Uchiha’s Life Simulator

Chapter 28: The night of genocide that arrives early!

"Grandpa, you usually don't have to work so hard. Our family is not short of money now. I will work hard for my affairs in the future. Grandpa, you don't need to help me prepare."

The growth of a ninja requires resources.

It doesn't mean that you can cultivate a powerful ninja just by spending like an ordinary person.

This is not realistic.

Entering the training ground for training requires money.

Studying at the ninja school requires money.

Consumable items for training, as well as food, all need money.

Uchiha Setsuna's parents died early.

Uchiha Huoyan wanted to work **** his own to accumulate resources for Uchiha Suana so that Uchiha Suana would not fall behind the little ninjas of the same age in terms of resources.

But Uchiha knew very well that this was unnecessary.

If Uchiha Susanna succeeds, Uchiha Susanna himself can obtain those resources.

If Uchiha fails in an instant, a year later will be the night of the genocide.

Whether it's the former or the latter, Uchiha Huoyan doesn't need to work as hard.

"It's okay, I'm tired now, you can relax a little later."

"No, if your grandfather does this again, I won't go to the ninja school."

"That won't work."

"Then grandpa, you have to promise me."


"Grandpa, there's nothing wrong with me. I can rely on myself. If you don't believe me, grandpa, you can rest for a year, and then look at my situation to decide after a year, how about it?"

For the sake of Uchiha's words, Uchiha Huoyan could only agree.

"Okay, Moment, I'll listen to you."

into the night.

Uchiha closed his eyes in an instant, instead of falling asleep immediately, he was thinking.

"I have tried many times to escape early before the night of the genocide."

"But, they all failed."

"Because my strength is not enough, being caught up by those root ninjas is a dead word."

"But now, my overall strength has reached the level of Shangnin."

"For the entire Konoha, this is still not strong."

"Uchiha has a lot of jounin, Hyuga, oil girl, pig deer butterfly..."

"However, if I run away with all my heart, those root ninjas may not be able to catch up with me."

"Now I have two choices."

"One is to suddenly escape from Konoha without telling anyone."

"The second is to spread the news of the night of the genocide to some Uchiha people and make the water turbid."

The night passed quietly.

Uchiha opened his eyes in an instant.

"Choose the second route first."

"Start the simulation!"

[At the age of 6, your performance was mediocre and did not attract anyone's attention. 】

[While you went to school, you secretly collected information on Uchiha, and finally, you found a suitable person. 】

[Uchiha Yatsushiro. 】

[This is the Uchiha leader of a radical faction who is currently the head of the Konoha Security Department. 】

[You have completely given up on Uchiha Fugaku. 】

[The relationship between Uchiha Yatsushiro and Uchiha Fugaku is also not very good. 】

[6 years and 1 month old, you found Yatsushiro Uchiha and showed Yatsushiro Uchiha his strength at the level of Shangnin, as well as Shan Gouyu's writing wheel. You surprised Yatsushiro Uchiha. 】

[Uchiha Yashiro was surprised and felt that Uchiha had a chance to rise again. He believed that you were Uchiha's future and could definitely lead Uchiha to the top. 】

[You told Yatsushiro Uchiha about Uchiha Itachi and the possible night of extermination. 】

[But Uchiha Yatsushiro doesn't really believe it. 】

[6 years and 2 months, Uchiha Yatsushiro arranged for someone to conduct a secret investigation. Uchiha Yatsushiro did not believe that Uchiha Itachi would betray Uchiha, and he did not believe that Konoha would be so radical, but he still gave you face. 】

[6 years and 3 months old, Uchiha Yatsushiro's investigation alerted the root ninja and Anbu ninja. 】

[Sarutobi Hiizan and Shimura Danzo knew about the actions of Uchiha Yatsushiro. 】

[Therefore, Anbu and Genbu took advance action. 】

[The situation in Uchiha became very tense. 】

[The night of the genocide is coming early. 】

[You are hiding in the dark, waiting for an opportunity to escape. 】

[Uchiha Itachi appeared. 】

[Many Uchihas thought that Uchiha Itachi was on Uchiha's side and took no precautions against Uchiha Itachi, but Uchiha Itachi did not hesitate and shot them directly. 】

[You have witnessed the death of a large number of people. 】

[You escaped. 】

[Some Anbu ninjas found your trail and hunted you down. 】

[You burst out with the strength of the Jinnin level and killed dozens of Anbu. 】

[But more Anbu ninjas appeared. 】

【you are dead. 】

[Please select the income you want from the following two options. 】

[1: None. 】

[2: The thing you held in your hand before you died. 】

"It was so sudden that I didn't even have time to learn the basics."

"I choose 2!"

A small piece of rag appeared in Uchiha's hand. It was in the life simulation. The Anbu ninja who killed Uchiha's was torn off by Uchiha's.

"Uchiha Yatsushiro."

"This person can really be trusted, much more reliable than Uchiha Fugaku."

"In the case where I don't have any evidence, Uchiha Yasushi can try to believe me and order his subordinates to investigate secretly, but unfortunately it was discovered by the ninjas of Anbu and Genbu~www.wuxiamtl.com~ so that the senior officials of Konoha told Uchiha in advance. The clan took the action of genocide."

"This made my plan to escape Konoha also failed."

Uchiha's eyes flashed for a moment.

"If the next Life Sim takes this approach, you'll have to find something to prove the Night of the Genocide."

"After all, I'm just a child."

"Uchiha Yashiro's love is not like Uchiha Fugaku who directly imprisoned me in a dungeon."

"But if there is no evidence, Uchiha Yatsushiro will definitely investigate secretly."

"It's impossible for him to listen to me alone on such a big thing."

"But, how do you prove that the night of the genocide happened?"

Uchiha frowned instantly.

This is bound to happen. Uchiha has experienced countless times in the life simulator, but it is not easy to find evidence.

"The night of the genocide was carried out by Itachi Uchiha."

"The roots of Danzo must have also participated, and they have also gotten a lot of writing round eyes."

"The first one that was verbally proposed was to go to bed, Xiaochun."

"If you want to find evidence, you can only find it from these people."

"The next life simulation..."

Uchiha hesitated for a moment.

"Next time in the life simulation, I'll try to escape by myself first."

"If I can escape success alone, then there is no need to go with Uchiha Yatsushiro and the others."

"After all, my purpose is to escape Konoha and buy more time."

"This life simulation is not for nothing."

"At least it proves that Uchiha Yatsushiro can be trusted."

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