzo is only under Uchiha Itachi.

Killing Danzo directly is too cheap.

Uchiha Setsuna wanted Danzo to suffer even more before he died.

Danzo likes to frame others, wrong others, and deal with others on trumped-up charges. Danzo enjoys such a process, but correspondingly, Danzo cannot stand being treated like this.

"Kakashi is so stupid!"

"If I had known, I shouldn't have brought Kakashi!"

"Any change of person will definitely not be the case."

Danzo cursed in his heart, and felt a strong sense of remorse in his heart.

Because Danzo recalled just now and felt that as long as he had a little more strength on his side, he would not fall into the current situation.

Even if he misestimates Uchiha's strength, as long as Kakashi is reliable, he will be fine.

Uchiha Setsuna continued: "As for how much we Uchiha want to achieve? It's very simple, I will search your memory later, and how much you want to do to Uchiha, we will do it to you. To what extent."

"The strength of our Uchiha clan, you don't have to worry."

Danzo's heart sank, and he struggled desperately, trying to break free from Uchiha's shackles.

I want to completely destroy my head and not give Uchiha a chance to search for memory in an instant.

Because Danzo is clear, in his mind, there is only one way to deal with the Uchiha family after Uchiha Shisui said the ability of other gods.

That is genocide.

A ninja family that already had a conflict with the top officials of Konoha. More importantly, it has great potential. As long as the Uchiha family is kept alive, even if only some people are alive, it is a huge threat to the high-level Konoha.

Weeds must be cut down.

Now Uchiha Setsuna says, treat yourself the same way ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ What does that mean?

That means that the entire Shimura clan will be destroyed by the Uchiha clan!

In all honesty, Danzo does not have a strong affection for the Shimura family.

Danzo cares more about himself, and Danzo wants to be Hokage all the time.

But now, on the verge of death, Danzang recalled his parents, recalled his childhood, those of the same age, and recalled his family members, his childhood sweethearts.

Danzo's affection for the Shimura clan has grown.

At this time, Danzo absolutely did not want to see the Shimura clan annihilated.

Especially because of his own reasons, he was implicated by himself.

Uchiha suddenly reached out to Danzo.

Danzo knew that Uchiha was trying to search for his own memory.

"Do not!"

Danzo showed a horrified expression, desperately trying to break free, trying to escape, wishing that he would be killed immediately and turned into a mess of flesh, unable to be searched for memory.

But the current Danzo, even the seal can't do it.

It is impossible to resist Uchiha instant.

Extremely severe pain erupted in Danzo's heart.

Uchiha saw Danzo's expression in an instant, and he could see the pain of Danzo, and felt that the pressure in his heart was relieved.

"It's a bit of a sense of revenge."

Uchiha's hand fell on Danzo's head.

"By the way, I want to tell you the last sentence. The pharmacist is my person. I will support him in secret, and the root organization you created will also fall into my hands."

Danzo's eyes widened again.


Uchiha instantly smiled.

"Memory Invasion!"

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