Uchiha’s Life Simulator

Chapter 50: White eyes, finally got it!

"It's time to sort out my current situation."

Chakra Level: Elite Junin.

Writing Wheel Eyes: Three Gou Jade.

General Ninjutsu: Three Body Art, Shadow Clone.

Huo Dun: Huo Fire Ball, Phoenix Immortal Fire, Huo Huo Dragon, Dragon Fire Technique, Huo Huo is extinguished, Huo Huo is extinguished, Long Yan sings, and dust hides.

The secret technique of the mountain: the mind turns around, the mind is disturbed, the memory invades, the mind transmits the body, and the mind is connected.

Illusion: The art of seeing Naruto, the art of fox in the heart, the art of illusion, the art of writing round eyes, the art of Xia Servant.

Water Escape: The technique of water dragon bullets.

"And then there are props."

Uchiha looked under his bed in an instant. There are a lot of things in it, all of which were obtained by choosing the second option during the life simulation selection.

Long sword, Kunai, and scrolls, records.

"I can't put too many things here, and it's not good to put too much."

"Long Dao Kunai is like this, you can just throw it away."

This is not a special ninja gear, just an ordinary ninja gear with little value.

Uchiha took it out.

There are traces of blood on the long sword and Kuwushang above.

Uchiha glanced at him for a moment, frowning slightly.

"These bloodstains seem a little abnormal."

"It's like it's been a long time."

Uchiha took these ninja tools into the woods, came to the edge of the lake, and sank them into the depths of the lake.

Back home.

"Huo Dun is what I'm best at right now, and basically I don't need any supplements."

"Among the secret art scrolls in the mountains, there is another one that I haven't obtained, namely, the art of opening the heart."

"You can transmit your own voice directly into the minds of others."

"Sometimes it can play a very important role."

"This next life simulation will use this as one of the income options."

"If you don't succeed in getting the white eye, at least there is a guarantee."

Uchiha looked under the bed in an instant.

"It's not really safe to put these things here. It's just that I'm a good disguise in the real world, and no one will care about me, a mediocre child."

"Uchiha Obito Awakened's kaleidoscope writing wheel eye ability is enviable."

The night passed quickly.

the next day.

Early in the morning.

Uchiha stood up in an instant.

"Start the simulation."

[At 6 years and 1 month, you are learning the art of opening the heart. 】


[At 6 years and 3 months, you learned the art of opening the heart. 】

[6 years and 4 months old, you try to find the detonating charm that may be hidden in the Konoha building. 】


[6 years and 8 months old, you searched for the detonating charm that might be hidden in the Konoha building and found nothing. You saw that the night of the genocide was approaching, so you escaped from Konoha. 】

[6 years and 9 months old, you entered Wuyin Village. 】

[6 years and 10 months old, you found Qing, used the technique of turning your heart against Qing, and controlled Qing to come to you. 】

[You have released the art of turning your heart around. 】

[You used the mind-disturbing technique on Ao. 】

[You took off the blue eyes. 】

[The goal has been achieved, you are ready to commit suicide, but before committing suicide, you thought of one thing, your heart became ruthless, and with the other hand, you took off one of your own three-hooked jade writing wheel eyes. 】

[You committed suicide. 】

【you are dead! 】

[Please choose one of the following two options as your income. 】

[1: The art of opening the heart. 】

[2: The thing you held in your hand before you died. 】

"I choose 2!"

The next moment, Uchiha felt that there was something in his hands, which was sticky and gave a very disgusting feeling when he held it in his hands.

Uchiha hurriedly looked around.

One white eye, one writing wheel eye.


"I got white eyes."

But soon, Uchiha's face turned ugly.

Because Uchiha suddenly discovered something.

That is, the state of the two eyes in his hand is very abnormal.

A rotting smell came from the nostrils.

Uchiha suddenly recalled that when he cleaned up under the bed today, the long knife and the bloodstain of Kuwushang seemed like a long, long time, not within a month at all.

"No wonder..."

Uchiha instantly looked at the two eyes in his hand.

Both eyes were inactive and could no longer be used.

"I need to have the technology to save the eyeball."

"A suitable container and enough nutrient solution can preserve the activity of the eyeball."

"When I choose it as a benefit, when it comes to my hands, it will not lose its activity."

"The next life simulation, either, steal a container and nutrient solution from Konoha before going to Wuyin Village, or obtain it in Wuyin Village, the former will be a better choice."

"Konoha is undoubtedly the best among the medical ninjutsu of several ninja villages."

Of course, Orochimaru's technology may still be better than Konoha, but if Uchiha wants to go the Orochimaru route, the life simulation that he has to pay is not something that can be done in one go.

And it may take many times.

Uchiha Setsuna felt that it was better to follow his original plan for now.

The day of training is over.

Back home, Uchiha finished dinner in an instant, rested for a while, took a bath, and then returned to his room.

Wait until the next day.

"Start the simulation!"

"Start the simulation."

[6 years and 1 month, you are investigating the medical department~www.wuxiamtl.com~ years and 3 months, you obtained the container and nutrient solution. 】

[6 years and 4 months old, you entered Wuyin Village. 】

[At 6 years and 5 months, you found Qing, used the technique of turning your heart against Qing, and controlled Qing to come to you. 】

[You have released the art of turning your heart around. 】

[You used the mind-disturbing technique on Ao. 】

[You took off the blue eyes. 】

[You put the white eye in the container and soaked it in the nutrient solution. 】

[You took off one of your own three-hooked jade writing wheel eyes, put it in another container, and soaked it in the nutrient solution. 】

[You committed suicide. 】

【you are dead! 】

[Please choose one of the following two options as your income. 】

[1: None. 】

[2: The thing you held in your hand before you died. 】

"I choose 2!"

In this life simulation, Uchiha Tsukasa didn't give himself a guarantee, because Uchiha Tsukasa was very sure that he would choose the second option, so the first one would not be necessary.

different from before.

There have been several life simulations before, Uchiha has wrongly estimated his plan, so that the plan fails, and there is no guarantee, which is equivalent to wasting a simulation opportunity.

The next moment, Uchiha felt his hands sink in an instant, and he almost lost his grip.

Two containers appeared in Uchiha's hands.

One side.

And in the container, it was Uchiha's long-awaited white eye.

Uchiha opened in an instant.

No odor.

White Eye still remained active.

"it is good!"

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