Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 412: Mingjing vs. Saitama

Chapter 422 Ming Jing VS Saitama

Ming Jing reached out and moved the wine bottle in front of Tatsumaki's table and replaced it with juice, ignoring Tatsumaki's glare.

This girl's drinking capacity is not good, she will blush after one bottle, and she will go crazy after three bottles.

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"Speaking of gods, the results of Blast's recent tracing show that gods are probably not creatures of our world. Genos and Metal Knight jointly analyzed the recovered black cubes and believed that our universe cannot give birth to this kind of material, but can The god who created this material is not only not a creature of this universe, but more likely a high-dimensional creature, so he can transcend the world."

Xiqi drank a glass of white wine and said solemnly.

If it is true as Kinos speculated, then what they are facing may not just be as simple as a powerful weirdo.

But a god who controls the entire universe and tries to invade their world!

"So why did he come all the way from another world to come to us? Is there something here? Or is their world going to be destroyed?"

The zombie man asked Xiqi, who just shook his head.

"I don't know about that. We still have too little information about gods."

"Their universe should not be destroyed."

Ming Jing took a bite of the mutton rolls that Chui Xue fed and suddenly said.

"At a certain level, the universe itself is a huge wealth, not just the resources of another universe, but also because of the differences between different universes."

Ming Jing looked out the window with deep eyes.

On the moon with huge craters, there is a vaguely prostrate giant with craters all over its body.

Others followed Ming Jing's gaze and looked over curiously, but saw nothing, except that Tatsumaki seemed to notice something.

"He already has a universe, energy and matter, everything is available to him, but there is a limit to the increase in entropy of a universe. If you want to reduce the entropy of a system, you can only obtain energy from the outside, and because of different The rules of the universe are different. Even in extremely close parallel time and space, there are many differences.

Just like leaves, there are no two identical leaves in the world. The leaves on the same species and the same tree are at most similar in shape and size, but the leaves on different trees are even different.

By contacting and devouring different universes, the more rules he can come into contact with, the more powerful he becomes. "

"How do you know so clearly?"

Sweetheart Mask looked at the mirror suspiciously.

Could it be...

"It's very simple, because I have also reached this state, with omniscience and omniscience, mastering the rules for my own use, gaining insight into the universe, and ascending to a higher dimension of life."

Ming Jing put down the glass calmly and said with a smile on his face.

The place suddenly fell silent, leaving only the sound of Saitama's Udon noodles.

"Eh? Why aren't you talking? Didn't we have a lively chat just now?"

Saitama poked his bald head out of the bowl of the sea, his eyes full of curiosity.

"Pa! Teacher Saitama! Didn't you just hear that? Omniscient and omniscient! Mastering the rules, understanding everything about the universe, and higher-dimensional life, this no longer sounds like what normal humans can understand and can Get in touch with the power!”

Genos stood up from his chair with a snap, his eyes shining.

Saitama took out a toothpick and pressed it between his teeth.

"Um... I didn't understand much, but it must be Ming Jing, you have become very strong now, right?"

There was a little anticipation hidden in Saitama's tone.

Der Spiegel heard this expectation.

In fact, Ming Jing is also curious about whether he, now a multiverse god, can fight Saitama.

"Well, it should be very strong."

Ming Jing nodded towards Saitama.

"Hmph, bragging."

Tornado rolled his eyes at Ming Jing.

But she also knew in her heart that what Ming Jing said might be true.

Back then, Ming Jing was barely on par with Blast, and his strength could suppress Tornado, but the gap was not particularly big.

But now, she can no longer understand Ming Jing's strength at all.

"However, I don't know the exact power of the gods. After all, the existence of gods is extremely ancient. The earliest records can be traced back to the period of primitive tribes. For thousands of years, he has eroded the power of this universe through various methods such as belief. If you want to fight against it, you must at least add Saitama's power."

Ming Jing stretched out his hand to signal Genos to sit down and explained to everyone.

He was just entering the multiverse for the first time, and even against a bottom-ranked dimensional demon like Dormammu, he could barely make a draw.

And what about the gods?

Ming Jing doesn't know, but he probably isn't as good as Domammu.

If there is a high-level multiverse god, then Mingjing estimates that he may not be a match.

One Punch World, One Piece World, Naruto World, etc. These universes are fundamentally different from Marvel Universe, because Marvel Universe has Infinity Stones. Mastering all the Infinity Stones is equivalent to mastering the entire universe, which is equivalent to the control system of the universe. .

Only with the six bright mirror gems in his body could he easily refine that universe.

But how can six gems be so easy to obtain? Most of the dimensional demon gods select spokesmen in various time and space, lay out and establish their forces, gradually erode and destroy the resistance in this universe, and then use their own dimensions to devour these time and space to strengthen their own power.

Mephisto, Dormammu and others all did this, using their own hell dimension and dark dimension to devour other time and space.

Is there a way to refine the time and space without devouring it?

Yes, for example, the Eye Demon, who has hundreds of time and space under his command, but Mingjing doesn't know how to achieve this method.

But at the moment, there are more guesses.

There is no doubt that the power of the gods can affect this world, and the way is those black cubes.

Mingjing has dealt with the statue of the Eye Demon, and has also seen the items of the upper multiverse demon gods such as the deep red ruby ​​and the evil eye of Atum obtained by Stark. The use of these things should be the same as the black cube of the gods.

As long as you come into contact with these things, you can get powerful power from them, and most of these things contain the effect of bewitching people. As long as you use them once, if there is no intervention from other multiverse gods, unless you are a person with extremely strong will, such as Marvel's Iron Man, Captain America, One Punch Flash, Blast, etc., there is a possibility of resistance.

The more these things are used, the more the energy and rules of another dimension will invade the energy and rules of the universe itself.

Mingjing used the six gems to replace the underlying rules of the universe in an instant, and their approach is to gradually erode the rules of the universe.

Black cubes and other substances are media.

Even multiverse demons like Vishanti, who have a more gentle style of behavior, should use similar methods.

The same principle applies to the Supreme Wizards of all generations and the wizards of Kamar-Taki who use the ring to borrow power from Vishanti to cast magic, but these wizards are more cunning. I not only borrow from you, but also from other demons, using the power of others to fight against each other, turning this into a battle between multiple demons.

Everyone wants this universe, but no one wants others to get it. The final result is naturally inconclusive, so let's keep fighting.

And those demons just take an indifferent attitude towards this.

Anyway, these mages have paid an equal price to borrow power. They won't lose no matter what. With so many time and space, there will always be some who can succeed. Although it will take a long time, which of these demons with infinite lifespans who have broken free from the shackles of time will care about the passage of time?

Then can I learn this method?

Not for the time being.

This requires the multiverse god to have a more comprehensive and in-depth control of the rules to be able to do it.

At least Mingjing thinks that his current mastery of the rules is still a little bit lacking.

In this way, the gods should be stronger than me in this regard.

"Okay, let's not talk about gods or not. Since the Scarlet Ninja has the ability to fight against it, plus your help, we will definitely be able to overcome all difficulties, just like more than a year ago, we successfully survived the half-year disaster predicted by the great wizard Xibabawa. In short... Cheers!"

Xiqi interrupted everyone's discussion and raised his glass again.

This time it was a celebration banquet, not a meeting.

"Cheers!" ×N.



The next day, early morning.

Ming Jing, who had finished fighting Tornado Blowing Snow, continued to rush to the next battle.


A meteor dragged its tail flame and hit a huge meteorite.

This is the Kuiper Belt, which is even farther away from the sun than the orbit of Neptune. It has countless asteroids, dwarf planets and giant meteorites, including larger planets such as Pluto and Makemake.

Saitama landed here and looked at Ming Jing who walked out of the portal opposite with a sharp gaze.

"Let's start the competition! Ming Jing!"

Saitama said excitedly.

Ming Jing smiled and nodded to Saitama, thinking in his heart.

There is no air here, how did Saitama's voice come through?

This guy...

It's not just that he is so strong and firm, I'm afraid he can't be measured by ordinary creatures in a single universe.

After all, Saitama is also a funny character, and funny characters are unreasonable.


A silent shock wave spread, and Ming Jing and Saitama exchanged the first punch.

The meteorite under his feet shattered, and Saitama's body was hammered and flew to another meteorite thousands of kilometers away like an electromagnetic cannonball.

A smile rose on Saitama's lips.

This was the first time he saw someone who could take an ordinary punch so easily.

This time... should we be able to have a good fight?

"Serious Punch!"

This time the movement was more than ten times greater than the last time. A large area of ​​meteorites around was crushed to pieces by the shock wave, and a small vacuum was cleared in the Kuiper Belt.

The lower limit of the serious punch is Boros.

Boros's strength undoubtedly reached the level of the father of heaven, and he was definitely not a mediocre player in the same level. However, when he risked his life, he used the Roaring Star Collapse Cannon to counter the serious punch, and used his own body with super regenerative ability to block the aftermath. The serious punch could still split the earth in half, and at this time, when Saitama made a full-strength attack, a fault appeared in the Kuiper Belt.

"Continuous serious punches!"

Mingjing fought with Saitama in an orderly manner, and finally recognized what kind of existence Saitama really was.

The peak of a single universe with a star-level explosion?

More than that.

But in essence, it has not reached the multiverse level.

Saitama's existence is special.

At this moment, with the dignity of the multiverse god, Mingjing used the divine mirror eye, and finally saw clearly.

Saitama gives Mingjing a feeling that he is somewhat like an infinite gem!

He himself is equivalent to an existence that has reached the extreme in terms of power!

At the same time, he is also quite terrifying in terms of mind and reality.

How much power Saitama can exert is related to his own mind.

He feels that if he can blow up a monster with one punch, he can blow up a monster with one punch. If he can blow up a planet with one punch, he can blow up a planet with one punch.

He feels that if he can't catch a mosquito, then he really can't catch a mosquito. If he is accidentally scratched by a cat, then he really will be scratched by a cat.

The combination of mind and power is so powerful that it can distort reality, time, and space to a certain extent!

He thinks that the space portal is a door, so he can kick the space portal open with one foot. In the original work, when Saitama beat the power of God from Garou, he directly used this power of God to reverse time and space, rewriting the reality that Genos died in battle and humans were extinct.

"I understand. Garou broke the limiter physically, but Saitama not only broke the limit physically, but also broke the limit in his mind and will. Both his body and mind are indestructible! This is to prove the truth with force. It is the simplest and most brutal method. It is also a way to break the limit of a single universe. Saitama's strength seems to be between a single universe and a multiverse. Even if he is allowed to break the limit again..."

In the battle with Saitama, Mingjing used all his strength!

And what happened to Garou at the beginning also happened to Saitama at this moment!

The more he fights, the braver he becomes, and the stronger he becomes. It's like he has unlocked his blood and can't be beaten!

The reason why Saitama can break the limiter from an ordinary person to this point is not just because of the joke of doing 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats and running 10 kilometers.

Because Saitama met countless weirdos on the road when he was running 10 kilometers, fighting all the way and breaking the limit all the way!

After all, he lived in the uninhabited area of ​​Z City, a place that no one else dared to enter. Saitama ran ten kilometers every day...

And Saitama was more excited than ever before.

Finally, he could finally let go and fight with all his strength!

From the Kuiper Belt, all the way to the Oort Cloud!

If the two people's battle location was moved to the Earth, it would only take a moment for the Earth to be destroyed.

"Hey! I say you two! Stop it quickly! If you keep fighting, the gravitational changes in the solar system will tear the Earth in half!"

Suddenly, a female voice sounded in the consciousness of Mingjing and Saitama.

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