Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 126 We welcome talented people, especially those with low bottom line

"Akimichi Dingzao, Akimichi Hall East..."

"Nara Shikaku, Nara Suzaku...

"One day in the mountains, three days in the mountains..."

"Aburame Zhiwei, Aburame Muta..."

"Inuzuka Claws, Moonlight Cold Wind, Sarutobi Health, Kurama Black Clouds..."

Qing Shui sat at the main seat in the conference room, looking at the new members who had joined the Root with a smile and reading their names.

After the last meeting, the Ninja clan chiefs gave Qing Shui a long list, saying that Qing Shui could choose freely.

The Konoha ninja clan that Qing Shui mentioned above are all the result of careful selection.

In addition to the Hyuga clan still pretending to be dead, Sarutobi Hiruzen also sent several senior jounin to congratulate the establishment of the new root with a smile, without any hint of dissatisfaction.

This move touched the heartstrings of the ninja clan even more.

The power of the New Roots has grown so much that everyone was still a little wary of considering Sarutobi Hiruzen's attitude...

After all, the previous leader of the Roots was firmly suppressed by him. Although Shimura Danzo asked for geniuses in the village, anyone with a discerning eye knew that Sarutobi Hiruzen knew that the Roots were not a disorderly expansion, but an extension of the Hokage's will. .

But in several recent high-level meetings.

Sarutobi Hiruzen had an extremely tough attitude and withstood pressure from all aspects, ignored the doubts of the conservatives in the Jonin class, severely reprimanded Koharu and Mito Kaden who had transferred to the dormitory, and ordered everyone not to question Tsunade's Hokage assistant. And the root leader of Qing Shui.

He even flexibly used the big hat of the Will of Fire to show that anyone who disobeys his orders as the Hokage will disrupt the steps of the higher-ups and will be treated as a traitor to the village!

At the same time, Sarutobi Hiruzen gave the roots great support.

From funds and ninjutsu resources to the village's institutional procedures, the Hokage's authority gave the green light and was so decisive that it shocked people.

The ninja clan and jounin of Konoha were all dumbfounded.

When did Hiruzen Sarutobi, a conservative Hokage, be able to delegate his power so much?

It's not even like delegating power, it's like finding an opportunity and excuse to give power to Qing Shui and Genbu, lest he, the Hokage, have too complete power.

No, the power of the Hokage is not a hot potato. When did you, an old man, not want it so much?

Aren’t you very good at playing checks and balances before?

Together with Danzo Shimura, Koharu Koharu and Mito Monen, as well as several of your disciples, the division of power is clear and blurry, and they practice Tai Chi like a master. Why are the two poles reversed now...

But with Sarutobi Hiruzen's support now, what else is there to say!

For a time, even the reputation of Sarutobi Hiruzen was changing in Konoha. The previous criticisms about his hesitance, timidity, and inability to tolerate heroism disappeared. Everyone looked at him with new eyes. Looking at the Sandaime Hokage.

And no one knew how happy Hiruzen Sarutobi was laughing in his heart...

Sarutobi Hiruzen has always been under great psychological pressure from the Ninja War.

As the Hokage of Konoha, Sarutobi Hiruzen has some abilities, but he is not that strong. He is really the "middle of the pack" among geniuses.

He is considered a unique genius among ordinary people, but compared with the previous two Hokage Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama, he is not on the same level.

As for his comparison, Kumogakure's Sandaime Raikage and Iwagakure's Two Scales Onoki are both extremely difficult opponents to deal with. Not only do they have thunder escape armor that cannot be penetrated by ordinary Five Elements Escape Techniques, but they also have bodies that are strong enough to fight tailed beasts. Or he could master the terrifying Blood Succession Elimination and the Dust Escape that could dissolve everything.

Sarutobi Hiruzen asked himself, if he met the Sandaime Raikage and Onoki, his winning rate would be horribly low.

The Five Elements Escape Technique that he is best at, even if he uses the compound ninjutsu technique, is difficult for the Third Raikage to break through. In turn, the power and speed of the Third Raikage make him want the corpse seal to die with him. Very difficult.

Ohnoki was even more troublesome. The Dust Release made it impossible for Sarutobi Hiruzen to compete with his ninjutsu. The flying ability from the Earth Release was enough to distance him, which was extremely tricky.

Even Sunagakure's Sandaime Kazekage has the limit of magnetic escape and blood inheritance, which has bonuses in specific terrains.

Not to mention the power of Hanzo back then, it can be seen as an enhanced version of Hatake Sakumo with a poisonous mist group attack, capable of restraining all ninjas who are not physically strong.

As for the Sandaime Mizukage, although there is nothing much to say, Kirigakure still has quite a few blood successor limits...

In particular, Kumogakure also possesses the Six Paths Noble Phantasm that is difficult to guard against, and has mastered the perfect Jinchūriki technique. Iwagakure has been working hard for twenty years, and the number of ninjas is staggering. I heard that the four-tailed and five-tailed jinchūriki have also begun to develop. Mastered the power of the tailed beast.

In the dead of night, Hiruzen Sarutobi repeatedly calculated the combat power of each village in his mind, and often suffered from insomnia until dawn.

During the first ninja world war, with Senju Tobirama and Uzumaki Mito in charge of Konoha, the rest of the Hidden Villages dared to attack Konoha collectively first, but only after the momentum was broken up, they fought separately.

Now, he is the only one in Konoha, so can Konoha survive the first wave of joint offensive from other hidden villages?

Obviously, he couldn't survive it. Under such huge pressure, Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't show his grace as a shinobi hero.

But now, Sarutobi Hiruzen's confidence has returned...

Although he, the Third Hokage, is not very capable, his teacher is amazing!

After thirty years of strategizing, Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Izuna, the Uzumaki clan, their own chakras and cells, and possibly even first-generation cells, and blood inheritance boundaries from other hidden villages were gathered together to create the ultimate monster Uchiha Seishui. ——

The real Kyuubi of Konoha!

In this case, Sarutobi Hiruzen had already figured out that since he was not good enough, he should quickly and neatly hand over the power to his teacher. What else was he thinking about?

If he is clinging to power now and his hands and feet are unclean, Sarutobi Hiruzen will always think of Shimura Danzo who was beaten into mud by Qing Shui that day. He has missing eyes, lost his arms, and has to be double-sealed and sent to prison. Unconsciously in his heart of chills.

Coming from the teacher's reckoning, Sarutobi Hiruzen had no confidence that he could survive it.

"Lord Qing Shui, Orochimaru and Hiruhu are here..." Yashiro Uchiha quietly walked to his side and said softly.

Qing Shui nodded and motioned for the two of them to sit down.

Qing Shui also has intentions of recruiting these two talented scientists in Konoha, and the root preview meeting held today is also to let these two people have a look at the roots.

Orochimaru smiled and nodded to Qing Shui.

Regarding the position of Hokage, although Orochimaru was very dissatisfied with the arbitrariness of the Third Hokage, he ignored his outstanding disciple, forced Tsunade to be the Hokage's assistant, and Qing Shui to be the leader of the root. He was even anxious to get rid of Danzo Shimura. Take action.

According to Orochimaru before, it would be impossible for Hiruzen Sarutobi to really punish Shimura Danzo in this life...

But the fact surprised him. In order to support Qing Shui, his teacher went so far as to have Danzo Shimura imprisoned to free up a high-level position for Qing Shui.

While feeling mixed feelings in his heart, Orochimaru also looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen in a new light.

Although his interests were affected, Orochimaru felt a little relieved that his teacher was no longer the old man who was confused and indecisive due to his age, and finally regained a trace of his decisive and decisive Ninxiong demeanor.

As for Qing Shui, Orochimaru felt even more complicated.

On the one hand, Orochimaru regards Qingshui as the best container for his pursuit of immortality, and wants to replace his idol Senju Tobirama by catching a mantis on a cicada and obtain this perfect body.

On the other hand, Qing Shui was his competitor for the position of Hokage, and Orochimaru was competing with Qing Shui in his heart.

But Qing Shui's attitude towards him exceeded Orochimaru's expectations.

After taking over the new root, Qing Shui sent an invitation letter to Orochimaru. His words were extremely polite and respectful, saying that Orochimaru was a rare genius and scientist in Konoha and even the ninja world for hundreds of years, and he very much hoped to cooperate with him.

There was no coercion at all, which was completely different from Danzo Shimura. He enthusiastically invited Orochimaru to attend the meeting at Roots to see the current scientific research equipment and equipment of Roots, as well as the future development direction.

If you think it's okay, then do things together and it's easy to negotiate the treatment.

If you feel restricted, then it would be good to take a tour and provide some guidance.

This made Orochimaru very comfortable.

You know, Qing Shui is not only Qing Shui, but can also be regarded as half of Qing Shui Feijian.

Orochimaru has always regarded Senju Tobirama as his idol. In the original time and space, he also called him "my most respected Nidaime Hokage." As a junior on the scientific path, he has always maintained respect for this old senior.

Now that Qing Shui is so powerful, he can still have such a polite and enthusiastic attitude. Orochimaru can't help feeling that the gap between the two root leaders' work styles and skills is really too big.

Bei Liuhu, who was beside Orochimaru, greeted Qing Shui nervously and sat aside cautiously.

Hiruhu, a ninja of the same generation as Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and Tsunade, is now also a jounin of Konoha.

But he was not satisfied with just being a Jonin. What he wanted was to gain the power to reach the "Three Ninja" level. In order to break through the upper limit of his talent, Beilihu developed the art of Kiyaro.

The so-called Kiyara no Jutsu is a type of fusion ninjutsu that can fuse ninjas or psychic beasts with one's own body, and can even fuse the blood succession boundary.

In the original time and space, Bei Liuhu once wanted to use the celestial phenomena to integrate the five blood inheritance limits at once to achieve perfect immortality.

But before the Third Ninja War broke out, Beiruhu seemed to be an unknown and ordinary Konoha jounin.

However, Qing Shui's enthusiastic invitation letter was still sent to his home.

After some hesitation, Hiruhu, who had not been really taken seriously by Konoha's top management, still came to the root with anxiety.

Qing Shui glanced at Bei Liuhu and said softly: "Welcome the two senior jounin of the village to attend the deployment meeting for the Third Ninja World War."

"Welcome with applause."

Warm applause rang out, and all the elite ninjas in the root, from Uchiha and Hinata to Yamanaka, Inokacho, Kurama...

Everyone looked at Beiliuhu with strange and respectful eyes.

To be invited by leader Qing Shui, even though he is just an ordinary jounin, there must be something extraordinary about him!

Beiruhu waved his hands awkwardly, feeling a little nervous facing the respectful gazes of everyone. Although he was a Konoha jounin, the people present were all elites of various ninja clans, and they were not comparable to him, a commoner ninja.

Orochimaru was also very helpful, but he clapped his hands lightly and responded to everyone naturally.

Qing Shui stood up slowly, and with a glance, the applause died down very quickly.

"Everyone, after the establishment of the New Roots, we are about to face the most arduous task that must be completed, and that is to deal with the next Third Ninja War..."

Qing Shui snapped his fingers, and behind him, a huge map of the ninja world appeared out of thin air.

Orochimaru's eyes narrowed, even he had never seen this kind of illusion skill before.

Kurama Heiyun shook his head helplessly. Qing Shui's illusion skills were more proficient than him, the heir to the Kurama family.

Next to the map of the ninja world, projections of strong men from other hidden villages appeared one after another——

The shadows of each village, high-level advisors, jinchūriki, ninjas with shadow abilities...

"We need to recognize a problem. In this future war, Konoha will most likely be besieged by the four hidden villages."

Qing Shui said slowly: "Even if Konoha is not besieged, Konoha's current strength will always attract the prying eyes of these jackals, tigers and leopards from other villages. Therefore, we must beat them in pain, scare them, and make them afraid to fight in one go. Staring at Konoha!"

"But the problem is, how to win them over?"

Qing Shui changed the topic and looked at the ninjas present: "Although the ninjas of Konoha are all excellent, but just relying on the courage and ruthlessness in their hearts to risk human lives is stupid in my opinion."

"The ninjas of Konoha are precious. I don't want to see anyone become worthless cannon fodder..."

The ninjas present nodded silently.

Just like Qing Shui said, it is useless to fight bravely. Danzo Shimura brainwashed the ninjas into ruthless tools, but when they met the ANBU of other villages, they would not have too high a fight. strength advantage.

In the ninja world, ninjas from every village are full of courage to fight for their lives.

Orochimaru raised the corners of his mouth, looking forward to Qing Shui's next words even more.

If you don't risk human lives and invite him, a scientist from Konoha, then you have to develop on the scientific side...

"So, we in Konoha can no longer fight the traditional ninja war style, and we must start to change!"

Qing Shui waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "We must start taking the lead in technological innovation and fight a modern ninja war!"

"The so-called modern war, in my opinion, should have the following characteristics-"

"The first point is the three-dimensionality of extension. After the Five Great Hidden Villages and even the entire shinobi world participated in the war, the battlefield was vast and the boundaries between the front and rear were unclear. The large-scale battle affected the entire territory of both sides of the war and outer space. The battlefield situation was complicated and the situation The situation is ever-changing, the struggle for battlefield initiative is fierce, and rapid response is required.”

Behind Qing Shui, the map of the ninja world was changing, showing the ninjas present how complicated the enemy situation Konoha would face if one against four.

Everyone's expressions were grim. The pressure brought by the four villages joining forces was unimaginable.

"In order to cope with this, the root ninjas of the Nara clan need to be responsible for receiving, transmitting, and summarizing information. I will continue to improve the Yamanaka clan's sensory ninjutsu to be able to receive comprehensive information about the war. Teacher Tsunade's slug splitting can also be used Serves as the corresponding contact for seamless intelligence aggregation.”

Nara Shikaku's eyes flashed with thought, and he stood up and said: "The Nara clan will make the most complete intelligence summary and analysis for the roots and Konoha!"

Qing Shui nodded: "Okay, sit down first..."

"The second point is the continuity of maneuvers. The high mobility of ninja troops, the increase in the possibility of encounters, breaking the boundaries between day and night, and the impact on politics and economy. In the final analysis, these require intelligence."

"I need the spy force to increase penetration into other hidden villages. The ninjas of the mountain clan must fully decipher the intelligence captured in the brains and grasp the enemy's movements."

Shanfeng stood up immediately: "Lord Qingshui, the Shanzhong clan will definitely fulfill your instructions!"

Medicine Master Nonoyu then said: "Please rest assured, Lord Qingshui, I will leave the enemy's movements to me..."

After Qing Shui improved the Yamanaka clan's techniques, the Yamanaka ninjas such as Shanfeng Shanfeng and Yamanaka Haiichi were extremely confident. Even if it was the seal on the brain of a village shadow, they were confident to break through it.

When Yakushi Nonoyu received the money from Kakuzu, his sense of belonging to the roots was greatly strengthened.

She was a little confused. I just want the children in the orphanage to be fed and clothed. What does this finance minister who has never met him want to do with tens of millions of taels at a time?

It’s a bit too much!

Therefore, in order to repay this kindness, the walking witch used all her power and led the root spies to work day and night.

Qing Shui nodded.

"Then, the next step is the third most important point - mass destruction!"

Qing Shui said slowly: "The body of a ninja is extremely fragile. Except for some extremely talented jounin, ordinary ninjas can be killed with kunai."

"The majority of those who form a legion are ninjas who are special jounin and below. Currently, I have the following ideas."

Qing Shui raised three fingers:

"The first point is biological warfare, which takes the pot poison technique of the Aburame clan as the core, uses nano poisonous insects that can spread infection as one of the killing methods, and rationally uses the enemy's corpses."

"The second point is chemical warfare. I have asked Teacher Tsunade to develop a potent toxin that is powerful and can be used on a large scale. It should be equipped on the ninja tools of each Konoha ninja, causing the effect of sealing the throats of Chuunin at the sight of blood. "

"At the same time, we must combine the wind release ninjutsu and do not rule out the strategy of swaying and throwing poisons."

"The third point is the sky war. Most ninja battles take place on land. It is usually difficult to counterattack high-altitude attacks. We must be ahead of the entire ninja world, gain absolute air supremacy, and control the war. initiative.”

"The current basic art of super beast pseudo-painting can be used as a reference, and my idea is to use the abilities of two scientists, Orochimaru and Beiruhu, to replicate the technology of the Land of Sky..."

Everyone looked solemn.

Sora No Kuni is a ninja village that appeared before the Second Ninja War. At that time, it shocked the ninja world with its powerful air combat capabilities.

However, due to lack of hard power, he was still defeated by Konoha. The information was sealed in Konoha's secret room because it was difficult to decipher, and has now been sent to the root by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"The flying capabilities of individual soldiers and large-scale flying fortresses are all part of air supremacy..."

Qing Shui's eyes flashed: "Paired with mass destruction capabilities, there is also a saturation strike. My initial idea is to improve the detonating talisman and transform it into a bomb with a larger range of power to destroy the ninja corps on land. Cover bombing."

"But productivity still restricts part of the production capacity, so the second plan is Iwagakure's explosive escape. Combining the secret technique of Haurihu Jounin to plunder the blood successor boundary and Orochimaru-senpai's cell reproduction technology, we can artificially Cultivate Konoha's own explosive escape force."

"At that time, as long as most of the enemy's precise positions are locked, precise aerial explosive bombing can be carried out."

[I sense that Beilihu has a strong shock to the host, and bind it as the target! 】

After Qing Shui finished speaking, Bei Liuhu's whole body began to tremble unnoticeably.

How did Qing Shui know about the secret he hid at the bottom of his heart!

All the root ninjas and even Orochimaru looked at Beiruhu in surprise.

The secret technique to plunder the blood inheritance boundary?

This sounds really powerful...

"Beiliuhu, you still hide this skill? You are indeed my old classmate..."

Orochimaru patted Beiruhu on the shoulder and said jokingly: "The ninjas who can be invited by Qing Shui are indeed the elite in Konoha and are extraordinary."

Bei Liuhu was confused and confused.

His secret technique is absolutely forbidden, requires a lot of human experiments, and is not in line with the will of fire!

Compared to Orochimaru's android technology, his Onigaura technique was even more bizarre and bloody. Beilihu didn't even dare to tell anyone about it. This would definitely lead to severe accountability and warning from the village.

Developing forbidden techniques privately is a serious crime.

"Beiliu Hujounin..."

Hearing Qing Shui's voice, Bei Liuhu stood up in panic.

Having reached the roots, the biggest secret has been unearthed, and Beiliuhu has already thought about his future——

Just like Shimura Danzo did to others, let him hand over all the secret techniques as a sin, and then deal with him after using them, and during this period, he must be closely monitored.

"Don't panic. In my opinion, Kiyaro Jutsu is a very creative and practical ninjutsu. I like it very much..."

Qing Shui said with a smile: "Heilihu Jonin, I formally invite you to join the root. You can freely apply for the blood inheritance limit among the five hidden villages to complete your techniques."

"I make a promise here. As long as you are a ninja of Konoha and serve the village, your personal freedom will not be affected in any way. Your reputation will be protected at the root. I just need you to work hard with everyone and use The bones and blood of the enemy will strengthen you and everyone in the village."

"New Roots, I just hope to see more and more geniuses appear in the village. Even if the forbidden arts they master don't look very bright, as long as we have the will of fire in our hearts, everyone can understand."

Bei Liuhu blinked hard and everyone was dumbfounded.

But his eyes saw the smiling Orochimaru, Aburame Shiguro whose body was full of nano poisonous insects, Yamafaze whose clothes seemed to be stained with blood, and Uchiha Yashiro whose eyes were flashing red...

And recalling the modern war that Qing Shui said he would launch, including biological warfare, chemical warfare, and air bombing...

Bei Liuhu suddenly felt relaxed.

His Oni Yaluo technique doesn't seem to be that impressive among these people.

It can only be said that it is a bit innovative, but not much, and even the bottom line is okay. After all, there is no need to kill too many people...

Qing Shui sent some papers down.

Among them, there are Senju Tobirama and some of his ideas.

For example, using delay spells, setting up the Ri·Four Elephant Sealing Technique in the enemy's corpse, using dirty soil reincarnation to resurrect the enemy's respected elders, inserting the technique of mutually multiplying detonating talismans into their bodies, and using the technique of turning around to control the enemy's daimyo, Ask the Shadow of a Village for the battle status and restrict its financial support...

"These are still some preliminary ideas. I hope everyone can brainstorm ideas. Since the enemy has stretched out its fangs towards us Konoha, our attitude must be firmer..."

Qing Shui smiled gently, but his tone was extremely cold: "We must break all their teeth, crush their self-esteem with Konoha's magic, and make them not dare to be enemies with us even if they think of Konoha. Trembling among the ruins."

"On this road, even if we use some forbidden arts, the light of the will of fire will bloom in our spirits, and we will become the future heroes of the village, respected and worshiped by future generations..."

Bei Liuhu stared blankly at the paper in his hand. If compared with these thoughts——

Then his Onigaura no Jutsu is really nothing...

After Qing Shui finished speaking, the ninjas at the root raised their hands enthusiastically.

Especially the ninjas from the original roots looked at Qing Shui as if they wished they could go and explode for Konoha and the enemy right now.

"My heart and my actions are as clear as a mirror, and everything I do is for justice, all for Konoha!" The root ninjas shouted the latest version of the Will of Fire, and the atmosphere reached its highest peak at this moment.

Looking at the fanatical atmosphere, Bei Liuhu felt inexplicably like he was home.

In the past, as a developer of forbidden techniques, his biggest worry was being discovered by the village and punished.

This is also true. After he was discovered by Hiruzen Sarutobi in the original time and space, he was ordered to be hunted down.

But in today's fundamentals, he seems to be relatively conservative...

"Lord Qingshui, please let me join the root!" Bei Liuhu gritted his teeth and made the most important decision in his life.

[From the opposing target Beiruhu, you get the Ninjutsu·Onimera no Jutsu! 】

And after the meeting.

Qing Shui took Orochimaru and slowly visited the roots: "Senior Orochimaru, how are you? Are you interested in cooperating with the roots?"

Orochimaru stared at Qing Shui, his eyes flashing with excitement: "Yes, but I have to make a condition..."

7000 first update!

There will be a second update soon!

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