Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 133 Black Zetsu was forced by Qing Shui, and Uchiha Obito stood up

Konoha, the land of the Uchiha clan, the Qingshui family.

"Brother, what's going on with this joint chuunin exam and peace agreement?"

Zhisui stared at his big eyes and thought: "Why do I feel something is wrong?"

"It seems like we are testing the reality of our village..."

Asuma sat next to Shisui and said carelessly: "Of course, there is no peace between villages, the people in the outer villages are all bastards!"

"The old man said at home that there will definitely be a war, just let me listen to Qing Shui!"

Shisui was instantly annoyed, the damn Hokage's son always told these high-level secrets so calmly...

He wants his brother to praise his thinking, does he need this bastard to break it down?

"Asuma, shut up, I am your brother's younger brother!" Shisui stared at Asuma who always came to visit for no reason, and said fiercely.

"Zhisui, I don't deny that you are Qing Shui's younger brother, but I am the future Hokage's assistant!" Asuma responded loudly without giving in, head to head with Zhisui.

Kakashi, who was on the side, drank tea in unison with Metkai and Metdai, as if he didn't see it.

This scene always happens between Shisui and Asuma, and everyone is familiar with it.

At this moment, Tsunade came over, twisting the ears of Asuma and Shisui, her eyes a little dangerous——

"You two brats, I am the Hokage's assistant, have you forgotten this!"

Shisui and Asuma looked at Qing Shui for help, pleading in their eyes.

Tsunade's hand strength is really too strong. The two of them are still poor children and they really can't bear the strange power of the Thousand Hands...

But Qing Shui shrugged helplessly:

"I'm just an ordinary root leader, and Tsunade-sensei is indeed the Hokage's assistant..."

Kakashi silently ate the senbei on the table, feeling something in his heart.

After Hatake Sakumo died once, his father seemed to have changed his personality, becoming lively and optimistic, even talkative, and made many friends.

It's just these friends that make Kakashi a little uncomfortable.

In the past few days, the enthusiastic Hatake Sakumo let Kakuzu stay at his house.

And when they were having dinner and drinking in the evening, Kakashi, who was waiting on the table, could clearly see that this strange ninja he called "Uncle Kakuzu" had black lines all over his arms like pythons when he was angry. Fly!

After Kakashi saw Kakashi's surprised expression, he showed him the four huge masks on his back in a funny way.

Kakashi looked at the squirming head in the mask, and everyone was dumbfounded.

Hey, this must be a forbidden technique!

His father, Hatake Sakumo, used to be responsible for checking illegal experiments, even Danzo Shimura and Orochimaru were not spared.

But Hatake Sakumo laughed shamelessly when he saw Kakuzu scaring Kakashi.

After applying with Hatake Sakumo and Qing Shui, Kakashi joined the Roots and saw various scenes that made his heart tremble.

And Hatake Sakumo just said lightly:

"The techniques are good, but there is a problem with the ninjas used. But at their core, ninjas all have the will of fire in their hearts, so some forbidden techniques are no problem."

"Kakashi, learn from the roots. If you don't understand, just go to Qingshui's house and mop the floor."

After Hatake Sakumo finished speaking, in Kakashi's surprised eyes, he and Hatake, who had an explosive heart and a bloody horn dripping from his hand, started chatting happily without paying any attention to him. The two of them stood side by side. Once again, he went on a mission outside the village.

When Kakashi came to Qing Shui's house, he couldn't even get the job of mopping the floor.

Because it was just a matter of mopping the floor, Matt Dai would finish it at four o'clock in the morning when he got up to practice...

No matter how hard Kakashi tried, he couldn't come to Qing Shui's house at four in the morning.

But Kakashi has already understood a truth, how important it is to be in a circle in Konoha!

At Qing Shui's house, when you look up, you will see the princess of Konoha, assistant to the Hokage, and the son of the Hokage. Information that ordinary jounin cannot access, here is just chatting while eating.

Qing Shui is even more terrifying. He is in charge of the roots and seems to determine the direction of Konoha's future war, including the distribution of various resources in the village.

Tsunade, the Hokage's assistant, seemed to be just a scientific researcher, studying unknown toxins on the sidelines.

Qing Shui, on the other hand, was laying out the map of the future battlefield, and occasionally giving orders to Tsunade in a natural manner.

But Tsunade nodded obediently without any dissatisfaction.

Kakashi couldn't help but feel a little emotional. If his father Sakumo Hatake had been a member of this circle for a long time, let alone violating the will of fire and the ninja code for such trivial matters, just hacking to death the exposed root member, then So what?

Under the influence of this environment, Kakashi quickly became corrupted, expressing his intention to seriously become an ANBU ninja under Sailor Ao, and without Shisui and Asuma knowing, he set his ambition to become a swan— —

Who said that I, Kakashi Hatake, would not be able to become Hokage's assistant in the future?

"Tsunade-sensei, spare them..."

Qing Shui said with a smile: "But it is worthy of praise, Zhishui, your guess is right."

"The so-called peace agreement and the joint chunin exam are just the final prelude to the war. These ninjas sent from other villages will analyze the current situation of the village and collect various intelligence on Konoha."

"For example, in the joint examination, if Konoha does not perform well, then other villages will know our weakness, and the new generation lacks sufficient competitiveness..."

"If they perform well, the outstanding ones will be targeted and strangled as geniuses."

Shisui, Asuma and Kakashi frowned.

Zhisui said in a deep voice: "Brother, we can't make the village look bad. I'm not afraid of other hidden villages in the war. Let me participate!"

Asuma snorted coldly: "It's not your turn, Shisui. I, the son of the Hokage, am the one who should stand in front of you..."

When Shisui and Asuma were about to quarrel, Kakashi also joined the fight——

"My father used his life to prove his will to go beyond fire. Of course I can't lag behind."

"This is youth!"

Metkai roared: "My physical skills can't help but bloom in front of the enemy!"

Qing Shui smiled and looked at the young geniuses who had volunteered, and shook his head with a chuckle.

"You are already late. Someone has reserved this place with me in advance and will probably come over to discuss it with me now."

"In order to show weakness to the enemy but maintain a certain degree of authenticity, this time the joint chuunin examination village will produce a genius-level ninja, and a large number of veteran chunin will participate, so that the enemy will think that Konoha is already exhausted and cannot wait. Waging war against us..."

"This is not to protect you. When the war starts, as someone close to me, I want to see you all fighting on the front line. When the time comes, you will encounter enemies and it will depend on your own strength."

Qing Shui looked at the ninjas present with a calm expression and said softly: "Can it be done?"

"Yes!" replied the uniform shouts.

For Qing Shui, it makes no sense to protect these geniuses.

Shisui, Asuma, Metkai, Kakashi...

These ninjas who loaned gold coins to Qing Shui needed to be tempered in the flames of war before they could improve their strength and feed back to Qing Shui.

After answering, Zhisui looked at Qing Shui with curious eyes: "Brother, who is that genius?"

And it seemed to be answering Shisui's question.

There was a knock on the door of Qing Shui's house. Kakashi quickly stood up and opened the door, leading Uchiha Lin and Uchiha Obito in.

When Uchiha Obito saw so many people in Qing Shui's family, he immediately frowned tightly and said in a deep voice:

"I have already made a reservation with Qing Shui for the place in the Chunin Exam, so don't come and compete with me!"

"I am Uchiha's three magatama!"

Uchiha Obito lit up a pair of three-magatama Sharingan, smiled and said to Shisui who was humming: "You, who has two magatama, still have to practice in front of my eyes, Shisui!"

"Except for Qing Shui, my Sharingan is probably the strongest in the Uchiha clan..."

Obito Uchiha didn't even look at Asuma, Metkai and Kakashi.

In his opinion, only Shisui with his Sharingan opened was barely qualified to compete with him.

After the Joint Chuunin Examination, Obito Uchiha immediately found Qing Shui and applied for registration very enthusiastically!

After Qing Shui explained the pros and cons to him, Uchiha Obito insisted on still being the brightest cub among Konoha genin, so that the lovely Uchiha Lin could see his true nature as a hero and steal the show!

As for the targeting of other hidden villages, Uchiha Obito didn't take it seriously.

After all, he is a Sanmagatama Uchiha...

And after returning home, Uchiha Obito informed Black Zetsu, and it was suddenly shocked...

Black Zetsu knew that this was a good opportunity to put it and Uchiha Obito into danger and start the process of darkening him.

But subconsciously, Black Zetsu wanted Uchiha Obito to refuse. It was a little worried that under the targeting of the other five hidden villages, some uncontrollable accidents would occur, so that something might really happen to Uchiha Obito!

Black Zetsu told himself that it wasn't that it didn't want to attack Obito Uchiha, but that it couldn't let the plan have too many variables that would make it uncontrollable...

But the problem is that Uchiha Obito excitedly told Black Zetsu that he had reported it to Qing Shui.

After hearing Qing Shui's name, Black Zetsu swallowed back the words he wanted to persuade Uchiha Obito.

Regarding Qing Shui, who was even elusive to him, Hei Jue already had a trace of unknown suspicion in his heart...

After some careful consideration, Black Zetsu planned to take Uchiha Obito with him to listen to Qing Shui's views at close range and try to figure out his attitude.

If possible, Black Zetsu didn't want Uchiha Obito to be in the limelight.

All it takes is an ANBU from a hidden village to surround Uchiha Obito. If the force is too great, what if someone is really killed?

"Uchiha Obito, you!"

Not to be outdone, Shisui lit up his double magatama Sharingan: "My double magatama is no worse than your three magatama!"

Qing Shui walked over slowly, touched Zhishui's head comfortingly, moved his gaze to Hei Jue, and said softly:

"This is a dangerous mission. I have advised Obito not to do it, but there is no way. Obito's will is very strong..."

"I will not force anyone to do this task. You are an important person to Obito. What do you think, Lin?"

Heijian looked at Qing Shui's eyes and his heart trembled.

In the faint hint of Qing Shui's pupil power, it actually seemed to see Indra?

And then, Hei Jue vaguely felt the complicated blood vessels in Qing Shui's body, which seemed to be starting to merge...

Is this an illusion?

Just when Black Zetsu wanted to further activate the secret technique of sensing blood, Uchiha Obito shook its arm:

"Believe me, Lin, I will definitely become the hero of the village and make you cheer for me!"

Qing Shui looked at the hesitant Hei Jue and narrowed his eyes slightly, with a trace of inexplicable severity and reproach in his eyes.

Black Zetsu forcibly tightened his expression, and controlled the outer skin of Uchiha Rin to reveal a sweet smile:

"I believe in you, Obito, go and show your skills well in the Chunin Exams!

Qing Shui laughed: "Lin, I really envy the relationship between you and Obito. I know you are reluctant to let go..."

Uchiha Obito laughed: "Qing Shui, I also know that Lin is reluctant to let go, but I will be fine, don't worry!"

Hei Jue maintained his smile, but he was thinking rapidly in his heart.

what is going on?

Qing Shui is obviously good friends with Uchiha Obito, but why does he seem to be forcing him to agree to Obito's participation in the war...

Feeling reluctant to part with it?

Is this clicking it...

"Something's wrong. Is Uchiha Qingsui trying to take this opportunity to eradicate the talented Obito?"

Hei Jue thought quickly in his heart:

"But what about his eye power and bloodline? Damn it, it only takes a moment. If I can touch him again, I can find out clearly!"

But in this situation, Hei Jue couldn't find any reason to have physical contact with Qing Shui.

Even if he pretended to be sick and fainted, with Tsunade by his side, it was not Qing Shui's turn to take action.

"Uncle Dai, this is your partner Obito Uchiha. I wish you all the best in the Chunin exams..."

Qing Shui introduced the details of the mission to Uchiha Obito:

"Your mission is to seriously beat up all the ninjas from other villages participating in the war, but when others ask Uncle Dai's age, you must insist that he is only twelve years old. Even if it is exposed, it doesn't matter..."

"At the same time, you and Uncle Dai are still pretending to be at odds, hinting to the outside village that the relationship between the Uchiha clan and Konoha is tense..."

Uchiha Obito nodded seriously. He still valued Qing Shui's words and remembered all the details.

Matt Dai gave a thumbs up:

"I will definitely fulfill Master Qingshui's instructions. This young man, let my youth bloom with you in the Chuunin Exam!"

Uchiha Obito looked at Matt Dai awkwardly, nodded, and left with Uchiha Lin.

Although his relationship with Qing Shui had been repaired, after Uchiha's brainwashing, the thought of Uchiha's supremacy still existed in his heart.

Regarding Qing Shui's appointment of Matt Dai as a nursing home, Obito Uchiha believed that although Qing Shui had a good heart, he lacked the ruthlessness of the Uchiha clan.

Weaknesses and geniuses cannot come together...


Three months later.

The ninja world's joint chuunin exams and peace agreement signing ceremony were officially held in Konoha!

Ninjas from various hidden villages also came one after another, including some familiar faces from Qing Shui...

Qing Shui stood at the height of the village, looking down at these future enemies, and whispered to Tobirama in his body:

"You think, when the war is over, how many of these ninjas from other villages will survive?"

"If possible, I don't want to kill anyone, but this ninja world doesn't allow me to do so, Tobirama..."

The second update is completed! It’s another day!

Please give me monthly tickets for comfort! ! !

My brain is going to explode.

Good night, dear readers!

I have to sleep until 12 noon tomorrow! ! It’s finally Saturday…

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