Uchiha’s Life Simulator

Chapter 54: If only Uchiha were like Itachi 1!

"With white eyes and an extra writing wheel, my next life simulation will be able to do a lot more things."

"Looking into the distance and seeing through, it's so convenient."

"But to use Izanagi, I also spent a life simulation to acquire the secret technique of Izanagi."

Uchiha's mood suddenly improved a lot.

Because the previous life simulation was dragged down by the technology of the Konoha Medical Department, the bad mood recovered a lot.

"Next time in the life simulation, I have to make a plan."

Currently in front of Uchiha Setsuna, there are many choices.

When the chakra level was temporarily improved, and the three-hooked jade writing wheel eye was temporarily open to the kaleidoscope, Uchiha Setsuna wanted to get the book of seals before deciding to get stuck on the bug of the life simulator.

Because of the difficulties encountered in the process of obtaining the sealed book, I wanted to obtain Baiyan first.

After getting the white eye, I thought that I could get stuck in a bug.

Hence the test.

And the test results proved to be feasible.

"Now that I have got the white eye, it will be easier to find the sealed book, so I can try again."

"This is the first option."

"Continue to get stuck on bugs and get more white eyes and three-hooked jade writing round eyes."

"This is the second option."

"Get the Izanagi Secret Art."

"This is the third option."

Suddenly Uchiha thought of something.

That is, in the life simulation, I have tried many times to obtain the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye of Uchiha Obito, but they all failed. Uchiha Obito's strength is stronger than himself.

At this moment, Uchiha couldn't help thinking of another person.


"Kakashi's writing wheel eye is actually in the form of a kaleidoscope, but Kakashi can't use it. One is that Kakashi doesn't have Uchiha's bloodline, and the other is that Kakashi's own Chakra is not enough. "

Uchiha's eyes flashed for a moment.

"Uchiha Obito has no doubts, he has reached the movie level."

"And Kamui's ability is very troublesome."

"Uchiha Obito and Mudun."

"But Kakashi is different. In the early stage, Kakashi can only open the writing wheel to the state of three hook jade. Kakashi's strength level is elite junin, and he also faces the problem of lack of chakra."

"I should be able to beat Kakashi now, right?"

Uchiha Setsuna is not so sure.

Both of them are at the elite level.

Kakashi's advantage lies in more experience and stronger physical skills.

Uchiha's advantage is that he has more chakras. In life simulation, he can also transplant his own eyes.

"Konoha, I'm taking a shot at Kakashi. The risk is very high. After all, other Konoha ninjas can quickly support him. What I can expect is when Kakashi is on a mission outside."

"But right now, Kakashi is still in the Anbu."

"It's not easy for me to find Kakashi."

"But no matter what, you can try it."

Uchiha Setsuna made a decision.

The day's class is over soon.

Today's time passed quickly. The morning was a physical fitness class, and the afternoon was a ninja class, both of which were more popular with students.

It can be said that if it is not a cultural class, it will be popular.

Uchiha went home in an instant and started training as usual.

However, on the way home, some things made Uchiha a little concerned for a moment.

The sense of separation between Konoha and Uchiha made Uchiha feel more serious in an instant.

"Because it's closer to the night of extermination?"

Uchiha frowned instantly.

When I just got the life simulator, there was still a year before the night of the genocide.

And now more than a month has passed.

Then it means that there are still more than ten months left.

In the Hokage Building, Sarutobi Hizan looked in the direction of the Uchiha clan's residence and shook his head.

At the root base, Danzo looked in the direction of the Uchiha clan's station and snorted coldly.

Mito Gate Yan, who went to bed Koharu, also very disliked the existence of the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha Itachi stood at a high place, looking down at the entire Uchiha family.

"Uchiha, it's already rotten."

"Self-interested, arrogant."

"If this continues, there will inevitably be a war between the Uchiha clan and Konoha."

"Such a civil war will lead to countless deaths in Konoha."

"Uchiha disappeared."

"At the same time, Uchiha's reputation will suffer a serious blow, and he will become a betrayal. This stain will be nailed to the pillar of shame in history forever and will be cast aside."

"Once Konoha is hit hard, the ninja village that is staring outside will definitely take action."

"It will be another tragic war."

"More dead."

"I can't see something like this happening."

"Absolutely not."

"Since Shishui entrusted this task to me, I will complete it."

"I want to protect Konoha."

"Guard the reputation of the Uchiha family."


Uchiha Itachi looked at his home.

"Why are you so short-sighted, father? You can't see the big picture? Like those people?"

"It would be great if you could control those clansmen."


"Then, let me take care of it all~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Uchiha Itachi flashed, came to the Hokage Building, entered the Hokage office, and was in front of Hiruzen Sarutobi.

"Lord Hokage."

Uchiha Itachi maintained absolute respect for Sarutobi Hidden.

This respect comes from Uchiha Itachi's understanding of the will of fire.

With the technique of flying leaves, fire also grows endlessly.

Hokage is there, and Konoha is there.

And Uchiha Shisui's respect for Sarutobi Hizen.

After awakening the strongest illusion named Beet Tenjin, he went directly to the Hokage Building without any hesitation, and told Hizan Sarutobi without telling any other Uchiha.

Show off the power of other gods and gods.

And also made a suggestion.

——Use other gods to control Uchiha Fuyake, so that the Uchiha family can be honest.

But the result is that Uchiha Shisui was just out of the Hokage Building when he was attacked by Danzo and took a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

If it weren't for Uchiha Shisui's quick response, the two kaleidoscope writing wheels would have fallen into Danzo's hands.

Uchiha Itachi is somewhat disgusted with Danzo.

However, Uchiha Itachi has no doubts about Sarutobi Hidden.

Uchiha Itachi reported the actions of the Uchiha family to Sarutobi Hizan.

"well done."

Sarutobi Hiizhan nodded.

"Itachi, if all Uchiha people were like you, then there would be no conflict at all between Konoha and the Uchiha clan, and the Uchiha clan would be the same as other ninja clans."

"That would be a good thing."

Uchiha Itachi lowered his head.

"Lord Hokage, this is also what I expected, but unfortunately..."

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