Uchiha’s Life Simulator

Chapter 40: Kill Sasuke, the painful Uchiha Itachi!

"Jingle Bell!"

A bell rang.

"Everyone stopped answering, the time is up."

"It's time for the second exam."

"It's all handed in."

"After handing in the papers, follow me to the training ground."

Some students helped to collect the papers.

Iruka sent the exam papers to the office first, and then returned to the classroom.

"Classmates, go to the training ground."

"The second test is a ninja tool."

"It's divided into shuriken throwing and kunai throwing."

"Everyone do well."

Iruka asked everyone to line up and step forward one by one.

One person has 5 kunai and 5 shuriken.

Throw at the target.

The number of rings hit is the number of rings, and the result will be given on the spot.

"The first one, Sasuke Uchiha."

Sasuke Uchiha stepped forward.

At this time, Sasuke Uchiha had completely calmed down and removed all distracting thoughts from his heart.

The wrist flicked.

"Ten rings, ten rings, ten rings... nine rings!"

Iruka showed an expression of admiration.

"Sasuke, you did a good job."

"The overall result is ninety-six rings!"

This is a fairly high grade, for a freshman who has only been in school for a month.

Sasuke Uchiha raised his chin and stepped aside.

But this is a fixed target, and the distance is relatively close.

"The second one, Haruno Sakura."


A famous student stepped forward.

"Uchiha instant, seventy-two rings!"

A mediocre result.

"Haruno Sakura, eighty-four rings!"


"Hinata Hinata, ninety rings!"


When the exam was over, the ranking came out directly, and Sasuke Uchiha was undoubtedly number one.

"Sasuke is really amazing!"

Sakura looked at Sasuke Uchiha, her eyes lit up.

Sasuke Uchiha, on the other hand, looked at Naruto with disdain in his eyes.

Even Uchiha Itachi said, let Sasuke Uchiha take the initiative to contact Naruto to resolve the conflict.

However, the current Uchiha Sasuke cannot do it.

Naruto was a little unhappy.

"What the hell."

In the afternoon, a physical fitness test will be conducted.

There are three projects in total, which is very tiring.

After the assessment, many people were almost tired.

Usually physical training can catch fish.

But in exams, except for Uchiha Setsuna, everyone wants to get good grades.

Even Nara Shikamaru felt a little bit of energy at this time.

The exam is over and the results are out.

Sasuke Uchiha is still number one.

Naruto is still an old problem, his endurance and stamina are unstoppable, but his explosiveness is not comparable to Uchiha Sasuke.

"This is the end of the monthly exam, and it's all over."

Iruka gathered the students together.

"Next Monday, all the results will be counted and ranked by the total score."

"The top-ranked students will be rewarded."

"First of all, I would like to congratulate those students who have achieved good grades."

"Don't worry too much about your classmates who haven't performed well, and continue to work hard next time."

"Keep up the good work!"

"get out of class!"

The students flocked out.

For the monthly exam, most of the students are very nervous. Now that the exam is finally over, they all want to relax. Tomorrow and the next two days are rest days. Some people get together and discuss arrangements.

Even Naruto got together with Inuzuka Ya.

Uchiha quietly left the crowd in an instant and returned to Uchiha's station.

Sasuke Uchiha also wanted to relax.

But when he saw Uchiha Moment, Uchiha Sasuke suddenly changed his mind.

Sasuke Uchiha looked at the direction Uchiha left in an instant, and then looked at the direction of Naruto.

"What my brother said doesn't seem right."

"Uchiha Setsuna and Uzumaki Naruto are both mediocre people."

"Uchiha Setsuna is just maliciously speculating on me."

"Uzumaki Naruto took the initiative to provoke me and shot."

"Is Uchiha's actions worse than Uzumaki Naruto's?"

"Uchiha's effort level is only higher than Naruto Uzumaki."

"Why is Uchiha just being selfish in my brother's mouth?"

"And Uzumaki Naruto, I need to take the initiative to be tolerant and tolerant?"

Sasuke Uchiha couldn't understand.

"Is it my brother's fault?"

"But how could my brother be wrong?"

"My brother is the Uchiha clan, the most talented existence in decades."

"Everyone praised my brother very much."

"I want to catch up with my brother, but I'm still far from my brother now."

"Is my judgment correct? Or is my brother's judgment correct?"

Uchiha Sasuke's eyes showed a look of confusion.

Sasuke Uchiha really wanted someone who could solve his doubts, but he couldn't find a suitable one.

"Is this the world after becoming a ninja?"

"It's really complicated."

The next day.

Uchiha opened his eyes in an instant, and the first thing he did was to perform a life simulation.

"This life simulation is mainly about learning the art of turning the heart around."

"By the way, take revenge on Uchiha Itachi."

"Start the simulation!"

[6 years old, you are ordinary. 】

[At 6 years and 1 month, you are learning the art of turning your heart around. 】


[At 6 years and 6 months, you learned the art of turning your heart around. 】


[At 6 years and 8 months, you have mastered the art of turning your heart around. 】

[You saw Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke. 】

[You used the heart-turning technique on Uchiha Sasuke, came to Uchiha Itachi, and made a sneak attack on Uchiha Itachi~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Putting Kunai into Uchiha Itachi's body. 】

[Uchiha Itachi subconsciously attacked Sasuke Uchiha. 】

[Uchiha Sasuke died. 】

[Uchiha Itachi was furious and fell into madness. 】

[You are very satisfied when you see Uchiha Itachi's expression. 】

[You chose to commit suicide. 】

【you are dead. 】

[Please choose one of the following two options as your income. 】

[1: The art of turning the heart around! 】

[2: The thing you held in your hand before you died. 】

"I choose 1!"

A burst of information entered Uchiha Susanna's mind, and immediately, Uchiha Susanna completely mastered the art of turning the heart.

After breakfast, Uchiha couldn't wait to go to the woods.

"The art of turning your heart around!"

Uchiha found a rabbit.

The next moment, Uchiha instantly felt his consciousness and entered the body of the rabbit, and he could control the rabbit to do anything.

This makes Uchiha feel very novel.

After a short while, Uchiha canceled the heart-turning technique in an instant.

"The art of turning the heart is indeed a very magical ninjutsu."

"not bad."

In Uchiha's mind, he had already thought of many, many scenes of using the heart-turning technique in Kiriyin Village.

"If I can successfully leave Wuyin Village and come to Yunyin Village, I am very hopeful. I can get several years in Yunyin Village. With this time, it is not a problem to raise the chakra level to the elite level. "

"You can also learn those stronger and more difficult ninjutsu."

"For example, the forbidden arts of the major ninja villages!"

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