Uchiha’s Life Simulator

Chapter 46: Yunyin Village is really rude!

The morning class ends.

There are only a few ninjas who can successfully use transformation techniques.

So Uchiha pretended to be the part that he didn't learn.

Afternoon culture class.

Some people didn't listen at all, but were practicing avatars.


A faint stench permeated the classroom.

Naruto's face turned red.

He has worked hard.

Naruto thought that this time he learned the clone technique, just like the last time he learned the transformation technique, and he could learn it very quickly.

But Naruto found out that he was wrong.

No matter how hard I try, no matter how hard I try, it's as if something is standing in front of me.

"Jingle Bell!"

The bell rang for the end of get out of class, and the students rushed out of the classroom as if they had been saved.

Uchiha Setsuna is also one of them.

After leaving the classroom, Uchiha looked back at Naruto in an instant.

Naruto seems to be still trying.

If Uchiha didn't need to worry about it, he didn't go to Naruto and tell Naruto - you can't learn the avatar technique, just give up.

The Clone Technique is Naruto's great enemy.

The technique of multiple shadows is the most suitable technique for Naruto.

Uchiha Setsuna felt that this was actually a bit abnormal.

It stands to reason that shadow avatars and avatars should take some practice.

The technique of multiple shadows is an upgraded version of the technique of shadows.

But in terms of learning, these two ninjutsu seem to be completely different systems.

the next day.

When Uchiha woke up, he couldn't wait to simulate.

"Start the simulation!"

[At the age of 6, your performance was mediocre. 】

[At 6 years and 1 month, you found an opportunity and escaped from Konoha. 】


[At 6 years and 5 months, you entered the Land of Thunder. 】

[You came to Yunyin Village. 】

[At 6 years and 6 months, Lei Ying summoned you and asked you why you wanted to join Yunyin Village. 】

[You replied that the senior officials of Konoha have persecuted the Uchiha family, and Uchiha will be exterminated by the senior officials of Konoha. 】

[Raiking didn't trust you. 】

[You are imprisoned in a secret room. 】

[7 years old, the night of extermination broke out, you are cultivating. 】

[8 years old, you are cultivating. 】


[At the age of 11, a white snake appeared in the secret room and bit you. This is the white snake of Orochimaru. It wanted to leave a curse mark on your body. You used a fireball technique on the white snake and baked it became coke. 】

[The movement of Hao Fireball attracted the attention of the guards. 】

[At the age of 12, you are cultivating. 】

[At the age of 13, you are cultivating. 】

[At the age of 14, Yunyin Village sent a woman in. She was old, fat, dark, and ugly. This woman wanted to do something to you when she came in. You were angry. 】

[Under the stimulation of anger, you opened the three-goose jade writing wheel eye. 】

[You used the art of fire escape and fire extinction. 】

[You escaped from the secret room. 】

[The cloud hidden ninja besieged you. 】

[You rushed towards the Raikage Building. 】

[The fourth Raikage appears. 】

【you are dead. 】

[The simulation ends. 】

[Please choose one of the following two options as your income. 】

[1: Three hook jade writing wheel eye. 】

[2: The thing you held in your hand before you died. 】

Uchiha Setsuna: "..."

"This Yunyin Village is simply not human."

When Uchiha saw the description in the life simulation, he was very angry and a little scared.

Even life simulations don't have memories.

I was only 14 years old in the life simulation, and Yunyin Village was moved in that direction.

And even if the mind in that area was moved, someone like that was actually sent.

Uchiha instantly felt that if Yunyin Village sent two Yumu people, Samui, or Sackcloth, he could still accept it, after all, it would not be a disadvantage.

But Yunyin Village, it's too arrogant.

The next act made Uchiha feel a little sick.

Uchiha Tsukasa does take time, but Uchiha Tsukasa doesn't think that he, who has a life simulator, needs to suffer such grievances in Yunyin Village.

You can definitely find other ways to become stronger.

"Next time, don't go to Yunyin Village."

"The limit of time that Yunyin Village can provide me is 8 years."

"But in 8 years, I haven't raised the elite shōnin-level Chakra to the shadow level. This proves that if you give me more time, my hope is not high."

"In order to obtain shadow-level chakra, pure cultivation is not enough, and other methods need to be adopted."

Uchiha thought of three solutions in an instant.

One is to become a human pillar.

After reaching a settlement with the tailed beast, you can use the tailed beast's chakra, and the amount is astonishingly large.

I belong to the Uchiha family, and I have a writing wheel eye, which is an advantage in this regard.

One is the intercolumnar cell.

Just like Danzo, who is the same age as Hizan Sarutobi, who is too old to die, Danzo is as energetic as a young man when he has cells between pillars.

One is the technique of Guigera.

This is a ninjutsu researched by Beluga.

If you collect all 5 kinds of Blood Continents on your body, you can get the body of immortality.

"However, these three are very difficult."

"Ren Zhuli is not that easy to do. Before I become Ren Zhuli, I need to learn some sealing techniques."

"It can't be some kind of garbage seal technique~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Otherwise, it will become like Gaara, unable to sleep at night."

"After that, you have to choose a good target."

"This is also not an easy task. Even Nanao, the least difficult one, is also inside Takiyin Village. I'm just an elite jounin, and it's not that easy to break in."

"The fusion of cells between the columns may fail. If it fails, it will become a sapling."

"In addition, this is the technology of Orochimaru, and Orochimaru will not be easily transplanted to people."

"As for the technique of Guiya Luo, it's even more so."

"It's the bottom of the box for baby Bei Liuhu, and it will never be handed over easily."

Uchiha Setsuna didn't give up on these three plans, but in the short term, he doesn't plan to carry it out.

"For now, it's still mainly about acquiring ninjutsu."

"At the same time, you can sow discord in Konoha, and induce Yunyin Village to wage war against Konoha."

"Deduce how to prevent the night of genocide from happening, so that the innocents of Uchiha can survive."

"One simulation, two uses."

Uchiha suddenly raised his head and looked at the mirror.

"Yunyin Village disgusts me, but this life simulation is not completely fruitless."

"At least I got a pair of three-gou jade writing wheel eyes."

In the mirror, above Uchiha's eyeballs, Sangou is slowly turning.

"Compared with Shuanggouyu, Sangouyu's ability is much stronger."

"However, there is still a considerable distance from the kaleidoscope."

"I don't know when I can turn on the kaleidoscope."

Uchiha is looking forward to it.

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