Uchiha’s Life Simulator

Chapter 87: special

Kakashi obtained Uchiha Obito's writing wheel very early, and opened the kaleidoscope very early, but it was not until Naruto stepped into the shadow level that Kakashi figured out the use of Kamui.

And if you use it once, it's useless.

After using it three times, stop cooking completely.

Kakashi's chakra volume among the elite jōnin is actually not very small.

It is true that using a kaleidoscope writing wheel requires too much chakra.

People other than Uchiha are even more so.

Fusion of cells between columns would be a good solution.

But not everyone can fuse the cells between the columns.

"I'm an elite Junin of Uchiha blood, plus Orochimaru's technology, and I've done experiments for so long, and I only have a 20% chance of success."

"Others will only be lower."

"Except for Uchiha letter."

Uchiha suddenly took out three eyes.

One came from Uchiha Obito, the one taken from Kakashi in the simulator.

The other two belong to Itachi Uchiha.

Uchiha looked at the three eyes in an instant.

After that, the thought moved.


A complex pattern appeared on Uchiha's left eye, and the next moment, a strong attraction fell on the three eyes in front of Uchiha's.

The pupil power of the three eyes was absorbed.

Turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye, losing moisture.

It's like a fish eye that has been dead for a long time.

But no fishy smell.

A slight stabbing pain came.

At this moment, the cells between the pillars in Uchiha's body took effect.

The side effects of using kaleidoscope writing wheel are gradually offset.

Uchiha closed his eyes in an instant.

A great formation of Tiangang stars is slowly turning.

Six dots on the left.

A dot on the right.

Among the six spots on the left before, five were vacancies, but now, there are only three vacancies left.

And the light of the dot on the right became more dazzling.

Uchiha opened his eyes in an instant.

"Now my left eye can use both divine power and moon reading."

"And compared to when I transplanted it before, it will be smoother to use."


Uchiha nodded instantly.

"The ability of the right eye is still Jizo, and this will not change."

There was a knock on the door.

"In an instant, are you up?"

"I'm up already, Grandpa."

Uchiha answered quickly and opened the door.

"Breakfast is ready. After washing up, it's time to go to school."

"it is good."

After breakfast, Uchiha was walking on the road in an instant, and Sasuke Uchiha came out from another fork in the road.

Uchiha Setsuna doesn't need to be so deliberately alienated from Uchiha Sasuke now.

The reason why I didn't get in touch with Sasuke Uchiha before, and even deliberately said unpleasant things to tell Sasuke Uchiha not to contact him more, was just because he was afraid of Itachi Uchiha.

Worried that he would be targeted by Uchiha Itachi, observe.

Once the secret of his simulator is exposed to Uchiha Itachi, all hope is gone.

Even if Uchiha Itachi doesn't know the existence of the simulator, he just has some doubts about himself, and his actions will face a lot of constraints.

But now, Uchiha Setsuna doesn't need to be afraid of Uchiha Itachi.

In Life Simulator, Uchiha Setsuna has killed Uchiha Itachi several times.

In the real world, Uchiha Setsuna is ready to kill Uchiha Itachi.

Just these few days.

Waiting for a suitable opportunity, Uchiha will shoot immediately.

"In the simulator, I have made several notes about killing Uchiha Itachi."

"The current Uchiha Itachi in the real world is not as powerful as the one in the simulator."

"As long as I don't mess around, Uchiha Itachi will definitely die."

"What's more, I also have the ability to store space in the earth."

"You don't even need to think of a way to destroy the corpse, just throw Uchiha Itachi's body into the Jizo space."

Come to the ninja school and enter the classroom.

In the morning culture class, Uchiha Setsuna chose to paddle like Naruto. Until noon, when he finished his lunch and sat in the seat to rest, Uchiha Setsuna was the one who immersed his mind in the life simulator.

The Civil War chapter has ended, and another chapter has appeared in its place.

[The Konoha Guard chapter opens. 】

[Failed to open. 】

[The special chapter opens—Xiao organizes the chapter. 】

[Simulation frequency - once a month. 】

[Simulation end condition - battle failure. 】

[Conditions for the end of the civil war chapter - win the battle. 】

[Simulation method - fantasy simulation. 】

[Open successfully, do you want to simulate immediately? 】

Uchiha instantly frowned.

"Anyone that failed to open?"

The first time Uchiha got the simulator, it was the chapter of the night of extermination, followed by the chapter of civil war. According to the time line, the next chapter should be the chapter of Konoha Guard.

Logically it is like this.

A civil war broke out in Konoha, and the Uchiha faction relied on Uchiha to hang up in an instant, winning the Sarutobi Hijen faction.

However, the Uchiha faction has a disadvantage in terms of numbers. The Sarutobi Hijump faction has been in business for many years, and Uchiha has a big enough hang in an instant, but the other teammates are not so supportive.

The Uchiha camp is winning~www.wuxiamtl.com~ but it is not a crushing situation.

But the losses on both sides are enormous.

At this time, it is abnormal for other ninja villages not to take action against Konoha.

Just like in the original plot, when Qianshou Zhujian died, Yunyin Village, Yanyin Village, Sandyin Village, and Wuyin Village all rushed up like sharks smelling blood.

Even some small ninja villages wanted to gnaw a piece of flesh on Konoha's body.

Uchiha Susanna thought that the next chapter was the Konoha Guard chapter, and made a decision.

Obviously, you can clear the Civil War chapter twenty-three or four times.

But it took twenty-nine times to clear the level.

It is to create better conditions for the next chapter of Konoha Guard.

It is easier to pass the Konoha Guard chapter.

At the same time, take into account the rewards for clearing chapters.

Because the number of simulations must be less than 30 times, only two rewards can be obtained.

But I didn't expect that this simulator would not dare to play cards.

"What will the Akatsuki chapter be about?"

"Which era was the Akatsuki organization?"

"The simulation frequency has become once a month."

"The simulation has also changed."

Uchiha's eyes flashed for a moment.

"Let's go back and do the simulation again."

Uchiha Setsuna is not sure what the situation is in this simulation. This is in the classroom again. Uchiha Setsuna doesn't want to show any abnormality and be noticed by others.

For Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha is not afraid anymore.

But for the entire Konoha high-rise, Uchiha was still apprehensive for an instant.

It's not that the current Uchiha instant can be pushed flat by one person.

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