Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 161 Kirigakure Village completely fell, Mizukage was faster than Naruto

Three days later.

Kirigakure's army that invaded Konoha, or rather the Kirigakure branch at the root of Konoha...

Under the coordination of Terumi Mei, Kisame, Zabuza, Kaguya Junjiro, Hinata Hizashi, and many root members, the reorganization has been completed.

The effect is still extremely outstanding.

Under the collective rebellion of the two powerful Kirigakure clans, Kaguya and Terumi, and the constant brainwashing of Kirigakure ANBU geniuses, coupled with the admiration of the ninja sword prodigy Kito Mangetsu like tap water...

"Master Qing Shui's water iron cannon technique and steaming danger explosion power are more powerful than those recorded in my family's classics, Ghost Lantern Huayue!" This sentence is what Ghost Lantern Man Yue likes to say these days.

Combined with Qing Shui's guarantee of Uchiha's glory, the mentality of the former Kirigakure ninjas changed rapidly.

When faced with an unsolvable crisis, people always like to make excuses for themselves.

Qing Shui's fighting power is definitely unbeatable...

Especially for them who experienced the power of Tobirama No. 1 for the first time, they also knew that Konoha's collective power was not empty.

From the leader's personal force, to the collective fighting power, and the pull between wisdom and wisdom...

All reflect the chasm-like gap!

In this case, the Ghost Lantern and Moon series of ninjutsu used by Qing Shui when killing the enemies gave them a psychological level.

How is this a counterattack?

If you think about it carefully, the disputes and fights between Qing Shui, who has the secret skills of Corpse Vein, Dissolution and Ghost Lantern, and the third generation of Mizukage can be seen as an internal fight for the position of Mizukage!

As for some details, the Kirigakure ninjas instinctively ignored them.

The new Seven Ninja Swordsmen were also born under the arrangement.

Qing Shui gave the twin swords and swords to Kisame Mangetsu, while his original Samehada was assigned to Kisame.

The beheading sword and the thunder sword are still in the hands of the very sensible Loquat Juuzang and the black hoe Lei Ya.

As for the long sword, stitches, and explosive sword, the flying foam was given to Terumi Mei and Kaguya Junjiro, and the last blunt sword, Kabuto was given to Zabuza.

At this point, under Qing Shui's arrangements, the new seven Ninja Swordsmen were already in place.

Although in Qing Shui's opinion, among these seven ninja swords, only Kisame and Samehada's fusion is relatively perfect and can complement each other to enhance each other's combat power. The rest at most play a role that is better than nothing...

But after all, this was an organization that had been established since the Ghost Lantern Huanyue period, and a new batch of members were assigned and established by Qing Shui's hand. The metaphors and meanings were different.

Because only Mizukage can assign the destination of Kirigakure's seven ninja swords!

[Heart of Kirigakure]:

When you take control of Kirigakure Village, the strength improvement of the ninjas under this unit will be fed back to you, including but not limited to bloodline, chakra, ninjutsu skills, and physique.

The feedback multiplier is directly related to the Kirigakure ninja's loyalty to you.

This talent can open the final battle, and upon completion, you will receive a special reward—Ocean Contract.

The reason why Qing Shui is relatively patient with Kirigakure ninjas is because of the rewards from this ocean contract...

To start the final battle, the first step is to maximize the loyalty of these Kirigakure ninjas, and then make a decision based on the situation, whether to have a reversal...

In this world where the Otsutsuki clan can invade at any time, instant warmth and human support are a luxury, and only strength comes first.

"Everyone, follow me and take back our Kirigakure Village."

On the frozen high platform, Qing Shui, wearing a navy blue Uchiha uniform, pointed at the sky and said in a deep voice.

Under the stage, the ninjas who could no longer tell whether they were the original Kirigakure or the root ones stood together and responded in unison: "Work with Master Qingshui to take back the Kirigakure that belongs to us!"

Qing Shui nodded, formed a seal with his hands, and ordered: "Tobirama, get ready for landing!"

The former Kirigakure ninja is still a little confused. What is Tobirama's number? Is it another bomb?

And a moment later, a black spot appeared in the sky, gradually getting bigger and bigger...

The space carrier, hundreds of meters wide, appeared in front of everyone with a figure that blocked the sky and the sun.

"This...what is this!"

Kisame's little eyes widened as he murmured to himself, "Is this also a ninja tool?"

Terumi Mei and Kaguya Junjiro also looked at this huge battleship blankly.

This is not to say how powerful Tobirama is, but a sense of the impact of the new era on the old era...

At this current point in time, the technology of the ninja world is still relatively primitive, and this kind of creation full of technological sense is extremely unfamiliar.

Although there used to be a Hollow Village, it was just a flash in the pan.

Orochimaru and Qing Shui passed through the ruins of Kongyin Village and used Konoha's manpower and resources to recreate a war tool that could shock the entire ninja world...

This is the difference between a small village like Kongyin Village and Konoha.

It's the same technology, but when the resources are multiplied several times, the effect of the finished product is completely different.

The Tobirama stopped arrogantly on the ground that was scorched by the fire of Amaterasu.

Qing Shui slowly walked towards Tobirama.

Behind him, the original Kirigakure ninjas walked towards this creation that amazed them with anxiety and anticipation.

On a wide platform.

They saw the complete preparation process for various bombs.

The orderly flying ninjas were carefully handling the giant bird that had landed, and were loading bombs with skillful techniques.

The flying wingsuit troops were also wiping their ninja tools in a fixed area, carefully loading Senbon into them...

In the center, Yamazaka Haiichi, his clansmen and Kurama Heiyun in the formation, serve as the command center, processing the intelligence returned from each battlefield.

Next to him, Nara Shikaku was having a frowning discussion with a group of pineapple heads, writing and drawing with the pen and paper in his hand.

On this huge battleship, every area has its own responsibility, and everyone is performing their tasks, and the handover between each other is fast and smooth.

Although it looks like work, it has a pleasing beauty.

Former members of the Roots, such as Hinata Hizashi, didn't have any feelings when they saw this scene, because everyone in the Roots did things this way.

But the original Kirigakure ninja was different.

They had never seen such an efficient scene in this village, which was suffering from extremely serious internal strife under the influence of the Blood Mist.

Inevitably, they began to compare Konoha with today's Kirigakure in their hearts...

Still those three items——

The leader's force and collective quality are now coupled with technological iterations.

The Kirigakure ninjas couldn't help but think about a question, what value did they have, and were they worthy of Qing Shui's gentle treatment?

This feeling of being valued by an invincible and powerful enemy made them feel flattered.

They also began to think in their hearts that this might be their only lucky opportunity in this life...

Whether they can hold on firmly depends on their performance when cleaning the inside of Kirigakure Village!

"Lord Qingshui, the battle situation here is going very well..."

When Nara Shikaku saw Qing Shui coming, he came up with sharp eyes and softly congratulated:

"Having eliminated those Kirigakure die-hards and taken control of the ninja clan, you are already a more worthy master of Kirigakure than the Third Mizukage was!"

Qing Shui smiled.

Although what Nara Shikaku said sounded like a compliment, it was the truth.

In any village, including Konoha, which advocates supporting civilian ninjas, only with the support of the ninja clan can one become a shadow and stand firm.

As long as there are a few fighting ninjas at the head to support them, and the rest of the civilian ninjas are atomized, they will naturally follow the strongest forces in the village. As long as they don't do anything too outrageous, they can survive...

The surrender of Kirigakure's Kaguya, Oniden and the Terumi clan has actually decided the overall situation.

Although Kirigakure has always suppressed the ninja clan, without these three ninja clans, would Kirigakure still be considered one of the five great hidden villages?

This is the point of contradiction.

The same goes for Konoha. Without Senju and Uchiha, what kind of No. 1 Ninja Village would Konoha be?

"Maybe so, Shikaku, but it's just Kirigakure..."

Qing Shui shook his head and said slowly: "In the case of Kirigakure, we can still use force to scare them and then use some special methods to win their hearts, but the other villages cannot do that."

"The smelly and hard Onoki is like a stone in a latrine. It will definitely lead the 20,000 Iwagakure ninjas to fight to the death."

"There is also Kumogakure. They are based on family, loyalty and generosity. They are the least rebellious and have a martial spirit that permeates everyone. It is difficult to defeat them even if you kill them."

"On the other hand, I heard that the village of Sunagakure is caught in internal strife. There may be some angles in this regard..."

Nara Shikaku listened carefully and agreed: "Kirigakure's situation is indeed special..."

"But you have done a great job. Not only have you barely lost any of your troops, you have even gained new support. I have read the catalogs of wars recorded in the Great Ninja War and the Warring States Period, and I have never seen anyone like you. "

Nara Shikaku is a smart man.

When he keenly saw that the pair of masters and disciples, Namikaze Minato and Jiraiya, seemed to have an antagonistic relationship with Qing Shui and Yin Yun.

After quickly weighing it up, he chose Qing Shui who offered practical benefits to the Nara clan.

Looking at it now, the Nara clan and his choice were absolutely right.

Nara Shikaku has never seen someone who can defeat more and more legions in the Ninja World War, and there is no such record in any classics.

These Kirigakure ninjas, Nara Shikaku can even be sure that they will soon become Qing Shui's most loyal and fanatical supporters.

"I hope so, Shikaku."

Qing Shui looked around at the carefully crafted root members, the Kirigakure ninjas who looked like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, and sighed:

"There's always a struggle, there's always a conflict..."

"After Kirigakure is solved, it is still Kumogakure, Iwagakure and Sunagakure. Even if they are all solved, there are still internal problems."

"When there is peace, everyone wants to divide their interests and fight among themselves. But when war breaks out, everyone wants to settle down and live a good life. But when the day comes, the above cycle will repeat again."

"Look, as for the Kirigakures who are full of hope in their eyes, I don't doubt that they will become a part of Konoha or even the roots, but I am sure that they will also participate in internal struggles in the future."

Nara Shikaku frowned, lowering his head and thinking about Qing Shui's words.

Master Qing Shui seems to be thinking very long-term, and although his words sound a bit strange, it is indeed okay if you think about it carefully.

In the peaceful era of Konoha, there were twenty good years from the First Ninja War to the Second Ninja War.

But during these twenty years, Shimura Danzo and Sarutobi Hiruzen, Uchiha and Hinata, as well as Konoha consultants and many ninjas and civilian ninjas...

Amidst the competition and conflicting interests of all parties, the village is not peaceful.

Nara Shikaku's eyes sparkled with thought.

He was thinking, what is the ultimate goal of Qing Shui who has achieved the ultimate but is still not satisfied?

Is it a harmonious world where no one fights and everyone is united?

This sounds like a dream. From a human point of view, Nara Shikaku thinks this is impossible.

But Qing Shui's strength and talent are beyond ordinary people after all, and he has some beautiful fantasies, which makes Nara Shikaku feel that the perfect Qing Shui becomes more real...

Senju Tobirama frowned and sighed in his heart.

The characteristics of the Uchiha clan can be found even in Qing Shui.

That's extreme!

It sounds like Qing Shui has not given up on his pursuit of the so-called "eternal peace"...

"Let's move on, the target is Kirigakure Village."

Qing Shui seemed unwilling to continue talking about this topic, and calmly ordered the Tobirama to be activated.

With such a powerful weapon in air warfare, even the distance of the ocean is nothing.

after one day.

"You know some of the die-hards in Kirigakure better than I do, so I have to leave it to you."

On the Feijian, Qing Shui and his subordinates gave orders:

"Kill those who deserve to be killed thoroughly. I don't want anyone to resist the coming of the new era. This is both for your good and for my own good."

The Kirigakure ninja nodded.

As for Kisame and others, they had already communicated with Qing Shui and drafted a must-kill list.

For example, Elder Yuanshi, the old Kirigakure who is intertwined in various departments, are all targets to be eliminated.

According to this list, Kirigakure will probably be able to undergo a wave of in-depth rejuvenation...

Led by Kisame wielding Samehada, Kaguya Junjiro and Terumi Mei, armed with bone blades and needles, descended from the sky and took the Kirigakure ninjas who had attacked Konoha not long ago to reshape their home.

The Kirigakure ninjas raised their heads and looked at the flying wingsuit troops like a swarm of bees, feeling inexplicably...

Not so long ago, these sky-flying bastards spraying deadly poisonous needles were an irresistible opponent.

Now, he has become a companion who protects them.

Once you have tasted this kind of taste, you can hardly go back...

Less than half a day.

Kirigakure Village was completely declared to have fallen!

The salty sea breeze was mixed with the smell of blood, but the eyes of every ninja wielding a sword were filled with excitement.

Just because this time, they were on the winning side...

Insomnia is killing me...

I don’t know if I get excited after typing. Every time I finish writing, I have to lie in bed for a long time before falling asleep. Then I go to work the next day and start typing again...

It's true that darkness has reincarnated and belongs to Yes.

How can I fall asleep just by touching the pillow?

[Recommend a friend’s book]——

A relatively special niche article is the "first person" apocalyptic article. The writing style and plot are very sophisticated. Readers who like it can try it.

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