Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 114 The White Fang Incident, the Will of Fire and the Ninja Code

Something happened to Kakashi's father?

Qing Shui slowly opened his eyes and said softly: "Don't be anxious, Zhishui, speak slowly."

Zhisui frowned and said hesitantly:

"There are rumors in the village that Lord Sakumo failed in his top-secret mission. The other hidden villages have begun to accuse Konoha of trying to start a war. Public opinion in the ninja world is very unfavorable to us..."

"How did you know, Shisui?"

Qing Shui's eyes flickered and he shook his head: "As a Ninja School student, even if Mr. Sakumo fails in his mission, it shouldn't be a secret that you can know."

Why hasn’t Shisui graduated from ninja school yet…

Because Qing Shui doesn't allow it.

Qing Shui needs Zhi Shui to be like a spring, constantly accumulating the desire for strength in his heart. The longer he suppresses it, the more powerful he will be when he explodes, and he will make his due contribution to Qing Shui as a genius.

Facing his brother's orders, Shisui could only obey.

To him, Shisui, this was a sign of Qing Shui's excessive worry and concern for him.

While Shisui was happy for his brother's care, he repeatedly beat all the contemporaries in the ninja school. Now he has started to clear each teacher one by one, and he is practicing harder and harder...

"I'm very surprised too, brother. Now almost the whole village is spreading this incident, it's a big fuss!"

Zhisui said in confusion: "Even the classmates in the ninja school know that whether they are from the ninja clan or civilians, everyone is discussing this matter, as if someone is spreading it..."

Qing Shui chuckled inwardly and nodded understandingly.

This kind of momentum seems to be much more ferocious than what Hatake Sakumo experienced in the original time and space...

In the original time and space, Uchiha Obito only knew a vague outline, and Namikaze Minato came to tell him the ins and outs.

But now, Shisui, a student of Ninja School, already understands the course of the incident so well, and even knows the reaction of neighboring countries, which is very intriguing.

Qing Shui found the information sent by Kakuzu and took out one of the pieces——

[Konoha White Fang Flag Ki Sakumo's intelligence leaked, suspected of going to Sunagakure to perform a mission]

Kakuzu's information sources were all purchased at the money exchange, which shows that the black market has long known Hatake Sakumo's whereabouts.

This is very wrong...

Although there is information from all walks of life in money exchanges and black markets, the information related to the five hidden villages has an obvious lag and is almost not immediate.

For example, Sunagakure's economic crisis, Kumogakure's Jinchuuriki, Kirigakure's civil strife...

After all this happened for a period of time, the clues were gradually noticed by various intelligence dealers, and they were compiled into a piece of information and sold on the black market.

But Hatake Sakumo's information was different.

Qing Shui clearly remembered that after the funeral of Uzumaki Mito, Kakashi personally said that according to his father's request, he brought sword oil to Qing Shui to get close to him, which meant that Hatake Sakumo was still in Konoha at that time.

But a few days later, Qing Shui received the package from Kakuzu.

Taking into account the timeliness of the postal ninja journey, Qing Shui can be sure that Hatake Sakumo has been exposed to the black market before this mission even started...

As for Hatake Sakumo's status in Konoha, the tasks he personally performs must be top secret.

Therefore, if there is a mole, it is of a high level.

As for who the inner ghost was, Qing Shui had already guessed who it was, but he still asked: "Tobirama, what do you think?"

"There is a problem in the village..."

Senju Tobirama had a gloomy face and said in a deep voice: "The bounty hunter's information has confirmed that Hatake Sakumo's mission was leaked in advance."

"After Hatake Sakumo failed in his mission, the spread of the information in the village was so high, which shows that the leak of the information was not due to spies from the enemy village, but that someone in a high position was fueling the situation and using public opinion to attack Hatake. Sakumo."

"So, this is a dirty internal fight in collusion with the enemy village ninjas!"

After listening to Shisui's story, Senju Tobirama sorted out his thoughts in an instant.

For Tobirama Senju, who served as the Second Hokage, it is too easy to see the problem behind this...

"That makes sense. So, who do you think the mole is?"

Qing Shui muttered the names of the senior officials:

"Sarutobi Hiruzen, Shimura Danzo, Tanzo Koharu, Mito Monobu, or ANBU ministers, squad leaders, or think tanks of some decision-making level? For example, the Nara clan..."

Qianju Tobirama said slowly with a cold face: "Any struggle is essentially a collision of interests..."

"Whoever Hatake Sakumo blocks the way will have the greatest possibility!"

Qing Shui nodded in agreement: "But who of these high-ranking officials will Sakumo Hatake block?"

"Although he has outstanding military exploits, he has no unnecessary thoughts. He is extremely loyal to the Hokage's sharp blade..."

Senju Tobirama squinted his eyes and started thinking.

Sarutobi Hiruzen? No…

If Qing Shui hadn't appeared before, there was still some possibility.

After all, Hatake Sakumo's popularity in Konoha has now surpassed that of the three members of Sarutobi's class. In order to ensure a smooth handover of the next Hokage and avoid disputes among Konoha ninjas about the rationality of the master-disciple inheritance system, It is not impossible to suppress Hatake Sakumo.

But after Qing Shui appeared, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who learned the "truth" from Uzumaki Mito, would not have thought that Hatake Sakumo would be a threat to Qing Shui if he had not suffered from Alzheimer's disease. Qing Shui was far from a powerful influence. level is comparable.

As for Koharu and Mito Kaden who moved to bed, these two Konoha consultants have no motive. If they are fighting among themselves out of interests, they will target Shimura Danzo, the Hokage's assistant, and will not jump to the level of Hokage and target them. Hatake Sakumo.

The same is true for the Nara clan. Inokacho has always been a die-hard supporter of the Sarutobi clan...

As for the ANBU ministers and branch ministers mentioned by Qing Shui, Senju Tobijian was directly excluded. Their status and authority were not enough.

Only Shimura Danzo is left.

Senju Tobirama's face was very ugly. He had no prejudice against Shimura Danzo. In fact, he had been very optimistic about him in the past.

Senju Tobirama just thinks that Shimura Danzo is not good enough to be the Hokage, but this is not a disparagement. The Hokage Assistant is also inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people, a position that many Konoha ninjas can only hope for.

But Shimura Danzo's recent performances have made Senju Tobirama suspicious of him...

When he accepted Qing Shui as his disciple, he was domineering and arrogant. He wanted to force Qing Shui to his roots by force. However, it seemed that this was not the first time he had done such a thing. Sarutobi Hiruzen's performance at that time was not shocking.

Due to the human experiments discovered by Asma, Shimura Danzo and Orochimaru secretly abducted ninjas in the village to conduct wood escape research, causing a large number of casualties.

The trap set for Hiruzen Sarutobi when the Nine-Tailed Jinchuriki was handed over, not only did he not defend Hiruzen Sarutobi as the Hokage, he also acted aggressively, trying to get the Hokage to make a guarantee that would shake his position.

Adding these various deeds together, Qian Shu Feijian couldn't help but let out a long breath.

In the ninja world, Uchiha is not the only one with so-called demonic nature.

The so-called demonic nature can be better said to be that due to the high-pressure conditions that ninjas have been living in since childhood, it is easy for ninjas to become paranoid after a psychological breakdown, lose their rationality and bottom line in doing things, and start to do anything to achieve their inner goals.

This is a normal phenomenon, but there are relatively more of the Uchiha clan due to the influence of the Sharingan on the brain.

Senju Tobirama recalled the complicated and unwilling look on Shimura Danzo's face on the day he died, the rude dispute with Sarutobi Hiruzen over the position of Hokage, the competition between the two since they were young, and the things they had done recently, and realized something was wrong. question--

Shimura Danzo, because of his desire for the position of Hokage, has become as paranoid as an Uchiha who has fallen into demonic nature!

Although Senju Tobirama had no evidence, his intuition and wisdom as Hokage for many years, as well as his understanding of Shimura Danzo, made him extremely suspicious of his former beloved disciple.

"Tobirama, why don't you speak?"

Qing Shui looked at the silent Qianju Feijian, sighed and said, "The inner ghost is really difficult to deal with..."

"I think it's Danzo Shimura."

Qianju Tobijian said coldly: "Qing Shui, help me investigate this incident. This is very important to the future of the village."

"Shimura Danzo?"

Qing Shui suppressed the smile in his heart and shook his head in confusion:

"The mole will be the Hokage's assistant? Tobirama, I think your idea is a bit extreme. If the second person in the village points his blade at one of his own, the village will be unstoppable."

"You still have to be fair. Although Shimura Danzo's actions are somewhat inconsistent with the will of fire, such a problem will not arise on such a big issue of right and wrong, right?"

Qian Shu Feijian sighed deeply: "Qing Shui, you are still too naive..."

"People will change, especially in the ninja world, where people's hearts are the most unpredictable."

Senju Tobirama said in a deep voice: "Love, strength, obsession, Ninja... For a ninja's fragile but strong heart, it is very easy to fall into the devil's way, which is why I want to bring up the Will of Fire. "

"Qing Shui, do you think the Will of Fire is strict?"

Senshou Tobirama looked at Qing Shui's confused look and asked a strange question.

Qing Shui smiled: "It's not bad, it can be considered as a slogan that is more advanced than other hidden villages."

Qing Shui's answer, if anyone else answered it like this, would actually have violated a taboo.

Using a slogan to describe the Will of Fire can be seen as a false metaphor and disloyal to it.

But Qianju Tobirama's eyes lit up: "You're right, Qing Shui, the will of fire is a slogan."

Qianju Tobirama said slowly:

"The Will of Fire does not have strict rules and regulations, nor does it have specific implementation conditions. It is just a slogan to unite people and give over-stressed ninjas a glimmer of hope and thought. It is a kind of inner sustenance. "

"Is the Will of Fire important? It's important or not..."

"What is really important is the idea deep in the heart, the belief that the family, friends, companions and the village will get better and better, rather than saying the will of fire in the mouth and selfish desires in the heart!"

Qing Shui looked at Tobirama blankly and blinked.

Tobirama, do you really want to be the Zero Point Fire Will Hokage? Why did you let you continue with this character...

In recent times, Senju Tobirama has been instilling some strange ideas in Qing Shui all the time, which are different from the traditional will of fire, trying to make Qing Shui think about problems like he did as Hokage, just like himself when he was wearing a hat.

This is not what Hiruzen Sarutobi praised Uchiha Itachi - "At the age of seven, you can think from the perspective of Hokage..."

Instead, he sincerely told Qing Shui that some things are just slogans and tools to unite people. As a Hokage, what kind of attitude and thinking should he have, as if he was afraid that Qing Shui would become a bad person...

Qing Shui tightened his clothes unconsciously.

He didn't feel cold yet, but Senju Tobirama seemed to be eager to put on the bamboo hat and the red god-god robe on him...

Senshou Tobirama seemed to realize that he was off topic and coughed awkwardly.

After realizing Qing Shui's talent and heart of gold, Qianju Tobirama was really afraid that Qing Shui would fall into the whirlpool of the will of fire, believe in the weird words of mutual understanding like his elder brother, and forget that war is due to the helplessness of interests. resulting from reconciled contradictions.

Back then, Senju Tobirama was very annoyed and could not dissuade Senju Hashirama from his strange thinking, so he could only resort to tricks to bring benefits to Konoha, but he was still no match for Hashirama who kowtowed at the Five Kage Conference.

It's really Tobirama's best effort...

After finally meeting Qing Shui, I can no longer just watch my child turn into a fool like his elder brother...

"Anyway, this matter is very serious. Just listen to me, Qing Shui."

"I understand, Tobirama." Qing Shui agreed with a smile.

All along, anchor Qing Shui has been performing for the audience and doing his best.

Now the second eldest brother on the list is going to perform in person. Qing Shui also wants to have fun watching such a show effect.

Thousand Hands Tobirama pondered, and after a moment he said slowly:

"You go to Hatake Sakumo first. I want to get first-hand information and see his condition before I make the next step."

Qing Shui nodded: "I understand."

"Brother, where are you going?"

Shisui watched Qing Shui slowly stand up and said worriedly: "Are you going to find Lord Sakumo?"

"Yeah, I always have to ask what's going on..."

Qing Shui touched Zhishui's head and said softly: "Just stay at home. This matter is not simple, Zhishui."

"When you can think clearly, you can graduate."

Shimizu's face lit up, his brother finally asked him to give him a chance to graduate!

After Qing Shui left, Zhisui found Matt Dai and Met Kai and tried to brainstorm ideas with Qing Shui and his son.

"Uncle Dai, what do you think of this matter?"

But Matt Dai's response was very simple. Konoha's youthful beast, crazy Adai, just scratched his head and said with a smile:

"Shisui, this kind of question is too advanced for a genin like me."

"I have never done any confidential missions or anything like that in my life. I have always been looking for cats and delivering couriers. If Qing Shui hadn't given me a helping hand, I wouldn't have been able to find any teammates to do C-level missions with..."

Shisui looked at Matt Dai's frighteningly strong body and his arm that seemed to be able to penetrate the steel plate with a punch, and sighed.

C-level mission?

Shisui didn't know what Matt wore in the past.

But Shisui knew that Matt Dai was a madman who could practice the thunder chakra mode with his own willpower. He started with a tiny electric current and gradually made the thunder and lightning extremely violent. He was trying to exercise his body all the time!

And Shisui also knew that Matt Dai mastered a secret technique, which was said to allow his strength to explode several times in a short period of time!

In Shisui's view, Matt Dai has long been a jounin, but his mind is indeed extraordinarily simple...

Metkai frowned and seemed to be deep in thought: "If you don't save your companions in front of you, it would be too contrary to your youth. If you do such a thing, I will not be able to sleep in the future..."

"But what if someone like Mr. Sakumo would have an impact on the village after saving people?" Shisui retorted, but he also fell into confusion:

"How can this be explained by the Will of Fire?"

At this moment, the will of fire finally collided with the ninja's belief in completing the mission as the highest criterion due to its ambiguous explanation.

On the one hand, it is the code of identity as a ninja, and on the other hand, it is the will of fire promoted by Konoha...

Konoha ninjas naturally have to abide by these two iron laws that violate each other. In the matter of Hatake Sakumo, a logical paradox collided, which triggered the thinking of Shisui and Metkai.

Matt Dai looked silently at Metkai and Shisui, who seemed to be thinking more and more painfully, and shook his head.

In his opinion, many things do not need to be overly complicated.

"Kai, Shisui..."

Matt Dai spoke slowly: "As a Konoha ninja, if I encounter a situation like Sakumo, I don't know what to do."

"But if it is you and Qing Shui who are performing the mission with me, no matter what kind of criticism I will encounter in the future, I will not hesitate to use all my strength to stop the enemy for you. This is what my youth tells me. s answer."

"Sometimes, you don't need to think too much, just follow your inner youth!"

Matt Dai said loudly, giving a thumbs up to Kai and Shisui: "Today's practice is not over yet, right?"

"Go and practice well first, otherwise if you encounter danger in the future, you will have to watch your relatives and friends make such a difficult choice, and you can only shed tears of regret. This is not youthful at all!"

Shisui and Metkai were awakened by Metdai's words and broke out of their deep thoughts.

Shisui looked at Matt Dai's extremely firm content, and his heart beat inexplicably...

Yes, why do you have to think so much?

Anyway, if Qing Shui is in danger, Shisui will sacrifice his life without hesitation, no matter what the circumstances.

Metkai scratched his head: "That's right, Father!"

Metkai had the same idea as his father.

If you don't even rescue the companions in front of you, then youth is meaningless...

Matt Dai looked at the two people who were no longer confused, and sighed in his heart, but he shouted passionately: "The confusion of youth can be broken with the sweat of today's practice!"

Shisui looked thoughtfully at the boiling Matt Dai and his son.

The seemingly innocent Matt Dai seems to have beast-like intuition and can always make the right decision...

And at this time.

Qing Shui also arrived at Hatake Sakumo's home...

What a sweaty afternoon...

Xiaofan was sweating profusely and was severely reprimanded by the leader...

Fortunately, the boss didn’t find out which book I was writing!

Ha ha ha ha…

Xiaofan continued to write, there will be another update later...

Future updates may be later, and I estimate that I will be checked from time to time in the future, but fortunately I already have countermeasures!

Think about the outline when fishing, and sketch when you get home!

Hum hum, I am really a genius (forced truth)…

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