Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 122 Notification of Konoha’s mockery of the ninja world (Qing Shui version)

The country of bears, gold exchange.

Kakuzu was carrying a box full of banknotes and a stack of newly purchased information in his arms, thinking deeply as he walked.

"The situation in the ninja world has really become turbulent since the death of Mito Uzumaki..."

"Sunagakure's poor economy, Kumogakure's continued ambition, Iwagakure's unabashed arms race, Kirigakure's internal purges, and Hanzo of Amegakure Village don't seem to be honest. Under the accumulation of these fierce internal and external conflicts , immersed in the peace and abundance of Konoha, you will be the first to be operated on..."

Kakuzu, who has extensive experience in the black market, has smelled the smell of war from various intelligence.

The entire ninja world is like a powder keg, either due to the hatred of defeat, internal collapse, or external ambitions. The capable hidden villages are waiting for an opportunity to set off a battlefield that will change the pattern of the ninja world. Shuffle.

After agreeing to work for Qing Shui, Kakuzu wanted to work conscientiously, but the problem was that his boss never took the initiative to contact him, let alone assign him work.

This made Kakuzu feel very uncomfortable, so he could only spontaneously kill some stray ninjas to make money and collect some information for Qing Shui to show that he did not break his promise and was serious about his work.

But the strange thing is that the more immersed Kakuzu is in working for Qing Shui, the more fulfilling his heart becomes.

After betraying Takigakure, Kakuzu's pursuit of money was pathological. For a ninja who no longer had a home, the stable employment relationship in the money exchange and the black market, and the universal exchange function of money, all made him feel A sense of belonging that is still alive to fill the emptiness inside.

The betrayal of people's hearts is what Kakuzu is least willing to face, and it is also the shortcoming that he is trying to make up for.

And what Qing Shui said after defeating him——

"If you think there is still truth in this ninja world, then you should stick to your words..."

"Even if I regret it, I am not afraid of having you as an enemy, but I understand the lies of the ninja world. This is still worth it to me."

Deeply rooted in Kakuzu's heart.

Qing Shui is obviously a good boss, as if he has forgotten that he is a migrant worker, and seems to have a blind trust in him. He does not ask for money, nor does he ask him to do any outrageous tasks. His main focus is to take care of himself.

What makes Kakuzu happy is that Qing Shui will gladly accept his information and banknotes, and will also write back to encourage him.

This shows that Qing Shui did not let him live out of pity like Senju Hashirama, but because he needed his value.

Kakuzu sometimes thought that Qing Shui might be like him in his heart, questioning the falseness and authenticity of the bonds and promises of the ninja world, so he made this bet with him after hearing his story.

Otherwise, why let him go?

With Qing Shui's strength and dangerous eye power, Kakuzu would never think that Qing Shui is a simple brat!

The only explanation is that Qing Shui has a similar mentality to him, and after listening to his story, his heart was touched...

In this mentality, the harder Kakuzu works, the more fulfilled he feels. He has regained the simple happiness he had when he was fighting for Takigakure in his youth, and even sees money without feeling anything at all.

Nowadays, Kakuzu looks at things a bit like a Konoha ninja. He is thinking, if Konoha faces the joint siege of the four hidden villages, how should it overcome this difficulty?

The most important thing is, how can he help his boss earn enough military glory in this battlefield...

"Hello, you are Kakuzu, right?" A friendly greeting interrupted Kakuzu's thoughts.

Hatake Sakumo was wearing a comfortable black sportswear, carrying a backpack Kakashi used when going to school, with a short knife hanging on his waist, and an excited smile on his face:

"I finally found you, your whereabouts are really secretive!"

When Kakuzu saw Hatake Sakumo's appearance, his pupils shrank suddenly - who the hell is this?

Everyone knows about Hatake Sakumo's reputation and appearance. On the money exchange's reward list, Hatake Sakumo is also ranked extremely high.

But the Hatake Sakumo in Kakuzu's memory was actually a man as sharp as a knife.

According to the black market information, when Hatake Sakumo appears outside Konoha Village, the murderous aura on his body will make people feel skin pain.

But Hatake Sakumo, who was standing in front of Kakuzu, was dressed like a silly boy from a rich family who was out for fun. His sportswear didn't look like a ronin or a ninja. It looked like a schoolbag carried by a child, with nondescript hangings on his waist. A short knife.

Is this person crazy?

What Kakuzu doesn't know is that this is the unique aesthetic of the Hatake family.

After the Fourth Ninja War, Kakashi and Metkai wore this outfit when they traveled in the Ninja World.

Hatake Sakumo, who had committed suicide once, put aside a lot of heavy baggage in his heart and put on the outfit he thought was the most comfortable to welcome his new life.

Kakuzu forced down the confusion in his heart. Even if he fought against Hatake Sakumo, he was not sure of victory.

"Why, is Konoha's White Fang targeting me, a bounty hunter?"

Kakuzu simply threw the cash box on the ground and rolled up his sleeves: "It seems you have been following me for a long time..."

Hatake Sakumo waved his hand: "I'm not following you, Brother Kakuzu, I'm here to be your companion."

Kakuzu narrowed his eyes, he did know the information about Hatake Sakumo being framed, and he gave Qing Shui the information.

Is this a traitor to Konoha?

An inexplicable feeling flashed through Kakuzu's heart. Hatake Sakumo's story was actually very similar to his own...

They were all betrayed by the higher-ups of the village.

"this is for you…"

Hatake Sakumo looked at Kakuzu's distrustful look, shook his head, took out a note from his backpack, and threw it to Kakuzu.

Kakuzu carefully hardened his hands with the earth spear and took it.

This is the letter of appointment written by Qing Shui, appointing Kakuzu as the Minister of Finance, and also explains a series of circumstances about Hatake Sakumo.

Kakuzu stared blankly at the contents of the note, unable to react for a moment.

More than a year ago, when Qing Shui and Kakudu met, they were still ordinary genin, and they still saw blood under the leadership of Tsunade.

How could he suddenly change his identity and become the leader of the root?

He was even given an organization as a bounty hunter, turning him into one of the leaders of the organization.

Hatake Sakumo walked over slowly and stuffed a bunch of scrolls into Kakuzu: "This is all what Qing Shui asked you, take a look..."

Kakuzu frowned, but looking at the font that belonged to Qing Shui and the familiar tone, although he was still wary of Hatake Sakumo, he still let him approach and took the scroll.

Kakuzu watched, his eyes gradually becoming dull.

In the scroll, first of all, there are various five element escape techniques, from the fire escape of the Uchiha clan to the water escape of Senju Tobirama, as well as various practical and unpopular earth escape, wind escape, and thunder escape ninjutsu, like A small book of forbidden arts.

Qing Shui called these rewards for his serious work. In the tone of his boss, he advised him to study hard and recharge himself. Don't always use his head to harden, suppress, and pretend to be dark. These tricks will damage the future of Konoha's roots. image of.

After that, it was about Yuan Genbu's property status. Qing Shui said that since he was the Minister of Finance, all matters such as financial management, investment and fund management of Genbu would be handed over to Jiaodu in the future, and there was no need to interfere with him. He could just take care of it himself. But be careful to allocate funds to the orphanage on time.

Finally, Qing Shui talked about Hatake Sakumo's experience, hoping that Kakuzu could have a heart-to-heart talk with Hatake Sakumo as a veteran and a senior, and that the two of them could become good partners, and wrote a formal letter at the end of the scroll. The entry form was compiled at the root and signed with Uchiha Qingsui's handwritten signature.

"That's probably it, Kakuzu-senpai."

Hatake Sakumo chuckled: "It's quite strange to say it. I'm usually called senpai in Konoha, but at your age, even Sarutobi Hiruzen would have to call you senpai. …”

Hatake Sakumo handed a Konoha forehead protector to Kakuzu and motioned for him to accept it.

Kakuzu held these scrolls, and the feeling in his heart was difficult to express in words.

The escape techniques that Qing Shui gave him were far from comparable to the banknotes he had mailed to Qing Shui before.

Kakuzu could tell at a glance that many of the explanations on the techniques, properties, and form changes of the Five Elements Escape Technique were priceless treasures. Even among the ninja clan, they could be used as the most popular classics...

"Why, don't you agree? Kakuzu-senpai..."

"Boy, stop looking at me with that dangerous eye. I am one of the founders of New Roots!"

Kakuzu was keenly aware of Hatake Sakumo's increasingly threatening eyes, and unceremoniously took the Konoha forehead protector, saying coldly: "Come with me, I will take you to complete the first mission now."

Hatake Sakumo shrugged. This guy joined the status quo very quickly: "What kind of mission is it..."

"Take you to have a heart-to-heart talk..."

Kakuzu patted Hatake Sakumo on the shoulder, with a hint of regret in his words: "Qing Shui must have told you, right? I was once assassinated by senior officials, and they even asked me to assassinate the first Hokage..."

Hatake Sakumo nodded silently, laughing in his heart.

At that time, he even complained to Qing Shui that compared to Hatake Sakumo himself, Kakuzu's experience was more tragic and helpless.

Danzo Shimura's method was somewhat covert, and the top management of Takigakure Village almost killed Kakuzu by stabbing him eight times in the back.

Kakuzu and Hatake Sakumo walked side by side.

At this moment, the first meeting between the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Intelligence was finally completed...

The two men, who didn't talk much at first, had completely different backgrounds, but unexpectedly had similar experiences. The two started chatting and even bought some wine and food, chatting while eating.

"Brother Sakumo, let me tell you, let's work hard at the root. This place is good!"

Kakuzu happily drank a sip of wine, chewed raw beef liver, waved his hand and said: "Believe me, you can't be wrong. I have met people in the ninja world who eat more salt than you. Qing Shui will be The future of Konoha!"

Hatake Sakumo and Kakuzu clinked glasses, and their faces turned a little red.

After hearing Kakuzu's handling of Takigakure, Hatake Sakumo was full of admiration for him.

Compared to him who committed suicide to prove his identity, Kakuzu was so strong that he massacred all the senior officials of Takigakure and also robbed the secret technique of Yucai rebel village.

Although there was an objective reason for Takigakure's weakness, Hatake Sakumo didn't even think about resisting.

In contrast to Kakuzu, Hatake Sakumo seemed to have learned a lot.

"I know, brother, if it weren't for Qing Shui, my life would have been lost long ago..."

Hatake Sakumo and Kakuzu clinked glasses. The two people who had been testing each other before, quickly became warm after chatting about their own experiences and Qing Shui, and began to call each other "older brother" and "older brother".

And when Kakuzu and Hatake Sakumo had a happy dinner together.

In Konoha, the Hokage Building, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked sad.

"Other hidden villages have issued denunciations again, and the daimyo is also urging the villages to respond..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed: "It's difficult, Tsunade, what do you think?"

Tsunade frowned. If Hiruzen Sarutobi hadn't emphasized time and time again that Danzo Shimura would not be released from prison and for the sake of Qing Shui's future, she would have definitely refused the Hokage's assistance.

From Tsunade's point of view, the position of Hokage's assistant is meaningless, it is just a mouthpiece for Hokage.

The good words are said by the Hokage, and the Hokage's assistant is dedicated to saying the bad ones...

"Old man, things like war will not change just because of your attitude..."

Tsunade shook her head: "If other hidden villages decide to invade Konoha, no matter how the village declares, it will not change their inner greed."

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed.

How could he not know?

But the problem is that if he responds with an attitude of not wanting to start a war, then even after defeat, his responsibility will be correspondingly smaller. After all, he does not add fuel to the fire and still wants peace talks.

But if he responded with a tough attitude, then the Hokage would have to bear all the responsibility for defeating him.

Even though Senju Tobirama had told him this truth...

But the eight tailed beasts in the remaining hidden villages combined, as well as the arms race in the past twenty years and the gap caused by Konoha, all frightened Hiruzen Sarutobi.

Kumogakure's jinchūriki skills and the number of ninjas in Iwagakure Village are already far ahead of Konoha.

And Sunagakure Village is already so poor that people are not afraid of wearing shoes. The internal strife in Kirigakure requires an external war as a pressure relief valve. Konoha will definitely face a vicious enemy.

It seems that in the seemingly peaceful twenty years, only Konoha is standing still, and the rest of the hidden villages are gritting their teeth and secretly competing...

After turning to bed, Koharu and Mito Kadoyan looked at each other and spoke slowly:

"Hiruzen, why don't you re-activate Danzo Shimura... Tsunade's qualifications are still too junior to handle the war."

Regarding the fact that the root leader had become Qing Shui, Sarutobi Hiruzen still informed the top management of Konoha, which also made Koharu who had transferred to the dormitory and Mito Kadoen very dissatisfied.

In their opinion, if Hiruzen Sarutobi could take care of the Hokage's assistant, wouldn't it be easier to take out the two Konoha advisers?

This makes them very insecure.

Danzo Shimura stepped down several times, and the disbandment of the Roots was re-established in the original time and space with the support of the two of them.

Tsunade snorted and looked at them dangerously.

Just as he was about to speak, Sarutobi Hiruzen changed his hesitant attitude and said extremely seriously:

"Yan, Xiaoharu, don't mention Danzo's name in high-level meetings. His case will not be overturned."

When they went to bed, Koharu and Mito Kadoen were shocked. They hadn't seen such a decisive look on Sarutobi Hiruzen's face for a long time...

Tsunade glanced at Hiruzen Sarutobi unexpectedly, but she didn't expect that the teacher who was becoming more and more hesitant could still be decisive...

What she didn't know was that even if Sarutobi Hiruzen was reluctant to let go of Danzo Shimura who could take the blame for him, he would not dare to disobey Senju Tobirama's order...

"Let Qing Shui and Tsunade handle this matter."

Sarutobi Hiruzen slowly exhaled a long breath: "Tsunade, you are now the Hokage's assistant, and Qing Shui is the leader of the root. You masters and disciples should represent the attitude of the village and respond to the other four hidden villages."

"Old man, you are the Hokage!"

Tsunade said dissatisfied: "I don't agree with your decision to let Qing Shui serve as the leader of the root. He is still just a genin of Konoha. Are you going to let him carry the darkness of the village?"

"I can understand that you are optimistic about Qing Shui, but this speed of improvement is still too fast!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled bitterly, Qing Shui was certainly not suitable to bear the darkness of the village.

But the deepest darkness in Konoha's history was within his body, and it needed a root environment to eat away at Qing Shui.

What can Sarutobi Hiruzen do?

He is just a poor third-generation Hokage, who has no ability to resist against the second-generation Hokage.

"Tsunade, I am old, and the time has to be handed over to young people..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed: "Let's do it this way, I believe in you and Qing Shui."

But in Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart, he felt particularly relaxed.

If it was Qing Shui who made the decision, then in disguise it could be seen as being made by Tobirama-sensei...

If something goes wrong in the future, it won't have much to do with him.

After being severely reprimanded by Senju Tobirama, Sarutobi Hiruzen felt that the familiar Hokage position under his butt had become particularly strange and dangerous.

If Qing Shui was not too young and not senior enough, Sarutobi Hiruzen would have wanted Qing Shui to be the Hokage's assistant. He, the Hokage, could serve as a final transition and quietly wait for Teacher Tobirama to be resurrected.

"If that's what you think, then I promise you, old man..."

Tsunade nodded slowly, got up and went to Qing Shui's house to discuss it together.

The next day.

The Four Hidden Villages and the Yuyin Village, which jointly protested, received responses written by Qing Shui.

[Konoha announces to the entire ninja world:]

Kazekage, Hatake Sakumo is not on a mission. The conflict that broke out in your department has nothing to do with Konoha. We believe that instead of trying to mess with Konoha, it is better for your apprentices to work hard to practice magnetism and try to collect more gold to feed the whole village. people.

I heard that the daimyo stopped allocating funds to Sunagakure? But no matter how poor you are, you can't bite people randomly.

Tsuchikage, if you feel that the excessive number of Iwagakure ninjas is a burden on the economy and you want to reduce the population through war, you can use your own four-tails and five-tails to clear it out. Don't bother Konoha. Of course, we can also help. .

Raikage, I really like your appearance after mastering jinchūriki techniques, but Konoha has countless secret techniques to deal with tailed beasts. We welcome barbarians who can only use nintaijutsu to experience it. This is something that your simple brains cannot develop. The secret technique.

Mizukage, Konoha welcomes all ninjas from Kirigakure who are dissatisfied with the village to come and live in the Land of Fire. We will sincerely treat every ninja who wants to join Konoha. We hope that the ninjas in Kirigakure understand the principle of a good bird choosing a tree to live in.

Hanzo, who are you? Are you worthy of blaming Konoha?


When this response was sent out, the entire ninja world was boiling!

Konoha's toughness is beyond everyone's imagination...

Tsunade found Qing Shui in a dazed mood:

"Qing Shui, didn't we say that day that although our attitude should be tough, we should still avoid war as much as possible?"

Qing Shui nodded seriously: "Tsunade-teacher, my wording has been very tactful..."

"Don't you think so?"

Qing Shui stared at his beautiful eyes and asked innocently.

One update completed!

The second bigger guy, don't wait.

I'm stuck today. I've only written 5,000 words since 3:20 pm.

Xiaofan may have to finish the outline.

If there is no second update, I will find time to add it next week!

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