Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 31 Uchiha Style Sword Leaping Flame

Chapter 31 Uchiha Style·Sword Jumping Flame

"Ninja Art: Ya Tong Ya!"

The figures of Inuzuka and Tetsumaru turned into a white whirlwind and rushed away from the two rain ninjas in front of them. Ming Jing followed closely behind, and quickly passed through the wakizashi in his hand, cutting off two heads.

There were other Amegakure nearby who tried to sneak attack, but were attacked by Nami's bugs in the face, and were finally killed by Ming Jing's sword.

To be honest, although the three of them are only genin, they have good talents, come from a wealthy clan, and have a lot of ninjutsu. Each of them has the guidance of a jounin in the clan, as well as the guidance of a top powerhouse like Kato Dan, but in terms of The ability to fight head-on is already quite good, not to mention the cooperation between the three of them is quite tacit.

And Amegakure Village is just a small ninja village. Apart from a Hanzo who can compete with the Five Shadows, it has no advantages at all in other aspects. Many genin may have difficulty even graduating in Konoha. Although the ninja class may be the same, There is a big gap with the ninjas of the same level among the five major ninja villages, let alone the three of them.

It is actually reasonable for this situation to occur.

However, his outstanding performance will naturally attract the attention of the enemy. Soon, two chunin came.

"The art of ninja is like rain and dew thousands of times!"

An oil umbrella flew from mid-air at some point, choosing to scatter countless thousands of books and stab them at everyone.

Ming Jing was about to rely on the powerful dynamic vision of the Sharingan to use his wakizashi to knock away all the Senbons, but the next moment, the voice of Aburame Nami rang in his ears again.

"Secret Technique·Insect Wall!"

Black bugs flew quickly in the air, condensing into two shields to block those Qianben.


Inuzuka took a long breath. The sneak attack just now was extremely subtle. Ming Jing was okay, but if he didn't have Nami Aburame to help him, no matter how fast he dodged, he would still be hit by several attacks.

"Wait...it seems...something's not right!"

Inuzukaru suddenly looked startled and his nose twitched. He felt that what he saw in front of him was not quite what he sensed through his sense of smell. He hurriedly formed seals with his hands and tried to unlock the illusion.

However, the person who responded more promptly than him was Uchiha Mingjing.

"Who gave you the courage to use genjutsu in front of an Uchiha with Sharingan!"

Ming Jing held a short sword and slashed hard at the tall Amegakure ninja in front of him.

"Uchiha style Shunfeng wears a sword!"

However, this Amegakure chuunin was obviously not comparable to those rookie genin just now.

"Water Release·Water Water Whip!"

A white water whip formed by water flow was held in the hand of the Amegakure chuunin and blocked in front of the blade. The excellent toughness brought by water escape made it impossible for Ming Jing to cut it off.

However, the next moment, Ming Jing pulled out the knife again and slashed at the neck of the Amegakure chuunin again.

Yu Ren frowned and took a step back slightly, causing Ming Jing's attack to miss the front of his neck.

【There is a flaw! 】

This was his first reaction to the Mirror Sharingan.

Immediately taking advantage of the opponent's steps to retreat, he waved his wakizashi in different ways and continued to use Uchiha-style swordsmanship, attacking the opponent continuously and retreating for a while.

However, as an adult ninja, the opponent's physical fitness is much better than that of Ming Jing. In this kind of close combat, it can also bring him a great advantage. As time goes by, he gradually stabilizes. He stood up and started to wave the water whip in his hand to fight back.

Ming Jing missed the opponent's attack with a knife, and quickly turned his head to dodge several thousand sticks spit out from the opponent's mouth that tried to destroy his eyes. He decisively gave up the little advantage he still had at this time and retreated backwards.

"Hey, kid, are you running out of energy? What can Uchiha do! He will die in the hands of me in the end!"

A cruel smile appeared on the face of Yugakure Chuunin, but it was covered by the gas mask and did not look friendly, but the ferocity in his tone could not be hidden no matter what.

"Ah, this is just to create distance so that I can better perform the next ninjutsu."

Ming Jing shook his head, raised his hand and quickly made a few seals.

The genjutsu he is going to cast next is not easy. It is the most difficult and the strongest genjutsu he has mastered so far. Even though he has a Sharingan, it is only a single magatama, and his eye power is not strong enough yet. To the extent that it can be done instantly with eyes, it still has to be assisted by seals.


The next moment, Yu Yin hit Ming Jing with a whip, but at this time Ming Jing suddenly turned into a group of crows and flew away.

"Illusion: Solution... Damn it!"

Yugakure's movement to unlock the genjutsu only lasted for a moment before he had to give up.

Because there were countless shurikens in front of him, shooting out from the crowd of crows and flying towards him.

He didn't dare to bet whether this was part of the illusion or whether there were real shurikens mixed in.

But just after the Amegakure Chunin blocked these shurikens with water escape, the crows in the sky suddenly descended towards him.

In mid-air, Ming Jing's figure leaped high and hid among a crowd of crows. The magatama in his Sharingan eyes kept rotating rapidly, catching the opponent's flaws.

"Uchiha Style Sword Jump Flame!"

A huge and blazing flaming sword energy slashed out from the short sword in Ming Jing's hand and flew towards the Amegakure chuunin.

The sword leaping in flames is a relatively powerful move in the Uchiha style of swordsmanship. With Ming Jing's current level of swordsmanship, he still needs to spend some time preparing, which is why he uses illusion to cover.

"Damn it!"

The powerful chakra fluctuations, even if he is still in the illusion, the rain ninja can detect Ming Jing's attack.

But even if he detects it, he will definitely not be able to block this sword leaping in flames with his strength.

The water whip was quickly cut by the sword energy and then evaporated by the flames. After that, the rain ninja, who was no longer able to stop it, could only watch the sword energy diagonally cut his body in half.


Ming Jing took a long breath, looked at the body in front of him whose edge had been carbonized, and turned to rush to the battlefield where Inuzuka Ryo and Aburame Nami were.

Ten minutes later...

"Secret Technique: Bug Ball!"

The Yugakure Chunin who used the Raindrops Thousand Bones to launch a sneak attack was first injured by Inuzuka Ryo's Yatongya, and then had one arm cut off by Mingjing's sword. His combat power was greatly reduced, and finally his whole body was crawling with the bugs of Aburame Nami, and he died from the bugs.

After dealing with this Yugakure Chunin, Mingjing turned around silently and looked at the entire battlefield.

Shirogane Tokinobu was still fighting with the Yugakure Jonin, and the fight was fierce. The rest of the Konoha ninjas, relying on their prior preparations and comprehensive qualities that were superior to those of the Yugakure ninjas, successfully stabilized the situation and gradually gained the advantage on the field.

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