Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 153 Battlefield Rose, Qing Shui Dances Elegantly

Black flames burned in the battlefield.

The fuel is naturally the bodies, escape techniques, chakra of the Kirigakure ninjas, as well as the despair and pain that go deep into their bones.

The clay bomb in the outer shell of Tobirama No. 1 is just a medium. Its purpose is not to kill, but has been specially processed to spread the Amaterasu at the core as much as possible.

Under Qing Shui's conception, Amaterasu perfectly displayed its power.

This pupil technique is not used to fight evenly matched and powerful enemies. It is unsolvable when used to reduce dimensionality...

Of course, this is also related to Qing Shui's ability to split a share of Amaterasu's flames into multiple parts, and he also cleverly combined it with explosive escape.

The green sailor took Muramasa with a sharp look in his eyes, and blazing black flames ignited at the blade!

Unlike other ninjas, Qing Shui did not wear the Konoha ninja battle uniform, but put on a very retro Sengoku style plate armor.

The blood-red plate armor has exquisite Uchiha clan emblems carved on the shoulders.

Against the background of Amaterasu, Qing Shui's figure was like a black and red flash of light, shuttling among the enemies!

Either a heavy sword slashes down, or a chop wave flies, or a sword strikes the head...

Qing Shui's figure changes from sharp to gentle, to domineering to silky. His gorgeous movements are dizzying for everyone to see, like a black rose blooming on the battlefield, freely venting his power!

Every time Qing Shui slashed with his sword, he would not only take away the enemy's life, but also spread the black flames along the direction of the sword to more enemies.

The Third Mizukage's mind went blank. As he was skimming the formation behind him, he felt that everything was completely lost.

Wherever he looked, the entire blank minefield plowed by Kirigakure ninjas was almost completely covered by Amaterasu...

Starting from the wisps that attached to each Kirigakure ninja at the beginning, as they struggled and twisted, the pain began to be transmitted by their own people, and quickly spread to the entire military formation!

Wails, whimpers, gasps, curses, and burning sounds were the main theme on the battlefield at this moment, mixed with the nauseating smell of meat, like a scene in hell.

Although under the protection of Water Release and Earth Release, some Kirigakure ninjas still avoided the baptism of Tobirama One.

But in legion operations, the battle loss rate is an extremely important indicator.

When your companions fall one after another, your will to fight will be severely affected, and you will easily become defeated.

Especially under the baptism of Tobirama No. 1, each of his companions has become a dangerous target in the struggle to wield Amaterasu. The tragic scene will make people frightened just by looking at it, and it will continue to erode their hearts.

After encountering such an ambush, who would dare to fight? Who would still want to fight?

At this moment, the Third Mizukage was looking at Qing Shui in the center of the battlefield with great anger, and Kisame, Zabuza, Terumi Mei, Kaguya Junjiro, Hinata Hizashi and others following closely behind him...

Even if he is a fool, he now understands that he has been tricked!

With step-by-step planning, the Third Mizukage was fascinated by the minefield, and made the Kirigakure ninjas line up in a long line to receive the bombing...

It's not over yet.

After Tobirama No. 1 bomb was dropped, the flying troops on the giant bird jumped down!

With the blessing of flying ninja tools like dragonfly wings, Konoha's aerial mobile team began to harvest the lives of Kirigakure ninjas on the ground.

Chakra was input into the wings, and the black muzzle released the poison-coated slender Senbon, scanning the chaotic Kirigakure troops.

Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo…

There was a long and sharp sound of breaking through the air, and each Senbon brushed against the Kirigakure ninja's body surface, and the intense toxins were eroding their bodies.

Therefore, in addition to being burned into black coals, Qing Shui's enemies had another way to die, falling down twitching with purple-black faces.

Uchiha Madara took a deep breath and looked at Qing Shui's figure, as if he saw himself back then.

Like, it’s so similar!

As for who he looks like, it’s hard to say that he looks like Izuna, but more like him when he was younger!

The domineering and powerful eye power, the graceful body skills, the ruthless and crisp sword skills...

The title Battlefield Rose seems to suit Qing Shui very well.

"How on earth is it done? This is splitting Amaterasu into multiple parts, and combining it with explosive escape..."

Uchiha Madara quickly analyzed Tobirama No. 1 and said to himself:

"Then Qing Shui must have also learned to add earth life, then these are his two kaleidoscope eye skills?"

"Being able to fuse explosive escape and Amaterasu, his sealing skills seem to exceed my expectations..."

Uchiha Madara shook his head somewhat sadly.

He originally thought that he might still have a chance to save Qing Shui and save him when he was surrounded by enemy troops...

In this case, given Qing Shui's character in Madara Uchiha's eyes, he would definitely listen carefully to his Eye of the Moon plan.

In this case, Uchiha Madara has enough confidence to convince Qing Shui...

But in silence, Qing Shui actually studied the Kaleidoscope Eye Technique to such an extent, and also had such a profound understanding of the Sealing Technique!

Although Uchiha Madara was a little disappointed, he was becoming more and more interested.

He was thinking, how far can Qing Shui lead Konoha?

Kirigakure is only the most vulnerable of the five great hidden villages. The remaining Iwagakure and Kumogakure are extremely hard to crack!

There are perfect Jinchūriki, and there are the Third Raikage and the Third Tsuchikage who cannot be simply summed up in Kage level!

And these bombs are only one-time use.

After all, Qing Shui's pupil power is limited, and it is impossible to create enough power to deal with the five hidden villages.

"Qing Shui, how far can you go?"

Thousands of miles away, Uchiha Madara applauded Qing Shui: "I will watch you..."

[It is sensed that the third generation Mizukage has a strong hatred for the host, and has been bound as a line target! 】

And at this moment.

The Third Mizukage finally moved...

Under the full burst of chakra, countless sharp ice blades rose from the ground and violently hit the airborne troops.

In front of Qing Shui, a thick ice wall spanning a hundred meters rose from the ground, with sharp barbs in it, dividing the entire battlefield into two.

The Third Mizukage decisively abandoned some Kirigakure ninjas.

Those companions who have gone deep into the hinterland and are contaminated by Amaterasu are no longer worth saving!

Nowadays, we can only cut it off and save some...

"Let's go back to Kirigakure first, we encountered an ambush!"

The third Mizukage kept summoning huge ice walls to delay Konoha's pursuers: "Retreat to the water, retreat to the water!"

On top of the ice wall, Qing Shui stood at the peak calmly.

With a pair of sharp three-magatama Sharingan, he looked at the Third Mizukage and smiled lightly.

The Third Mizukage suppressed his anger, hooked his fingers with Qing Shui provocatively, turned around and ran away, his eyes full of hatred——

"If you dare to chase me to the beach, you will die!"

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