Uchiha’s Life Simulator

Chapter 77: The attitude of the Autumn Road 1 family!

[7 years old, you solved the transition to bed Xiaochun. 】


[7 years and 3 months old, you found an opportunity to meet Qiu Dao Dingzuo, put forward the experience of Qiu Dao taking the wind, hold injustice for the Qiu Dao family, and hope that the Qiu Dao family can cooperate with Uchiha. 】

[You transformed into the old appearance of Uchiwa. 】

[Qiudao Dingza is indeed dissatisfied with what happened to Qiu Dao, but he did not agree to cooperate with Uchiha. 】

[7 years and 4 months old, you transformed into an old Uchiha and made this suggestion to Mito Kazuma. 】

[Mito Gate Yan personally found Akimichi Dingza. 】

[Qiudao Dingzu was even more moved, but still did not agree. 】

[7 years and 5 months old, you betrayed Konoha's information to Yunyin Village, Yunyin Village took action, Sarutobi Hizan and Danzo became vigilant, and their attitude towards the Uchiha camp was slightly relaxed. 】

[7 years and 6 months old, a small-scale war broke out between Konoha and Yunyin Village. 】

[With Zhuludie and ordinary ninjas as the main force. 】


[At the age of 8, you transplanted Kamui Kaleidoscope to four hawk Uchihas. 】


[8 years and 6 months old, Yunyin Village retreated. 】

[At 8 years and 7 months, the civil war broke out. 】

[The Uchiha camp used the Kamui Kaleidoscope to cause heavy damage to the Sarutobi family. 】

[The Kurama clan was defeated by the Inuzuka clan. 】

[The Hyuga clan was defeated by Zhuludie. 】

[But you noticed that the Qiu Dao family seems to be less hard-working than before. 】

[Anbu and Genbu are besieging Uchiha. 】

[The Uchiha clan collapsed. 】

[You recycle the Shenwei Kaleidoscope. 】

[The simulation ends. 】

[Please choose one of the following two options as your income. 】

[1: None. 】

[2: Before the end of the simulation, the thing you held tightly in your hand. 】

"I choose 2!"

The next moment, a storage scroll appeared in Uchiha's hand.

Uchiha opened it for an instant and glanced.


Immediately, Uchiha immediately packed the storage scroll and put it under the bed.

"This time, the situation is much better than before, even if it is still the result of failure."

"But it didn't fail so fast, and it also caused a heavy blow to the Sarutobi Hibiki Slash Array."

"One is, the Qiu Dao family doesn't seem to be working so hard anymore."

"The Trinity of Pig, Deer and Butterfly has been a family alliance for many years, and has also cooperated with the Sarutobi clan for decades, but unfair treatment is unfair treatment."

"The Qiu Dao family are not fools."

"The relationship between Mitomon Yan and Qiu Dao's taking the wind is good."

"So the Qiu Dao clan seems to have a good impression of Mitomon Yan."

"I don't want to win the Qiu Dao clan into the Uchiha camp, as long as I can be like the oil girl clan."

The oil girl clan is a typical neutral ninja clan.

Anbu who provided ninjas to Hizan Sarutobi also provided ninjas to the roots of Danzo.

He still maintains a good relationship with the Hyuga clan.

The advantage of this is that no matter which side loses, the oil girl family will not lose too badly.

The downside is that no matter which side wins, the oil girl family won't gain much.

"Selling intelligence to Yunyin Village can indeed delay the outbreak of the civil war."

"In addition, there is actually a point that can be used here."

"That is, when a small-scale war broke out between Yunyin Village and Konoha, Konoha's side on the battlefield was mainly Zhuludie and ordinary ninjas. In the process, the Qiudao family suffered heavy losses."

"So, will the attitude of the Qiu Dao clan undergo a greater change?"

"The possibility is not small."

"After all, Mito Gate Yan has already persuaded Qiu Dao Dingzuo three or four."

"Once the gap between the Sarutobi Hibiki camp and the Uchiha faction is not that big, the Qiu Dao clan will no longer be able to fight so hard for the Sarutobi Hibiki camp."

After breakfast, Uchiha Setsuna went to the ninja school.

People are looking forward to it.

Because today is the day when the monthly test results are announced.

Most people look forward to seeing their results and rankings.

They all want to make progress, but they are afraid of going backward.

Uchiha glanced around in an instant.

Sasuke Uchiha looked confident, but in fact he couldn't help shaking his legs, feeling a little nervous in his heart.

Sakura's state is similar to Sasuke Uchiha.

Nara Shikamaru can be regarded as the most calm one.

Iruka walked into the classroom.

"good morning students."

"good morning teacher."

Iruka looked around and said, "I think everyone can't wait, so I won't give up and directly announce the top three in this monthly test."

"First place, Sasuke Uchiha."

"Second place, Hinata Hinata."

"The third place, Nara Shikamaru."

"Congratulations to the three students."

"I will post the complete ranking on the wall later, so you can see for yourself."

"Students who have made progress, make persistent efforts."

"Don't be too sad for the students who have regressed,"

"Let's start the class."

Uchiha Setsuna planned the next simulation in his mind.

"The next simulation, two general directions."

"One point, continue to try to win over the Qiu Dao clan, and if it doesn't work, make the Qiu Dao clan neutral."

"Second point, continue to increase the number of Shenwei Kaleidoscopes."

"At present, I have a total of six, and the number has increased to more than ten. In addition, if the Qiu Dao clan can be drawn over, the strength of the Uchiha camp will not lag behind the Sarutobi Hijump camp too much~www.wuxiamtl.com~ There is a chance of winning.”

"Of course, the premise is that the Qiu Dao family completely falls to Uchiha's side."

"If the Qiu Dao clan is only neutral, then more power is needed."

In terms of numbers, the Uchiha camp will still be at a disadvantage.

However, the quality of the ninjas from the Uchiha camp will be an advantage.

All of them are elites.

Not comparable to those civilian ninjas.

In addition, if the Sarutobi Hiizan camp starts a civil war, it must be under the circumstance that their camp has a relatively large grasp. Once the Uchiha camp is not defeated in a short period of time, the people below will have opinions.

The Uchiha camp has a tougher attitude, and those civilians will blame Sarutobi Hizen more.

Who made Sarutobi Hijen's external image look so kind in disguise.

Such camouflage can bring benefits to Sarutobi Hizen.

But there are also side effects.

But Uchiha Setsuna has another worry.

That is Uchiha Itachi, and Jiraiya who may return.

Uchiha Itachi's loyalty to Sarutobi Hidden has been well understood by Uchiha Setsuna.

In Jiraiya's heart, Konoha is also extremely important, even higher than Tsunade.

In addition, Jiraiya is a disciple of Sarutobi Hizen after all.

Maybe Jirai also has some opinions on Sarutobi Hiizan.

But Jiraiya has nothing to do with Uchiha.

Once Sarutobi Hizan was in a hurry and forced Jiraiya to return to the village, then there would be one more person for the Uchiha camp to deal with.

Still a very difficult existence.

Jiraiya also made Uchiha Itachi in Akatsuki's time to be terrified.

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