Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 85 Do you want to follow me down the mountain, or do I take you down?

Chapter 85: Will you follow me down the mountain yourself, or will I tie you down?


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"Uchiha Mirror, Uchiha Mirror! Come to Xiaoshiba Mountain next to you! There are ghosts attacking the mountain people, there are ghosts attacking the mountain people!"

In mid-air, Matsuichiro, who flew back to the base after Ming Jing completed his mission, appeared again in mid-air at some point.


"It's the mountain where Tokito's family lives! What you just said is right!"

Ubuyashiki Amane stared at the mountains not far away with an ugly expression on her face.

She specially arranged for a few crows to pay attention to the Shitou family. If there was a ghost attack there, the news would be spread quickly.

"I'll set off first, Matsuichiro, come down and lead the way."

Ming Jing said lightly, and then took Matsuichiro, who landed on his shoulders, to activate the teleportation technique and leave.

When Ubuyashiki Amane heard the sound and turned his head, Mingjing had already disappeared from sight.

"Hopefully, it's still not too late."

Ubuyashiki Amane gritted her silver teeth, held the Nichirin sword and followed.




The wooden door of the hut was banged and crumbled.

"Hurry, open the door quickly, let me eat, eat you! I want to eat so much!"

Beast-like roars mixed with hoarse and violent voices came from outside the door. Tokiro Ichiro suppressed the fear in his heart and held the ax he usually used to chop wood.

This is their only weapon that can bring them a sense of security.

Now, Tokitou Ichiro only has regrets in his heart, very regrets.

What that woman said about the original swordsman and the man-eating ghost was actually true!

At that time, the woman asked the two of her to join the Demon Slayer Squad, but Ichiro's only answer was rejection.

But now, the cannibal is really here!

Ichiro thought it didn't matter if he died, but he still had his younger brother Muichiro!

If it weren't for him rejecting that woman, Muichiro would definitely be safe now!

Ichiro took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and looked at his younger brother Muichiro Tokiro behind him.

"Muichiro, don't be afraid. If the door is knocked open by a ghost later, I will stop the ghost. All you have to do is run out the door!"

Ichiro has decided to sacrifice himself in exchange for a chance for his brother to survive.

"But, Nissan, you..."

"You will only become a burden to me if you stay. Without you being a drag, I can escape better! You understand!"


Muichiro stuttered and was speechless.

Just when Ichiro was about to reprimand him, the next moment, the weak wooden door collapsed, and a naked ghost with bulging eyes rushed in with teeth and claws.

"Muichiro, run!"

Ichiro shouted loudly and struck with an axe.

Then the next second, the ax was knocked away.

"Run! You idiot!"

Seeing Muichiro with tears in his eyes and almost being frightened, Ichiro forced the ghost to prevent him from getting close to Muichiro.

But to ghosts, it's all the same.


Blood spattered, and the hungry ghost had already bitten Muichiro's shoulder, tearing off a piece of flesh.

Just when Tokitou Ichiro felt despair, a bright fire flashed through the room so fast that it almost formed a straight line formed by the fire shadow.

"Breath of Fire·One Type·Shiranui."

The sound of the Sun Sword being sheathed and the sound of the ghost's head falling to the ground sounded at the same time.

The ghost that had just caused people to despair has now turned into ashes and disappeared.

"Tokito's family?"

Ming Jing asked as he looked at the two identical twins in front of him.

Ichiro held his injured shoulder, nodded silently, and opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Even during the day, he said so many outrageous things to the woman from the Demon Slayer Squad.

"Take your hands away."

Ming Jing looked at Ichiro's injured shoulder, his tone unquestionable.

Ichiro, who was shocked by Ming Jing's momentum, had no choice but to do so.

A bright green light flashed in Ming Jing's hand and pressed on Ichiro's shoulder.

Under the influence of the hemostasis technique, Ichiro's injury was quickly brought under control.

"Should you follow me down the mountain on your own, or should I tie you down?"

"We'll follow you down the mountain!"

Tokitou Ichiro looked at the young man in front of him who looked to be about the same age as him, and decisively chose to follow his heart.

He was really scared.

Muichiro stood blankly in the corner watching this scene, with tears hanging from the corners of his eyes that he had not had time to wipe away.

Halfway up the mountain.

Ubuyashiki Amane carried the Nichirin sword and rushed to the mountain anxiously.

From a distance, you can see Ming Jing on the mountain road ahead, holding a makeshift torch and leading a pair of twin boys down the mountain.

Ubuyashiki Amane couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"That's great that you're okay."

Then, she quickly noticed the blood stains on Ichiro's body.

"Are you injured? Let's stop the bleeding first and then go on our way?"

"No need, I have already used the secret technique of ninja to treat his injuries."

Without waiting for Tohru Ichiro to answer, Ming Jing took over the conversation, and then his expression was stunned, indicating that he was receiving some information. After recovering, he quickly delivered the torch in his hand to Ubuya Shiki Amane's hand.

"Senior Tianyin, I still have something to do, so the two of them will ask you to take them back first."

"Do you have other tasks?"

Ubuyashiki Amane asked curiously.

She did not hear the sound of the crow.

"It is something more important than the mission."

Mingjing paused, then continued:

"It is a very important thing, perhaps, it is related to the breathing method of the ancestors that you and I talked about in the town before."

Ubuyashiki Amane's face became solemn.

"Will it be dangerous?"

"If it doesn't snow."

What does it have to do with snow? Ubuyashiki Amane didn't understand, but nodded and took the torch.

If it is really dangerous for Mingjing, who is stronger than most pillars, then it is not something she can intervene with.

All she can do is to bring the brothers Tokito back to the Demon Slayer Corps first, and then inform her husband Ubuyashiki Yoya of this matter and let him make arrangements.

Mingjing's figure disappeared in an instant.

Yuichiro stared at Mingjing's figure disappearing like a ghost in amazement, and turned his head stiffly to look at Ubuyashiki Amane.

"How did he become so powerful? He looks about the same age as me!"

Ubuyashiki Amane smiled slightly.

She didn't have a very specific understanding of Ming Jing's strength, but she knew that when Ming Jing joined the Demon Slayer Corps, Ubuyashiki Yoya told her that the Demon Slayer Corps would soon have another powerful pillar.

"He should be able to become a pillar soon."


"The pillars are the strongest fighting force of the Demon Slayer Corps, and each of them is a strong man who has killed countless powerful demons."

Yuichiro stared at the direction where Ming Jing disappeared, and a thought flashed through his mind.

If I could become a pillar, would I be able to protect Muichiro?

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