Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 128 The Crazy Four Penumbral Conference

"Everyone, you all know why we are gathered here today..."

Onoki, the third-generation Tsuchikage of Iwagakure Village, looked around the crowd and said in a deep voice:

"Today's Konoha's behavior and style have made us intolerable. Not long after the smoke of the second ninja war passed, Konoha was ready to spy on Sunagakure's Jinchuuriki!"

"For the peace of the ninja world, we must unite..."

"Shut your mouth, dwarf!"

The Third Raikage waved his hand, and a thick voice suddenly sounded, interrupting Ohnoki's tirade: "Here are the shadows of each village, and we don't have time to listen to the nonsense you tell genin!"

"Don't you all want to invade Konoha, but now you don't have the confidence? Say what you want, and fart if you want!"

"Smelly barbarian, what are you talking about!" Onoki broke through the defense instantly and floated into the air, glaring at the Third Raikage angrily.

"Are you deaf? Can't you hear what I say?!"

The Third Raikage showed no sign of weakness, and said with a ferocious smile: "What, why don't you have a fight with our Kumogakure first?"

"Konoha said you were right. After raising so many ninjas, they now don't have enough to eat. You, the Tsuchikage, can't help but send them to the battlefield to die, right?"

The Third Raikage was very confident, and he satirized his old enemy with bitter words. Among all the hidden villages, only Kumogakure had no internal problems and was in good operating condition.

Kumogakure and Iwagakure have been feuding for decades, and they will fight each other when they meet.

Onoki's face was gloomy: "Send yourself to death? Stop joking!"

"For a barbarian like you, we Iwagakure ninjas can work together and kill you without any difficulty!"

The Third Raikage sneered: "Oh, let's give it a try?"

When the two Omura Kages were arguing, the leader of the Iron Country, Mifune No, sat aside and watched the scene with a wry smile.

Although the Iron Country is said to be a neutral country, it is just a statement.

For example, now, the scene of the meeting is completely out of his control, and the content is to launch a war against Konoha, but the three ships can see the nose and the heart, waiting for these war madmen to forget everything in his mind after the meeting...

If possible, Mifune didn't want this meeting to be held in the Land of Iron, but he was in no position to refuse.

"You two, please be patient."

The Third Kazekage spoke to comfort Ohnoki and the Third Raikage, and said in a deep voice: "The theme of our meeting this time is to attack Konoha. Please don't mess up your position yet."

"We are all the shadow of a village. We still need to maintain basic etiquette, but we should also say less useless words."

The Third Kazekage became the peacemaker.

Seeing that the village's economy is about to collapse, the relationship between Sunagakure Village and the Country of Wind has become increasingly tense. Unable to obtain sufficient financial assistance from the Daimyo of the Country of Wind, the Third Kazekage can only count on war to reshuffle the cards.

Not only for economic reasons, the desire for war within Sunagakure is also rising sharply.

Chiyo, Ebizo, the senior advisors of Sunagakure Village, and Chiyo's grandson, the genius puppet master Scorpion, all kept telling him that the Third Kazekage must not forget the hatred between him and Konoha, and would use war to avenge his return...

As for the next generation of Kazekage's powerful heirs, Luo Sha and Ye Cang, they are also constantly fighting with each other, trying to determine who is better in the future war.

In the view of the Third Kazekage, it is inevitable for Sunagakure to launch a war. The only thing to do is to recruit other allies to attack Konoha, so that Sunagakure can eat meat and reduce losses at the same time.

"Feng Ying, are you in a hurry?"

Shanzhi Fish Hanzang said coldly:

"It seems that Konoha's intelligence on Sunagakure Village is also very accurate. Your domestic economy is in hopeless condition. Can't you wait to get others to join you in attacking Konoha?"

"That's right. The terrible location of your Sunagakure Village is the Iwagakure Village besides attacking Konoha. Otherwise, what else can you do?"

"No need to pretend to be objective here, no one here will act as a pawn for you Sunagakure."

Sanshouyu Hanzo's eyes flashed with hatred.

In the Second Ninja War, Sunagakure and Amegakure were also indistinguishable from each other. Chiyo even cracked the poison of Sanshou Fish, causing both Hanzo and Amegakure Village to suffer huge losses.

According to Sansho Hanzo, if Sunagakure Village hadn't stepped in, perhaps Amegakure Village would have been able to successfully defeat Konoha, and not only gain a piece of fertile land, but also become one of the Six Hidden Villages. , he himself is qualified to be called a "shadow"...

The Third Kazekage narrowed his eyes: "Hanzo, Konoha's evaluation of you is really fair!"

"Who are you? You don't even have the name of Kage, and you are here to dictate. How ridiculous. Do you really think you are a demigod in the ninja world?"

Sanshouyu Hanzo snorted coldly: "Who are you? You are the only one in the ninja world who doesn't even think highly of his own name..."

The Third Mizukage watched this scene in silence, shaking his head with a haggard mind.

In the Kirigakure Village, the blood-successor family refuses to obey him, and the ninja clan who defies his will can be regarded as having a good attitude towards him. The Kaguya clan, who controls the corpse veins, is about to launch an armed rebellion...

Outside Kirigakure Village, quarrels broke out when the Kage from each Hidden Village met.

Sure enough, in this ninja world, unity is simply impossible... The Third Mizukage sighed sincerely in his heart, but he was fired upon in the next second.

"What are you shaking your head for? Mizukage..."

Ohnoki keenly captured this scene and opened up old scores: "If it hadn't been for your crazy second-generation Mizukage to bite our Mu-sama during the first ninja war, perhaps Konoha's problem would have been solved long ago. !”

"Before you shake your head at us, think about your own hidden village. You have so many blood inheritance limits but you can't even control people's hearts?"

Ohnoki went completely crazy.

The third Mizukage slammed the table: "Old man, the second Tsuchikage can be killed by Kirigakure, and so can you, the third generation!"

"Then you give it a try? Can my blood successor be eliminated by you, a Mizukage who can't even control the blood successor's limits?"

For a moment, the meeting turned into a brawl.

Starting from Ohnoki's attempt to take the initiative in discourse, and being ignited by the Third Raikage's disloyalty, various villages with blood feuds began to attack each other, and the words were flying everywhere...

The guards behind them mobilized chakra with great vigilance and secretly formed seals to cope with the shadow-level melee that might break out at any time!

But after a while, the dry-mouthed shadows stopped arguing even though their expressions were still full of emotions.

Everyone secretly had some gains in their hearts - "It seems that Konoha's information is true, and the current situation of Kirigakure/Iwagakure/Amegakure/Sunagakure/Kumogakure is like this..."

Quarrel is not what it seems.

These shadows used the intelligence mentioned by Qing Shui to undermine each other. Combined with their respective reactions and the tension of the shadow guards, they all had an understanding of each other.

Konoha's information is true!

Therefore, after their weaknesses were exposed, each other chose to bow down to Konoha first.

"Okay, the boring temptation should be over..."

Onoki's face changed instantly and he changed into a serious tone: "Everyone, after returning to the village, check out the spies. Konoha's infiltration of us is too serious. All this top-secret information is placed on the Hokage's desk."

"Now, I hope that everyone can unite. Even if you have to fight each other for interests, you have to wait until Konoha is conquered!"

The Third Raikage took over the conversation and said in a deep voice: "On this point, I agree with Chapo."

"In the past two ninja wars, we were afraid of Uzumaki Mito's attacks. We always became timid after joining forces halfway, and turned around to stab each other in the back and engage in a melee, allowing Konoha to breathe."

"In the past, Konoha claimed to follow the will of the First Hokage and avoid war, but in fact it was just its own lack of ability. In the Second Ninja World War, it was very tiring to deal with the combined forces of Sunagakure and Amegakure. It’s what we can see.”

"Now, Uzumaki Mito is dead! And in order that new Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara will not appear in Konoha, those of us who do not want to be enslaved and annexed must unite to destroy this most dangerous enemy. Village!”

The Third Kazekage nodded silently.

This time, he was not in a hurry to refute the Third Raikage.

The Third Raikage was telling the truth. Konoha's performance in the second ninja war did not show hard power.

In the past, Konoha had Uzumaki Mito sitting inside and Senju Tobirama commanding outside. All ninja clans obeyed the Hokage's orders. The two villages of Sunagakure and Amegakure could not be beaten with one hand even if they were tied up.

From this perspective and from the intelligence point of view, Konoha's strength has declined too much, especially after the death of Uzumaki Mito, which was the weakest period...

But the problem is that Konoha's attitude is unexpectedly tough, and it has shown extremely powerful intelligence capabilities.

This confused these hidden villages. What on earth gave Hiruzen Sarutobi the confidence to clamor?

The old men, the Third Tsuchikage and the Third Raikage, were even a little dazed. They seemed to see Senju Tobirama's tone in the reply, which was not like what Hiruzen Sarutobi could write...

"Konoha's attitude is uncharacteristic. In my opinion, there are two situations..."

Onoki raised two fingers: "First, an epoch-making genius and the seedling of the ninja god have appeared in Konoha, allowing Sarutobi Hiruzen to regain his confidence."

"Two, they are using their excellent intelligence capabilities to scare us, trying to disrupt the united front of the hidden villages against Konoha."

"In my opinion, whether it is the first or the second possibility, it can only make us more determined towards Konoha's war. If there is a seedling of the God of Ninja, it must be done before he has fully grown up. Join forces to strangle before they get up!"

"If they are bluffing us with information, it only shows that Konoha's weakness has penetrated deep into the bones, and Sarutobi Hiruzen, who has no choice but to take the wrong approach!"

Each shadow nodded thoughtfully.

Should Konoha be beaten?

If there were ninjas at the level of Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, they would definitely not be able to fight at all.

What if there is an infant Ninja God and Ninja Shura?

Then we have to fight. No one dares to bet that the next epoch-making ninja in Konoha will still think like Senju Hashirama, not like Uchiha Madara or Senju Tobirama.

So what if there is nothing in Konoha?

Needless to say, first eliminate this village that is a threat to the ninja world, step on the bones of Konoha to feed all the hidden villages, and the remaining heroes will compete for more than ten years.

The situation in the ninja world is so strange.

While the pressure brought by Qing Shui slowed down the progress of the Ninja World War, it also made them become a tightrope.

The major hidden villages that had met in advance vented their dissatisfaction with each other in advance, and also warned each other that backstabbing was not advisable, at least until Konoha was conquered.

The situation often changes to another aspect in a sudden change.

But in the end, it will all evolve into what Qing Shui wants to see.

Qing Shui does not want the major hidden villages to fight in a melee. He hopes to lead Konoha to fight one against four, maximize his reputation in Konoha in one breath, and gain the shock and gold coins brought by the entire Konoha. It’s even online with the entire ninja world!

Since a war is going to be launched, then the stimulation will be carried out to the end...

"I have an opinion, everyone."

The Third Kazekage said in a deep voice: "The reality of Konoha is not something we can talk about here. We have to see it to believe it."

"I suggest that in the name of convening the joint chuunin examination, each of them send enough elite ninjas to Konoha to observe the strength of the new generation of Konoha ninjas on the spot, and to have the deepest feeling of the current strength of Konoha."

As Rasa's master, the Third Kazekage used his apprentice's specialty in advance, using the Chuunin Exam as a prelude to the war.

The Third Mizukage nodded slowly: "I agree, but I would like to add something -"

"In order to make Konoha unable to refuse, we jointly initiated a peace agreement to the ninja world, using Konoha as the signing place, combined with the joint chunin examination."

"In this case, if Konoha refuses, it will lose popularity and popularity, and the doves in their village will be extremely dissatisfied."

Mifune sighed slowly.

Listen to what these shadows have to say?

The peace agreement is like a piece of waste paper in their mouths, or worse than waste paper...

It is just a tool to achieve the goal, and there is no psychological burden when tearing it up.

Mifune couldn't help but wonder: When will the ninja world like this usher in peace?

I'm afraid it will never be possible.

Ohnoki's eyes lit up, and he immediately clapped his support: "Mizukage, what a great idea!"

"We dispatch corresponding elite teams and leading jounin, and the five hidden villages work together to explore the current situation of Konoha. We can always get useful information!"

"The Joint Chuunin Exam is an actual battle in advance. No matter whether Konoha is strong or weak, it will let the good young people in the village come to fight. We can also make a clearing list in advance and eliminate them in time during the war!"

The Third Raikage frowned: "What a despicable idea, but it is very practical."

"What's your opinion?"

Sansho Hanzo nodded and agreed: "If it weren't for Konoha's uncharacteristic attitude, everyone here might have launched a war."

"According to my information, Hatake Sakumo has not shown up for a long time after the last Sunagakure incident. Shimura Danzo has also disappeared from the ninja world. Konoha should be in a period of weakness after the internal strife. ”

"As the Tsuchikage said, Konoha is probably bluffing us with information, but as long as Yuzu takes advantage of the peace agreement and the Chunin Joint Examination and conducts an on-site inspection, we can understand the true situation of Konoha …”

After some communication, the four Kages and Sanshouyu Hanzo reached an agreement.

Different from the previous ninja wars, before this war, these hidden villages that had hatred for each other held a meeting of opinions, which greatly eliminated mutual suspicion and made more targeted measures towards Konoha. Test.

A moment later, a statement on the Chunin Joint Examination and a peace agreement signed by the four Kage were issued and mailed to the Leaf Village.

And these shadows, each with their own concerns, also left with the shadow guards.

Only Mifune, the leader of the permanent neutral country, was left staring at their backs and weakly shaking his head.

peace agreement…

Although Mifune did not think that any ninja would abide by such a thing, such a childish attitude made Mifune feel that this would destroy the last shred of trust in each other in the ninja world and enter a completely bottomless fight.

"I always feel that the contents of today's discussion will give birth to the devil..." Mifune shook his head and muttered to himself as if prophesying.

During the time when Onoki and others were meeting in the Kingdom of Iron.

Kakuzu and Hatake Sakumo were collecting corpses at the border of Earth Country.

"One, three, seven, and one alive..."

Hatake Sakumo hummed a tune and quickly cleaned the battlefield: "Kakuzu, our first joint mission is completed!"

"Sakumo, are you a genin? You have to use such an excited tone to complete such a simple task..."

Kakuzu shook his head and carefully put the body into the scroll.

Since he entered the root, Kakuzu no longer values ​​money so much, and has begun to use relatively expensive scrolls instead of the primitive method of carrying people.

Although he criticized Hatake Sakumo, Kakuzu liked this root companion very much.

There are too many things in common between the two.

Both had their lives changed by Qing Shui, and both had been stabbed in the back by the village's senior officials. The topics they could talk about fit naturally...

The same goes for the way of fighting.

When fighting Iwagakure's explosive escape team just now, Kakuzu used various Five Elements escape techniques to directly blast through their formation. Hatake Sakumo cut into the battlefield like a ghost, killing one person after another.

A mage turret, half a nanny, and a highly mobile assassin, let alone an escape force. If a lone Jinchūriki or Kage encounters him and Hatake Sakumo, Kakuzu is confident enough to get it for him. Down!

In recent days, the two root leaders, Kakuzu and Hatake Sakumo, have been killing everyone. With the strength of the two shadows, they have carried out dimensionality reduction attacks on the ANBU in each village. They have almost killed the morgue of the gold exchange. The room was full.

There was so much money that Kakuzu only gave a fraction of the recent bounty to the orphanage, which made Yakushi Noonoyu's eyes darken...

"Hey, Kakuzu, that's not what you said..."

Hatake Sakumo shouldered his backpack and gave a sunny smile: "This is the foundation of our employment. The first task Qing Shui taught us is still very memorable!"

"What you say makes sense..."

Kakuzu nodded: "Speaking of which, this is indeed the first task Qing Shui entrusted me."

"After leaving Kakuzu, I will take you around Konoha. Are you looking forward to it?"

"Sakumo, I've even met the First Hokage, don't tell me, I seem to be very interested!"

The two people were noisy and walked towards Konoha carrying the only living person in Iwagakure Village who had his vocal cords cut off.


A few days later.

Konoha, Hokage Building.

"Qing Shui, look at this, how should we deal with it?" Hiruzen Sarutobi frowned and asked in a cautious tone.

First update 5200!

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