Uchiha’s Life Simulator

Chapter 69: The first simulation of the Civil War Arc!

"In the next life simulation, what I will do, the first point is to accumulate the number of kaleidoscope writing wheels to more than two, and fuse them to turn them into eternal kaleidoscope writing wheels."

"Second point, find Uchiha Itachi who was imprisoned in the secret room of Anbu, kill him, and then take his kaleidoscope writing wheel eye. Without Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Fuyue will be able to stand up a little."

"As soon as Uchiha Itachi appeared, Uchiha Fugaku was like being ill."

In the classroom, Uchiha looked at Yamanaka Ino next to him, and then looked at Hinata Hinata on the other side.

"Civil war is different from genocide night."

"The Night of Genocide is just an action against Uchiha. Many people may know about it, but they will pretend not to know."

"But civil war, it's different."

"The civil war is open, everyone knows it, and there's no way to pretend they don't know."

"There will be more things that can be manipulated."

"Rumors, occupy the moral high ground, and pull up the disappearing Thousand Hands..."

"Try slowly in the life simulation, and I can definitely find a solution."

Uchiha thought for a while.

Then he looked in Sasuke Uchiha's direction.

But after only one glance, he withdraws his gaze.

To be exact, a life simulator is equivalent to a game.

Divided into chapters.

Uchiha Setsuna can make various attempts in the simulator and gain profits.

But apart from the benefits, nothing else will be printed in reality.

Therefore, the real world is still the same as the original plot.

Uchiha Setsuna is still 6 years and 2 months old in the real world.

Sasuke Uchiha is not dead.

The clearance of the first chapter, Uchiha was a little reluctant to clear the level, if it is calculated based on the game score, it may be equivalent to just a D, which is worthy of passing.

After the night of annihilation, the situation of the Uchiha family is still not much better.

Konoha maintained a delicate balance, and Uchiha's allies could backstab at any time.

"The Night of the Genocide chapter is very difficult, and the Civil War chapter is equally difficult."

"The only difference is that I was still very weak at the beginning of the chapter of the night of extermination."

"And at the beginning of the civil war chapter, I already possessed quite good strength."

But fortunately, Life Simulator does not have high requirements for this aspect, but only rewards based on the number of simulations.

"The fewer simulations you use through a chapter, the better."

Uchiha Setsuna knew what he could get from the benefits of the life simulator.

Get ninjutsu.

Get white eyes, write round eyes.

Get props.

But Uchiha has a very critical problem, that is, the income from the life simulator cannot be gifted.

"Why did I only reach the movie level after so many life simulations?"

"On the one hand, because of my previous life simulation, I didn't make the best choice every time."

"I can't do this. After all, I don't remember very clearly what happened in the original plot. Many things need to be seen before I can remember them."

"Also, when I was doing the life simulation, I was a little impatient."

"Another important aspect is that my talent is not enough."

"The income of the life simulator can't improve the talent, but the chapter rewards of the life simulator can improve the talent."

Uchiha looked at his palm in an instant.

"The power of fire ninjutsu is doubled."

"It doesn't have much effect on the ninjutsu of Huo Dunhao Fireball Jutsu, because this kind of ninjutsu will become more powerful because more Chakra is used."

"But a lot of fire escape ninjutsu doesn't have this feature."

"for example."

"When other ninjas use it, the upper limit is 100."

"And when I use it, the upper limit is 200."

"The gap in between is not small."

"That's talent."

Uchiha suddenly thought of something further afield.

"Getting benefits from the life simulator gives me the possibility to enter the Sixth Path level, but, to be honest, in the Sixth Path level, because of my talent, I won't be considered very strong."

"But the chapter rewards I got in the life simulator give me hope that in the future, among the six levels, they will become top-notch existences, and they can overwhelm the Otsutsuki Momo style."

Uchiha's eyes flashed for a moment.

"In the early life simulator, income is more important."

"But in the later life simulator, chapter rewards are more important."

After passing the chapter on the night of the extermination, even if the passage was not very good, Uchiha Setsuna was not as worried about the situation of the Uchiha clan as before.

In the life simulator, Uchiha will become stronger and gain favorable information.

No matter how bad it is, in the real world, Uchiha Setsuna can also copy the choices he made in the life simulator and in the chapter of Night of Genocide.

But Uchiha Setsuna thinks this is unlikely.

"I am in the real world, and I will definitely do better than the chapter on the night of the genocide in the life simulator."

Until here, Uchiha Setsuna has completed the summary of the chapter on the night of the genocide.

Yamanaka Ino glanced at Uchiha next to him~www.wuxiamtl.com~ faintly felt that today's Uchiha moment seemed to be a little different from before, but Yamanaka Ino couldn't tell what was different.

The get out of class bell rang.

Uchiha returned home in an instant.

The number of simulations in the Civil War chapter of today's Life Simulator, Uchiha Setsuna has not yet been used.

"Start the simulation!"

[7 years old, Uchiha, Hinata, Kurama, Mito Gate Yan, and Koharu formed an alliance, maintaining a fragile balance with Sarutobi Hizan, Shimura Danzo, etc. 】

[Uchiha Itachi is in Anbu Prison. 】

[Uchiha Sasuke is dead. 】

[Konoha Maru is dead. 】

[You are investigating Kakashi's information. 】

[You secretly learned the art of wind escape and vacuum wave. 】


[At 7 years and 3 months, you got Kakashi's information. 】

[You found Kakashi. 】

[You have captured Kakashi's Kaleidoscope Shaker. 】

[You killed Kakashi. 】


[7 years and 6 months old, you are investigating where Uchiha Itachi is, trying to find Uchiha Itachi, kill Uchiha Itachi, and take Uchiha Itachi's eyes, but nothing. 】


[At the age of 7 years and 7 months, you transplanted two kaleidoscopes to your left and right eyes respectively, but because the two eyes are the same, the effect is the same as when you transplanted a kaleidoscope. 】

[But it looks more intimidating. 】

[You found Uchiha Fuyue and Uchiha Yatsushiro, and told them that you have a shadow-level strength, and you have awakened the Kaleidoscope Shakers, which greatly increased the confidence of the Uchiha family. 】

[At the same time, it will deter Sarutobi Hizen and Shimura Danzo camp. 】

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