Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 51 Isn’t he just a jonin?

Sunagakure Jonin's sword was about to be swung down.

Suddenly, a figure carrying a long iron pot and a thin sword suddenly appeared in front of Ming Jing. He blocked the attack of Sunagakure Jonin with one knife, and at the same time turned around and kicked him away, kicking him away. .

"You guys are still qualified to embarrass others. In my opinion, the person who is even more embarrassed is you! A jounin actually attacked three little babies."

An angry voice came from the person who came, and this person was none other than Maruhoshi Kosuke.

"Grandpa Fousuke, be careful about the new guy across from you, he's a jounin!"

Inuzukaru recognized the person and couldn't help shouting a reminder.

Maruhoshi Kosuke smiled nonchalantly.

"Isn't he just a Jonin? I'll kill him right now! Mirror kid, watch carefully, this is how this move works!"

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After Maruboshi Kosuke finished speaking, he quickly rushed forward, his body floating like catkins, and at this moment, he slashed countless sword lights one after another.

When the sword light dissipated, the special jounin who had finally barely won the battle after all the hard work of Ming Jing and others had fallen to the ground, leaving only the jounin holding his injured shoulder.

"Damn it, this old man... is ridiculously strong! He's not an ordinary jounin!"

Sunagakure Jounin cursed fiercely and quickly formed seals with his hands.

"Wind Release·Land Sand Gale Wind!"

After performing the ninjutsu, he decisively retreated under the cover of the ninjutsu.

He had the ability to block this move, but just now, when he tried to protect his companions, Gusuke took the opportunity and stabbed a hole in his shoulder.

Now, having judged Gu Jie's strength, he chose to retreat without any hesitation.

Maruhoshi Kosuke chuckled and quickly made two seals on the spot.

"Water Escape·Water Formation Wall!"

A curtain of water that was much larger than the normal water formation wall was sprayed out by Kosuke Maruboshi, blocking the attack of Sunagakure Jonin.

"You guys, be careful. It looks like this battle will be over soon. Old man, I'm going to kill the Jonin and earn more battle merits."

After saying that, without waiting for Ming Jing and others to reply, he jumped and chased after Sunagakure in the direction where he had just escaped.

There are also differences between jounin.

Even many years later, Kosuke Maruboshi, who is old and frail and has lost one of his legs, still possesses the fighting power of an elite jounin. At this time, he is in basically good condition, and it will take a few more years for his body to begin to decline from its peak. It is even more terrifyingly strong.

"Huh... Is this a battle between jounin? And Mr. Kosuke... is actually so strong." Inuzuka Ryu took a long breath and patted his chest.

If you're not strong, you won't get guidance from someone like the Second Hokage when you're young!

Ming Jing thought silently in his heart.

If he didn't have the potential to grow to this level of strength, the second generation would only be a little relieved at most, and it would be impossible for him to teach his unique water escape skills to Maruboshi Kosuke.

And Kosuke Maruboshi is currently the only water release master in the ninja world who can simplify the water release sealing process to the extreme like the second generation Hokage.

If he can learn some more powerful ninjutsu such as Flying Thunder God and Spiritualization Jutsu, or if he has a good blood inheritance limit, he might be able to go one step further and become a shadow-level master.

"Next, we should try to be more careful. Even on the battlefield, we must take advantage of our team's perception ability, avoid as much as possible the Jonin-level masters among the enemy, and try to pick on the weak."

Ming Jing looked at the disappeared figure of Kosuke Maruhoshi, and quickly realized that he and others were still in a dangerous battlefield, and reminded the teammates around him.

"Dingjing...your eyes...have an extra magatama!"

Inuzuka pointed at the Sharingan of the mirror and shouted in surprise.

Der Spiegel also realized the changes in his eyes.

But he also quickly realized that they were on a dangerous battlefield now, and it was not the time to care about this.

How much improvement the Sharingan will have after it becomes a double magatama, we should wait until the battle is over to study it.

"Okay, now is not the time to talk about this, cheer up!"

Ming Jing reminded his two teammates again, then used the hemostasis technique to treat the injuries on his body, and quickly picked up the wakizashi and entered the fighting state.

Aburame Nami and Inuzuka Rui agreed with Ming Jing's previous words of picking the weak persimmons. They each used their special skills to avoid the dangers that may exist on the battlefield. At the same time, they specifically selected those opponents who were easy to deal with, and at the same time, they always Keep the team's position constantly changing on the battlefield to avoid being targeted again.

The special jounin before was okay, probably just within the upper limit of their team's coping range, but if it was a real jounin, it would be really dangerous.

And in this way, their speed of clearing enemies was slightly improved than before.

The battle lasted until evening.

In the end, it ended with the defeat of the ninjas of Sunagakure Village, and both Rasa and Garura were injured.

If it didn't end, Rasa might really be beaten to death by Orochimaru. This was also because Garuru saw Rasa being seriously injured, so he desperately abandoned his opponent to save Rasa, making himself It also came with a serious injury.

Faced with this situation, Chiyo had no choice but to issue an order to retreat.

Now their high-end combat power can barely cope with Konoha, but if they lose two here, it may not be possible to directly declare that Sunagakure Village is destined to be defeated in the Second Ninja War.

"It's finally over. This is war...a war that is much more cruel and terrifying than the last Agyakure attack."

Inuzukaru touched Tetsumaru's hair, which was stained red by the enemy's blood, and looked at the scene on the field.

Through the pool of blood on the ground, the bright mirror clearly saw his twin Magatama Sharingan that were constantly rotating.

At this time, although he had some pain in the chest and suffered some injuries, after using the hemostasis technique to stop the bleeding and wrapping it with a bandage after the battle, as long as there was no such fierce battle again, the wound would not crack. hinder.

The sky was dark, dark clouds were rolling in, and it was raining heavily.

The water on the ground was mixed with blood, turning the earth into dark red.

From time to time, wounded soldiers were carried away to the rear to receive treatment from the medical team trained by Tsunade.

"Yes, this is war. Konoha has wanted to end the war from the beginning of the village, from the first Hokage until now."

Kato Dan's figure appeared next to Ming Jing and others at some point. The clothes on his body were stained with mud and blood. Although he was a little embarrassed, he still looked handsome.

After seeing that the three disciples were safe and sound, Kato Dan felt relieved.

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