Uchiha’s Life Simulator

Chapter 96: Danzo's suspicion!

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Uchiha returned to the real world in an instant.

The first time was to discover the nearby root ninja.

And those ninjas at the root also saw the sudden appearance of Uchiha Momo, and subconsciously became vigilant.

Ready to fight at any time.

But at this time.

"Monthly Reading!"

In Uchiha's left eye, a complex pattern slowly turned, and a kaleidoscope-level illusion was activated.

The next moment, these root ninjas all fell into illusion.

No matter how well prepared they are, it doesn't matter.

Uchiha's instant use of monthly reading level push.

Completely a dimensionality reduction attack.

This is the crushing of personal strength.

"The technique of instant body!"

Uchiha sent these root ninjas into the Jizo space.

Then return to Konoha.

Not found.

With the strength of Uchiha instant, it is not difficult to do this.

Danzo frowned.

"What about people?"

"Go and see what's going on."

Danzo orders another root ninja.

Soon, the root ninja returned to Danzo.

"Master Danzo."

"What about people?"

"Master Hui Tuanzang, they all disappeared without any trace, as if they disappeared out of thin air. We searched for a long time, but we couldn't find any trace of them."

"What about Uchiha Itachi and that strange face?"


Danzo's face darkened.

"Go down."

"Yes, my lord."

Danzo looked outside, outside of Konoha.

"Uchiha Itachi, what the **** are you doing?"

"I knew you couldn't be trusted."

"It's the same as Uchiha Shisui."

"No, it's the same as all of you Uchiha people."

"You Uchiha, you are born evil!"

Back home, Uchiha didn't cancel the shadow clone immediately, but entered the Jizo space again.

Uchiha came to the front of the root ninjas in an instant.

"Memory Invasion!"

Uchiha Setsuna used the secret technique of the Yamanaka clan on them.

A lot of information entered Uchiha's mind.

"That's what it's like to use memory invasion."

"To be honest, it doesn't feel good."

"It's like forcibly stuffing something in your head."

Uchiha suddenly recalled the time when he awakened the memory of his past life. It was similar to this feeling, but it was much more intense than now. Uchiha suddenly slowed down for a long time.

"Almost forgot Uchiha Itachi."

Uchiha suddenly dug Uchiha Itachi out.

"Memory invasion."

A burst of information poured in.

After a while, Uchiha withdrew his hand in an instant, and his eyes flickered.

"Has Uchiha Itachi made a decision at this point in time?"

"It's even been planned."

"There are still more than eight months before the night of the genocide, nearly nine months."

"That proves that my shot is timely."

"If only in the evening for a few more months."

"Even if Uchiha Itachi was killed at that time, the Uchiha family might face some other troubles."

"Also, Uchiha Itachi and Mask Man have already been in contact."

"The masked man agreed to Uchiha Itachi's invitation."

"That's the invitation to the Uchiha family."

"But the specific identity of the masked man, Uchiha Itachi is still unclear."

"The masked man hasn't revealed his shackles yet."

Uchiha's disgust for Uchiha Obito is only under Uchiha Itachi among Uchiha's clansmen.

Even Uchiha Obito has no feelings for other Uchiha clansmen.

But it makes sense for Uchiha Obito to take action against Uchiha's innocent clansmen?

In addition, the fact that Uchiha Obito killed Namifeng Minato and Vortex Kusina is absolutely inexcusable.

"Uchiha Itachi's opinion of Uchiha Fugaku is the same as what I guessed."

"I don't like Uchiha Fugaku's father at all."

"Think Uchiha Fugaku is incompetent, mediocre, like the other Uchiha members."

"I feel that it is precisely because of Uchiha Fuyue's inaction and insufficient restraint on the Uchiha clan that the ambitions and selfish desires of the Uchiha clan cannot be controlled."

"Uchiha Itachi doesn't know that Uchiha Fugaku fell in with Uchiha Shisui's other god."

Uchiha didn't know this before.

But in the simulator, using the secret techniques of the mountain family, read the memory of Uchiha Fugaku to know.

"Uchiha Itachi has a higher degree of trust in Konoha than in the Uchiha family."

"However, there is only one person Uchiha Itachi really respects, and that is Hiruzen Sarutobi."

"I'm not so fond of Danzo Uchiha Itachi."

"Because Danzo is just the darkness of Konoha."

"Hisaburi Sarutobi is Hokage."

A sneer appeared on Uchiha's face.

"I think I understand the will of fire, so I have a special feeling for the position of Hokage?"

But Uchiha knew something in an instant.

The position of Hokage should belong to Uchiha.

Back then, Senju Hasuma's promise to Madara Uchiha was to make Madara Uchiha a Hokage.

However, after Madara Uchiha led the Uchiha clan and the Chishou clan to jointly create Konoha, Chisho Tobirama used some strategies.

By voting, Senju Hasuma's promise to Madara Uchiha was cancelled.

Most of Konoha's people~www.wuxiamtl.com~ were supporters of Senju Zhuma at that time.

Even Senju has the support of some members of the Uchiha clan.

Senju has an absolute advantage in the vote.

Uchiha Madara didn't mind this too much, because Qianshou Isramma was a person recognized by Uchiha Madara.

That's why Senju Hashirama became the first Hokage.

If Madara Uchiha was the first Konoha Hokage, the history of Hokage would be completely different.

For a ninja family like Sarutobi, there is no place like it is now.

The Uchiha family will not have such a predicament.

Maybe the Qianshou clan will not disappear.

This may be a good thing for the Uchiha family and the Qianshou family.

It was the decision made by Chishou Hashirama to eliminate the surname and disband the clan, but to be honest, not all the people of Chishou were in favor of this decision.

Especially those at the bottom of the thousand-handed clan.

Thousands of hands exist, and their treatment is definitely better.

Without the Qianshou Clan, they would be just like ordinary people, without any preferential treatment.

It's like Uchiha Fire.

Because they are backed by the Uchiha family, even if they live a bad life, they can still pass.

And other civilians under the same conditions are definitely worse than Uchiha Huoyan.

Uchiha left the Jizo space in an instant, returned to the real world, and canceled the technique of shadow avatars.

Lying on the bed, Uchiha looked at the ceiling for a moment.

Because of the improvement of Tongli, even if it is pitch black now, Uchiha can see some things clearly in an instant.

Uchiha Heira let out a long breath.

Calculated in mind.

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