Uchiha’s Life Simulator

Chapter 74: Don't God 3 big rules!

Uchiha Itachi stood tall at the top of the tallest building of the Uchiha family, looking down at the residence of the entire Uchiha family, as if he was observing something.

Then he looked up at the area in the center of Konoha.

The lights were still flickering there.

Uchiha Itachi's eyes showed a touch of envy.

"If everyone in Uchiha can be like me, the residence of the Uchiha family will not be moved to such a remote place, but can be the same as other ninja families."

Itachi Uchiha recalled the scene from his childhood.

At that time, Uchiha's location had not been relocated.

Itachi Uchiha was quite lively even if he stayed out late at night.

Not like it is now.

the next day.

"Start the simulation!"

[7 years and 1 month old, you solved the problem of going to bed Xiaochun. 】

[7 years and 2 months old, you fooled Kakashi. 】

[7 years and 3 months old, you found Yatsushiro Uchiha and revealed the kaleidoscope to him. Yatsushiro Uchiha was shocked. You told Yatsushiro Uchiha not to tell Fuyaku Uchiha. 】

[Uchiha Yatsushiro agreed. 】

[You take out two ordinary kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, and discuss with Uchiha Eighth Generation to transplant ordinary Uchiha to see if you can exert much of the power of the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye. 】

[Uchiha Yatsushiro decided to experiment with himself. 】

[You transplanted Uchiha Yatsushiro. 】

[The transplant was successful. 】

[Uchiha Yatsushiro was amazed at the ability of the kaleidoscope to write round eyes! 】

[Uchiha Yatsushiro found another owner of the Sangou jade. 】

[You transplanted it. 】

[The transplant was successful. 】

[7 years and 4 months old, you revealed to Uchiha Fuyue that you have a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, Uchiha Fuyue expressed his surprise, and the morale of the Uchiha family has been improved. 】

[The morale of the Sarutobi Hiizan camp has been affected. 】

[7 years and 5 months old, you suggested Uchiha Fuyake to fight for the oil girl family. 】

[The oil girl family neither agreed nor refused. 】


[At the age of 8, the civil war broke out. 】

[You didn't take action immediately, but protected some of Uchiha's clansmen in the underground secret room. 】

[Uchiha Fuyue led the clan to fight back. 】

[The strength shown by Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Yasushi surprised everyone in Konoha. 】

[But the disadvantage in numbers is too great. 】

[Uchiha Fuyue was seriously injured. 】

[You appeared beside Uchiha Fuyue and took away the seriously injured Uchiha Fuyue. 】

[You tried to take off Uchiha Fugaku's kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, but failed. 】

[You used the mountain secret technique on Uchiha Fugaku, memory invasion. 】

[Your consciousness sank into the darkness. 】

[A huge red circular pattern comes into your sight, and it is bright and dripping. 】

[Continuous transformation. 】

[A mysterious, strange aura emanates from above. 】

[You have an idea. 】

[But before you can think about it, your consciousness has already been affected. 】

[In a trance, there seems to be a voice echoing in your mind, and you can't help but want to listen. 】

[——Respect Uchiha Itachi's choice. 】

[——Do not let the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye fall into the hands of others]

[——Protect Konoha and Uchiha. 】

[Your consciousness sinks into it. 】

[The Konoha ninja found you and you were killed. 】

[The Konoha army invaded the Uchiha station. 】

[The Uchiha clan collapsed. 】

[The simulation ends. 】

[Please choose one of the following two options as your income. 】

[1: Don't be in the state of gods (inferior). 】

[2: The thing you held tightly in your hand before the simulation ended. 】

Opening his eyes, Uchiha's face suddenly turned ugly.

"Don't be a god..."

Uchiha knew about Bestenjin in an instant, but he didn't understand it very clearly.

What Uchiha knew instantly was that Uchiha Shisui's two kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, one was in Danzo's body, and the other was in Uchiha Itachi's hand.

Uchiha has heard a saying about these two kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes.

That is to say, the two kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes are different gods, but the effects are different.

One is to change the minds of others in a short time, with a short cooling time.

One is to permanently change the minds of others, with a very long cooling time.

Uchiha suddenly recalled some scenes from the original plot.

During a meeting in several ninja villages, Ao of Kiriyin Village noticed something was wrong with Mifune, so he opened his eyes and saw a strange chakra in Danzo's eyes.

Therefore, it was determined that Danzo used an illusion on Mifune.

"This statement may be correct."

"Because of this, it can explain why Danzo doesn't use other gods for Uchiha Fuyue. If Danzo uses other gods on Uchiha Fuyue, so that Uchiha Fuyue will always be loyal to him, then Danzo will refuse Uchiha's existence. ?"

"Certainly not."

"How could Danzo weaken his power?"

"After possessing the power of Uchiha, if Danzo operates secretly, maybe there will be the possibility of overturning Sarutobi Hidden Sword and becoming Hokage himself. Danzo has been thinking about the position of Hokage for decades."

"The reason why you don't do that is because you can't do it."

"As for another Uchiha Shisui kaleidoscope writing wheel eye..."

Uchiha's eyes flickered for a moment~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Judging from the results of my use of memory intrusion on Uchi Fuyue in the life simulator, there is a high probability that it was Uchiha Shisui who gave the kaleidoscope to Uchiha Itachi Before, it was used on Uchiha Tomitake. "

"Uchiha Shisui noticed that Uchiha Fuyue may have opened the kaleidoscope Shaker."

"Therefore, using Bestenjin, I gave three orders to Uchiha Fugaku."

"If you get hit with other gods, Uchiha Fugaku must abide by these three rules."

Uchiha was silent for a while.

"No wonder Uchiha Fugaku behaves like that..."

"These three rules limit Uchiha Fugaku to the limit."

"But looking at it this way, Uchiha Shisui actually doesn't approve of Uchiha's move to exterminate the clan?"

"Otherwise, it is impossible that half of the rules are to protect Uchiha."

"The second rule, for Uchiha Fugaku, is like the spell seal of a bird in a cage."

"Uchiha Shisui probably thought that his kaleidoscope was taken away by Danzo, so he added such a rule to Uchiha Fuyake's other gods."

"That's why, in the original plot, Uchiha Fugaku's kaleidoscope writing wheel did not fall into the hands of Danzo, nor did it fall into the hands of Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Obito."

But Uchiha immediately thought of something.

"Uchiha Shisui's kaleidoscope writing wheel has a very long cooling time. He used it on Uchiha Fuyue. Does it prove that the other gods in Uchiha Itachi's hands cannot be used?"

Uchiha's eyes lit up in an instant.

"In this way, it will be much easier for me to kill Uchiha Itachi!"

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