Uchiha’s Life Simulator

Chapter 23: The memory invasion secret technique, master it!

Sarutobi Hizen was a little concerned about Sasuke Uchiha.

Over the years, Sarutobi Hizan has seen many geniuses from the Uchiha clan.

Madara Uchiha and Izumi Uchiha don't talk about them back then.

Madara Uchiha can be as famous as Senju Hashirama.

Uchiha Izanna can be compared to Senju Tobirama.

Both of them are Hokage of Konoha.

And then Uchiha Mirror, a Uchiha who was recognized by Senju Tobirama.

This is very rare.

And then, Uchiha Shisui, who made his name at a young age.

The name of Shunshi Shishui is not limited to Konoha, but people from many other places in the ninja world know this name.

Sarutobi Hizan remembered Uchiha Shisui's kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

Known as Bie Tianshen, known as the strongest illusion, it can directly change a person's mind.

This terrifying ability can make countless people terrified.

Uchiha Itachi's strength has also reached a very strong level.

According to Sarutobi Hiizan's understanding, I am afraid it is not under Uchiha Shisui.

"Now there is another genius Sasuke Uchiha."

"Uchiha is indeed a terrifying existence."

"Especially the writing wheel eye, no, to be exact, it is a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye!"

"Both of the Hitomitsu ninja family, Hyuga is far behind."

"If Uchiha is the same as Hinata, then you'll have peace of mind."

Sarutobi Hizan looked in the direction of the Hyuga clan's station, and then turned to the direction of Uchiha's station. After a long time, he withdrew his gaze, thinking constantly in his heart.

Uchiha Setsuna's name did not leave any impression in Sarutobi Hizen's heart.

As evening approached, Uchiha ended his training in an instant.

"Sagiri, we're going back."

"Okay, Brother Shanna."

The two walked out of the woods holding hands.

When he got home, Uchiha Huoyan had already prepared dinner.

Since using the life simulator, Uchiha has found out that his appetite has become much larger than before, and he has to eat a lot to be full.

The little ninjas of the same age did not eat half of Uchiha's food intake when the training intensity was similar to Uchiha's.

But fortunately this is not a big deal.

There are many people in Konoha's big stomach.

The Qiu Dao family is a typical example. Naruto can also eat very well, but the one who can eat even more is Hinata Hinata.

A person who participates in the Big Eater competition will definitely win the championship.

Therefore, what Uchiha showed in the moment is not a big problem.

the next day.

"Start the simulation!"

Uchiha opened his eyes in an instant.

"The main direction of this simulation is to learn the secret techniques of the mountain family, memory invasion."

"This secret technique is not only useful for obtaining information in the root organization, but it must be used in many other places. This is a very convenient ninjutsu."

[At the age of 6, your performance was mediocre and did not attract anyone's attention. 】

[Secretly, you are studying the secret techniques in the mountains. 】

[6 years and 1 month old, Yamanaka Ino confessed to you, but you rejected him. Yamanaka Ino was very disappointed. 】

[Secretly, you are studying the secret techniques in the mountains. 】


[At 6 years and 6 months, you still haven't been able to learn the secret techniques in the mountains. You realize that you need more time, and one year may not be enough for you to learn it. 】

[You found Danzo on your own initiative and took refuge in Danzo. 】

[You want to use Danzo to buy yourself an extra half year. 】

[6 years and 7 months old, under Danzo's order, you were monitoring the Uchiha family. 】

[Secretly, you are studying the secret techniques in the mountains. 】


[At the age of 7, the night of extermination broke out. 】

[7 years and 1 month old, you performed the mission released by Danzo. 】

[Secretly, you are studying the secret techniques in the mountains. 】


[7 years and 4 months old, you finally learned the secret technique in the mountains, memory invasion. 】

[Under the joy of your heart, you immediately caught a root ninja and used memory invasion on it. You read the memory in the ninja's mind, and the ninja became a fool. 】

[7 years and 5 months old, you returned to the base of the root organization, captured the members of the root organization, and used memory invasion, and you obtained a lot of information about the root organization. 】

[You have been discovered. 】

[Danzo gave you an order to kill you. 】

[A large number of root ninjas are chasing you. 】

[You try to escape. 】

[But it failed. 】

[The root ninja besieged you. 】

【you are dead. 】

[Please select the income you want from the following two options. 】

[1: The secret technique in the mountains, memory invasion. 】

[2: The thing you held in your hand before you died. 】

"What can be called secret art is really difficult to learn."

"My talent is not very good, but after all, I am Uchiha."

"And I also turned on the writing wheel."

"It took a whole year and four months to learn the secret techniques of this mountain family."

"Fortunately, I have a life simulator."

"The time in the real world is just one day."

"If I were to learn this secret technique in the real world, I would never have the chance to learn it."

A smile appeared on Uchiha's face.

"After obtaining this secret technique, my next actions will be much more convenient~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Uchiha's thoughts moved in an instant.

"I choose 1!"

A burst of information poured into Uchiha's mind.

Immediately, Uchiha has completely mastered the secret technique of memory invasion.

After breakfast, Uchiha went to the training ground.

On the way, Uchiha met someone he didn't want to meet.

Uchiha Itachi.

Uchiha Tsuna didn't look at Uchiha Itachi, but Uchiha Tsuna could feel that Uchiha Itachi's eyes fell on him, which was different from last time.

Uchiha's eyes flashed for a moment.

After confirming that Uchiha Itachi was far away, he glanced back.

"Last time Uchiha Itachi looked at me with a dull look."

"But this time, Uchiha Itachi looked at me with a hint of disgust."

Uchiha was not shocked for a moment, but heaved a sigh of relief.

"This is normal!"

"Uchiha Itachi looks at most of Uchiha's clansmen with such eyes."

"But last time, I didn't feel it."

"That's why I am more distant from Sasuke Uchiha in the real world."

"In this way, what I said to Sasuke Uchiha last time had an effect."

"Now in the real world, Uchiha Itachi won't pay more attention to me."

Uchiha walked into the woods in an instant.

"But that's actually quite ironic."

"Uchiha's clan, no one owes Uchiha Itachi."

"On the contrary, in the future, Uchiha Itachi will do the evil deeds of the Uchiha clan to exterminate the clan."

"But Uchiha Itachi has peace of mind and hates the Uchiha clan."

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