Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 37 Strong Opponent

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"Yes, this place is still dozens of miles away from Konoha's stronghold. Even if they send people out to respond, they will never send them so far away. At most, they will only be within a dozen miles around the stronghold!"

The tall and muscular Amegakure chuunin at the end couldn't help but agree with the middle-aged chuunin's words. {What? You don’t know yet|Read COM, read the chapters without mistakes|Hurry up and Google them}

"What's more, these ninjas from big countries don't know the pain of our small country at all! These three brats must also be the genius ninjas of Konoha's new generation. If they can be eradicated, they can also repay a little. These Konoha ninjas are in What the Rain Country did!”

The tall Yugakure couldn't help but think of Ming Jing's dazzling shuriken skills, as well as the endless ninjutsu and powerful swordsmanship during the previous battle, and his heart couldn't help but be filled with jealousy.

Why do these great ninjas have a stable growth environment and so many powerful ninjutsu to learn, but he has had to survive in the chaotic Rain Country since he was a child, collecting ninjutsu here and there to carry out Studying, in the end, at this age, I can barely be a chuunin.

Why wasn't he born in a great country and become a ninja in a great country?

With his ability, he can achieve this level in the Rain Country, so in those big countries, will he become stronger and even become a Jonin?

"Everyone! Come and take a look!"

Not far away, a genin pointed to a drop of blood on a fallen leaf that had been washed away by the rain.

The middle-aged Yu Ren came over, dipped a little of it with his finger, and licked it lightly with the tip of his tongue.

"They're still fresh, they're not far away! Speed ​​up, let's keep chasing!"

A few minutes later.

Still somewhere in the dense forest.

In the grass, Hinata Temon's white eyes with veins popping out around them were checking everything happening around him.


Hinata Iron Gate reminded carefully.

Soon, a group of Yuyin's figures loomed near the forest.

In another patch of grass on the side, Uchiha Mingjing opened his Sharingan and stared at the scene in front of him.

In front of him, there were several rows of shurikens arranged neatly, placed on a piece of cloth torn from his body.

These are most of the shurikens carried by the six people in the team, and it is left to him to be responsible for starting the group at the beginning of the battle.

Seeing that the enemy had entered his attack range, Uchiha Mingjing reached out and grabbed a corner of the cloth and raised it, flying into the air with the shurikens.

Under the powerful dynamic vision of the Sharingan, the trajectories of these shurikens in mid-air are extremely clear to the eyes of the mirror.

"Uchiha Style: Shuriken!"

In an instant, Ming Jing's hands danced in the air like butterflies piercing flowers, throwing these shurikens at an extremely fast speed.

And under his exquisite control of strength, even if there is a certain gap in the launch time, there will be a certain gap in the flying speed of these shurikens, and they can attack the enemy at the same time.

In the sight of those rain ninjas, a long dragon formed by shurikens suddenly appeared in front of them, and finally turned into large pieces and stabbed towards them like raindrops.

"Water Escape·Water Formation Wall!"×2

The tall Rain Ninja and the injured Rain Ninja immediately joined forces and used Water Release to stop these shurikens. As for the middle-aged Rain Ninja, he protected his three students while preventing the enemy from using this. Opportunity strikes.

As the weakest link in their team, the three genin still need to avoid being attacked by the enemy at the beginning of the battle.

However, those three genin were not the first targets of the attack planned by Ming Jing and others.


"Soft Boxing Technique·Thirty-two Palms of Bagua!"

Inuzuka and Hinata Temon immediately rushed out and rushed towards the two Amegakure chuunin who had just used their ninjutsu.

With their strong melee skills, it was hard to say whether they could defeat these two chunin, but they would definitely be able to hold them off for a long time.

As for Uchiha Mingjing, he raised his knife and faced the middle-aged Amegakure chuunin who used an umbrella as a weapon.

"Let's go help too!"

Seeing this scene, the three genin couldn't help but want to step forward to help. However, the next moment, countless dense black flying insects blocked their view.

"It's okay! The female ninja who uses insects is not strong in physical skills and is injured. As long as we can get close to him, we still have a chance of winning!"

One of the genin shouted to his companions and rushed towards Aburame Nami.

"Hey! You guys, don't underestimate me, Mr. Jing!"

The figures of Kaze Matsui Tai and Inuzuka Kuma suddenly emerged from the jungle on both sides, attacking from three sides together with Aburame Nami.

"Damn it! Aren't there only three of them? Didn't it say that people from Konoha wouldn't come from such a far place to meet us!"

The three genin were suddenly filled with dead souls, but they had no choice but to grit their teeth and step forward to fight.

"Damn it, why is this white-eyed brat's physical skills so troublesome!"

The tall and burly Rain Ninja rubbed the spot on his shoulder where Hinata Iron Gate had just hit him, and couldn't help but spit on the ground and cursed.

Hinata Temon held his left hand behind his back and spread his right hand forward, making a soft fist posture and staring coldly at the rain ninja in front of him.

As for the rain ninja who had been slashed by Ming Jing before, he was now fully defensive under the attack of Inuzuka.

He was already injured, so he decided to play it safe first. Later, as long as the middle-aged Rain Ninja finished off the Uchiha brat, everything would be fine.

The middle-aged Rain Ninja who used an umbrella and was given hope by other Rain Ninjas was very strong.

His strength was greater than any of the Chunin-level opponents that Ming Jing had encountered before.

It can be said that since Ming Jing debuted, except for facing Kato Dan, the Jonin, when he was fighting for the bell, this middle-aged Rain Ninja was the strongest of all the opponents he had encountered.

"Uchiha Style·Sensun Cloud Cut!"

"Uchiha Style·Shun Fire Blade!"

"Uchiha Style·Shun Wind Blade!"


Uchiha Ming Jing's continuous attacks were all resolved one by one by the middle-aged Rain Ninja in front of him.

Surprisingly, this middle-aged Rain Ninja is also a master of swordsmanship. The umbrella sword in his hand is used in a very strange way, which has the flavor of a strange weapon. For a time, Ming Jing was beaten into a mess. If it weren't for the strong insight of the Sharingan, he could have discovered the blade on the edge of the umbrella sword and the thousand blades fired after it was opened in time, otherwise, he would probably be lying on the ground now.

But the middle-aged Rain Ninja also took this opportunity to counterattack and suppressed Uchiha Ming Jing.

Turning his head to avoid several flying thousand blades, Ming Jing used a knife to block the attack of the middle-aged Rain Ninja. Just as he was about to counterattack, the umbrella suddenly opened again, and arc-shaped blades popped out from the edge and chose to cut him.

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