Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 49 Special Jonin

Tsunade punched the double-blade puppet in front of her away, thinking calmly in her mind.

"This should be a poison extracted from plants and snakes in the desert. It is a neurotoxin composed of proteins. So... as long as it is not a mineral toxin at the molecular level, I can solve it now!"

Tsunade dodged Chiyo's attack too much, bit her thumb through her lips, and made seals with both hands.

"Summoning Technique·Living Slug!"

A puff of white smoke rose, and a huge summoning beast whose size was not less than that of the tailed beast suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

"Slug·Tsunade Healer!"

Suddenly, the huge summoning beast suddenly disintegrated and turned into countless tiny slugs all over the battlefield.

"Living Slug! Split into small enough clones and help me suck out the venom from all the poisoned people!"


Tsunade roared, and then continued to punch Chiyo bravely.

Chiyo was a little surprised.

If she was asked to prepare a poison that could kill people within a certain period of time, she could do it, but that basically required a continuous effective time, and the Konoha ninja could still maintain its combat power for a certain period of time, and the cost of doing so was too high, and the poor Sand Village could not support her to prepare enough poison to support a war.

So she made a second choice and made this kind of poison that was not lethal but had a very fast effect and could greatly affect the enemy's state, in order to achieve results on the battlefield.

But unexpectedly, Tsunade could distinguish the characteristics of this poison so quickly, and instantly found the simplest and most direct detoxification method on the battlefield.

For a while, the morale of the Konoha ninjas was greatly boosted.

Because they found that these little slugs could not only help them detoxify, but also help them heal their wounds!

Now when they fight, as long as they are not injured and must die, the Konoha ninjas don't care much, and they attack fiercely as if they don't care about their lives.

But for the ninjas of the Sand Village, this is not the worst.

Because the next moment, the old patriarch of Nara issued a new order.

Reserve troops, prepare to enter the battlefield, and make the final decision!

Mingjing's body involuntarily began to run forward with everyone in the team.

His shoes stepped on the cold muddy water, splashing countless mud on his trouser legs.

No one cared about this little detail, because everyone held their weapons tightly in their hands, and under the command of the old patriarch of Nara, they rushed towards the weakest part of the Sand Village Ninja position.

In an instant, the Sand Village position seemed to be washed away by a torrent, and the originally complete square formation was immediately dispersed by the Konoha Ninja and divided into two parts.

At this moment, Mingjing clearly felt that his blood was boiling, and he couldn't help but open his Sharingan.

At this time, the warlike gene engraved in the blood of the Uchiha clan was completely awakened.

But it was also at this time that the effect of practicing the spirit activation technique before seemed to be stimulated at this moment.

Mingjing could sense the excitement in his body and the surging blood, but he also kept his mind clear enough, and with the powerful insight of the Sharingan, he tried to find the enemy's flaws the moment he saw them.

"Uchiha Style·Instant Fire Blade!"

The wakizashi quickly drew a beautiful trajectory in the air, cutting the entire body of a Sand Ninja in front of Mingjing in half.

Other Sand Ninjas wanted to attack from the side, but were pounced on by the parasitic bugs controlled by Aburame Nami, and then their throats were torn apart by Inuzuka Ryo's claws.

Suddenly, the parasitic bugs spread out violently, blocking the sight of the enemies in front.

Uchiha Mingjing's figure quickly emerged from the swarm of insects, and the wakizashi in his hand slashed out a sharp sword wind.

"Uchiha Style·Instant Wind Blade!"

With one sword, he beheaded the Sand Ninja in front of him, who looked not much bigger than himself.

"Keep going!"

Ming Jing licked his lips stained with the blood of the enemy, and a pair of scarlet Sharingan released a bloodthirsty light.

So, Ming Jing then continued to look for persimmons that he could pinch on the battlefield, and then he would cut down with his sword, cut down with his sword, cut down with his sword...

But soon, Ming Jing found that his way of doing things was not very suitable on this battlefield.

It was really cool to directly split the enemy's body and behead him, but it also brought a problem.

The chakra and physical strength were consumed a little too quickly.

If in a few years, after the body develops, the physical strength and chakra have grown significantly, then it may not be a problem.

But at least at this moment, in this long-lasting large-scale battlefield, he still had to choose a more energy-saving way to kill the enemy.

For example, cutting the throat, or stabbing the enemy's heart directly with a sword.

Thinking of this, Ming Jing began to change his fighting style again, striving to make his movements simple and quick, quickly capture the enemy's flaws, and kill the enemy with one blow.

This is actually the fighting style that suits the Uchiha clan best, who have the Sharingan - agile, quick, clean, neat, yet calm and elegant.

From the beginning of the war to now, Ming Jing has led his team to kill no less than twenty Sand Ninjas, including three or five Chunins.

More than ten of them were killed by Ming Jing himself.

The Uchiha clan seemed to be born for war, because of the Sharingan, they are like fish in water on the battlefield.

And such performance will naturally attract the attention of other people in this small battlefield.

Among these people, there are Konoha ninjas who are impressed by the young and the powerful, and there are also Sand Village ninjas who want to get rid of Ming Jing and others as soon as possible.

Just like a tall and thin Sand Village special ninja among them.

"Do these little ghosts have such strength? If they are allowed to continue like this, I am afraid that the village will lose more people. Moreover, such young but powerful little ghosts must be Konoha's genius ninjas. They must be eradicated as soon as possible. They must not be allowed to grow up and become a disaster for the village!"

The special ninja made a judgment at the first time and quickly killed Ming Jing and others.

"Ming Jing, left!"

Aburame Nami, who sensed the situation through the bugs, sounded the alarm at the first time.

Ming Jing reacted in time, turned around quickly, and captured the shuriken that had just been thrown by the Sand Village special ninja through the dynamic vision of the Sharingan.

"Playing with shuriken in front of Uchiha?"

A sneer of disdain flashed across Mingjing's lips, and his left hand took out a dozen shurikens from the ninja bag.

"Uchiha style: Shuriken technique!"

More than a dozen shurikens were thrown out like flowers from the sky, and they collided with the enemy's shurikens many times in the air, and finally nearly half of them were shot towards the Sand Ninja.

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