Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 8 Fugaku's Recruitment

"Now, you have also opened the Sharingan and become an excellent Uchiha. What's even more rare is that you are only ten years old."

The sooner or later you open your eyes actually has no absolute relationship with the future development. Those who open your eyes late may not be unable to become strong.

But relatively speaking, the earlier the eye is opened, the more time is left for this Uchiha to evolve the Sharingan.

Emotions are most easily aroused during the developmental period, which is also when Uchiha's Sharingan is most likely to evolve. When a person reaches a certain age, his ability to control emotions becomes stronger and stronger, and the difficulty of opening and evolving the Sharingan will naturally increase. promote.

Therefore, the Uchiha clan also believes that the sooner the eyes are opened, the more likely it is that the Sharingan will reach a higher level in the future. Even in the original time and space, Uchiha Fugaku asked Itachi to witness the cruelty of war when he was five years old, trying to make him He opened his eyes.

"Every clan member who opens his eyes is the family's most precious asset, and the clan will do its best to train you. I hope you can become a powerful ninja in the future. Don't let down your noble bloodline, and Uchiha's surname."

Having said this, Uchiha Fugaku took out another seal scroll from under the table and placed it on the table.

"According to the clan's practice, for every clan member who activates the Sharingan, the clan will fund a batch of five hundred thousand taels of silver, plus the war death pension of Brother Qianji and Sister Linna. gold……"


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Uchiha Mingjing suddenly frowned and realized something.

He has never heard of pensions, and even after such a long time, he has not seen any trace of pensions.

Uchiha Fugaku's eyes suddenly changed, and even the three Magatama's Sharingan opened.

"Ding Jing, what do you mean... you didn't receive the pension?" Uchiha Fugaku's already deep voice seemed even heavier at this moment.

Uchiha Mingjing shook his head.

Seeing this, Uchiha Fugaku closed his eyes and thought deeply.

I have just taken over as the clan leader, and those old stubborns have already done such a thing...

Suddenly, Ming Jing, who realized that his share of the pension had been embezzled, sat obediently and drank tea.

I have to say that the tea from the patriarch's house is indeed good tea. Even a person like Ming Jing who doesn't know much about tea knows it is good tea when he drinks it.

After sitting quietly for a long time, Uchiha Fugaku finally opened his eyes, and the magatama in his eyes gradually disappeared.


"Lord Patriarch."

"Don't worry, you are an elite Uchiha who has opened the Sharingan. What's yours must be yours. Even the Hokage can't take it away! By the way, after you open the Sharingan, you can go to the family treasury to redeem one. Ninjutsu, take my warrant, and remember to come to Nanga Shrine in the evening to attend the clan meeting."

After Uchiha Fugaku finished speaking, he took out another warrant from his pocket and handed it to Ming Jing.

January 9th is the birthday of God Indra. Therefore, Uchiha clan meetings are held on the 9th of every month and are attended by all Uchiha elites who have opened their Sharingan.

As for every January 9th, the clan meeting will be held even more grandly, and all clan members can participate. It is regarded as a unique festival of the Uchiha clan.

"Master Patriarch, if there is nothing else, I will leave first."

Uchiha Fugaku nodded, watched Ming Jing exit the door, stood up, and looked at the pond in the small courtyard outside the window with his hands behind his hands.

He, Uchiha Fugaku, was successful at a young age. Not only did he become a powerful jounin at a young age, he opened the three magatama sharingan eyes, he also inherited the position of the patriarch of Uchiha, a thousand-year-old wealthy family.

There are few peers in the Leaf Village who don't envy him.

However, Uchiha Fugaku, the clan leader, was not happy.

Because he is too young, even though he is also a Jonin of Sanmagatama, he has not yet had time to establish his reputation in the ninja world.

Uchiha, on the other hand, has always only believed in strength. If he does not show that he is strong enough to be worthy of the position of the clan leader, then he will always be the clan leader in name only.

Power is still controlled by the older generation of clan elders.

Most of those clan elders came from the Warring States Period. They basically watched Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama lead their clansmen to establish Konoha Village when they were young, and they were quite senior.

They still maintain the old ways of thinking and doing things during the Warring States Period, and in their view, Konoha was founded by Senju and Uchiha together. When Konoha was first built, the Sarutobi clan could only rely on them. The small Uchiha clan couldn't stand the idea of ​​Sarutobi Hiruzen, a junior, sitting on top of them and becoming the Hokage and dominating them, and they were not happy with the current village leaders.

In short, Uchiha Fugaku, the new clan leader, is very dissatisfied with the current situation of Uchiha, and he is also even more dissatisfied with these clan elders who control power.

This time, Uchiha Fugaku saw an opportunity.

A chance to seize power!

If the ninjas killed in the Konoha war are civilian ninjas, there will usually be a special part for payment. Even if they are embezzled, these small and small civilian ninjas will not be able to make any waves even if they sue.

The Ninja clan is not easy to mess with. These departments will remit the money directly to these Ninja clan, and the families will distribute it to the families of the Ninja clan. Even wealthy families like Uchiha Hyuga will provide an additional subsidy within the clan.

And now, judging from Uchiha Mingjing's performance, there must be some problems with the key points, which may be an excuse for Uchiha Fugaku to make trouble.

From ancient times to the present, the causes of countless major events in history may have been caused by a very small event from a macroscopic historical perspective.

He, Uchiha Fugaku, will take advantage of this incident to take back some of the power that belongs to him as the clan leader!


Uchiha Fugaku's eyes moved to the outside of the door.

"This junior has good talent. Compared with other clan members who are crazy as soon as they open their eyes, his personality is much better. I heard that he is the chief of this term and has opened the Sharingan at a young age. If you can take this opportunity to pull him under your command, you may have a confidant of the level of a jonin in a few years."

Thinking of this, Uchiha Fugaku called a reliable old servant at home and took out a new token for him.

"Go catch up with Mingjing-kun and tell him that I was too busy and confused and just gave him the wrong token. Go get this token to replace it for him. Also, tell him not to worry. As the head of the Uchiha clan, I have the obligation to protect every outstanding and talented member of the clan."



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