Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 61 Three Magatama


"But what?"

Hearing that Kato Dan would soon be out of danger, Mingjing breathed a sigh of relief, and when he heard this but, he breathed a sigh of relief again. {What? You don't know yet|Read COM, read the chapter without error|Google it quickly}

"Nothing, it's just that Dan suffered very serious internal injuries this time, and his kidneys were severely damaged. Even with Tsunade's help in treatment, it will take a long time to treat it later. During this period, he can no longer fight."

Fortunately, it's okay.

Mingjing was completely relieved, and looked at the two companions around him, and found that while they relaxed, they were curiously staring at their eyes.

"Mingjing, eyes!"

Inuzuka Ryo opened his mouth and reminded in a low voice.


Could it be...

"Hehe, your name is Uchiha Mingjing, right? I remember you, you have a record of stopping a jonin in battle. You are worthy of being the most valued disciple of Dan. You have opened the three-magatama Sharingan at this age. Maybe you will become a jonin earlier than I did, Mingjing~"

Orochimaru looked at Uchiha Mingjing with interest and licked his lips.

In the future Third Ninja World War, before Hatake Kakashi became a jonin at the age of twelve, the record of the youngest jonin in Konoha was set by Orochimaru, who was only thirteen years old at that time.

I don't know if my disciple is still alive, considering that he inherited the blood of the first generation of Hokage, will he reach his own record.

Thinking of his disciple who died young, Orochimaru lost the mind to speak for a while.

Life is so fragile. If it weren't for the information obtained by these little ghosts, Dan would have lost his life this time.

Orochimaru then thought of his parents who died in his childhood.

Death is equal to everyone and comes unexpectedly. No matter if they are civilians or ninjas, no matter if they are noble, but just a Genin, such as Nawaki, or Kato Dan, who is from a small ninja clan but has a strength close to that of a Kage.

What about me?

Can I invent a ninjutsu to escape death?

"Three magatama... Sharingan..."

Uchiha Mingjing closed his eyes and adapted for a while. When he opened his eyes again, the three magatama in his eyes had disappeared.

In the past two or three days, he has been worried whether Kato Dan will fall into the same fate as the original timeline because of him.

If so, he will be the one who indirectly promotes this matter.

For this reason, Mingjing's heart has been suffering in the past few days.

When Tsunade shed tears and carried Kato Dan, who closed his eyes, covered in blood, and looked like he didn't know whether he was dead or alive, into the operating room, Mingjing almost really thought that Kato Dan was dying.

The most important thing to open or improve the Sharingan is the special Yin-Tun Chakra where the spiritual energy dominates. However, as time goes by, the blood of the Uchiha clan from the Six Paths Sage gradually becomes thinner. Therefore, if you want to open or improve the Sharingan, you need stronger spiritual stimulation.

Mingjing itself is equivalent to the spiritual power brought by the superposition of two souls. After learning the art of spiritual activation, the spiritual energy is greatly improved.

The moment he saw Kato Dan, the emotions accumulated for several days suddenly burst out at this moment, guiding the powerful spiritual energy to form Yin-Tun Chakra, stimulating the advancement of the Sharingan.

"Thank you, Lord Orochimaru, and Senior Jiraiya and Senior Boku."

Mingjing and two teammates bowed slightly to the three people, and then waited together.

Although Orochimaru said that there would be no danger to his life, Mingjing and the others were still very concerned about Kato Dan's current condition.

After a long three hours, the door of the operating room was finally pushed open, revealing Tsunade with a tired face.

"Tsunade-sama, Teacher Duan..."

"It's okay, but he hasn't woken up yet, so don't disturb him."

Seeing Mingjing and the other two, Tsunade forced a smile on her face and waved her hand.

"Tsunade, what you need now is rest."

At this time, Orochimaru, who had changed his clothes and recovered his condition, looked at Tsunade's haggard face and said.

"But Duan..."

"I will ask other medical ninjas to come and take care of him, and in order to avoid the recurrence of Duan's injuries, you must recover to a complete state as soon as possible so that you can get better treatment."

"Okay, then Orochimaru, Jiraiya and Senior Attaka, I'll go to rest first."

Orochimaru barely persuaded Tsunade.

Jiraiya opened his mouth and forced himself to cheer up again.

"Don't worry, Tsunade, we're watching here."

Jiraiya patted his chest and made a funny expression, and accidentally pulled the wound. He was worried about disturbing the patient, so he had to keep breathing cold air. I don't know if he did this on purpose to make Tsunade happy.

Tsunade forced a smile, waved her hand, and went back to her tent to rest.



Three days later, Kato Dan woke up from his coma, and it took nearly half a month before he regained some mobility.

During this period, Tsunade was the only one who would come to check on the remaining senior officials in the camp from time to time.

Because they were too busy now, so busy that they simply couldn't spare the time.

Among the Iwagakure ninjas, the most powerful Four-Tails JinchΕ«riki Lao Zi was seriously injured, the famous jonin Explosion Hunter was killed, and the high-level forces were severely damaged. Among the Sand Village ninjas, Luo Sha's injuries were said to be no less serious than Kato Dan, but there was no medical ninja of Tsunade's level in the Sand Village.

Although Chiyo's medical ninjutsu was not bad, Konoha had Tsunade, and Kato Dan had not recovered after recuperating for half a month, let alone Luo Sha.

For a long time in the future, Luo Sha would lose most of his combat effectiveness and need to recuperate.

During this period, Orochimaru and Hanzo launched many large-scale attacks, and the Sand Village ninjas and Iwagakure ninjas were defeated.

And Mingjing and the other two received a special protection mission from Orochimaru.

They were protecting none other than Kato Dan.

"Hey Ryo, I was able to walk yesterday, I really don't need your help."

"No, Teacher Duan, you don't have to feel sorry for me! Since we have accepted the mission, we will definitely give it 100% seriously!"

"That's true, but... can you please not carry me to the toilet? If you do, I will be so embarrassed that I can't pee..."

In the ward, Kato Dan, half of his body was wrapped in bandages, lying on Inuzuka Ryo's back with a speechless face.

"Okay, Ryo, let's put Teacher Duan down. It's the same if you help Teacher Duan to the toilet. Lady Tsunade said that proper exercise can speed up Teacher Duan's recovery."

Mingjing brought a bowl of medicine and placed it on the table in the ward.

This is the medicine that Kato Dan will drink later.

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