Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 40 Hemostasis

"Tsunade-sama's medical ninjutsu is really amazing!"

Ming Jing looked at his arm that had recovered as before and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Even though they know that Tsunade is the strongest medical ninjutsu, no matter who sees Tsunade's medical ninjutsu with their own eyes, they can't help but admire it.

"If more people could learn such medical ninjutsu, many people in the village would probably die less in this war. It's just a pity that the last Jonin meeting did not pass the proposal to establish a medical system."

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Kato Dan was sitting by the clean window, thinking of another jounin teammate who had sacrificed his life during a previous mission with Mokume Kato.

Under the pure white light, Kato Dan's long, smooth blue hair shows a bright color. Paired with his handsome face and melancholy eyes, he can be called a girl killer.

At least Tsunade, who was still a pregnant girl at this time, liked this very much.

"It's okay, stop."

Tsunade showed a sweet smile to Kato Suan and said:

"Although the village did not agree to this proposal, the old man still asked me to select a small group of ninjas to learn medical ninjutsu. They also played a big role in this war. It is estimated that the village will approve me before long. proposal!โ€

Tsunade raised her head and said proudly, and at the same time moved her gaze to Ming Jing and others.

"I said, why don't the three of you follow me and learn some medical ninjutsu? Even if you only know the basics, you can greatly improve your probability of survival on the battlefield in the future."

The three people in Mingjing looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

"Well, I don't have any gifts for you, so let me teach you a useful basic medical ninjutsu! If you can master it and learn the subsequent advanced skills, you will probably be qualified to become a real medical ninjutsu. "

Tsunade said as she led everyone out with full mobility.

Kato Dan looked at this scene, with a faint smile on his handsome face, and followed him.

If they can become medical ninjas, then the probability of these disciples surviving on the battlefield in the future will be greatly increased. Even if they cannot learn it, they can learn one or two practical basic medical ninjutsu from Tsunade to stop their own bleeding when they are injured in the future. Preventing the injury from worsening and missing the best time for treatment also has huge benefits.

"This is it!"

Tsunade led everyone to a small river next to the camp.

This is an important source of daily water for stronghold ninjas. Of course, in this place close to the Land of Rain, there is basically no shortage of water resources.

"Next, first catch any small animal, such as a fish in the river, a pheasant in the nearby woods, etc. It is not only used as a demonstration, but also as a material for you to practice. By the way, you can also Use it as a late night snack.โ€

Tsunade took Kato Dan, found a big stone, wiped it clean and sat on it and said.

It had been raining for several days and it didn't end until the afternoon of this day, so tonight was a rare clear night.

The stars are bright in the sky, the rivers are rushing, and the grass is green, as if the whole world has been washed away by the rain that has been falling for several days.

A few minutes later, Ming Jing and others returned to Tsunade and Kato Dan with their respective harvests.

Ming Jing was carrying two pheasants in his hands, Aburame Nami caught a hare, and Inuzuka Usagi caught some river fish in the river with Tetsumaru.

"Yoshi, now, let me show you!"

Tsunade jumped down from the big rock and carried the hare away.

"I shaved off the fur on this rabbit first so that you can see it more easily."

A blue light lit up in Tsunade's hand, and then she used chakra to condense into the shape of a scalpel.

This is an A-level medical ninjutsu, chakra scalpel.

"Watch it!"

Tsunade first knocked the hare unconscious, then used a chakra scalpel to scrape off a large piece of fur on the rabbit's body, and used it to cut off the hare's spine, making it unable to sense its body, and then made a slash on it.

A wound about two centimeters deep was cut immediately, and a little blood flowed out.

"What I want to teach you is the most basic medical ninjutsu, the art of stopping bleeding."

A faint chakra appeared on Tsunade's hand, and she pressed it on the hare's wound.

Immediately, a scab formed on the hare's wound, stopping the bleeding.

"At the same time, if the wound is large and deep, you can use needles and threads to perform preliminary sutures first, and then use hemostasis to stop the bleeding. The effect will be faster. For the purpose of this demonstration, I will cut the artery on the hare to increase the amount of bleeding. for observation.โ€

As Tsunade said this, she slashed the hare again.

Everyone listened very seriously.

Except Kato Dan.

He had long been taught these basic medical ninjutsu by Tsunade, and now he was busy building a stove and drying firewood using fire escape.

He was still thinking about Tsunade's words about making these as a midnight snack.

"Hemostasis, as the most basic medical ninjutsu, is the prerequisite ninjutsu for many subsequent medical ninjutsus, such as healing jutsu, palm senjutsu, etc. Its principle is to stimulate the body to produce coagulation factors faster through trace amounts of chakra. , to speed up the process of blood clotting in the wound.โ€

Tsunade spoke very seriously.

In fact, she is indeed talented in being a teacher, otherwise she would not have been able to cultivate Haruno Sakura's superb medical ninjutsu in the original work.

Ming Jing used the Sharingan to observe the whole process very carefully.

The Sharingan is best used in two places, one is in combat, and the other is in learning ninjutsu.

"Next, it's your turn to start the actual operation."

Tsunade said, and then she treated the remaining two pheasants in the same way as the hare, and placed them next to Uchiha Ming Jing and Inuzuka Ryo.

Ming Jing hesitated for a moment with the kunai, and then used the kunai to cut a small wound on the pheasant's skin where the feathers were plucked, so as to avoid the wound being too large and her level was not enough to stop the bleeding completely.

"First, condense the chakra in the hand, and then..."

Ming Jing slowly pressed his hand on the wound, flashing through Tsunade's every move that he had just recorded with the Sharingan.

A few minutes later, when Ming Jing moved his hand away, the small wound had completely healed.

"Well done, little brat from the Uchiha family."

Tsunade took a look, smiled and touched Mingjing's head, then turned to instruct Inuzuka Ryo and Aburame Nami.

Although she was born in the Senju clan, Tsunade did not have strong malice towards the Uchiha clan like Senju Tobirama. Instead, like her grandfather Senju Hashirama, she abandoned her sectarianism.

In the original work, Kakashi used the hemostasis technique when fighting against Obito in the Kamui space. It should be a simple medical ninjutsu to temporarily treat wounds.

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