Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 65 Hatake Sakumo

Namikaze Minato's words continued.

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"As far as I know, in a long time ago, the outbreak of Loulan's dragon veins had a huge impact on the entire ninja world. Later, a certain sealing master of the Uzumaki clan sealed it and left his descendants to guard it for generations. Dragon Vein, so all the kings of Loulan have red hair like the people of the Uzumaki clan."

"Thank you, Minato. I just want to be concerned about the village's war situation in the south."

Ming Jing casually changed his subject.

"Oh, I also know what you are worried about."

Namikaze Minato also frowned, looking worried.

As everyone knows, the things he cares about and the things Ming Jing cares about are not the same thing at all.

Because just now, they had received the news.

Konoha's commander on the western battlefield, Hatake Sakumo, chose to abandon the mission in order to save his companions when performing an important mission, causing heavy losses to Konoha. At this time, he was dismissed and replaced by a veteran named Mimura Hamaki. The Jonin temporarily assumed command.

This was a decision made by Konoha's top brass after they learned of the victory in the Rain Kingdom battlefield.

Although in the overall battle situation, Konoha will have a huge advantage due to the victory in the Rain Kingdom battlefield, the top management of Konoha has already begun to think about starting internal fighting before the war is over.

"Forget it, Minato, since it is the village's decision, we have no choice but to do everything we do. Those things are what the Hokage and the advisors should think about."

Ming Jing patted Namikaze Minato on the shoulder comfortingly.

The war in the Kingdom of Rain is over.

But this does not mean that the Second Ninja World War is over. Konoha is still defending Sunagakure in the west, and Sarutobi Hiruzen in the north is being beaten by the Kumogakure AB combination with Mito Kadoyan in the north.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was able to withstand the Third Raikage, but Mito Kaden could only barely compete with the current Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki, Buru.

Even if he is not a perfect jinchūriki like Kirabi, Burubi can still exert a large part of the power of the second strongest tailed beast, the Eight-Tails. This is thanks to the Third Raikage. Every time the Eight-Tails riots, it is The Third Raikage fought hand-to-hand with him and suppressed him, which made the Eight-Tails calm.

But now, Mito Gate inflammation can no longer be resisted.

He was severely injured by Brübi.

Therefore, Sarutobi Hiruzen urgently transferred the powerful and intelligent Orochimaru to the battlefield of Yuno Country to serve as his deputy, and also transferred some of the Konoha ninjas who were originally on the battlefield of Rain Country.

The wounded returned to Konoha with Mumu's sword.

With the recommendation of Orochimaru and Tsunade, Kato Dan will take over as Konoha's western commander, leading the remaining Konoha ninjas from the Rain Country to fight southward against Sunagakure.

Of course Uchiha Mingjing is very happy about this, which means that he will have more opportunities to come into contact with the dragon veins of Loulan Kingdom.

However, during the war, discipline in the army was strict, and Ming Jing could not leave the army for a while. He could only try to see if he could take on a mission near Loulan Kingdom, so that he could make arrangements for himself.

There is a very long mountain range between the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Rain, and to the northwest of the Kingdom of Rain is the Kingdom of Earth, where most of the country is located in high mountains. Therefore, the monsoon coming from the east of the Ninja World is This terrain blocks most of the water vapor gathered in the Rain Country, making this country the "Rain Pole" in the ninja world.

Abundant rainfall from the Kingdom of Rain and the Kingdom of Fire converged into the Kingdom of Sichuan. Because of the huge terrain differences in this country, waterfalls were formed in this country. The water from the waterfalls continued to flow to lower areas. That is, the land of rivers.

Further down, there is the barren Gobi Desert, where there is not much water.

The strategic goal initially set by the Kingdom of Wind was very grand. They wanted the entire Kingdom of Rain, River and Sichuan, and grabbed some of the richest land from the Kingdom of Fire to the east.

However, reality gave Sunagakure a blow in the head.

Now Sunagakure Village is no longer the second ninja village after Konoha when the five great ninja villages were established.

However, there is nothing wrong with them setting such a strategy.

Because Sunagakure Village was really strong at that time.

There is the Third Kazekage, who is known as the strongest Kazekage in history, there is a Jinchuriki, there is Chiyo, the strongest puppet master in the ninja world, there is Chiyo's younger brother Ebizo and his son and daughter-in-law, these are all masters who are at least close to Kage level strength. Later in the war, Rasa and Garura emerged among the younger generation.

From this point of view, Sunagakure Village has indeed relied on the heritage left over from its past heyday to produce many talents during this period. It is no wonder that they have such confidence.

At the beginning of the war, they did fight all the way to Platycodon Castle on the border of the Land of Fire.

However, if a strong man descends from the sky, there will be two after one.

Chiyo met the macho Sansho Hanzo in the Land of Rain. It was difficult to achieve victory, so he could only settle for the next best thing and grab more things to take back.

On the other side of the battlefield, when Konoha was in decline, Hatake Sakumo appeared. With a knife, he gained the name of Konoha White Fang, killed Chiyo's son and daughter-in-law, and became famous in the ninja world. Follow-up updates It relied on Konoha's superior overall strength to counterattack and reach the territory of River Country.

However, it seems that because the Konoha ninjas led by Orochimaru in the Land of Rain had achieved great results one after another, the Konoha high-level officials strengthened their idea of ​​ending the battlefield as soon as possible, or perhaps because of some political factors, Hatake Sakumo led an elite force including the eldest son and daughter-in-law of the third generation to carry out the task of beheading the third generation of Kazekage.

If it really succeeds, the Sand Village will naturally be defeated soon, and Hatake Sakumo may be able to rely on this achievement to get closer to the position of Hokage - if the merits are not taken away by the third generation's son.

However, this mission failed.

Although the third generation of Kazekage was severely injured, the son of the third generation of Hokage was also in danger.

Although Hatake Sakumo did not have so many tricks in his mind, he also knew that if the son of the third generation was gone, he would not be able to get any good even if he achieved great merits. He chose to give up the mission and save the son and his wife of the third generation.

However, although the person was rescued, the son who Sarutobi Hiruzen had trained for many years and hoped to take over his position as Hokage was useless. He was seriously injured and could not even be a ninja.

Although he saved his life, from the decision of the Third Hokage to dismiss Hatake Sakumo and bring him back to Konoha, Sarutobi Hiruzen's anger was already obvious.

The reason why Sarutobi Hiruzen dared to make this decision was because the war in the Rain Country was over, and the three ninjas and Kato Dan had entered the ranks of Kage, and were fully capable of replacing Hatake Sakumo.

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