Uchiha’s Life Simulator

Chapter 63: 6 simulations, inter-column cells are obtained!

"This is the sixth time."

"With a 20% success rate, if I fail six times in a row, then my luck is too bad."

"Start the simulation!"

[At 6 years and 1 month, you escaped from Konoha. 】


[At the age of 9, you proposed the experiment of injecting intercolumnar cells to Orochimaru, and Orochimaru agreed. 】

[Orochimaru injected you with intercolumnar cells. 】

[You feel pain. 】

[You feel your body swell. 】

[You feel your muscles being torn. 】

[Orochimaru is watching you seriously. 】

【You successfully fused the cells between the columns. 】

[Orochimaru's eyes flickered and he made a decision to take your body. 】

[You counterattacked. 】

[You who have not yet adapted to your body are not Orochimaru's opponent. 】

[When you realized this, before Orochimaru took your body, you chose to commit suicide. 】

[Orochimaru looked at your corpse, his expression solidified, his face darkened. 】

【you are dead. 】

[Please choose one of the following two options as your income. 】

[1: intercolumnar cells (normal state)]

[2: The thing you held tightly in your hand before you died. 】

Uchiha set off without any hesitation.

"I choose 1!"

The next moment, Uchiha suddenly felt that there was something more in his body, and an unfamiliar energy rushed out of his body.

Transformed and strengthened his body.



The chakra volume has been improved in all directions.

Uchiha instantly clenched his fist and smiled.

"This is the intercolumnar cell."

"It has brought me too much improvement."

"The amount of chakra has directly entered the shadow level."

"The overall strength of the whole person has improved a lot compared to before."

"Compared with other serious shadow-level ninjas, what is slightly lacking is experience and the control of Chakra."

Chakra is divided into two aspects.

One is quantity.

One is the ability to control.

The cells between the pillars can bring volume to Uchiha Moment, but not control.

This requires Uchiha's own efforts.

And the life simulator is a simple text simulator without memory.

Apart from the benefits, Uchiha couldn't get anything else in an instant.

"But, no matter what, I'm a stable shadow ninja now."

"The chakra volume has been reached."

"The number of ninjutsu you have mastered has also reached."

"There is also the physical and spiritual improvement brought about by the inter-columnar cells."

"Elite Junin is definitely not my opponent."

"But I just don't know how much I can rank among the shadow ranks."

Uchiha Setsuna summed up his current abilities.

Chakra level: Shadow level.

Writing Wheel Eyes: Three Gou Jade.

General Ninjutsu: Three Body Art, Shadow Clone.

Huo Dun: Huo Fire Ball, Phoenix Immortal Fire, Huo Huo Dragon, Dragon Fire Technique, Huo Huo is extinguished, Huo Huo is extinguished, Long Yan sings, and dust hides.

The Secret Art of the Mountains: The mind turns around, the mind is disturbed, and the memory invades.

Illusions: Naraku Seeing, Heart Fox, Illusion·Sharing Eye, Illusion·Shiranui.

Water Escape: The technique of water dragon bullets, the technique of water iron cannons, and the technique of water polo.

And then there are props.

From the moment Uchiha learned that the success rate of the fusion of the intercolumnar cells was 20%, in order to successfully fuse the intercolumnar cells, Uchiha set off a total of six life simulations in this direction after that.

It didn't work until the sixth time.

However, the first five times, Uchiha Setsuna was not without gain.

Instead, the number of Sangou jade writing round eyes and white eyes has increased a lot.

"Blank eyes, six."

"Three hooked jade writing wheel eyes, 13."

Uchiha glanced at the storage scroll in an instant.

"These eyes, no matter which ninja village they are placed in, are a huge asset that can drive them crazy."

"Wuyin Village's white eye towards Qing is a treasure."

"Yunyin Village has acted many times, all for the sake of getting the white eye."

"Sand Hidden Village, Yan Hidden Village, the same desire."

"And Onogi from Iwayin Village has seen the power of the Kaleidoscope Shaker with his own eyes. Madara Uchiha cast an indelible shadow on Ohnogi's heart."

Uchiha immediately retracted the scroll under the bed and hid it.

Then look outside.

"Now I am finally qualified to be a chess player."

"In the next life simulation, I will explore how to break the night of annihilation."

"Let those who should survive survive."

After breakfast, Uchiha Setsuna went to the ninja school.

After six simulations, today is a new week.

After this week, Uchiha entered the ninja school just two months ago.

For other students in the classroom, two months means the arrival of the second monthly exam.

Some people are looking forward to it.

Some of them were people who got good grades in the last monthly exam, such as Sasuke Uchiha.

The other part is people who are confident of getting better results this time, such as Naruto.

Others were somewhat resistant.

Some people don't like exams by nature.

However, these two types of people overlap.

Naruto wants to take the transformation test~www.wuxiamtl.com~ does not want to take the cultural class test.

Inuzuka Ya wants to take the assessment of the physical fitness class, but does not want to take the assessment of the culture class.

In the morning ninja class, Uchiha Setsuna didn't have time to think. After the afternoon culture class, Uchiha Setsuna was thinking about the next life simulation.

"It's still a few methods I imagined before."

"Next time in the life simulation, try to alienate the relationship between Sarutobi Hizan and Shimura Danzo."

"Once this can be done, Uchiha's situation will become the easiest."

"If the alienation fails, try the method of applying external pressure to Konoha, but you can't give too much external pressure to Konoha, otherwise the senior officials of Konoha will treat Uchiha as cannon fodder."

"But to an appropriate degree."

"I don't need the Uchiha clan to be cannon fodder, and the top officials of Konoha dare not lose the power of Uchiha."

The get out of class bell rang.

"Jingle Bell!"

Uchiha immediately left the classroom.

Halfway up the road, Uchiha had just turned a corner and almost bumped into a person, and the two of them avoided at the same time.

Uchiha glanced at each other for an instant.

A girl with long black hair, her body does not look very good, her face is pale.

A name floated in Uchiha's mind.

"The pommel horse eight clouds."

Uchiha Suana knew about Kurama Yakumo.

He comes from the Kurama clan, which is also a clan with the boundaries of blood, and is somewhat similar to the Uchiha clan.

However, the chance of awakening Xueji is extremely small. Currently, it seems that only Kurama Yakumo has awakened.

A very poor man.

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