Uchiha’s Life Simulator

Chapter 94: Uchiha Itachi panicked!

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Uchiha Itachi's awakening of Amaterasu at a critical moment was completely within Uchiha's expectations.

No matter how scornful Uchiha Itachi is about Uchiha Itachi's character, thoughts, and three views, he has to admit that Uchiha Itachi is indeed a genius.

Since he is a genius, there is bound to be the possibility of erupting in a desperate situation.

But Uchiha was in the simulator, and it was Uchiha Itachi who awakened Amaterasu.

It is even possible to use Suzunou's Uchiha Itachi.

That is much stronger than the current Uchiha Itachi.


Uchiha instant's finger fell on Uchiha Itachi's eyeball, and with a slight button, the two eyeballs left Uchiha Itachi's eye socket and fell into Uchiha instant's hand.

Uchiha did this many, many times in an instant.

Either in the simulator or in the real world.

Drive lightly.

The two containers filled with nutrient solution were taken out by Uchiha in an instant, and put down the two eyes respectively.

Uchiha's kaleidoscope writing wheel has two more in stock.

Put the container away.

This time Uchiha was really relieved, and his eyes returned to Uchiha Itachi.

All limbs were broken, and he lost his eyes. No matter how strong Uchiha Itachi was, he couldn't struggle to come back.

It wasn't severe pain for Uchiha Itachi to lose his eyes.

but despair.

Just now in a desperate situation, Uchiha Itachi finally awakened Amaterasu's ability.

Amaterasu's attack was completely unsuccessful.

The next moment, I even lost my eyes.

Without his eyes, Uchiha Itachi couldn't think of any possibility of breaking the game.

"I can make your death less painful."

Uchiha said in an instant: "Hand over Uchiha Shisui's eye."

Uchiha Itachi went up and down, and Uchiha had already checked it in an instant.

The eye of the other **** is not there.

Uchiha Susanna actually knew where Uchiha Itachi hid that eye, on Uchiha Itachi's psychic beast.

One of many crows.

Uchiha instant needs this eye, even if he knows that this other **** is still in the cooling time, but it can be used as the material for the ability of Uchiha instant awakening.

Let the progress of the Eternal Eye further improve.

Uchiha Itachi didn't answer.

But just made a decision in my heart.

No matter what, he will never hand over other gods.

Uchiha Itachi quickly analyzed in his heart.

"This person's voice sounds familiar. I seem to have heard it somewhere before, and I can be sure that it is not my father."

"Then, there are two possibilities for Uchiha's situation now."

"One is that this person is Uchiha who is hiding in the dark, and even his father doesn't know it."

"This situation is relatively better for Konoha. The owner of a kaleidoscope writing wheel is nothing but the owner of the kaleidoscope, and cannot give the Uchiha family the power to fight against the entire Konoha."

"Once the conflict breaks out, Konoha will still win."

"The Uchiha clan will be destroyed, but without me, it will carry the reputation of a rebel."

"This person may escape."

"But for the entire Uchiha family, it doesn't make sense."

"Uchiha, who bears the reputation of a rebel, is it still Uchiha?"

"The entire Uchiha family will be nailed to the pillar of shame in history."

"And for Konoha, it will also cause a lot of damage."

"Worse than my original plan."

"Whether it is for Konoha or Uchiha."

"So, these selfish, narrow-minded, narrow-minded, and extremely powerful Uchihas are the real scourges and disasters, and it's all their fault."

Uchiha Itachi's mood became very bad.

But when I thought of the second possibility, my mood became even worse.

"Second, this person is Uchiha who is hidden in the dark. Father knows, and there is more than one such person."

"Uchiha hides a very strong strength."

"There is a possibility of success in the Uchiha Rebellion."

"That would be a huge blow to Konoha."

"There will be countless casualties throughout the village."

"The reputation of Uchiha's rebels will be greater."

Thinking of this, Uchiha Itachi panicked, but now Uchiha Itachi couldn't do anything.

Uchiha suddenly took out a ninja knife and stabbed Uchiha Itachi's wound.

Uchiha Itachi couldn't help trembling immediately.

The intense pain stimulated Uchiha Itachi.

"Who exactly are you?"

"What is your purpose?"

"Do you know the consequences of Uchiha's rebellion?"

"Are you going to bring Konoha into disaster?"

"For your own selfish desires, do you want to destroy the entire Konoha?"

"Don't you have any Konoha in your heart?"

"This is a village co-founded by so many people. It is everyone's dream!"

"The art of flying leaves, the fire is also endless."

"This is the will of fire."

"Do you know what your rebellion will make Konoha look like?"

"Whether you lose or win, Konoha will usher in an unprecedented disaster~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Countless casualties, countless people displaced, and countless people's quiet and peaceful days are broken."

"Furthermore, this is also an extremely bad thing for Uchiha."

"The Uchiha clan will bear the reputation of rebels."

"This reputation will follow Uchiha for the rest of his life."

"It will become an eternal shame for the Uchiha family and cannot be washed away."

"Is this what you want to see too?"

"Come on."

"For Konoha, and for Uchiha, take back your ambitions."

Uchiha suddenly stabbed again.


Uchiha Itachi spat out a mouthful of blood.

Uchiha looked at Uchiha Itachi in an instant.

"Uchiha Itachi, do you know what a rebellion is? Uchiha will become a shame? Konoha is the shame! Uchiha wants to rebel? This is not forced by Konoha."

"According to what you said, no matter how the senior officials of Konoha oppressed and humiliated the Uchiha family, Uchiha can only swallow his voice and not do any resistance, right?"

"To put it bluntly, Konoha is just a village created by Uchiha and Chishou."

"What a **** will of fire."

"The Uchiha family deserves to be bullied? The Uchiha family deserves to die? The meaning of the existence of the village is to protect the members who make up the village and protect the people in the village."

"Are the people of the Uchiha family not worthy of being called people?"

"To persecute the Uchiha clan so much that such an existence deserves to be called a village?"

"Uchiha Itachi, since you chose to stand on the side of the high-level Konoha, then don't do it in the name of being good for the Uchiha family, otherwise, it will be really disgusting."

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