Uchiha’s Life Simulator

Chapter 83: Susanoo, broken!

Today is still a day off.

Uchiha trains as usual.


There was a sound of breaking through the air, which was the sound of Uchiha Sagiri practicing shuriken.

Uchiha glanced at it for a moment, Uchiha Sagiri has a good talent in this area.

And also very hard, very serious.

In the eyes of Uchiha Sagiri, Uchiha instant is a very good existence.

Therefore, Uchiha Sagiri wants to try to catch up with Uchiha Mosana.

This is a bit of a mixed bag.

After all, Uchiha Setsuna's performance in the real world is not excellent, but only a transparent character in the class, but in fact Uchiha Setsuna has reached the movie level.

At noon, the two took out their lunch boxes.

"Brother Shanna."


"It would be great if it could always be like this in the future."

"Don't worry, it will."

Uchiha rubbed Uchiha Sagiri's head in an instant.

A day passed, and Uchiha returned home in an instant.

After dinner, bath and rest.

The next day.

"Start the simulation!"

[At the age of 7, you operate step by step. 】

[You wanted to transfer part of Uchiha away from Konoha to delay the collapse of the Uchiha family, but failed. 】


[7 years and 6 months old, you sold a lot of Konoha information to Yunyin Village. 】

[Yunyin Village launched a war against Konoha. 】

[The Konoha situation has turned critical. 】


[At the age of 8, Konoha suffered heavy losses, but Uchiha Itachi still did not appear. 】

[You secretly pitted Konoha. 】

[Konoha is on the verge of collapse. 】

[You wanted to transfer part of Uchiha away from Konoha to delay the collapse of the Uchiha family, but failed. 】

[The Uchiha family and the Hyuga family have become the focus of Yunyin Village. 】

[Konoha collapses. 】

[Uchiha Itachi appears. 】

[You try to capture Uchiha Itachi's Kaleidoscope Shaker. 】

[The Uchiha clan collapsed. 】

[The simulation ends. 】

[Please choose one of the following two options as your income. 】

[1: The hero's water state. 】

[2: The thing you held tightly in your hand before the simulation ended. 】

"I choose 2!"

A storage scroll appeared in Uchiha Setsuna's hand.

Uchiha opened the storage scroll in an instant, and a note fell.

In this simulation, Uchiha knew the difficulty in an instant, so he did not expect a simulation to get Uchiha Itachi's kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, but was recording the situation.

Through the records, the Uchiha instant in the real world can be judged, the approximate probability.

After a short while, Uchiha immediately retracted his gaze, and a flame burned the paper.

"Yunyin Village really pays close attention to the Hinata clan and the Uchiha clan."

"Fortunately, there is the Hinata clan, otherwise Uchiha will be watched more closely."

Uchiha knew immediately before that Yunyin Village attached more importance to Baiyan than Sharonyan.

"According to my records in the simulator, the situation is better than I expected."

"Try a few more times and improve your strategy, and you will have a chance of success."

So for the next few days, Uchiha was trying for a moment.

"Start the simulation!"

[You drink heroic water violently. 】

[You accurately predicted where Uchiha Itachi would appear, fooled a few divine power kaleidoscopes Uchiha to ambush, and caught Uchiha Itachi by surprise. 】

[Uchiha Itachi was injured. 】

[Uchiha Itachi is angry. 】

[Uchiha Itachi curses. 】

[——When Konoha was in danger, you came to attack me? 】

[—Do you have no village or family in your heart? 】

[Uchiha Itachi used the moon reading on you guys. 】

[But you were prepared and missed. 】

[Several other Shenwei Uchiha parts are included. 】

[You approach Uchiha Itachi. 】

[Uchiha Itachi used Amaterasu on you. 】

[You have been surprised before, so I am not surprised this time. 】

[The black flame burns on you, you continue to approach Uchiha Itachi without changing your expression. 】

[Uchiha Itachi was shocked and thought you were crazy. 】

[Uchiha Itachi used Susanoo. 】

[You used Kamui to break Uchiha Itachi's primary state Susanoo. 】

[You finally came to Uchiha Itachi. 】

[You used the wooden escape, the branch stretched out and stabbed Uchiha Itachi. 】

[Uchiha Itachi was surprised. 】

[Uchiha Itachi is bound. 】

[You take out two containers, which are filled with nutrient solution. 】

[Uchiha Itachi felt even more inexplicable. 】

[You buckled Uchiha Itachi's kaleidoscope writing wheel eye and put it into the container. 】

[You are going to put the container into the storage scroll. 】

[The Uchiha clan collapsed. 】

[The simulation ends. 】

[Please choose one of the following two options as your income. 】

[1: Hero water status. 】

[2: The thing you held tightly in your hand before the simulation ended. 】

"Of course it's 2!"

The next moment, Uchiha felt his hands sink.

A container appeared in the left hand, and in the container was an eye.

A container appeared in the right hand, and in the container was an eye.

Uchiha opened the container in an instant.

A question of nutrient solution floated up, and Uchiha moved his nose forward in an instant.

He quickly showed a smile~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Very good, this time I was lucky, and both eyes were successfully preserved. "

"The civil war chapter can finally end."

The biggest difference between a single kaleidoscope and a double kaleidoscope is that it is difficult for a person with a single kaleidoscope to open Susanoo.

And with the double kaleidoscope, the probability of opening Susanoo will be much higher.

"Next time, let's study with Uchiha Yatsushiro to see how many Uchihas are suitable for transplanting double kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes."

"Then I used the simulator to get the corresponding number of kaleidoscope writing wheels."

"Then the civil war chapter will be officially resolved."

"At that time, even if there was one more Jiraiya in the Sarutobi Hijen camp, it would definitely not be able to stop the Uchiha camp."

"The Uchiha camp will definitely win the civil war."

"And I can clear the Civil War chapter."

"Try to end the Civil War chapter before 30 simulations."

"This way I can get two chances to draw chapter rewards."

After clearing the chapter on the night of the extermination, Uchiha Setsuna only got one chance to draw, and the one drawn was double the fire ninjutsu, which still provided Uchiha Setsana with a lot of improvement in strength.

With the same ninjutsu, Uchiha's power is stronger than others.

Among the fire ninjas of the same level, Uchiha Setsuna can be regarded as invincible.

"I don't know what I can extract by clearing the Civil War chapter."

Uchiha Setsuna is looking forward to it.

After breakfast, Uchiha Setsuna went to the ninja school.

Today is Friday again, and the minds of the students in the classroom are drifting away.

Uchiha is the same way.

It fits perfectly into it.

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